Пример #1
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, T, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    T: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(np.sqrt(np.abs(T.cd1_1 * T.cd2_2 - T.cd1_2 * T.cd2_1)) *
                     np.hypot(T.width, T.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    #r,d = targetwcs.crval
    r,d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    #print len(T), 'ccds'
    #print 'trad', trad, 'ccdrad', ccdrad
    I = np.flatnonzero(np.abs(T.dec - d) < rad)
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on Dec'
    I = I[degrees_between(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], r, d) < rad]
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on RA,Dec'

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw,th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,th+0.5),(0.5,th+0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
    #print 'tdet', tdet
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W,H = T.width[i],T.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in
                    [T.crval1[i], T.crval2[i], T.crpix1[i], T.crpix2[i], T.cd1_1[i],
                     T.cd1_2[i], T.cd2_1[i], T.cd2_2[i], W, H]])
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
        #print 'wdet', wdet
        poly = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5)]:
            rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y)
            ok,xx,yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr,dd)
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    #print 'Cut to', len(I), 'on polygons'
    return I
Пример #2
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, ccds, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    ccds: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(
            np.sqrt(np.abs(ccds.cd1_1 * ccds.cd2_2 - ccds.cd1_2 * ccds.cd2_1))
            * np.hypot(ccds.width, ccds.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    r, d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(ccds.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[np.atleast_1d(degrees_between(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], r, d) < rad)]

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw, th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, th + 0.5),
                  (0.5, th + 0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W, H = ccds.width[i], ccds.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[
            float(x) for x in [
                ccds.crval1[i], ccds.crval2[i], ccds.crpix1[i], ccds.crpix2[i],
                ccds.cd1_1[i], ccds.cd1_2[i], ccds.cd2_1[i], ccds.cd2_2[i], W,
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
        poly = []
        for x, y in [(0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, H + 0.5),
                     (0.5, H + 0.5)]:
            rr, dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            ok, xx, yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd)
            poly.append((xx, yy))
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return I
Пример #3
def ccds_touching_wcs(targetwcs, ccds, ccdrad=0.17, polygons=True):
    targetwcs: wcs object describing region of interest
    ccds: fits_table object of CCDs

    ccdrad: radius of CCDs, in degrees.  Default 0.17 is for DECam.
    #If None, computed from T.

    Returns: index array I of CCDs within range.
    trad = targetwcs.radius()
    if ccdrad is None:
        ccdrad = max(np.sqrt(np.abs(ccds.cd1_1 * ccds.cd2_2 -
                                    ccds.cd1_2 * ccds.cd2_1)) *
                     np.hypot(ccds.width, ccds.height) / 2.)

    rad = trad + ccdrad
    r,d = targetwcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(ccds.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[np.atleast_1d(degrees_between(ccds.ra[I], ccds.dec[I], r, d) < rad)]

    if not polygons:
        return I
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw,th = targetwcs.imagew, targetwcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,th+0.5),(0.5,th+0.5)]
    cd = targetwcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)

    keep = []
    for i in I:
        W,H = ccds.width[i],ccds.height[i]
        wcs = Tan(*[float(x) for x in
                    [ccds.crval1[i], ccds.crval2[i], ccds.crpix1[i], ccds.crpix2[i],
                     ccds.cd1_1[i], ccds.cd1_2[i], ccds.cd2_1[i], ccds.cd2_2[i], W, H]])
        cd = wcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
        poly = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5)]:
            rr,dd = wcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y)
            ok,xx,yy = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(rr,dd)
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return I
Пример #4
def unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(wcs, polygons=True):
    Returns a FITS table (with RA,Dec,coadd_id) of unWISE tiles
    from astrometry.util.miscutils import polygons_intersect
    from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import degrees_between

    from pkg_resources import resource_filename
    atlasfn = resource_filename('legacypipe', 'data/wise-tiles.fits')

