Пример #1
    def triangulate(self, v2_v1, v3_v2):
        Used to triangulate the true latitude and longitude corresponding to the norm of the telescope position.
            v2_v1: list [args,len=2,dtype=float]
                The difference in [azimuth,altitude] between object 2 and object 1
            v3_v2: list [args,len=2,dtype=float]
                The difference in [azimuth,altitude] between object 3 and object 2

        ra = cp.Angle(self.cel_calib["RA"], unit=u.hourangle)
        dec = cp.Angle(self.cel_calib["DEC"], unit=u.deg)

        v = np.array([ra.rad, dec.rad]).T

        out = self.triangulation_class.triangulate(v[0], v[1], v[2], v2_v1,

        n = cp.SkyCoord(out[0][0], out[0][1], unit=u.rad, frame='icrs')

        npr = cp.EarthLocation(lon=0 * u.deg, lat=90 * u.deg, height=0 * u.m)

        n.location = npr
        n.obstime = self.time

        [self.lon, self.lat] = [180 - n.altaz.az.deg, n.altaz.alt.deg]
        self.home = [self.lon, self.lat]

        h = cp.EarthLocation(self.home[0] * u.deg, self.home[1] * u.deg)
        self.tel_frame = cp.AltAz(location=h, obstime=self.time)
        v3 = cp.SkyCoord(v[2][0], v[2][1], unit=u.rad)
        self.tel_pos = v3
Пример #2
def test_station_functions():
    """Tests the Station functions.
    sefds = {'18': 100, '6': 40, '0.1': 200}
    a_station = stations.Station('name', 'Nm', 'VLBI',
                                 coord.EarthLocation(3839348.973*u.m, 430403.51*u.m, 5057990.099*u.m), sefds, 20)
    assert isinstance(a_station.name, str)
    assert isinstance(a_station.fullname, str)
    assert a_station.fullname == a_station.name
    assert a_station.network == 'VLBI'
    assert a_station.all_networks == a_station.network
    assert isinstance(a_station.country, str)
    assert isinstance(a_station.diameter, str)
    assert isinstance(a_station.real_time, bool)
    assert isinstance(a_station.location, coord.EarthLocation)
    assert a_station.location == coord.EarthLocation(3839348.973*u.m, 430403.51*u.m, 5057990.099*u.m)
    assert list(a_station.bands) == ['18', '6', '0.1']
    assert isinstance(a_station.sefds, dict)
    assert a_station.sefds == sefds
    assert a_station.has_band('18')
    assert not a_station.has_band('45')
    assert a_station.sefd('18') == 100
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    times1 = Time('2020-03-21 1:00') + np.arange(0, 4*60, 10)*u.min
    times2 = Time('2020-03-21 3:00') + np.arange(0, 4*60, 10)*u.min
    src1 = FixedTarget(coord=coord.SkyCoord('0h0m0s 30d0m0s'), name='testSrc')
    # a_station.elevation(times1, src1)  # Should have elevation ranging -5 to 16.8 deg.
    # a_station.elevation(times1, src1)  # Should have elevation ranging 3.7 to 34 deg.
    assert len(a_station.is_visible(times1, src1)[0]) == 0
    assert len(a_station.is_visible(times2, src1)[0]) == 10
    assert len(a_station.elevation(times2, src1)) == len(times1)
    assert np.equal(a_station.elevation(times2, src1).value, a_station.altaz(times2, src1).alt.value)[0]
Пример #3
    def to_ecef(self, val=None, prop=False):
        Converts from geodetic to geocentric coordinates

        val: list with [lon, lat]
            A specific geodetic position
        prop: bool
            use True on lists of propagated source positions, default is False

        x, y, z: 1darrays
            Positions in geocentric coordinates
        if prop is True:
            quant = ac.EarthLocation(self.lon_prop,
            quant = ac.EarthLocation([self.lon], [self.lat]).to_geocentric()
        if val is not None:
            quant = ac.EarthLocation([val[0]], [val[1]]).to_geocentric()
        x = quant[0].value
        y = quant[1].value
        z = quant[2].value
        return x, y, z
Пример #4
def calc_uvw_astropy(datetime, radec, xyz, telescope='VLA', takeants=None):
    """ Calculates and returns uvw in meters for a given time and pointing direction.
    datetime is time (astropy.time.Time) to calculate uvw.
    radec is (ra,dec) as tuple in radians.
    Can optionally specify a telescope other than the VLA.
    if telescope == 'JVLA' or 'VLA':
        telescope = 'VLA'

