Пример #1
def leastsq_integrate(ts, peak_list, f='gaussian'):
    # FIXME: transition from t0, t1, params to params (containing 't0'/'t1'
    # lookup the peak model function to use for fitting
    f = {f.__name__: f for f in peak_models}[f]

    peaks = []
    for w, peak_list in _get_windows(peak_list):
        tr = ts.trace(twin=w)
        # if there's location info, we can use this for
        # our inital params
        if 'x' in peak_list[0][2]:
            # TODO: should fill in other values?
            # TODO: should do something with y0 and y1?
            initc = [i[2] for i in peak_list]
            # TODO: should find peak maxima for rts?
            rts = [0.5 * (i[0] + i[1]) for i in peak_list]
            initc = guess_initc(tr, f, rts)
        params, _ = fit(tr, [f] * len(initc), initc)
        for p in params:
            pk_ts = Trace(f(tr.times, **p), tr.times)
            info = {'name': '{:.2f}'.format(p['x'])}
            info['p-create'] = '{},leastsq_integrate'.format(
                peak_list[0][2].get('pf', ''))
            pk = PeakComponent(info, pk_ts)
    return peaks
Пример #2
 def trace(self):
     if self.info.get('p-model') not in peak_models:
         return self._trace
         model = peak_models[self.info.get('p-model')]
         t = self._trace.index
         d = model(t=t,
                       k: self.info.get(k)
                       for k in model._peakargs
                       if self.info.get(k) is not None
         d += self.baseline._retime(t)
         return Trace(d, t, name='')
Пример #3
    def refit(self, peak_model=None):
        # TODO: needs to work with PeakComponents containing DataFrames?
        self.info['p-model'] = peak_model
        if peak_model is None:
            # TODO: remove parameters from self.info?
            # del self.info['p-model-fit']
        model = peak_models[peak_model]

        # remove the baseline and create a new series
        t = self._trace.index
        d = self._trace.values - self.baseline._retime(t)
        ts = Trace(d, t)

        # fit the peak
        initc = guess_initc(ts, model, [t[d.argmax()]])
        params, res = fit(ts, [model], initc)
        self.info['p-model-fit'] = res['r^2']
Пример #4
def simple_integrate(ts, peak_list, base_ts=None, intname='simple'):
    Integrate each peak naively; without regard to overlap.

    This is used as the terminal step by most of the other integrators.
    peaks = []
    for hints in peak_list:
        t0, t1 = hints['t0'], hints['t1']
        hints['int'] = intname
        pk_ts = ts.twin((t0, t1))
        if base_ts is None:
            # make a two point baseline
            base = Trace([hints.get('y0', pk_ts[0]),
                          hints.get('y1', pk_ts[-1])],
                         [t0, t1], name=ts.name)
            base = base_ts.twin((t0, t1))
        peaks.append(PeakComponent(hints, pk_ts, base))
    return peaks
Пример #5
def base(s, slope_tol='5.0', off_tol='5.0'):
    ic = savitzkygolay(s, 5, 3)[0]
    slopes = np.diff(ic) / np.diff(s.index)
    wind = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
    offsets = np.convolve(ic, wind, mode='valid')
    offsets -= slopes * np.convolve(s.index, wind, mode='valid')

    sl_kern = gaussian_kde(slopes)
    base_slope = fmin(lambda x: -sl_kern(x), 0, disp=False)
    k_h = sl_kern(base_slope) * (1.0 - 10 ** -float(slope_tol))
    s1 = brentq(lambda x: sl_kern(x) - k_h, min(slopes), base_slope)
    s2 = brentq(lambda x: sl_kern(x) - k_h, base_slope, max(slopes))

    valid = np.logical_and(slopes > s1, slopes < s2)
    off_kern = gaussian_kde(offsets[valid])
    base_off = fmin(lambda x: -off_kern(x), 0, disp=False)
    k_h = off_kern(base_off) * (1.0 - 10 ** -float(off_tol))
    o1 = brentq(lambda x: off_kern(x) - k_h, min(offsets), base_off)
    o2 = brentq(lambda x: off_kern(x) - k_h, base_off, max(offsets))

    msk = np.logical_and(valid, offsets > o1)
    msk = np.logical_and(valid, offsets < o2)
    new_ic = np.interp(s.index, s.index[msk], ic[msk])
    return Trace(new_ic, s.index)
Пример #6
 def total_trace(self, twin=None):
     f = NetCDFFile(open(self.filename, 'rb'))
     tme = f.variables['scan_acquisition_time'].data / 60.
     tic = f.variables['total_intensity'].data
     return Trace(tic, tme, name='TIC')