def test_checkplot_twolsp_png(): ''' Tests if a two-LSP checkplot PNG can be made. ''' outpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(LCPATH), 'test-twolsp-checkplot.png') lcd, msg = hatlc.read_and_filter_sqlitecurve(LCPATH) gls = periodbase.pgen_lsp(lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000']) assert isinstance(gls, dict) assert_allclose(gls['bestperiod'], 1.54289477) pdm = periodbase.stellingwerf_pdm(lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000']) assert isinstance(pdm, dict) assert_allclose(pdm['bestperiod'], 3.08578956) cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png( gls, pdm, lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000'], outfile=outpath, objectinfo=lcd['objectinfo'] ) assert os.path.exists(outpath)
def run_asas_periodograms(times, mags, errs, outdir='../results/ASAS_lightcurves/', outname='WASP-18b_BLS_GLS.png'): blsdict = kbls.bls_parallel_pfind(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=False, startp=0.5, endp=1.5, maxtransitduration=0.3, nworkers=8, sigclip=[15, 3]) gls = periodbase.pgen_lsp(times, mags, errs, magsarefluxes=False, startp=0.5, endp=1.5, nworkers=8, sigclip=[15, 3]) outpath = outdir + outname cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png(blsdict, gls, times, mags, errs, outfile=outpath, objectinfo=None)
def do_period_finding_fitslc(lcpath, fluxap='TFA2', period_min=0.5, outdir=None): if not outdir: outdir = os.path.dirname(lcpath) outfile = os.path.basename(lcpath).replace('.fits', '_spdm_blsp_checkplot.png') outpath = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) if os.path.exists(outpath): print('found & skipped {}'.format(outpath)) return hdulist = hdr, lc = hdulist[0].header, hdulist[1].data times, mags, errs = (lc['TMID_BJD'], lc[fluxap], np.ones_like(lc[fluxap]) * np.nanmedian(lc[fluxap]) / 1000) #glsp = periodbase.pgen_lsp(times,mags,errs) spdm = periodbase.stellingwerf_pdm(times, mags, errs) blsp = periodbase.bls_parallel_pfind(times, mags, errs, startp=period_min, get_stats=False) objectinfo = {} keys = ['objectid', 'ra', 'decl', 'pmra', 'pmdecl', 'teff', 'gmag'] hdrkeys = [ 'Gaia-ID', 'RA[deg]', 'Dec[deg]', 'PM_RA[mas/yr]', 'PM_Dec[mas/year]', 'teff_val', 'phot_g_mean_mag' ] for k, hk in zip(keys, hdrkeys): if hk in hdr: objectinfo[k] = hdr[hk] else: objectinfo[k] = np.nan cp = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png(blsp, spdm, times, mags, errs, objectinfo=objectinfo, outfile=outpath, sigclip=[50., 5.], plotdpi=100, phasebin=3e-2, phasems=6.0, phasebinms=12.0, unphasedms=6.0) print('did {}'.format(outpath))
def allvar_periodogram_checkplot(a): ap = int(a['ap']) time, flux, err = a['STIME'], a[f'SPCA{ap}'], a[f'SPCAE{ap}'] spdm = periodbase.stellingwerf_pdm(time, flux, err, magsarefluxes=True, startp=0.05, endp=30, sigclip=5.0, nworkers=nworkers) lsp = periodbase.pgen_lsp(time, flux, err, magsarefluxes=True, startp=0.05, endp=30, autofreq=True, sigclip=5.0, nworkers=nworkers) objectinfo = {} keys = ['objectid', 'ra', 'decl', 'pmra', 'pmdecl', 'teff', 'gmag'] hdrkeys = [ 'Gaia-ID', 'RA_OBJ', 'DEC_OBJ', 'PM_RA[mas/yr]', 'PM_Dec[mas/year]', 'teff_val', 'phot_g_mean_mag' ] hdr = a['dtr_infos'][0][0] for k, hk in zip(keys, hdrkeys): if hk in hdr: objectinfo[k] = hdr[hk] else: objectinfo[k] = np.nan import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 'xx-large' mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'xx-large' fig = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png(lsp, spdm, time, flux, err, magsarefluxes=True, objectinfo=objectinfo, varepoch='min', sigclip=None, plotdpi=100, phasebin=3e-2, phasems=6.0, phasebinms=14.0, unphasedms=6.0, figsize=(30, 24), returnfigure=True, circleoverlay=APSIZEDICT[ap] * 21, yticksize=20, trimylim=True) axs = fig.get_axes() for ax in axs: ax.get_yaxis().set_tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize='xx-large') ax.get_xaxis().set_tick_params(which='both', direction='in', labelsize='xx-large') return fig, lsp, spdm, objectinfo