    phase_center = coordinates.SkyCoord(*radec, unit='rad', frame='icrs')

    if takeants is not None:
        antpos = coordinates.EarthLocation(x=xyz[takeants, 0],
                                           y=xyz[takeants, 1],
                                           z=xyz[takeants, 2],
        antpos = coordinates.EarthLocation(x=xyz[:, 0],
                                           y=xyz[:, 1],
                                           z=xyz[:, 2],

    if isinstance(datetime, str):
        datetime = time.Time(datetime.replace('/', '-', 2).replace('/', ' '),

    tel_p, tel_v = coordinates.EarthLocation.of_site(
    antpos_gcrs = coordinates.GCRS(antpos.get_gcrs_posvel(datetime)[0],

    uvw_frame = phase_center.transform_to(antpos_gcrs).skyoffset_frame()
    antpos_uvw = antpos_gcrs.transform_to(uvw_frame).cartesian

    nant = len(antpos_uvw)
    antpairs = [(i, j) for j in range(nant) for i in range(j)]
    nbl = len(antpairs)
    u = np.empty(nbl, dtype='float32')
    v = np.empty(nbl, dtype='float32')
    w = np.empty(nbl, dtype='float32')
    for ibl, ant in enumerate(antpairs):
        bl = antpos_uvw[ant[1]] - antpos_uvw[ant[0]]
        u[ibl] = bl.y.value
        v[ibl] = bl.z.value
        w[ibl] = bl.x.value

    return u, v, w
Пример #5
def satellite_position():
    """not used"""
    # Hardcoded for one satellite
    satellite_name = "ODIN"
    satellite_line1 = '1 26702U 01007A   19291.79098765 -.00000023  00000-0  25505-5 0  9996'
    satellite_line2 = '2 26702  97.5699 307.6930 0011485  26.4207 333.7604 15.07886437 19647'

    current_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    satellite = twoline2rv(satellite_line1, satellite_line2, wgs72)
    position, velocity = satellite.propagate(

    now = Time.now()
    # position of satellite in GCRS or J20000 ECI:
    cartrep = coord.CartesianRepresentation(x=position[0],
                                            z=position[2], unit=u.m)
    gcrs = coord.GCRS(cartrep, obstime=now)
    itrs = gcrs.transform_to(coord.ITRS(obstime=now))
    loc = coord.EarthLocation(*itrs.cartesian.xyz)

    return jsonify({
        'eci': {'x': position[0], 'y': position[1], 'z': position[2]},
        'geodetic': {'latitude': loc.lat.deg, 'longitude': loc.lon.deg, 'height': loc.height.to(u.m).value}
Пример #6
    def _calc(self, datetime, lat: str, lon: str, height=0.0):
        """Calculate the azimuth and elevation of the sun.

        Calculates the azimuth and elevation of the sun as seen from the specified
        time and place (latitude, longitude, sea level).

             datetime (datetime): datetime to calculate. (aware instance)
             lat (str): latitude.
             lon (str): longitude.
             height (float, optional): height above sea level. Default to 0.0

             az (float): azimuth of sun.
             el (float): elevation of sun.

        time = ap_t.Time(datetime)
        loc = ap_crd.EarthLocation(
            lat=ap_crd.Angle(lat), lon=ap_crd.Angle(lon), height=height
        sun = ap_crd.get_sun(time).transform_to(
            ap_crd.AltAz(obstime=time, location=loc)
        az = sun.az.degree
        el = sun.alt.degree

        return az, el
Пример #7
 def gen_mock_obs(self):
     Generates fake observation data based on possible errors of +/- 5deg.
         obs: list [args,len=2,dtype=float]
             Difference in altitude and azimuth for three points, used in triangulation.
     # creates class object based on random errors in telescope placement
     self.mock_home = [self.lon_est + np.random.uniform(-5,5)*u.deg,
                       self.lat_est + np.random.uniform(-5,5)*u.deg]
     # creates objects based on errors
     mock_loc = cp.EarthLocation(self.mock_home[0],self.mock_home[1])
     surf = cp.AltAz(location=mock_loc,obstime=self.time)
     pts = self.altaz_calib.transform_to(surf)
     # calculate angular differences in altitude and azimuth for points
     self.v2_v1 = [pts[1].az.rad - pts[0].az.rad, pts[1].alt.rad - pts[0].alt.rad]
     self.v3_v2 = [pts[2].az.rad - pts[1].az.rad, pts[2].alt.rad - pts[1].alt.rad]
     return [self.v2_v1, self.v3_v2]
Пример #8
    def _perform(self):
        Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depends on this operation.
        self.log.info(f"Running {self.__class__.__name__} action")

