Пример #1
 def __set_expression(self, val):
     if val == '':
         val = None
     self._expr = val
     if val is not None:
         self.vary = False
     if not hasattr(self, '_expr_eval'):
         self._expr_eval = None
     if val is None:
         self._expr_ast = None
     if val is not None and self._expr_eval is not None:
         self._expr_ast = self._expr_eval.parse(val)
         self._expr_deps = get_ast_names(self._expr_ast)
Пример #2
 def __set_expression(self, val):
     if val == '':
         val = None
     self._expr = val
     if val is not None:
         self.vary = False
     if not hasattr(self, '_expr_eval'):
         self._expr_eval = None
     if val is None:
         self._expr_ast = None
     if val is not None and self._expr_eval is not None:
         self._expr_eval.error = []
         self._expr_eval.error_msg = None
         self._expr_ast = self._expr_eval.parse(val)
         self._expr_deps = get_ast_names(self._expr_ast)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self,
        """Generate a model from user-supplied expression.

        expr : str
            Mathematical expression for model.
        independent_vars : list of str or None, optional
            Variable names to use as independent variables.
        init_script : str or None, optional
            Initial script to run in asteval interpreter.
        nan_policy : str, optional
            How to handle NaN and missing values in data. Must be one of:
            'raise' (default), 'propagate', or 'omit'. See Notes below.
        missing : str, optional
            Synonym for 'nan_policy' for backward compatibility.
        **kws : optional
            Keyword arguments to pass to :class:`Model`.

        1. each instance of ExpressionModel will create and using its own
           version of an asteval interpreter.

        2. prefix is **not supported** for ExpressionModel.

        3. nan_policy sets what to do when a NaN or missing value is seen in
        the data. Should be one of:

            - 'raise' : Raise a ValueError (default)
            - 'propagate' : do nothing
            - 'omit' : (was 'drop') drop missing data

        4. The `missing` argument is deprecated in lmfit 0.9.8 and will be
        removed in a later version. Use `nan_policy` instead, as it is
        consistent with the Minimizer class.

        # create ast evaluator, load custom functions
        self.asteval = Interpreter()
        for name in lineshapes.functions:
            self.asteval.symtable[name] = getattr(lineshapes, name, None)
        if init_script is not None:

        # save expr as text, parse to ast, save for later use
        self.expr = expr.strip()
        self.astcode = self.asteval.parse(self.expr)

        # find all symbol names found in expression
        sym_names = get_ast_names(self.astcode)

        if independent_vars is None and 'x' in sym_names:
            independent_vars = ['x']
        if independent_vars is None:
            raise ValueError(self.idvar_missing % (self.expr))

        # determine which named symbols are parameter names,
        # try to find all independent variables
        idvar_found = [False] * len(independent_vars)
        param_names = []
        for name in sym_names:
            if name in independent_vars:
                idvar_found[independent_vars.index(name)] = True
            elif name not in param_names and name not in self.asteval.symtable:

        # make sure we have all independent parameters
        if not all(idvar_found):
            lost = []
            for ix, found in enumerate(idvar_found):
                if not found:
            lost = ', '.join(lost)
            raise ValueError(self.idvar_notfound % (lost, self.expr))

        kws['independent_vars'] = independent_vars
        if 'prefix' in kws:
            raise Warning(self.no_prefix)

        def _eval(**kwargs):
            for name, val in kwargs.items():
                self.asteval.symtable[name] = val
            return self.asteval.run(self.astcode)

        kws["nan_policy"] = nan_policy

        super(ExpressionModel, self).__init__(_eval, **kws)

        # set param names here, and other things normally
        # set in _parse_params(), which will be short-circuited.
        self.independent_vars = independent_vars
        self._func_allargs = independent_vars + param_names
        self._param_names = param_names
        self._func_haskeywords = True
        self.def_vals = {}