def test_twolsp_checkplot_png_varepoch_handling(capsys): '''This tests the various different ways to give varepoch to twolsp_checkplot_png. Uses the py.test capsys fixture to capture stdout and see if we reported the correct epoch being used. ''' outpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(LCPATH), 'test-checkplot.png') lcd, msg = hatlc.read_and_filter_sqlitecurve(LCPATH) gls = periodbase.pgen_lsp(lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000']) pdm = periodbase.stellingwerf_pdm(lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000']) assert isinstance(gls, dict) assert_allclose(gls['bestperiod'], 1.54289477) # 1. usual handling where epoch is None # should use min(times) as epoch all the time cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png( gls, pdm, lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000'], outfile=outpath, objectinfo=lcd['objectinfo'], varepoch=None ) assert os.path.exists(outpath) # capture the stdout captured = capsys.readouterr() # see if we used the correct periods and epochs splitout = captured.out.split('\n') # plot output lines plotoutlines = [x for x in splitout if 'plotting phased LC' in x] # these are the periods and epochs to match per line lookfor = ['period 1.542895, epoch 56092.64056', 'period 0.771304, epoch 56092.64056', 'period 0.514234, epoch 56092.64056', 'period 3.085790, epoch 56092.64056', 'period 1.542895, epoch 56092.64056', 'period 6.157824, epoch 56092.64056'] for expected, plotline in zip(lookfor,plotoutlines): assert expected in plotline # 2. handle varepoch = 'min' cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png( gls, pdm, lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000'], outfile=outpath, objectinfo=lcd['objectinfo'], varepoch='min' ) assert os.path.exists(outpath) # capture the stdout captured = capsys.readouterr() # see if we used the correct periods and epochs splitout = captured.out.split('\n') # plot output lines plotoutlines = [x for x in splitout if 'plotting phased LC' in x] # these are the periods and epochs to match per line lookfor = ['period 1.542895, epoch 56341.11968', 'period 0.771304, epoch 56856.46618', 'period 0.514234, epoch 56889.88470', 'period 3.085790, epoch 56828.62835', 'period 1.542895, epoch 56341.11968', 'period 6.157824, epoch 56154.33367'] for expected, plotline in zip(lookfor,plotoutlines): assert expected in plotline # 3. handle varepoch = some float cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png( gls, pdm, lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000'], outfile=outpath, objectinfo=lcd['objectinfo'], varepoch=56000.5 ) assert os.path.exists(outpath) # capture the stdout captured = capsys.readouterr() # see if we used the correct periods and epochs splitout = captured.out.split('\n') # plot output lines plotoutlines = [x for x in splitout if 'plotting phased LC' in x] # these are the periods and epochs to match per line lookfor = ['period 1.542895, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 0.771304, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 0.514234, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 3.085790, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 1.542895, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 6.157824, epoch 56000.50000'] for expected, plotline in zip(lookfor,plotoutlines): assert expected in plotline # 4. handle varepoch = list of floats cpf = checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png( gls, pdm, lcd['rjd'], lcd['aep_000'], lcd['aie_000'], outfile=outpath, objectinfo=lcd['objectinfo'], varepoch=[[56000.1,56000.2,56000.3], [56000.4,56000.5,56000.6]] ) assert