        lat=c.Latitude(self.action.args.kd.get('SITELAT'), unit=u.degree)
        lon=c.Longitude(self.action.args.kd.get('SITELONG'), unit=u.degree)
        height=float(self.action.args.kd.get('ALT-OBS')) * u.meter
        loc = c.EarthLocation(lon, lat, height)
        pressure=self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('pressure', 700)*u.mbar
        altazframe = c.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=self.action.args.kd.obstime(),
        moon = c.get_moon(Time(self.action.args.kd.obstime()), location=loc)
        sun = c.get_sun(Time(self.action.args.kd.obstime()))

        moon_alt = ((moon.transform_to(altazframe).alt).to(u.degree)).value
        moon_separation = (moon.separation(self.action.args.header_pointing).to(u.degree)).value\
                    if self.action.args.header_pointing is not None else None

        # Moon illumination formula from Meeus, ÒAstronomical 
        # Algorithms". Formulae 46.1 and 46.2 in the 1991 edition, 
        # using the approximation cos(psi) \approx -cos(i). Error 
        # should be no more than 0.0014 (p. 316). 
        moon_illum = 50*(1 - np.sin(sun.dec.radian)*np.sin(moon.dec.radian)\
                     - np.cos(sun.dec.radian)*np.cos(moon.dec.radian)\
                     * np.cos(sun.ra.radian-moon.ra.radian))

        self.action.args.moon_alt = moon_alt
        self.action.args.moon_separation = moon_separation
        self.action.args.moon_illum = moon_illum

        return self.action.args
Пример #9
def getSunPos(latitude, longitude, t):
    loc = coord.EarthLocation(lon=longitude * u.deg, lat=latitude * u.deg)
    now = Time(t)
    altaz = coord.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=now)
    sun = coord.get_sun(now)
    result = sun.transform_to(altaz)
    return result
Пример #10
def solarzenithangle(t, glat, glon, alt_m):


    t : datetime
      time of observation
    glat : float
    glon : float
    alt_m : float
      observer altitude [meters]

    sza : float
      solar zenith angle [degrees]

    obs = ac.EarthLocation(lat=glat * u.deg, lon=glon * u.deg, height=alt_m * u.m)
    times = astropy.time.Time(t, scale="ut1")
    sun = ac.get_sun(times)
    sunobs = sun.transform_to(ac.AltAz(obstime=times, location=obs))

    return 90.0 - sunobs.alt.degree
Пример #11
    def test_horizontal_to_equatorial_astropy(self):
        from astropy import coordinates as coord
        from astropy import units as u
        from astropy import time
        from astropy.time import Time

        utc_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        loc = Dunedin

        obstime = time.Time(utc_date, scale="utc")
        eloc = coord.EarthLocation(
            lat=loc.latitude_deg() * u.deg,
            lon=loc.longitude_deg() * u.deg,
            height=loc.alt * u.m,
        altaz_frame = coord.AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=eloc)

        for el, az in zip(np.linspace(0, 90, 10), np.linspace(0, 259, 10)):

            elaz = coord.SkyCoord(alt=el * u.deg,
                                  az=az * u.deg,
            radec = elaz.transform_to(coord.ICRS)

            ra, dec = loc.horizontal_to_equatorial(utc_date,

                radec.ra.degree, ra.to_degrees(),
                -1)  # TODO better agreement should be possible.
                radec.dec.degree, dec.to_degrees(),
                1)  # TODO better agreement should be possible.
Пример #12
    def stations_from_file(filename):
        """The file must contain the following columns:
        name_observer code_observer X Y Z
        The header of this file should be "station code x y z", matching the previous fields

