Пример #1
def gei_to_hme(geicoord, hmeframe):
    Convert from Geocentric Earth Equatorial to Heliocentric Mean Ecliptic
    if geicoord.obstime is None:
        raise ConvertError("To perform this transformation, the coordinate"
                           " frame needs a specified `obstime`.")

    # Use an intermediate frame of HME at the GEI observation time
    int_frame = HeliocentricMeanEcliptic(obstime=geicoord.obstime, equinox=geicoord.equinox)

    # Get the Sun-Earth vector in the intermediate frame
    sun_earth = HCRS(_sun_earth_icrf(int_frame.obstime), obstime=int_frame.obstime)
    sun_earth_int = sun_earth.transform_to(int_frame).cartesian

    # Rotate from Earth equatorial to ecliptic
    rot_matrix = _rotation_matrix_obliquity(int_frame.equinox)
    earth_object_int = geicoord.cartesian.transform(rot_matrix)

    # Find the Sun-object vector in the intermediate frame
    sun_object_int = sun_earth_int + earth_object_int
    int_coord = int_frame.realize_frame(sun_object_int)

    # Convert to the final frame through HCRS
    return int_coord.transform_to(HCRS(obstime=int_coord.obstime)).transform_to(hmeframe)
Пример #2
def hee_to_hme(heecoord, hmeframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic to Heliocentric Mean Ecliptic
    int_frame = HeliocentricMeanEcliptic(obstime=heecoord.obstime, equinox=heecoord.obstime)

    # Rotate the HEE coord to the intermediate frame
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hme_to_hee(int_frame))
    int_repr = heecoord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)
    int_coord = int_frame.realize_frame(int_repr)

    # Convert to the HME frame through HCRS
    return int_coord.transform_to(HCRS).transform_to(hmeframe)
Пример #3
def hee_to_hme(heecoord, hmeframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic to Heliocentric Mean Ecliptic
    if heecoord.obstime is None:
        raise ConvertError("To perform this transformation, the coordinate"
                           " frame needs a specified `obstime`.")

    int_frame = HeliocentricMeanEcliptic(obstime=heecoord.obstime, equinox=heecoord.obstime)

    # Rotate the HEE coord to the intermediate frame
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hme_to_hee(int_frame))
    int_repr = heecoord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)
    int_coord = int_frame.realize_frame(int_repr)

    # Convert to the HME frame through HCRS
    return int_coord.transform_to(HCRS(obstime=int_coord.obstime)).transform_to(hmeframe)