def setup_dqn(self): print_ts("Setup DQN of Move2BeaconAgent") self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized")
def setup_dqn(self): # TODO(vloet): what to do with history length? unecessary imho. self.history_length = 1 self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized")
def setup_dqn(self): self.dim_actions = 2 self.smart_actions = SMART_ACTIONS print_ts("Setup DQN of CartPoleAgent") self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized")
def setup_dqn(self): """ Setting up the DQN module with the grid action space. """ self._xy_pairs, self.dim_actions, self.smart_actions = \ self.discretize_xy_grid() self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized")
def setup_dqn(self): """ Setting up the DQN module with the compass action space. """ self.smart_actions = SMART_ACTIONS self.dim_actions = len(self.smart_actions) self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized")
class DQNBaseAgent(base_agent.BaseAgent): """ This is a simple agent that uses an PyTorch DQN_module as Q value approximator. Current implemented features of the agent: - Simple initializing with the help of an agent_specs. - Policy switch between imitation and epsilon greedy learning session. - Storage of experience into simple Experience Replay Buffer - Intermediate saving of model weights """ # ########################################################################## # Initializing the agent # ########################################################################## def __init__(self, agent_specs): """ steps_done: Total timesteps done in the agents lifetime. timesteps: Timesteps performed in the current episode. choice: Choice of epsilon greedy method (None if supervised) loss: Action loss hist: The history buffer for more complex minigames. """ super(DQNBaseAgent, self).__init__() self.unzip_hyperparameter_file(agent_specs) self.episodes = 1 self.choice = None # Choice of epsilon greedy self.episode_reward_env = 0 self.episode_reward_shaped = 0 self.loss = 0 # Action loss self.reward = 0 self.steps_done = 0 # total_timesteps self.timesteps = 0 # timesteps in the current episode self.setup_action_space(agent_specs) # define self.dim_actions here self.setup_dqn() # counter for book keepping self.shaped_reward_cumulative = 0 self.shaped_reward_per_episode = 0 self.pysc2_reward_cumulative = 0 # lists for book keeping self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode = [] self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative = [] self.list_epsilon_progression = [] self.list_loss_per_episode = [] self.list_loss_mean = [] self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode = [] self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative = [] def setup_dqn(self): # TODO(vloet): what to do with history length? unecessary imho. self.history_length = 1 self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized") def unzip_hyperparameter_file(self, agent_specs): """ Unzipping and writing the hyperparameter file into member variables. """ self.exp_name = agent_specs['EXP_NAME'] self.action_type = agent_specs['ACTION_TYPE'] self.gamma = float(agent_specs['GAMMA']) self.optim_learning_rate = float(agent_specs['OPTIM_LR']) self.eps_start = float(agent_specs['EPS_START']) self.eps_decay = int(agent_specs['EPS_DECAY']) self.eps_end = float(agent_specs['EPS_END']) self.epsilon = 0 self.batch_size = int(agent_specs['BATCH_SIZE']) self.size_replaybuffer = int(float(agent_specs['REPLAY_SIZE'])) self.target_update_period = int(agent_specs['TARGET_UPDATE_PERIOD']) self.mode = agent_specs['MODE'] self.supervised_episodes = int(agent_specs['SUPERVISED_EPISODES']) self.model_save_period = agent_specs['MODEL_SAVE_PERIOD'] # ########################################################################## # Action Space Definition # GridAgent / CompassAgent # ########################################################################## def setup_action_space(self, agent_specs): """ Returns action space and action dimensionality """ if self.action_type == 'compass': self.action_space = SMART_ACTIONS_COMPASS self.dim_actions = len(self.action_space) if self.action_type == 'grid': grid_dim_x = agent_specs['GRID_DIM_X'] grid_dim_y = agent_specs['GRID_DIM_Y'] self.xy_space, self.dim_actions, self.action_space = discretize_xy_grid( grid_dim_x, grid_dim_y) if self.action_type == 'minigame': raise ("This action space type has not been implemeted yet.") exit() if self.action_type == 'original': raise ("This action space type has not been implemeted yet.") exit() # ########################################################################## # Action Selection # ########################################################################## def prepare_timestep(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ timesteps: """ # from PYSC2 base class self.steps += 1 self.reward += reward # Current episode self.timesteps += 1 self.episode_reward_env += reward # self.available_actions = obs.observation.available_actions # Unzip the observation tuple self.state = np.array(obs[0], dtype=np.uint8) self.first = obs[1] self.last = obs[2] self.available_actions = obs[5] self.distance = obs[6] self.marine_center = obs[7] self.beacon_center = obs[8] # mode switch if (self.episodes > self.supervised_episodes) and \ (not self.mode == 'testing'): self.set_learning_mode() def policy(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ Choosing an action """ # Set all variables at the start of a new timestep self.prepare_timestep(obs, reward, done, info) # Action selection for regular step if not self.last: if self.mode == 'supervised': # For the first n episodes learn on forced actions. self.action, self.action_idx = self.supervised_action() if self.mode == 'learning': # Choose an action according to the policy self.action, self.action_idx = self.epsilon_greedy_action() if self.mode == 'testing': self.action, self.action_idx = self.pick_action() else: self.action, self.action_idx = 'no action', 'no action_idx' if self.last: # End episode in last step self.action = 'reset' if self.mode != 'testing': self.update_target_network() self.reset() return self.action def supervised_action(self): """ This method selects an action which will force the marine in the direction of the beacon. Further improvements are possible. """ raise NotImplementedError def pick_action(self): action_q_values = self.DQN.predict_q_values(self.state) action_q_values_numpy = action_q_values.detach().cpu().numpy() print(action_q_values_numpy) print(self.available_actions) avail_actions = action_q_values_numpy.T[self.available_actions] action_idx = np.argmax(avail_actions) best_action = self.action_space[action_idx] chosen_action = best_action return chosen_action, action_idx def epsilon_greedy_action(self): """ chooses an action according to the current policy returns the chosen action id with x,y coordinates and the index of the action with respect to the SMART_ACTIONS constant. The additional index is used for the catergorical labeling of the actions as an "intermediate" solution for a restricted action space. """ self.choice = self.epsilon_greedy() if self.choice == 'random': avail_action_idx = np.random.randint(self.available_actions) action_idx = avail_action_idx chosen_action = self.action_space[action_idx] else: chosen_action, action_idx = self.pick_action() return chosen_action, action_idx def epsilon_greedy(self): """ returns a string in order to determine if the next action choice is going to be random or according to an decaying epsilon greeedy policy """ self.epsilon = self.eps_end + (self.eps_start - self.eps_end) \ * np.exp(-1. * self.steps_done / self.eps_decay) self.steps_done += 1 return np.random.choice(['random', 'greedy'], p=[self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon]) # ########################################################################## # Evaluate a timestep # ########################################################################## def evaluate(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ A generic wrapper, that contains all agent operations which are used after finishing a timestep. Retuns a dictionary with the following information: - Shaped reward per episode - Shaped reward cumulative - Mean loss per episode - epsilon progression per episode """ if self.mode != 'testing': # Saving the episode data. Pushing the information onto the memory. self.store_transition(obs, reward) # Optimize the agent self.optimize() # collect reward, loss and epsilon information as dictionary agent_report = self.collect_report(obs, reward, done) return agent_report def set_learning_mode(self): """ Set the agent to learning mode. The agent will perform actions according to an epsilon-greedy policy. """ self.mode = "learning" def set_supervised_mode(self): """ Set the agent to supervised mode. The agent will perform actions which are generating valuable experience. """ self.mode = "supervised" def set_testing_mode(self): """ Set the agent to testing mode. The agent will perform only aexploiting actions without any randomness. """ self.mode = "testing" def collect_report(self, obs, reward, done): """ Retuns a dictionary with the following information: - Shaped reward per episode - Shaped reward cumulative - Mean loss per episode - epsilon progression per episode """ self.shaped_reward_cumulative += reward self.shaped_reward_per_episode += reward if self.get_memory_length() >= self.batch_size: self.list_loss_per_episode.append(self.loss.item()) else: self.list_loss_per_episode.append(self.loss) if done: self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative.append( self.shaped_reward_cumulative) self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode.append( self.shaped_reward_per_episode) self.list_loss_mean.append(np.mean(self.list_loss_per_episode)) # score observation per episode from pysc2 is appended self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode.append(obs[6]) # cumulative pysc2 reward