        Returns a dict with the observers. The keys are the code_observer.
        file_with_stations = ascii.read(filename)
        # Getting the frequencies with SEFD values
        sefds = [
            acol for acol in file_with_stations.colnames if 'SEFD-' in acol

        stations = {}
        for a_line in file_with_stations:
            a_loc = coord.EarthLocation(a_line['x'] * u.m, a_line['y'] * u.m,
                                        a_line['z'] * u.m)
            stat_sefds = {}
            for a_sefd in sefds:
                if a_line[a_sefd] != -1:
                    stat_sefds[a_sefd.split('-')[1]] = a_line[a_sefd]

            stations[a_line['code']] = Station(a_line['station'],
                                               a_line['code'], a_loc,

        return stations
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, centers, time, indices=None):
        self.centers = centers
        self.time = time
        self.indices = indices

        # figure out where the sun is
        self.solar_coord = ac.get_sun(time)

        # subset by the provided indices, if specified
        if indices is None:
            lats = centers.lat
            lons = centers.lon
            lats = centers.lat[indices]
            lons = centers.lon[indices]

        # calculate the solar zenith angle at each pixel center.
        # neglect refraction and height above geoid.
        pixels = ac.EarthLocation(lons, lats, ellipsoid='GRS80')
        solar_vecs = self.solar_coord.transform_to(
            ac.AltAz(obstime=time, location=pixels))

        # mask out the non earth pixels, unless the user specified which pixels to calculate
        if indices is None:
            mask = ma.getmask(centers.lon)
            mask = None

        self.solar_zenith = ma.array(solar_vecs.zen.to_value(u.deg), mask=mask)
        self.solar_az = ma.array(solar_vecs.az.to_value(u.deg), mask=mask)
Пример #14
def get_sun_state(lat: float, lon: float, t: datetime):
    """Given a time and location get the sun position relative to this location.

        lat (float): latitude
        lon (float): longitude
        t (datetime): query time

        tuple: zenith and azimuth angles

    loc = coord.EarthLocation(lon=lon * u.deg, lat=lat * u.deg)

    query_time_string = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
    t = Time(query_time_string, format="isot", scale="utc")

    altaz = coord.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=t)
    sun = coord.get_sun(t)

    transformer = sun.transform_to(altaz)
    theta_z = transformer.zen
    theta_A = transformer.az

    return theta_z.degree, theta_A.degree
Пример #15
def nancay():
    """ NenuFAR's position
        Coordinate object 
    return coord.EarthLocation(lat=47.376511 * u.deg, lon=2.1924002 * u.deg)
Пример #16
def JD2RA(JD, longitude=21.42830, latitude=-30.72152, epoch='current'):
    Convert from Julian date to Equatorial Right Ascension at zenith
    during a specified epoch.

    JD : type=float, a float or an array of Julian Dates

    longitude : type=float, longitude of observer in degrees east, default=HERA longitude

    latitude : type=float, latitude of observer in degrees north, default=HERA latitutde
               This only matters when using epoch="J2000"

    epoch : type=str, epoch for RA calculation. options=['current', 'J2000'].
            The 'current' epoch is the epoch at JD. Note that
            LST is defined as the zenith RA in the current epoch. Note that
            epoch='J2000' corresponds to the ICRS standard.

    RA : type=float, right ascension [degrees] at zenith JD times
         in the specified epoch.
    # get JD type
    if isinstance(JD, list) or isinstance(JD, np.ndarray):
        _array = True
        _array = False
        JD = [JD]

    # setup RA list
    RA = []

    # iterate over jd
    for jd in JD:

        # use current epoch calculation
        if epoch == 'current':
            ra = JD2LST(jd, longitude=longitude) * 180 / np.pi

        # use J2000 epoch
        elif epoch == 'J2000':
            loc = crd.EarthLocation(lat=latitude * unt.deg, lon=longitude * unt.deg)
            t = Time(jd, format='jd', scale='utc')
            zen = crd.SkyCoord(frame='altaz', alt=90 * unt.deg, az=0 * unt.deg, obstime=t, location=loc)

            raise ValueError("didn't recognize {} epoch".format(epoch))