    T = fits_table(atlasfn)
    trad = wcs.radius()
    wrad = np.sqrt(2.) / 2. * 2048 * 2.75 / 3600.
    rad = trad + wrad
    r, d = wcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(T.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[degrees_between(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], r, d) < rad]

    if not polygons:
        return T[I]
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw, th = wcs.imagew, wcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, th + 0.5),
                  (0.5, th + 0.5)]
    cd = wcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)
    keep = []
    for i in I:
        wwcs = unwise_tile_wcs(T.ra[i], T.dec[i])
        cd = wwcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
        H, W = wwcs.shape
        poly = []
        for x, y in [(0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, H + 0.5),
                     (0.5, H + 0.5)]:
            rr, dd = wwcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            _, xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd)
            poly.append((xx, yy))
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return T[I]
Пример #5
def unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(wcs, polygons=True):
    Returns a FITS table (with RA,Dec,coadd_id) of unWISE tiles
    atlasfn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'allsky-atlas.fits')
    T = fits_table(atlasfn)
    trad = wcs.radius()
    wrad = np.sqrt(2.) / 2. * 2048 * 2.75 / 3600.
    rad = trad + wrad
    r, d = wcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(T.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[degrees_between(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], r, d) < rad]

    if not polygons:
        return T[I]
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw, th = wcs.imagew, wcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, 0.5), (tw + 0.5, th + 0.5),
                  (0.5, th + 0.5)]
    cd = wcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)
    keep = []
    for i in I:
        wwcs = unwise_tile_wcs(T.ra[i], T.dec[i])
        cd = wwcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0] * cd[3] - cd[1] * cd[2]
        H, W = wwcs.shape
        poly = []
        for x, y in [(0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, 0.5), (W + 0.5, H + 0.5),
                     (0.5, H + 0.5)]:
            rr, dd = wwcs.pixelxy2radec(x, y)
            ok, xx, yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(rr, dd)
            poly.append((xx, yy))
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return T[I]
Пример #6
def unwise_tiles_touching_wcs(wcs, polygons=True):
    Returns a FITS table (with RA,Dec,coadd_id) of unWISE tiles
    atlasfn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'allsky-atlas.fits')
    T = fits_table(atlasfn)
    trad = wcs.radius()
    wrad = np.sqrt(2.)/2. * 2048 * 2.75/3600.
    rad = trad + wrad
    r,d = wcs.radec_center()
    I, = np.nonzero(np.abs(T.dec - d) < rad)
    I = I[degrees_between(T.ra[I], T.dec[I], r, d) < rad]

    if not polygons:
        return T[I]
    # now check actual polygon intersection
    tw,th = wcs.imagew, wcs.imageh
    targetpoly = [(0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,0.5),(tw+0.5,th+0.5),(0.5,th+0.5)]
    cd = wcs.get_cd()
    tdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
    if tdet > 0:
        targetpoly = list(reversed(targetpoly))
    targetpoly = np.array(targetpoly)
    keep = []
    for i in I:
        wwcs = unwise_tile_wcs(T.ra[i], T.dec[i])
        cd = wwcs.get_cd()
        wdet = cd[0]*cd[3] - cd[1]*cd[2]
        H,W = wwcs.shape
        poly = []
        for x,y in [(0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,0.5),(W+0.5,H+0.5),(0.5,H+0.5)]:
            rr,dd = wwcs.pixelxy2radec(x,y)
            ok,xx,yy = wcs.radec2pixelxy(rr,dd)
        if wdet > 0:
            poly = list(reversed(poly))
        poly = np.array(poly)
        if polygons_intersect(targetpoly, poly):
    I = np.array(keep)
    return T[I]
Пример #7
    for ii in ilist:
        m0,m1 = T.mu_start[ii], T.mu_end[ii]
        n0,n1 = T.nu_start[ii], T.nu_end[ii]
        node,incl = T.node[ii], T.incl[ii]
        mu,nu = np.array([m0,m0,m1,m1]), np.array([n0,n1,n1,n0])
        r,d = munu_to_radec_deg(mu, nu, node, incl)
        ok,x,y = wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d)
        print 'Field', T.run[ii], T.camcol[ii], T.field[ii], 'xy', x,y
        # corner within tile?
        if np.any((x >= lo) * (x <= hi) * (y >= lo) * (y <= hi)):
            print 'Corner within tile'
            gotone = True
        poly2[:,0] = x
        poly2[:,1] = y
        if polygons_intersect(poly1, poly2):
            print 'Polygons intersect'
            gotone = True
    if gotone:
        print 'No intersection: tile', W.coadd_id[i]

print 'Cut to', len(W)

I = np.lexsort((W.ra, W.dec))

A = fits_table()