Пример #1
def test_icrs_consistency():
    Check ICRS<->AltAz for consistency with ICRS<->CIRS<->AltAz

    The latter is extensively tested in test_intermediate_transformations.py
    ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    icoo = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, distance=dist * u.km * 1e5)

    observer = EarthLocation(28 * u.deg, 23 * u.deg, height=2000. * u.km)
    obstime = Time('J2010')
    aa_frame = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=observer)

    # check we are going direct!
    trans = frame_transform_graph.get_transform(ICRS, AltAz).transforms
    assert (len(trans) == 1)

    # check that ICRS-AltAz and ICRS->CIRS->AltAz are consistent
    aa1 = icoo.transform_to(aa_frame)
    aa2 = icoo.transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(aa_frame)
    assert_allclose(aa1.separation_3d(aa2), 0 * u.mm, atol=1 * u.mm)

    # check roundtrip
    roundtrip = icoo.transform_to(aa_frame).transform_to(icoo)
    assert_allclose(roundtrip.separation_3d(icoo), 0 * u.mm, atol=1 * u.mm)

    # check there and back via CIRS mish-mash
    roundtrip = icoo.transform_to(aa_frame).transform_to(
    assert_allclose(roundtrip.separation_3d(icoo), 0 * u.mm, atol=1 * u.mm)
Пример #2
def test_gcrs_cirs():
    Check GCRS<->CIRS transforms for round-tripping.  More complicated than the
    above two because it's multi-hop
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    gcrs = GCRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    gcrs6 = GCRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2006')

    gcrs2 = gcrs.transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(gcrs)
    gcrs6_2 = gcrs6.transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(gcrs)

    assert_allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs6_2.dec)

    # now try explicit intermediate pathways and ensure they're all consistent
    gcrs3 = gcrs.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(
    assert_allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs3.ra)
    assert_allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs3.dec)

    gcrs4 = gcrs.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(
    assert_allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs4.ra)
    assert_allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs4.dec)
Пример #3
def test_cirs_to_altaz():
    Check the basic CIRS<->AltAz transforms.  More thorough checks implicitly
    happen in `test_iau_fullstack`
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation

    ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    crepr = SphericalRepresentation(lon=ra, lat=dec, distance=dist)
    cirscart = CIRS(crepr,

    loc = EarthLocation(lat=0 * u.deg, lon=0 * u.deg, height=0 * u.m)
    altazframe = AltAz(location=loc, obstime=Time('J2005'))

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs3 = cirscart.transform_to(altazframe).transform_to(cirs)

    # check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs3.dec)
def test_gcrs_altaz():
    Check GCRS<->AltAz transforms for round-tripping.  Has multiple paths
    from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation

    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(1)
    gcrs = GCRS(ra=ra[0], dec=dec[0], obstime='J2000')

    # check array times sure N-d arrays work
    times = Time(np.linspace(2456293.25, 2456657.25, 51) * u.day,

    loc = EarthLocation(lon=10 * u.deg, lat=80. * u.deg)
    aaframe = AltAz(obstime=times, location=loc)

    aa1 = gcrs.transform_to(aaframe)
    aa2 = gcrs.transform_to(ICRS()).transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(aaframe)
    aa3 = gcrs.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(CIRS()).transform_to(aaframe)

    # make sure they're all consistent
    assert_allclose(aa1.alt, aa2.alt)
    assert_allclose(aa1.az, aa2.az)
    assert_allclose(aa1.alt, aa3.alt)
    assert_allclose(aa1.az, aa3.az)
Пример #5
def test_interpolation_broadcasting():
    from astropy.coordinates.tests.utils import randomly_sample_sphere
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, AltAz
    from astropy.time import Time
    import astropy.units as u

    from astropy.coordinates.erfa_astrom import erfa_astrom, ErfaAstromInterpolator

    # 1000 random locations on the sky
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(100)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra, dec)

    # 30 times over the space of 1 hours
    times = Time('2020-01-01T20:00') + np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 30) * u.hour

    lst1 = EarthLocation(
        lon=-17.891498 * u.deg,
        lat=28.761443 * u.deg,
        height=2200 * u.m,

    # note the use of broadcasting so that 300 times are broadcast against 1000 positions
    aa_frame = AltAz(obstime=times[:, np.newaxis], location=lst1)
    aa_coord = coord.transform_to(aa_frame)

    with erfa_astrom.set(ErfaAstromInterpolator(300 * u.s)):
        aa_coord_interp = coord.transform_to(aa_frame)

    assert aa_coord.shape == aa_coord_interp.shape
    assert np.all(aa_coord.separation(aa_coord_interp) < 1 * u.microarcsecond)
def test_cirs_itrs():
    Check basic CIRS<->ITRS transforms for round-tripping.
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    cirs = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    cirs6 = CIRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2006')

    cirs2 = cirs.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(cirs)
    cirs6_2 = cirs6.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(cirs)  # different obstime

    # just check round-tripping
    assert_allclose(cirs.ra, cirs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirs.dec, cirs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(cirs.ra, cirs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(cirs.dec, cirs6_2.dec)
Пример #7
def test_icrs_cirs():
    Check a few cases of ICRS<->CIRS for consistency.