    RA = np.array(RA)

    if _array:
        return RA
        return RA[0]
Пример #17
def get_radec_ephemeris(eph_json_single, start_time, end_time, interval,
                        observing_facility, observing_site):
    observing_facility_class = facility.get_service_class(observing_facility)
    sites = observing_facility_class().get_observing_sites()
    observer = None
    for site_name in sites:
        obs_site = sites[site_name]
        if obs_site['sitecode'] == observing_site:

            observer = coordinates.EarthLocation(
                lat=obs_site.get('latitude') * units.deg,
                lon=obs_site.get('longitude') * units.deg,
                height=obs_site.get('elevation') * units.m)
    if observer is None:
        # this condition occurs if the facility being requested isn't in the site list provided.
        return (None, None, None, None, -1)
    ra = []
    dec = []
    mjd = []
    for i in range(len(eph_json_single)):
    ra = np.array(ra)
    dec = np.array(dec)
    mjd = np.array(mjd)

    fra = interp.interp1d(mjd, ra)
    fdec = interp.interp1d(mjd, dec)

    start = Time(start_time)
    end = Time(end_time)

    time_range = time_grid_from_range(time_range=[start, end],
                                      time_resolution=interval * units.hour)
    tr_mjd = time_range.mjd

    airmasses = []
    sun_alts = []
    for i in range(len(tr_mjd)):
        c = SkyCoord(fra(time_range[i].mjd),
        t = Time(tr_mjd[i], format='mjd')
        sun = coordinates.get_sun(t)
        altaz = c.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=t, location=observer))
        sun_altaz = sun.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=t, location=observer))
        airmass = altaz.secz
    airmasses = np.array(airmasses)
    sun_alts = np.array(sun_alts)

    if np.min(tr_mjd) >= np.min(mjd) and np.max(tr_mjd) <= np.max(mjd):
        return (tr_mjd, fra(tr_mjd), fdec(tr_mjd), airmasses, sun_alts)
        return (None, None, None, None, -2)
Пример #18
def setup(run_num, ent_num, pol):  #grab waveforms and time of event
    #Ben's Analysis Code:
    #dd= bt.DataDirectory()
    #e = r.get_entry(ent_num)
    #if(pol == 1): #Hpol
    #    ADC0 = np.asarray(e.channel(0))
    #    ADC1 = np.asarray(e.channel(2))
    #    ADC2 = np.asarray(e.channel(4))
    #    ADC3 = np.asarray(e.channel(6))
    #    ADC0 = np.asarray(e.channel(1))
    #    ADC1 = np.asarray(e.channel(3))
    #    ADC2 = np.asarray(e.channel(5))
    #    ADC3 = np.asarray(e.channel(7))

    #volt0 = (ADC0-sum(ADC0)/len(ADC0))
    #volt1 = (ADC1-sum(ADC1)/len(ADC1))
    #volt2 = (ADC2-sum(ADC2)/len(ADC2))
    #volt3 = (ADC3-sum(ADC3)/len(ADC3))
    #times = r.get_entry(ent_num).times()

    lon = -118.238
    lat = 37.589

    d = beacon_data_reader.Reader("/project2/avieregg/beacon/telem/root",
    times = d.t()

    if (pol == 1):  #Hpol
        volt0 = d.wf(0) - sum(d.wf(0)) / len(d.wf(0))
        volt1 = d.wf(2) - sum(d.wf(2)) / len(d.wf(2))
        volt2 = d.wf(4) - sum(d.wf(4)) / len(d.wf(4))
        volt3 = d.wf(6) - sum(d.wf(6)) / len(d.wf(6))

    else:  #Vpol
        volt0 = d.wf(1) - sum(d.wf(1)) / len(d.wf(1))
        volt1 = d.wf(3) - sum(d.wf(3)) / len(d.wf(3))
        volt2 = d.wf(5) - sum(d.wf(5)) / len(d.wf(5))
        volt3 = d.wf(7) - sum(d.wf(7)) / len(d.wf(7))

    #filter events:
    volt0 = filter(volt0, times)
    volt1 = filter(volt1, times)
    volt2 = filter(volt2, times)
    volt3 = filter(volt3, times)

    #grab time stamp of event and format for later calculations
    h = d.header()
    event_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(h.readout_time)
    hour = event_time.hour + event_time.minute / 60.0 + event_time.second / 3600.0
    loc = coord.EarthLocation(lon=lon * u.deg, lat=lat * u.deg)
    time = Time(event_time, location=loc)  #-offset
    alt, az = 0, 0

    return (volt0, volt1, volt2, volt3, times, alt, az, time, loc, hour)
Пример #19
def LSTScheduler(starttime, LSTbin_size, longitude=21.25):
    Round a time to the nearest LST bin for a given longitude on the globe.

