Пример #1
def test_R_A_A_N():
    r""" Test for RAAN Function

    n_vector = [.25, .5, .75]
    actual_out = RV2COE.R_A_A_N(n_vector)
    expected_out = 1.1071487177940904

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #2
def test_line_of_nodes():
    r""" Test for Line of Nodes Function

    h_hat = [1, 2, 3]
    actual_out = RV2COE.line_of_nodes(h_hat)
    expected_out = [-2, 1, 0]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #3
def test_unit_vector():
    r""" Test for the Unit Vector Function

    vector = [1, 1, 1]
    actual_out = RV2COE.unit_vector(vector)
    expected_out = [1 / np.sqrt(3), 1 / np.sqrt(3), 1 / np.sqrt(3)]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #4
def test_inclination():
    r""" Test for Inclination Function

    h_hat = [.25, .75, .5]
    actual_out = RV2COE.inclination(h_hat)
    expected_out = 1.0471975511965976

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #5
def test_semi_latus_rectum():
    r""" Test for Semi Latus Rectum Function

    mu = 10
    h_vector = [-3, 6, -3]
    actual_out = RV2COE.semi_latus_rectum(mu, h_vector)
    expected_out = 5.4

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #6
def test_ang_momentum():
    r""" Test for Angular Momentum Function

    r_vector = [1, 2, 3]
    v_vector = [4, 5, 6]
    actual_out = RV2COE.ang_momentum(r_vector, v_vector)
    expected_out = [-3, 6, -3]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #7
def test_Orbit_Period():
    r""" Test for Orbital Period Function

    mu = 2
    a = 2
    actual_out = RV2COE.Orbit_Period(mu, a)
    expected_out = 12.5663706144

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #8
def test_rad_apo():
    r""" Test for Radius of Apoapsis Function

    p = 1
    e = .5
    actual_out = RV2COE.rad_apo(p, e)
    expected_out = 2

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #9
def test_rad_peri():
    r""" Test for Radius of Periapsis Function

    p = 1
    e = .5
    actual_out = RV2COE.rad_peri(p, e)
    expected_out = .6666666666666

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #10
def test_semi_major_axis():
    r""" Test for Semi Major Axis Function

    p = .75
    e = .5
    actual_out = RV2COE.semi_major_axis(p, e)
    expected_out = 1

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #11
def test_flight_ang():
    r""" Test for Radius of Apoapsis Function

    e = .5
    theta = 1.2
    actual_out = RV2COE.flight_ang(e, theta)
    expected_out = 0.37578860669992659

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #12
def test_spec_mech_energy():
    r""" Test for Angular Momentum Function

    mu = 10
    r_vector = [1, 2, 3]
    v_vector = [4, 5, 6]
    actual_out = RV2COE.spec_mech_energy(mu, r_vector, v_vector)
    expected_out = (77 / 2) - (10 / np.sqrt(14))

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #13
def test_arg_of_periapsis():
    r""" Test for Argument of Periapsis Function

    r_vector = [1, 2, 3]
    h_vector = [-3, 6, -3]
    e_vector = [2, 3, 4]
    actual_out = RV2COE.arg_of_periapsis(r_vector, e_vector, h_vector)
    expected_out = 0.12186756768575521

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #14
def test_true_anom():
    r""" Test for True Anomaly Function

    r_vector = [1, 2, 3]
    h_vector = [-3, 6, -3]
    e_vector = [2, 3, 4]
    actual_out = RV2COE.true_anom(r_vector, h_vector, e_vector)
    expected_out = -0.12186756768575521

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #15
def test_eccentricity():
    r""" Test for Eccentricity Function

    mu = 10
    r_vector = [1, 2, 3]
    v_vector = [4, 5, 6]
    h_vector = [-3, 6, -3]
    actual_out = RV2COE.eccentricity(mu, r_vector, v_vector, h_vector)
    expected_out = [(-51 / 10) - (1 / np.sqrt(14)), (-3 / 5) - np.sqrt(2 / 7),
                    (39 / 10) - (3 / np.sqrt(14))]