    Also includes the CIRS<->CIRS transforms at different times, as those go
    through ICRS
    ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    inod = ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec)
    iwd = ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, distance=dist * u.pc)

    cframe1 = CIRS()
    cirsnod = inod.transform_to(cframe1)  # uses the default time
    # first do a round-tripping test
    inod2 = cirsnod.transform_to(ICRS())
    assert_allclose(inod.ra, inod2.ra)
    assert_allclose(inod.dec, inod2.dec)

    # now check that a different time yields different answers
    cframe2 = CIRS(obstime=Time('J2005'))
    cirsnod2 = inod.transform_to(cframe2)
    assert not allclose(cirsnod.ra, cirsnod2.ra, rtol=1e-8)
    assert not allclose(cirsnod.dec, cirsnod2.dec, rtol=1e-8)

    # parallax effects should be included, so with and w/o distance should be different
    cirswd = iwd.transform_to(cframe1)
    assert not allclose(cirswd.ra, cirsnod.ra, rtol=1e-8)
    assert not allclose(cirswd.dec, cirsnod.dec, rtol=1e-8)
    # and the distance should transform at least somehow
    assert not allclose(cirswd.distance, iwd.distance, rtol=1e-8)

    # now check that the cirs self-transform works as expected
    cirsnod3 = cirsnod.transform_to(cframe1)  # should be a no-op
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.ra, cirsnod3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.dec, cirsnod3.dec)

    cirsnod4 = cirsnod.transform_to(cframe2)  # should be different
    assert not allclose(cirsnod4.ra, cirsnod.ra, rtol=1e-8)
    assert not allclose(cirsnod4.dec, cirsnod.dec, rtol=1e-8)

    cirsnod5 = cirsnod4.transform_to(cframe1)  # should be back to the same
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.ra, cirsnod5.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.dec, cirsnod5.dec)
Пример #8
def test_gcrs_itrs():
    Check basic GCRS<->ITRS transforms for round-tripping.
    ra, dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
    gcrs = GCRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2000')
    gcrs6 = GCRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, obstime='J2006')

    gcrs2 = gcrs.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(gcrs)
    gcrs6_2 = gcrs6.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(gcrs)

    assert_allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs2.ra)
    assert_allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs2.dec)
    assert not allclose(gcrs.ra, gcrs6_2.ra)
    assert not allclose(gcrs.dec, gcrs6_2.dec)

    # also try with the cartesian representation
    gcrsc = gcrs.realize_frame(gcrs.data)
    gcrsc.representation_type = CartesianRepresentation
    gcrsc2 = gcrsc.transform_to(ITRS()).transform_to(gcrsc)
    assert_allclose(gcrsc.spherical.lon.deg, gcrsc2.ra.deg)
    assert_allclose(gcrsc.spherical.lat, gcrsc2.dec)
Пример #9
    # now check that the cirs self-transform works as expected
    cirsnod3 = cirsnod.transform_to(cframe1)  # should be a no-op
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.ra, cirsnod3.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.dec, cirsnod3.dec)

    cirsnod4 = cirsnod.transform_to(cframe2)  # should be different
    assert not allclose(cirsnod4.ra, cirsnod.ra, rtol=1e-8)
    assert not allclose(cirsnod4.dec, cirsnod.dec, rtol=1e-8)

    cirsnod5 = cirsnod4.transform_to(cframe1)  # should be back to the same
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.ra, cirsnod5.ra)
    assert_allclose(cirsnod.dec, cirsnod5.dec)

ra, dec, dist = randomly_sample_sphere(200)
icrs_coords = [
    ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec),
    ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, distance=dist * u.pc)
gcrs_frames = [GCRS(), GCRS(obstime=Time('J2005'))]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('icoo', icrs_coords)
def test_icrs_gcrs(icoo):
    Check ICRS<->GCRS for consistency
    gcrscoo = icoo.transform_to(gcrs_frames[0])  # uses the default time
    # first do a round-tripping test
    icoo2 = gcrscoo.transform_to(ICRS())
Пример #10
        vmin = -0.5
        vmax = 0.5

    ##  Area calc.

    Area = 0.0
    nrand = np.int(5e5)

    ##  LSST FOV radius in deg.
    LSST_rad = 3.5 / 2.

    field_cat                  = SkyCoord(ra=[hitmap[field]['RA'] * u.degree for field in inLSST],\
                                          dec=[hitmap[field]['DEC'] * u.degree for field in inLSST])

    rand_ra, rand_dec, _ = randomly_sample_sphere(nrand)

    rand_ra = rand_ra.to(u.deg)
    rand_dec = rand_dec.to(u.deg)

    rand_cat = SkyCoord(ra=rand_ra, dec=rand_dec)

    idxc, idxcatalog, d2d, _ = rand_cat.search_around_sky(
        field_cat, LSST_rad * u.deg)

    nrand_inlsst = len(rand_cat[idxcatalog])

    ##  Can check by plotting random distribution.
    ##  for i, x in enumerate(rand_cat[idxcatalog]):
    ##    x, y    = radec2project(x.ra.value, x.dec.value)