self.pysc2_reward_cumulative += obs[6] self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative.append( self.pysc2_reward_cumulative) # if self.episodes > self.supervised_episodes: self.list_epsilon_progression.append(self.epsilon) # else: # self.list_epsilon_progression.append(self.eps_start) dict_agent_report = { "ShapedRewardPerEpisode": self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode, "ShapedRewardCumulative": self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative, "Pysc2RewardPerEpisode": self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode, "Pysc2RewardCumulative": self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative, "MeanLossPerEpisode": self.list_loss_mean, "Epsilon": self.list_epsilon_progression, } print("Last epsilon: {}| Memory length: {}".format( self.list_epsilon_progression[-1], self.get_memory_length())) return dict_agent_report def store_transition(self, next_obs, reward): """ Save the actual information in the history. As soon as there has been enough data, the experience is sampled from the replay buffer. TODO: Maybe using uint8 for storing into ReplayBuffer """ # Don't store transition if first or last step if self.last: return self.reward = reward self.next_state = np.array(next_obs[0], dtype=np.uint8) self.DQN.memory.push([self.state], [self.action_idx], self.reward, [self.next_state]) # ########################################################################## # DQN module wrappers # ########################################################################## def get_memory_length(self): """ Returns the length of the ReplayBuffer """ return len(self.DQN.memory) def optimize(self): """ Optimizes the DQN_module on a minibatch """ if self.get_memory_length() >= self.batch_size: self.loss = self.DQN.optimize() # ########################################################################## # Ending Episode # ########################################################################## def update_target_network(self): """ Transferring the estimator weights to the target weights and resetting the agent. """ if self.episodes % self.target_update_period == 0: print_ts("About to update") self.DQN.update_target_net() def reset(self): """ Resetting the agent --> More explanation """ super(DQNBaseAgent, self).reset() self.timesteps = 0 self.episode_reward_env = 0 self.episode_reward_shaped = 0 self.shaped_reward_per_episode = 0 self.list_loss_per_episode = [] # ########################################################################## # Print status information of timestep # ########################################################################## def save_model(self, exp_path, emergency=False): if emergency: print("KeyboardInterrupt detected, saving last model!") save_path = exp_path + "/model/emergency_model_{}.pt".format( self.episodes) else: save_path = exp_path + "/model/model_{}.pt".format(self.episodes) # Path((self.exp_path + "/model")).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def _load_model(self): load_path = self.exp_path + "/model/" self.DQN.load(load_path)
class CartPoleAgent(): """ This is a simple agent that uses an PyTorch DQN_module as Q value approximator. Current implemented features of the agent: - Simple initializing with the help of an agent_specs. - Policy switch between imitation and epsilon greedy learning session. - Storage of experience into simple Experience Replay Buffer - Intermediate saving of model weights To be implemented: - Saving the hyperparameter file of the experiments. - Storing the DQN model weights in case of Runtime error. """ # ########################################################################## # Initializing the agent # ########################################################################## def __init__(self, agent_specs): """ steps_done: Total timesteps done in the agents lifetime. timesteps: Timesteps performed in the current episode. choice: Choice of epsilon greedy method (None if supervised) loss: Action loss hist: The history buffer for more complex minigames. """ self.unzip_hyperparameter_file(agent_specs) self.episodes = 1 self.choice = None # Choice of epsilon greedy self.episode_reward_env = 0 self.episode_reward_shaped = 0 self.loss = 0 # Action loss self.reward = 0 self.steps_done = 0 # total_timesteps self.steps = 0 self.timesteps = 0 # timesteps in the current episode self.setup_dqn() self.done = False # counter for book keepping self.shaped_reward_cumulative = 0 self.shaped_reward_per_episode = 0 self.pysc2_reward_cumulative = 0 # lists for book keeping self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode = [] self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative = [] self.list_epsilon_progression = [] self.list_loss_per_episode = [] self.list_loss_mean = [] self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode = [] self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative = [] def setup_dqn(self): self.dim_actions = 2 self.smart_actions = SMART_ACTIONS