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_out, expected_out)
Пример #16
            pv_eci = np.dot(ecef2eci, pv_ecef)
            """Rotate rad_r"""
            rad_r_eci = np.dot(ecef2eci, rad_r_ecef)
            """Find R and V"""
            w_E = [0, 0, 0.000072921151467]

            r_eci_array = pr_eci + rad_r_eci

            r_eci = [r_eci_array[0][0], r_eci_array[1][0], r_eci_array[2][0]]

            v_eci_array = pv_eci.transpose() + np.cross(w_E, r_eci)

            v_eci = np.array(
                [v_eci_array[0][0], v_eci_array[0][1], v_eci_array[0][2]])

            a, e, e_vector, i, raan, w, theta, p, r_p, r_a, n_vector, period = RV2COE.RV2COE(
                r_eci, v_eci, mu)
            r"""Print The Results in Full"""
            Line_3 = ["Semi Major Axis in Kilometers:\n\t", str(a), "\n"]
            Line_4 = ["Eccentricity:\n\t", str(e), "\n"]
            Line_5 = ["Eccentricity Vector:\n\t", str(e_vector), "\n"]
            Line_6 = ["Inclination in Degrees:\n\t", str(np.rad2deg(i)), "\n"]
            Line_7 = ["RAAN in Degrees:\n\t", str(np.rad2deg(raan)), "\n"]
            Line_8 = [
                "Argument of Periapsis in Degrees:\n\t",
                str(np.rad2deg(w)), "\n"
            Line_9 = [
                "True Anomaly in Degrees:\n\t",
                str(np.rad2deg(theta)), "\n"
            Line_10 = ["Semi Latus Rectum in Kilometers:\n\t", str(p), "\n"]
Пример #17
        Line_0 = ['Line {}\n\t{}\n'.format(count+1,line)]

        r_i = float(line[0])
        r_j = float(line[1])
        r_k = float(line[2])
        v_i = float(line[3])
        v_j = float(line[4])
        v_k = float(line[5])

        r_input = [r_i, r_j, r_k]
        v_input = [v_i, v_j, v_k]

        Line_1 = ("The mu Constant: \n\t", str(mu), "\n", 'Radius {} (km)\n\t{}\n'.format(count+1,r_input))
        Line_2 = ('Velocity {} (km/s)\n\t{}\n'.format(count+1,v_input))
        r"""Inner Workings, Pulling outside functions"""
        h_input = RV2COE.ang_momentum(r_input, v_input)

        e_vector = RV2COE.eccentricity(mu, r_input, v_input, h_input)

        n_vector = RV2COE.line_of_nodes(RV2COE.unit_vector(h_input))

        p = RV2COE.semi_latus_rectum(mu, h_input)

        theta = RV2COE.true_anom(r_input, h_input, e_vector)

        i = RV2COE.inclination(RV2COE.unit_vector(h_input))

        a = RV2COE.semi_major_axis(p, np.linalg.norm(e_vector))

        raan = RV2COE.R_A_A_N(n_vector)
        r_k = float(line[2])
        v_i = float(line[3])
        v_j = float(line[4])
        v_k = float(line[5])

        change_t = float(line[6]) * 60

        r_input = np.array([r_i, r_j, r_k])
        v_input = np.array([v_i, v_j, v_k])

        Line_1 = ("The mu Constant: \n\t", str(mu), "\n",
                  'Original Radius {} (km)\n\t{}\n'.format(count + 1, r_input))
        Line_2 = ('Original Velocity {} (km/s)\n\t{}\n'.format(
            count + 1, v_input))

        a_i, e_i, e_vector, i_i, raan_i, w_i, theta_i, p, r_p, r_a, n_vector, period = RV2COE.RV2COE(
            r_input, v_input, mu)

        a_f, e_f, i_f, raan_f, w_f, theta_f = PROPAGATE.update(
            a_i, e_i, i_i, raan_i, w_i, theta_i, change_t, mu)

        r_eci, v_eci = PROPAGATE.COE2RV(a_f, e_f, i_f, raan_f, w_f, theta_f,
        r"""Print The Results in Full"""
        Line_3 = ["Semi Major Axis in Kilometers:\n\t", str(a_f), "\n"]
        Line_4 = ["Eccentricity:\n\t", str(e_f), "\n"]
        Line_5 = ["Eccentricity Vector:\n\t", str(e_vector), "\n"]
        Line_6 = [
            "Initial Inclination in Degrees:\n\t",
            str(np.rad2deg(i_i)), "\n"
        Line_7 = [