def get_zenith_and_bearing(table, segment):
    Choose the part of the trajectory to calculate: 'all', 'beg', or 'end'.
    if segment == 'all':
        X_beg = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][ 0], table['Y_geo'][ 0], table['Z_geo'][ 0]))
        X_end = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][-1], table['Y_geo'][-1], table['Z_geo'][-1]))
        X_mid = (X_beg + X_end) / 2.0
    elif segment == 'beg':
        X_beg = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][0], table['Y_geo'][0], table['Z_geo'][0]))
        X_end = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][1], table['Y_geo'][1], table['Z_geo'][1]))
        X_mid = X_beg
    elif segment == 'end':
        X_beg = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][-2], table['Y_geo'][-2], table['Z_geo'][-2]))
        X_end = np.vstack((table['X_geo'][-1], table['Y_geo'][-1], table['Z_geo'][-1]))
        X_mid = X_end
        raise NameError("Must choose between segment of either 'all', 'beg', or 'end'.")
    [[X],[Y],[Z]] = X_mid
        X_mid_EL = EarthLocation(x=X.value*u.m, y=Y.value*u.m, z=Z.value*u.m)
    except AttributeError:
        X_mid_EL = EarthLocation(x=X*u.m, y=Y*u.m, z=Z*u.m)
    X_mid_LLH = X_mid_EL.to_geodetic()
    lon = np.deg2rad(X_mid_LLH[0].value)
    lat = np.deg2rad(X_mid_LLH[1].value)
    # Rotation matrix from ENU to ECEF (geo) coordinates
    trans = ECEF2ENU(lon, lat)
    X_ENU =, X_end - X_beg)
    [[E],[N],[U]] = X_ENU
    # Convert the cartesian to spherical coordinates
        zenith = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.sqrt(E**2 + N**2), abs(U))).value * u.deg
    except AttributeError:
        zenith = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(np.sqrt(E**2 + N**2), abs(U))) * u.deg
        bearing = (np.arctan2(E, N)* u.rad).to(u.deg) % (360 * u.deg)
        bearing = (np.arctan2(E, N)  * u.rad).to(u.deg) % (360 * u.deg)
    return zenith, bearing
Пример #2
def calculateRelativeVelocity(obs_coords,psr_coords,MJD):
    obs_coords in (x,y,z) from PSRFITS file
    psr_coords in (RA,DEC) from PSRFITS file (both strings)
    Returns relative velocity in km/s to first-order

    t = Time(MJD, format='mjd')
    time = t.datetime.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

    el = EarthLocation(x=obs_coords[0]*units.meter,y=obs_coords[1]*units.meter,z=obs_coords[2]*units.meter)#,frame='itrs')
    lon,lat,height = el.to_geodetic()

    #spin_vel = calculateSpinVelocity(lon,lat,t)

    obs = ephem.Observer()
    obs.lon = ephem.degrees(str(lon.value)) = ephem.degrees(str(lat.value)) = time
    obs.pressure = 0 #no refraction

    # From pyephem docs:
    # Both hlon and hlat have a special meaning for the Sun and Moon. For a Sun body, they give the Earth's heliocentric longitude and latitude
    # Note: Sun at vernal equinox has hlong = 0, hlat = 0, Earth will return hlong = 180 degrees! This has been verified

    sun = ephem.Sun()

    vel_ra = ephem.degrees(sun.hlong-3*np.pi/2)
    vel_dec = ephem.degrees(-1*sun.hlat)
    pulsar_ra = ephem.hours(psr_coords[0])
    pulsar_dec = ephem.degrees(psr_coords[1])

    sep = ephem.separation((vel_ra,vel_dec),(pulsar_ra,pulsar_dec))

    return 30*np.cos(sep) 
Пример #3
def calculate_pierce_point(RA, DEC, lon, lat, height, time, screenheight = 400000):
    This function etc etc etc.

    RA : str
    DEC : str
    lon : double
        31.956389 (degrees)
    lat : double
        -111.598333 (degrees)
    time : str
    screenheight : double
        Optional screen height in meters. Default at 400 km.

    pierce_point_xyz : Astropy EarthLocation class at the moment

    # Use astropy to go from equatorial system to horizontal system
    # i.e. from RA, DEC and antenna position to Az, El
    # See
    object = SkyCoord(RA, DEC)
    obstime = Time(time, scale='utc')
    antposition = EarthLocation(lat=lat*u.deg, lon=lon*u.deg, height=height*u.m)
    obj_altaz = object.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=antposition))
    el = obj_altaz.alt.rad
    az =

    # Find ECEF (Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed) antenna positions assuming the
    # Earth is adequatly described by the WGS84 oblate spheroid.
    # The conversion is handled by astropy and relies on ERFA (Essential
    # Routines for Fundamental Astronomy) which is based on the SOFA library
    # by the International Astronomical Union.
    # See
    antx = antposition.x.value # in meters
    anty = antposition.y.value # in meters
    antz = antposition.z.value # in meters