    LSTbins run from 0 to 24 hours and step according to LSTbin_size.

    starttime : astropy.time.Time
        Target schedule time.
    LSTbin_size : float
        LST bin size in seconds.
    longitude : float
        Telescope longitude in degrees.

    schedule time :  astropy.time.Time
        Time of next LST bin.
    schedule sidereal time :  astropy.coord.Angle
        Sidereal time of next LST bin.

    sidesec = u.Quantity(1, 'sday').to('day').value  # length of sidereal second in SI seconds.
    # HERA location, #XXX get the HERA location programmatically
    locate = coord.EarthLocation(lon=longitude * u.deg, lat=-30 * u.deg)
    if not isinstance(starttime, Time):
        raise TypeError("starttime is not a valid Astropy Time object")
    starttime.location = locate
    numChunks = (24 * 60 * 60) / LSTbin_size  # seconds in a day
    lstGrid = np.linspace(0, int(numChunks), int(numChunks) + 1, dtype=int) * LSTbin_size
    hmsList = [None] * (int(numChunks + 1))

    # convert the grid in seconds to HMS
    # make a grid of our evenly chunked LST times starting from 00h00m00s on the current day
    for i, sec in enumerate(lstGrid):
        hrs = int(lstGrid[i] / 3600)
        mins = int((lstGrid[i] % 3600) / 60)
        secs = int(lstGrid[i] - int(hrs * 3600) - int(mins * 60))
        if hrs == 24:
            hrs = int(0)
        hms_str = '%02dh%02dm%02ds' % (hrs, mins, secs)
        hmsList[i] = hms_str
    lstAngleGrid = coord.Angle(hmsList)  # turn LST grid into angle array
    for i, hour in enumerate(lstAngleGrid):
        # Find the timeslot our target is in
        if hour >= starttime.sidereal_time('apparent'):
            # get difference in sidereal
            diffSide = hour - starttime.sidereal_time('apparent')
            # convert difference to SI seconds
            diffSecs = diffSide.hms[2] * sidesec
    dt = TimeDelta((diffSecs), format='sec')
    scheduleTime = starttime + dt  # adjust target time by difference to get start time
    return scheduleTime, hour
Пример #20
def lookup(target: str) -> (str, str):
    """ Convert a target name 'M31', 'NGC6946', to a RA/Dec pair using the location
    of the observatory. 

    Given a string representing a target ('M 31', 'NGC 4584', 'Horsehead Nebula')
    return an (RA, DEC) string tuple of the form ('hh:mm:sss', 'dd:mm:ss')

    target: str
        A string representing the target name

    ra: str
        String representation of right-ascension; 'hh:mm:ss'
    dec: str
        String representation of declination, 'dd:mm:ss'

    Author: rprechelt
    # location of observatory
    obs_location = coordinates.EarthLocation(
        lat=config.general.latitude * units.deg,
        lon=config.general.longitude * units.deg,
        height=config.general.altitude * units.m)
    obs_time = time.Time.now()
    frame = coordinates.AltAz(obstime=obs_time, location=obs_location)

    # planetary bodies - TODO: Add moons
    solar_system = [
        'mercury', 'venus', 'moon', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus',
        'neptune', 'pluto'

    # convert it all to lowercase
    target = target.lower()

    # we have a planetary body
    if target in solar_system:
        celestial_body = coordinates.get_body(target, obs_time, obs_location)
        return (celestial_body.ra.to_string(unit=units.hour, sep=':'),
                celestial_body.dec.to_string(unit=units.degree, sep=':'))
    else:  # stellar body
            target_coordinates = coordinates.SkyCoord.from_name(target)
            return (target_coordinates.ra.to_string(unit=units.hour, sep=':'),
        except Exception as e:
            return None, None
Пример #21
def get_coord_in_ecef(xyz):
    from astropy import coordinates as coord
    from astropy import units as u
    from astropy.time import Time
    now = Time(TIME)
    # position of satellite in GCRS or J20000 ECI:
    cartrep = coord.CartesianRepresentation(*xyz, unit=u.m)
    gcrs = coord.GCRS(cartrep, obstime=now)
    itrs = gcrs.transform_to(coord.ITRS(obstime=now))
    loc = coord.EarthLocation(*itrs.cartesian.xyz)
    return [loc.lat, loc.lon, loc.height]
def solang(row):