print_ts("Setup DQN of CartPoleAgent") self.DQN = DQN_module(self.batch_size, self.gamma, self.history_length, self.size_replaybuffer, self.optim_learning_rate, self.dim_actions) self.device = self.DQN.device print_ts("DQN module has been initalized") def unzip_hyperparameter_file(self, agent_specs): """ Unzipping and writing the hyperparameter file into member variables. """ self.gamma = float(agent_specs['GAMMA']) self.optim_learning_rate = float(agent_specs['OPTIM_LR']) self.batch_size = int(agent_specs['BATCH_SIZE']) self.target_update_period = int(agent_specs['TARGET_UPDATE_PERIOD']) self.history_length = int(agent_specs['HIST_LENGTH']) self.size_replaybuffer = int(agent_specs['REPLAY_SIZE']) # self.device = agent_specs['DEVICE'] # self.silentmode = agent_specs['SILENTMODE'] # self.logging = agent_specs['LOGGING'] self.supervised_episodes = int(agent_specs['SUPERVISED_EPISODES']) self.patience = int(agent_specs['PATIENCE']) # epsilon_file = agent_specs['EPSILON_FILE'] self.eps_start = float(agent_specs['EPS_START']) self.eps_end = float(agent_specs['EPS_END']) self.eps_decay = int(agent_specs['EPS_DECAY']) # epsilon in current timestep self.epsilon = 0 self.mode = agent_specs['MODE'] self.grid_dim_x = int(agent_specs['GRID_DIM_X']) self.grid_dim_y = int(agent_specs['GRID_DIM_Y']) self.exp_name = agent_specs['EXP_NAME'] # ########################################################################## # Action Selection # ########################################################################## def prepare_timestep(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ timesteps: """ # from PYSC2 base class self.steps += 1 self.reward += reward # Current episode self.timesteps += 1 self.episode_reward_env += reward # TODO(vloeth): extend observation to full pysc2 observation # self.available_actions = obs.observation.available_actions # Unzip the observation tuple self.state = obs # mode switch if (self.episodes > self.supervised_episodes) and \ (not self.mode == 'testing'): self.set_learning_mode() def policy(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ Choosing an action """ # Set all variables at the start of a new timestep self.prepare_timestep(obs, reward, done, info) # Action selection for regular step if self.mode == 'supervised': # For the first n episodes learn on forced actions. self.action, self.action_idx = self.supervised_action() if self.mode == 'learning': # Choose an action according to the policy self.action, self.action_idx = self.epsilon_greedy_action() if self.mode == 'testing': self.action, self.action_idx = self.pick_action() # self.done = False # if self.done: # End episode in last step # if self.mode != 'testing': # self.update_target_network() return self.action def supervised_action(self): """ This method selects an action which will force the marine in the direction of the beacon. Further improvements are possible. """ raise NotImplementedError def pick_action(self): action_q_values = self.DQN.predict_q_values(self.state) # Beste Action bestimmen best_action_numpy = action_q_values.detach().cpu().numpy() action_idx = np.argmax(best_action_numpy) best_action = self.smart_actions[action_idx] chosen_action = best_action return chosen_action, action_idx def epsilon_greedy_action(self): """ chooses an action according to the current policy returns the chosen action id with x,y coordinates and the index of the action with respect to the SMART_ACTIONS constant. The additional index is used for the catergorical labeling of the actions as an "intermediate" solution for a restricted action space. """ self.choice = self.epsilon_greedy() if self.choice == 'random': action_idx = np.random.randint(self.dim_actions) chosen_action = self.smart_actions[action_idx] else: chosen_action, action_idx = self.pick_action() return chosen_action, action_idx def epsilon_greedy(self): """ returns a string in order to determine if the next action choice is going to be random or according to an decaying epsilon greeedy policy """ self.epsilon = self.eps_end + (self.eps_start - self.eps_end) \ * np.exp(-1. * self.steps_done / self.eps_decay) self.steps_done += 1 return np.random.choice(['random', 'greedy'], p=[self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon]) # ########################################################################## # Evaluate a timestep # ########################################################################## def evaluate(self, obs, reward, done, info): """ A generic wrapper, thaprintt contains all agent operations which are used after finishing a timestep. Retuns a dictionary with the following information: - Shaped reward per episode - Shaped reward cumulative - Mean loss per episode - epsilon progression per episode """ try: if self.mode != 'testing': # Saving the episode data. Pushing the information onto the memory. self.store_transition(obs, reward) # Optimize the agent self.optimize() # collect reward, loss and epsilon information as dictionary # agent_report = self.collect_report(obs, reward, done) return None except KeyboardInterrupt: self.save_model(emergency=True) return agent_report def set_learning_mode(self): """ Set the agent to learning mode. The agent will perform actions according to an epsilon-greedy policy. """ self.mode = "learning" def set_supervised_mode(self): """ Set the agent to supervised mode. The agent will perform actions which are generating valuable experience. """ self.mode = "supervised" def set_testing_mode(self): """ Set the agent to testing mode. The agent will perform only aexploiting actions without any randomness. """ self.mode = "testing" def collect_report(self, obs, reward, done): """ Retuns a dictionary with the following information: - Shaped reward per episode - Shaped reward cumulative - Mean loss per episode - epsilon progression per episode """ self.shaped_reward_cumulative += reward self.shaped_reward_per_episode += reward if self.get_memory_length() >= self.batch_size * self.patience: self.list_loss_per_episode.append([0]) else: self.list_loss_per_episode.append(self.loss) if done: self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative.append( self.shaped_reward_cumulative) self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode.append( self.shaped_reward_per_episode) self.list_loss_mean.append(np.mean(self.list_loss_per_episode)) # score observation per episode from pysc2 is appended self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode.append(obs[7]) # cumulative pysc2 reward self.pysc2_reward_cumulative += obs[7] self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative.append( self.pysc2_reward_cumulative) # if self.episodes > self.supervised_episodes: self.list_epsilon_progression.append(self.epsilon) # else: # self.list_epsilon_progression.append(self.eps_start) dict_agent_report = { "ShapedRewardPerEpisode": self.list_shaped_reward_per_episode, "ShapedRewardCumulative": self.list_shaped_reward_cumulative, "Pysc2RewardPerEpisode": self.list_pysc2_reward_per_episode, "Pysc2RewardCumulative": self.list_pysc2_reward_cumulative, "MeanLossPerEpisode": self.list_loss_mean, "Epsilon": self.list_epsilon_progression, } print("Last epsilon: {}".format(self.list_epsilon_progression[-1])) return dict_agent_report def store_transition(self, next_obs, reward): """ Save the actual information in the history. As soon as there has been enough data, the experience is sampled from the replay buffer. TODO: Maybe using uint8 for storing into ReplayBuffer """ self.reward = reward self.next_state = next_obs # self.state = self.state.astype(np.uint8) # self.next_state = self.next_state.astype(np.uint8) self.DQN.memory.push(self.state, [self.action_idx], self.reward, self.next_state) # print(80 * "-") # print("Size of state: {} | {} | {}".format(self.state.nbytes, type(self.state), self.state.shape)) # print("Size of action_idx: {} | {}".format(self.action_idx.nbytes, type(self.action_idx))) # print("Size of reward: {} | {}".format(self.reward.nbytes, type(self.reward))) # print("Size of next_state: {} | {}".format(self.next_state.nbytes, type(self.next_state))) # for i in range(0,len(self.DQN.memory[0])): # # print(self.DQN.memory[0][i]) # print("Size of memory: {}".format(getsizeof(self.DQN.memory[0][i]))) # print(80 * "-") # exit() # ########################################################################## # DQN module wrappers # ########################################################################## def get_memory_length(self): """ Returns the length of the ReplayBuffer """ return len(self.DQN.memory) def optimize(self): """ Optimizes the DQN_module on a minibatch """ if self.get_memory_length() >= self.batch_size * self.patience: self.loss = self.DQN.optimize() # ########################################################################## # Ending Episode # ########################################################################## def update_target_network(self): """ Transferring the estimator weights to the target weights and resetting the agent. """ if self.episodes % self.target_update_period == 0: print_ts("About to update") self.DQN.update_target_net() def reset(self): """ Resetting the agent --> More explanation """ super(Move2BeaconAgent, self).reset() self.timesteps = 0 self.episode_reward_env = 0 self.episode_reward_shaped = 0 self.shaped_reward_per_episode = 0 self.list_loss_per_episode = [] # ########################################################################## # Print status information of timestep # ########################################################################## def save_model(self, exp_path, emergency=False): if emergency: print("KeyboardInterrupt detected, saving last model!") save_path = exp_path + "/model/" else: save_path = exp_path + "/model/" # Path((self.exp_path + "/model")).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print_ts("Model has been saved at {}".format(save_path)) def _load_model(self): load_path = self.exp_path + "/model/" self.DQN.load(load_path)