Пример #1
    def _setup(self):

        self.interpolator = MyInterpolator()

        self.cache = {}

        self._band_model = Band()
Пример #2
def test_call_with_composite_function_with_units():
    def one_test(spectrum):

        print("Testing %s" % spectrum.expression)

        pts = PointSource("test", ra=0, dec=0, spectral_shape=spectrum)

        res = pts([100, 200] * u.keV)

        # This will fail if the units are wrong
        res.to(1 / (u.keV * u.cm**2 * u.s))

    # Test a simple composition

    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff()


    spectrum = Band() + Blackbody()


    # Test a more complicate composition

    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff() + Blackbody()


    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff() * Exponential_cutoff(
    ) + Blackbody()


    if has_xspec:

        spectrum = XS_phabs() * Powerlaw()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs() + Blackbody()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs() + XS_powerlaw()

Пример #3
def get_comparison_function():

    mo = Band()
    mo.K = 1

    return mo
Пример #4
def get_comparison_function():

    mo = Band()
    mo.K = 1

    return mo
Пример #5
class BandPPTemplate(Function1D):
        description :

            A Band model multiplied by a pair-production opacity computed by interpolating templates from the pyggop

        latex : $  $

        parameters :

            K :

                desc : Differential flux at 100 keV
                initial value : 1e-4

            alpha :

                desc : low-energy photon index
                initial value : -1.0
                min : -1.5
                max : 0.0

            xp :

                desc : peak energy in the nuFnu spectrum
                initial value : 350
                min : 1
                max : 1e5

            beta :

                desc : high-energy photon index
                initial value : -2.0
                min : -2.3
                max : -1.7

            xc :

                desc : cutoff energy
                initial value : 3e4

            DRbar :

                desc : drbar
                initial value : 1
                min : 0.1
                max : 130

            piv :

                desc : pivot energy
                initial value : 100.0
                fix : yes

    __metaclass__ = FunctionMeta

    def _setup(self):

        self.interpolator = MyInterpolator()

        self.cache = {}

        self._band_model = Band()

    def set_templates_dir(self, directory):

        self.interpolator = MyInterpolator(directory)

        self.cache = {}

    def set_template(self, templateInstance):

        self.templateInstance = templateInstance

    def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):

        # The normalization has the same units as y
        self.K.unit = y_unit

        # The break point has always the same dimension as the x variable
        self.xp.unit = x_unit
        self.xc.unit = x_unit

        self.piv.unit = x_unit

        # alpha and beta are dimensionless
        self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
        self.DRbar.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled

    def evaluate(self, x, K, alpha, xp, beta, xc, DRbar, piv):

        if alpha < beta:
            raise ModelAssertionViolation("Alpha cannot be less than beta")

        #if xc <= xp:
        #    raise ModelAssertionViolation("Ec cannot be less than Ep")

        out = self._band_model.evaluate(x, K, alpha, xp, beta, piv)

        key = ("%.5f, %.4g" % (beta, DRbar))

        if key in self.cache.keys():

            # Logarithm of the flux

            template = numpy.array(self.cache[key], copy=True)


            # Logarithm of the flux

            template = self.interpolator.get_template(beta * (-1), DRbar)

            self.cache[key] = numpy.array(template, copy=True)


        # Energy grid in "observed energy"

        ee = self.interpolator.eneGrid * xc

        # Interpolate in the log space

        interpolation = numpy.interp(numpy.log10(x), numpy.log10(ee), template)

        # Go back to the flux space

        cc = numpy.power(10, interpolation)

        # Now go to photon flux
        cc = cc / np.power(x, -beta)

        # Correct the extremes in case the template does not cover them

        #idx = (x / xc < self.interpolator.eneGrid.min())
        #cc[idx] = cc.max()

        idx = (x / xc > self.interpolator.eneGrid.max())
        cc[idx] = 1e-35

        # Match the Band spectrum and the template at E0
        E0 = xp / (2 + alpha)
        Ec = (alpha - beta) * E0

        # Diff. flux of the Band spectrum at Ec

        flux_at_Ec = self._band_model.evaluate(np.array(Ec, ndmin=1), K, alpha, xp, beta, piv)

        # Template at Ec
        template_at_Ec = pow(10, numpy.interp(numpy.log10(Ec), numpy.log10(ee), template)) / pow(Ec, -beta)
        idx = (x >= Ec)

        # Renorm factor
        renorm = flux_at_Ec / template_at_Ec

        cc = renorm * cc

        # Now join the Band spectrum and the template

        out[idx] = cc[idx]

        # This should be np.power(x, -beta) * out * cc / np.power(x, -beta), which of course simplify to:

        #out = out * cc

        # This fixes nan(s) and inf values, converting them respectively to zeros and large numbers
        out = numpy.nan_to_num(out)

        return out
Пример #6
def test_call_with_composite_function_with_units():

    def one_test(spectrum):

        print(("Testing %s" % spectrum.expression))

        # # if we have fixed x_units then we will use those
        # # in the test
        # if spectrum.expression.has_fixed_units():
        #     x_unit_to_use, y_unit_to_use = spectrum.expression.fixed_units[0]
        # else:

        x_unit_to_use = u.keV

        pts = PointSource("test", ra=0, dec=0, spectral_shape=spectrum)

        res = pts([100, 200] * x_unit_to_use)

        # This will fail if the units are wrong
        res.to(1 / (u.keV * u.cm**2 * u.s))

    # Test a simple composition

    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff()


    spectrum = Band() + Blackbody()


    # Test a more complicate composition

    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff() + Blackbody()


    spectrum = Powerlaw() * Exponential_cutoff() * Exponential_cutoff() + Blackbody()


    if has_xspec:

        spectrum = XS_phabs() * Powerlaw()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs() + Blackbody()


        spectrum = XS_phabs() * XS_powerlaw() * XS_phabs() + XS_powerlaw()