    loc = coord.EarthLocation(lon=row['Longitude'] * u.deg,
                              lat=row['Latitude'] * u.deg)
    #timy0 = timei.to_pydatetime()
    timy = Time(row['date_saved'], format='datetime')

    altaz = coord.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=timy)
    sun = coord.get_sun(timy)

    return sun.transform_to(altaz).zen.degree
Пример #23
    def _perform(self):
        Returns an Argument() with the parameters that depend on this
        self.log.info(f"Running {self.__class__.__name__} action")

        if self.action.args.imtype == 'OBJECT':
            if self.action.args.header_pointing is not None:
                self.log.info('Determine Moon info')
                site_lat = c.Latitude(self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('site_lat'), unit=u.degree)
                site_lon = c.Longitude(self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('site_lon'), unit=u.degree)
                site_elevation = self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('site_elevation') * u.meter
                loc = c.EarthLocation(site_lon, site_lat, site_elevation)
                pressure = self.cfg['Telescope'].getfloat('pressure', 700)*u.mbar
                obstime = Time(self.action.args.meta.get('date'), location=loc)
                altazframe = c.AltAz(location=loc, obstime=obstime, pressure=pressure)
                moon = c.get_moon(obstime)
                sun = c.get_sun(obstime)
                moon_alt = ((moon.transform_to(altazframe).alt).to(u.degree)).value
                moon_separation = (moon.separation(self.action.args.header_pointing).to(u.degree)).value\
                            if self.action.args.header_pointing is not None else None
                # Moon illumination formula from Meeus, ÒAstronomical 
                # Algorithms". Formulae 46.1 and 46.2 in the 1991 edition, 
                # using the approximation cos(psi) \approx -cos(i). Error 
                # should be no more than 0.0014 (p. 316). 
                moon_illum = 50*(1 - np.sin(sun.dec.radian)*np.sin(moon.dec.radian)\
                             - np.cos(sun.dec.radian)*np.cos(moon.dec.radian)\
                             * np.cos(sun.ra.radian-moon.ra.radian))
                self.action.args.meta['moon_alt'] = moon_alt
                self.action.args.meta['moon_separation'] = moon_separation
                self.action.args.meta['moon_illum'] = moon_illum
        elif self.action.args.imtype == 'BIAS':
            self.log.info('Determine image stats')
            mean, med, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(self.action.args.ccddata.data)
            self.log.info(f"  mean, med, std = {mean:.0f}, {med:.0f}, {std:.0f} (adu)")
            self.action.args.meta['mean adu'] = mean
            self.action.args.meta['median adu'] = med
            self.action.args.meta['std dev adu'] = std
        elif self.action.args.imtype == 'DARK':
            mean, med, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(self.action.args.ccddata.data)
            self.log.info(f"  mean, med, std = {mean:.0f}, {med:.0f}, {std:.0f} (adu)")
            self.action.args.meta['mean adu'] = mean
            self.action.args.meta['median adu'] = med
            self.action.args.meta['std dev adu'] = std
        elif self.action.args.imtype in ['DOMEFLAT', 'TWIFLAT']:
            mean, med, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(self.action.args.ccddata.data)
            self.log.info(f"  mean, med, std = {mean:.0f}, {med:.0f}, {std:.0f} (adu)")
            self.action.args.meta['mean adu'] = mean
            self.action.args.meta['median adu'] = med
            self.action.args.meta['std dev adu'] = std

        return self.action.args
Пример #24
def jdn_to_jyr_TCG(t):
    t = Time(t,
             location=coordinates.EarthLocation(x=0 * units.m,
                                                y=0 * units.m,
                                                z=0 * units.m))
    # in newer astropy, use t.scale = 'tcg'
    t = t.tcg
    t = t + t.light_travel_time(SKY_LOCATION)
    t.format = "jyear"
    return t.value
Пример #25
def MJD_to_BJD(mjd_times, ra, dec, lat, lon, elevation, ra_unit='hourangle'):
    Takes an array of times in MJD and converts to BJD, using observation and
    telescope data.

    mjd_times : array_like, shape (N, )
        The times to be converted from MJD
    ra : tuple, length 3
        The right ascension of the observation in either (d, m, s) or (h, m, s)
        depending on if unit is 'deg' or 'hourangle'
    dec : tuple, length 3
        The declination of the observation in (d, m, s)
    lat : float or str
        The latitude of the observer in degrees or "dd:mm:ss"
    log : float or str
        The longitude of the observer in degrees or "dd:mm:ss"
    elevation : float
        The elevation of the observer in meters
    unit : str, optional
        The unit being used for ra. Either `'deg'` for degrees or `'hourangle'`
        for hour angle. Default is `'hourangle'`.