os.path.exists(outpath) # capture the stdout captured = capsys.readouterr() # see if we used the correct periods and epochs splitout = captured.out.split('\n') # plot output lines plotoutlines = [x for x in splitout if 'plotting phased LC' in x] # these are the periods and epochs to match per line lookfor = ['period 1.542895, epoch 56000.10000', 'period 0.771304, epoch 56000.20000', 'period 0.514234, epoch 56000.30000', 'period 3.085790, epoch 56000.40000', 'period 1.542895, epoch 56000.50000', 'period 6.157824, epoch 56000.60000'] for expected, plotline in zip(lookfor,plotoutlines): assert expected in plotline
def _periodicity_analysis(hatid, times, mags, errs, normlcd, varperiod=None, isresidual=False): ''' Given times, magnitudes, and errors, run Phase Dispersion Minimization and Box Least Squares, then write the phase-folded LCs, periodograms, and header data to a checkplot pickle. Typically, in, mags will be (data+injected planet), or (data + injected planet - EB model). Args: hatid (str): HAT-XXX-XXXXXXX times (np.array): times of measurement (typically RJD) mags (np.array): measured magnitudes at observing times errs (np.array): measured error on mags normlcd: lightcurve dictionary from early reading / astrobase parsing Keyword Args: varperiod (float, default None): EB period, used to set upper and lower bounds of frequency search. isresidual (bool, default False): if `mags` is from residuals, use this. It will do a denser frequency search, at >~2x the EB period. Returns: nothing ''' #TODO: fix args, add docs if not varperiod: #injection has happened smallest_p = 0.5 cpwritepre = '../data/detachedEBs/injs/checkplot-inj-' elif isinstance(varperiod, float) and isresidual: smallest_p = varperiod * 2. + 0.1 cpwritepre = '../data/detachedEBs/injres/checkplot-injresiduals-' else: raise ValueError('smallest_p never properly assigned') biggest_p = min((times[-1] - times[0]) / 2.01, 100.) print('\nStellingwerf...\n') spdmp = periodbase.stellingwerf_pdm( times, mags, errs, autofreq=True, startp=smallest_p, endp=biggest_p, normalize=False, stepsize=1.0e-5, phasebinsize=0.03, mindetperbin=9, nbestpeaks=5, periodepsilon=0.1, # 0.1days sigclip=None, # no sigma clipping nworkers=None) varinfo = { 'objectisvar': True, 'vartags': None, 'varisperiodic': True, 'varperiod': spdmp['bestperiod'], 'varepoch': None } print('\nBLS...\n') blsp = periodbase.bls_parallel_pfind(times, mags, errs, startp=smallest_p, endp=biggest_p, stepsize=1.0e-5, mintransitduration=0.01, maxtransitduration=0.6, nphasebins=200, autofreq=False, nbestpeaks=5, periodepsilon=0.1, nworkers=None, sigclip=None) lspinfolist = [spdmp, blsp] cp = checkplot.checkplot_pickle(lspinfolist, times, mags, errs, nperiodstouse=3, objectinfo=normlcd['objectinfo'], varinfo=varinfo, findercmap='gray_r', normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4., outfile=cpwritepre + hatid + '.pkl.gz', sigclip=[10., -3.], varepoch='min', phasewrap=True, phasesort=True, phasebin=0.002, plotxlim=[-0.6, 0.6], plotdpi=150, returndict=False, pickleprotocol=3, greenhighlight=False, xgridlines=[-0.5, 0., 0.5]) #since we don't have easy checkplot_pickle to png written yet, use twolsp_checkplot_png #TODO: remove any png writing once happy with output if not varperiod: injpath = '../data/detachedEBs/plots/3_checkplot-inj-' elif isinstance(varperiod, float) and isresidual: injpath = '../data/detachedEBs/plots/5_checkplot-injresiduals-' else: raise ValueError('injpath never properly assigned') checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png(spdmp, blsp, times, mags, errs, objectinfo=normlcd['objectinfo'], findercmap='gray_r', normto='globalmedian', normmingap=4., outfile=injpath + hatid + '.png', sigclip=[10., -3.], varepoch='min', phasewrap=True, phasesort=True, phasebin=0.002, plotxlim=[-0.6, 0.6], plotdpi=150) plt.close('all')