Пример #1
def main(image_files, output_folder, exposure_times, resize=False):
    """ Generate an HDR from the images in the source folder """

    image_files = sorted(image_files)

    # Print the information associated with each image -- use this
    # to verify that the correct exposure time is associated with each
    # image, or else you will get very poor results
    print "{:^30} {:>15}".format("Filename", "Exposure Time")
    print "\n".join([
        "{:>30} {:^15.4f}".format(*v) for v in zip(image_files, exposure_times)

    img_stack = [
        cv2.imread(name) for name in image_files
        if path.splitext(name)[-1][1:].lower() in EXTENSIONS

    if not all(img_stack):
        raise RuntimeError("One or more input files failed to load.")

    # Subsampling the images can reduce runtime for large files
    if resize:
        img_stack = [img[::4, ::4] for img in img_stack]

    log_exposure_times = np.log(exposure_times)
    hdr_image = a9.computeHDR(img_stack, log_exposure_times)
    cv2.imwrite(path.join(output_folder, "output.png"), hdr_image)

    print "Done!"
Пример #2
    print "getYXLocations testing passed."
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Performing unit test."
    if not test_normalizeImage():
        print "normalizeImage function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_linearWeight():
        print "linearWeight function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_getYXLocations():
        print "getYXLocations function failed. Halting testing."
    print "Unit tests passed."

    print "We do not run a unit test for computeResponseCurve so make sure " + \
          "you look at the HDR output (or see why the function isn't " + \
          "running) to assess your progress."

    image_dir = "input"
    output_dir = "output"
    exposure_times = np.float64(
        [1 / 160.0, 1 / 125.0, 1 / 80.0, 1 / 60.0, 1 / 40.0, 1 / 15.0])
    log_exposure_times = np.log(exposure_times)

    hdr = assignment9.computeHDR(image_dir, log_exposure_times)
    cv2.imwrite(output_dir + "/hdr.jpg", hdr)
Пример #3
    if not test_linearWeight():
        print "linearWeight function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_sampleIntensities():
        print "sampleIntensities function. Halting testing."
    if not test_computeResponseCurve():
        print "computeResponseCurve function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_computeRadianceMap():
        print "ccomputeRadianceMap function failed. Halting testing."

    print "Unit tests passed."
    print "Generating HDR from sample images. (This may take a while.)"

    image_dir = "input"
    output_dir = "output"
    exposure_times = np.float64(
        [1 / 160.0, 1 / 125.0, 1 / 80.0, 1 / 60.0, 1 / 40.0, 1 / 15.0])
    log_exposure_times = np.log(exposure_times)

    small_images = assignment9.readImages(image_dir)
    hdr = assignment9.computeHDR(small_images, log_exposure_times)
    print u"Expected avg pixel value for the test images is 125\u00B1" + u"1.",
    print "Your value was {}.".format(int(np.average(hdr)))
    if not (124 <= int(np.average(hdr)) <= 126):
        print "Please check your code for errors and inspect your output."
    cv2.imwrite(output_dir + "/hdr.jpg", hdr)
Пример #4
    print "We do not run a unit test for computeResponseCurve so make sure " + \
          "you look at the HDR output (or see why the function isn't " + \
          "running) to assess your progress."

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create an HDR image from an input directory of images.')
    parser.add_argument('--input', help='directory where the input images are stored', action='store', dest="input")
    parser.add_argument('--output', help='path to the output file', action='store', dest="output")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    #exposure_times = np.float64(exposures(args.input))
    exposure_times = np.float64([1/2.0, 2.0, 8.0])
    log_exposure_times = np.log(exposure_times)

    hdr = assignment9.computeHDR(args.input, log_exposure_times)

    cv2.imwrite(args.output, hdr)

    #hdr = cv2.cvtColor(hdr, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    #h, w = hdr.shape[:2]

    #app = wx.App()
    #frame = MyFrame(title="HDR Image")
    #panel = wx.Panel(frame)

    #image = wx.ImageFromBuffer(w, h, hdr)
    #bitmap = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, wx.BitmapFromImage(image))
Пример #5
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(y_locs, y_ans)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(x_locs, x_ans)

    print "getYXLocations testing passed."
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print "Performing unit test."
    if not test_normalizeImage():
        print "normalizeImage function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_linearWeight():
        print "linearWeight function failed. Halting testing."
    if not test_getYXLocations():
        print "getYXLocations function failed. Halting testing."
    print "Unit tests passed."

    print "We do not run a unit test for computeResponseCurve so make sure " + "you look at the HDR output (or see why the function isn't " + "running) to assess your progress."

    image_dir = "input"
    output_dir = "output"
    exposure_times = np.float64([1 / 160.0, 1 / 125.0, 1 / 80.0, 1 / 60.0, 1 / 40.0, 1 / 15.0])
    log_exposure_times = np.log(exposure_times)

    hdr = assignment9.computeHDR(image_dir, log_exposure_times)
    cv2.imwrite(output_dir + "/hdr.jpg", hdr)