    bjd_times : array_like, shape (N, )
        The times in Barycentric Julian Date
    if ra_unit.lower() == 'deg':
        ra_unit = u.deg
    elif ra_unit.lower() == 'hourangle':
        ra_unit = u.hourangle
        raise ValueError('Unrecognised unit {}'.format(unit))

    ra = coords.Angle(ra, unit=unit)
    dec = coords.Angle(dec, unit=u.deg)

    sky_coord = coords.SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, frame='icrs')

    obs_location = coords.EarthLocation(lat=lat, lon=lon, height=elevation)

    mjd_times = time.Time(mjd_times,

    delta_time = mjd_times.light_travel_time(sky_coord)

    bjd_times = mjd_times.tdb + delta_time

    return bjd_times.value
Пример #26
def jdn_to_unix_TT(t):
    t = Time(t,
             location=coordinates.EarthLocation(x=0 * units.m,
                                                y=0 * units.m,
                                                z=0 * units.m))
    t = t + t.light_travel_time(SKY_LOCATION)
    # in newer astropy, use t.scale = 'tt'
    t = t.tt
    # format=unix sets scale=utc, so we compute things by hand.
    return (t.value - 2440587.5) * 24 * 3600
Пример #27
def jdn_to_timestamp_UTC(t):
    t = Time(t,
             location=coordinates.EarthLocation(x=0 * units.m,
                                                y=0 * units.m,
                                                z=0 * units.m))
    # in newer astropy, use t.scale = 'tt'
    t = t.utc
    t = t - (t.light_travel_time(SKY_LOCATION) -
             t.light_travel_time(SKY_LOCATION, kind='heliocentric'))
    t.format = "isot"
    return t.value
Пример #28
def getLoc(loc, unit='deg'):
    """ Get the a location

        * **loc** : tuple or str
            Location query (can be a tuple or a string).
            If tuple, expects (longitude, latitude).
            If string, expects an address, typically `'Paris, France'` and queries Google.
        * **unit** : str, optional
            If `loc` is a tuple of lon/lat, unit can be either `'deg'` or `'rad'`

        * **loc** : ``astropy.coord.EarthLocation``
            EarthLocation object
    if isinstance(loc, str):
        if loc.lower() == 'nenufar':
            loc = coord.EarthLocation(lat=47.376511*u.deg, lon=2.1924002*u.deg)
            if not USE_GEOPY:
                loc = coord.EarthLocation.of_address(loc)
                geoloc = Nominatim(user_agent='my-application')
                gloc = geoloc.geocode(loc)
                loc = coord.EarthLocation(lat=gloc.latitude*u.deg, lon=gloc.longitude*u.deg)
    elif isinstance(loc, tuple):
        assert len(loc)==2, 'Only length 2 tuple is understood.'
        if not unit.lower() == 'deg':
            loc = np.degrees(loc)
        loc = coord.EarthLocation(lat=loc[0]*u.deg, lon=loc[1]*u.deg)
    elif isinstance(loc, coord.EarthLocation):
        raise ValueError('loc must be aither a tuple: (lon, lat) in degrees or a string adress.')

    return loc
Пример #29
 def __init__ ( self, site='CTIO', timezone=None):
     if site=='CTIO':
         self.site = coordinates.EarthLocation ( lat='-30d10m10.78s',
                                                 height=2241.*u.m )
         self.timezone= pytz.timezone ( 'America/Santiago' )
         # // if not CTIO, trust the user to put in an EarthLocation
         # // and pytz.timezone ()
         self.site = site
         if type(timezone) == str:
             self.timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone)
             self.timezone = timezone
Пример #30
def _get_observer_earth_location(frame, axis):
    earthlon = _get_observer_lat_or_lon_asfloat(
        frame.get('ObsLon({})'.format(axis))) * u.deg

    earthlat = _get_observer_lat_or_lon_asfloat(
        frame.get('ObsLat({})'.format(axis))) * u.deg

    earthheight = float(frame.get('ObsAlt({})'.format(axis))) * u.m
    earthlocation = coords.EarthLocation(
    return earthlocation