    # Find the unit normal vector to the ellipsoid at the antenna position.
    # Note that the WGS84 oblate spheroid is defined as:
    # x^2 + y^2   z^2
    # --------- + --- = 1, with:
    #    a^2      b^2
    # a = 6 378 137.0 m
    # b = 6 356 752.314 245 m
    # See
    a = 6378137.0
    b = 6356752.314245

    normalx = 2*antx/a**2.0
    normaly = 2*anty/a**2.0
    normalz = 2*antz/b**2.0

    unitnormalx = normalx/np.sqrt(normalx**2.0+normaly**2.0+normalz**2.0)
    unitnormaly = normaly/np.sqrt(normalx**2.0+normaly**2.0+normalz**2.0)
    unitnormalz = normalz/np.sqrt(normalx**2.0+normaly**2.0+normalz**2.0)

    # Parameterize Az, El line-of-sight towards the object in the sky.
    # Note that instead of Elevation, the inclination (polar angle) is used.
    # Also, note the minus sign because of the azimuth being definined with
    # the x-direction as north and y-direction as west.
    inclination = np.pi/2 - el

    param_x = np.sin(inclination)*np.cos(az)
    param_y = -np.sin(inclination)*np.sin(az)
    param_z = np.cos(inclination)

    # Now, rotate and translate the horizontal frame in such a way that it
    # is tangent to the Earth at the antenna position and that the
    # x-axis points towards the north in the ECEF frame.
    # This comes down to rotating and translating the parameterization of
    # the line-of-sight using theta and phi from the normal vector.
    # The angle between the north in horizontal frame and the unit normal
    # vector is theta. Phi is the angle between the x-direction in the
    # horizontal frame and the projection of the normal vector on the
    # xy-plane.
    theta = np.arccos(unitnormalz)
    phi = np.arctan(unitnormaly/unitnormalx)

    rotation_matrix_z = np.matrix( [[np.cos(phi), -np.sin(phi), 0],
                    [np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi), 0],
                    [0, 0, 1]] )
    rotation_matrix_y = np.matrix( [[np.cos(theta), 0, -np.sin(theta)],
                    [0, 1, 0],
                    [np.sin(theta), 0, np.cos(theta)]] )

    param_vector = np.array([param_x, param_y, param_z])[:,None]
    intermediate_step =, param_vector)
    rotated_param =, intermediate_step)
    rotated_param = np.squeeze(np.asarray(rotated_param))

    rotated_param_x = rotated_param[0]
    rotated_param_y = rotated_param[1]
    rotated_param_z = rotated_param[2]

    # This rotated parameterization can now be translated using the
    # antenna position. This gives a parameterization of the line-
    # of-sight in the ECEF system. The intersection with a larger
    # ellipsoid (given by the screen height) gives the pierce point.
    # The parameterization is given by:
    #     | antx |       | rotated_param_x |
    # l = | anty | + t * | rotated_param_y |
    #     | anyz |       | rotated_param_x |
    # whereas the shell representing the ionosphere is given by:
    # x^2 + y^2   z^2
    # --------- + --- = 1, with:
    #   c^2      d^2
    # with c = a + height in meters
    # and d = b + height in meters

    c = a + screenheight
    d = b + screenheight

    t = -(1./(d**2.*(rotated_param_x**2. + rotated_param_y**2.) +
        c**2.*rotated_param_z**2.)) * (d**2.*(rotated_param_x*antx +
        rotated_param_y*anty) + c**2.*rotated_param_z*antz - 1/2.*np.sqrt(
        4*(d**2.*(rotated_param_x*antx + rotated_param_y*anty) +
        c**2.*rotated_param_z*antz)**2. - 4*(d**2.*(rotated_param_x**2. +
        rotated_param_y**2.) + c**2.*rotated_param_z**2.)*(d**2.*(-c**2. +
        antx**2. + anty**2.) + c**2.*antz**2.)))

    piercex = antx + t*rotated_param_x
    piercey = anty + t*rotated_param_y
    piercez = antz + t*rotated_param_z

    piercepoint_xyz = EarthLocation(x=piercex*u.m, y=piercey*u.m, z=piercez*u.m)
    piercepoint_lonlatheight = piercepoint_xyz.to_geodetic()

    return piercepoint_xyz
Пример #4
    #STT_SMJD=                36103 / [s] Start time (sec past UTC 00h) (J) 

    ANT_X = 882589.65 #* units.meter
    ANT_Y = -4924872.32# * units.meter
    ANT_Z = 3943729.348# * units.meter
    RA = '19:09:47.448'
    DEC = '-37:44:13.920'
    STT_IMJD = 55275
    STT_SMJD = 36103

    MJD = STT_IMJD+STT_SMJD/86400.0
    MJD = 57184.5+11 #this was the test date I used approximately on the solstice

    t = Time(MJD, format='mjd')
    time = t.datetime.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

    utc_hour = t.datetime.hour+t.datetime.minute/60.0+t.datetime.second/3600.0

    el = EarthLocation(x=ANT_X*units.meter,y=ANT_Y*units.meter,z=ANT_Z*units.meter)#,frame='itrs')
    lon,lat,height = el.to_geodetic()
    local_hour = utc_hour + lon.hourangle

    raise SystemExit

    #print calculateRelativeVelocity((ANT_X,ANT_Y,ANT_Z),(RA,DEC),MJD)