Пример #1
def get_sfr_z_pdf(z_max, binsize):
    z = np.arange(0.0, z_max, binsize)
    z_dz = np.arange(0.0 + binsize, z_max + binsize, binsize)

    v_z = cosmo.comoving_volume(z)
    v_z_dz = cosmo.comoving_volume(z_dz)

    v_dz = v_z_dz - v_z
    norm_v_dz = v_dz / np.nanmax(v_dz)

    sfr_z = lsstt.sims.calculate_SFR(z)
    sfr_norm = sfr_z / np.nanmax(sfr_z)

    volumetric_rate = norm_v_dz * sfr_norm
    normed_volumetric_rate = volumetric_rate / np.nanmax(volumetric_rate)

    return InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(z, normed_volumetric_rate)
Пример #2
 def test_four_volume(self):
         Planck15.comoving_volume(2.3).value / 1e9,
Пример #3
def measure_sfrd(stacked_object, area_deg=1.62, tsfrd=False, cosmo=cosmo):
	if area_deg == 1.62:
		print 'defaulting to uVista/COSMOS area of 1.62deg2'
	area_sr = area_deg * (3.1415926535 / 180.)**2
	sfrd = np.zeros(np.shape(stacked_object.simstack_nuInu_array))
	for i in range(stacked_object.nz):
		zn = stacked_object.z_nodes[i:i+2]
		z_suf = '{:.2f}'.format(zn[0])+'-'+'{:.2f}'.format(zn[1])
		vol = cosmo.comoving_volume(zn[1]) - cosmo.comoving_volume(zn[0])
		for iwv in range(stacked_object.nw):
			for j in range(stacked_object.nm):
				mn = stacked_object.m_nodes[j:j+2]
				m_suf = '{:.2f}'.format(mn[0])+'-'+'{:.2f}'.format(mn[1])
				for p in range(stacked_object.npops):
					arg = clean_args('z_'+z_suf+'__m_'+m_suf+'_'+stacked_object.pops[p])
					ng = len(stacked_object.bin_ids[arg])
					sfr = conv_lir_to_sfr * stacked_object.simstack_flux_array[iwv,i,j,p]
					sfrd[iwv,i,j,p] += float(ng) / area_sr * sfr
	if tsfrd == True:
		return np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(sfrd,axis=1),axis=1),axis=1)
		return sfrd
Пример #4
def measure_sfrd(stacked_object, area_deg=1.62, tsfrd=False, cosmo=cosmo):
    if area_deg == 1.62:
        print 'defaulting to uVista/COSMOS area of 1.62deg2'
    area_sr = area_deg * (3.1415926535 / 180.)**2
    sfrd = np.zeros(np.shape(stacked_object.simstack_nuInu_array))
    for i in range(stacked_object.nz):
        zn = stacked_object.z_nodes[i:i + 2]
        z_suf = '{:.2f}'.format(zn[0]) + '-' + '{:.2f}'.format(zn[1])
        vol = cosmo.comoving_volume(zn[1]) - cosmo.comoving_volume(zn[0])
        for iwv in range(stacked_object.nw):
            for j in range(stacked_object.nm):
                mn = stacked_object.m_nodes[j:j + 2]
                m_suf = '{:.2f}'.format(mn[0]) + '-' + '{:.2f}'.format(mn[1])
                for p in range(stacked_object.npops):
                    arg = clean_args('z_' + z_suf + '__m_' + m_suf + '_' +
                    ng = len(stacked_object.bin_ids[arg])
                    sfr = conv_lir_to_sfr * stacked_object.simstack_flux_array[
                        iwv, i, j, p]
                    sfrd[iwv, i, j, p] += float(ng) / area_sr * sfr
    if tsfrd == True:
        return np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(sfrd, axis=1), axis=1), axis=1)
        return sfrd
Пример #5
def zint(mass, zmin, zmax, nstep=1000):
    z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, nstep)

    integral = 0

    if mass > 100:
        #Shitty check if mass was given as just the exponant
        mass = np.log(mass)

    for i in range(len(z) - 1):
        ztemp = (z[i + 1] + z[i]) / 2
        integrand = lambda m: mass_function.massFunction(
            m, ztemp, mdef='500m', model='tinker08', q_out='dndlnM')
        integrated_density = log_int(integrand, mass, 20.5)
        #Comoving volume computed over full sky i.e. 4pi steradians. Scale accordingly
        comov_vol = Planck15.comoving_volume(ztemp).value
        integral += integrated_density * comov_vol * (z[i + 1] - z[i])
    return integral
Пример #6
def test_limiting_case_easy():
    This tests that the number of objects sampled by the `PowerLawRates` is
    equal to the number expected for a simple case with a rate given by
    3.0e-5 * (h/0.7)**3, when 3.0e-5 is passed as the argument.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
    pl = PowerLawRates(rng,

    vol = cosmo.comoving_volume(z=1.2).value
    np.testing.assert_allclose(vol * 3.0e-5 * (cosmo.h / 0.7)**3,
Пример #7
def schechter_LF(z,

    print("alpha = ", alpha)
    print("z = ", z)

    test = numpy.arange(30, 55, 0.01)
    L = (10**test)

    #I have two different parametrizations for Lstar and phistar; the first one is from Comparat et al 2016, and the second one is from Sobral et al 2015

    if param == "first":

        Lstar = fluxscale * Lstar0 * ((1 + z)**betaL)
        print("Lstar = ", Lstar)

        phistar = phistar0 * ((1 + z)**betaphi)
        print("phistar = ", phistar)

    if param == "second":

        Lstar = 10**(0.45 * z + Lstar0)
        print("Lstar = ", Lstar)

        phistar = 10**(-0.38 * (z**2) + z + phistar0)
        print("phistar = ", phistar)

    if param == "third":

        answersLya = lineqLya(z=z)

        Lstar = answersLya[
            0]  #this is linearly parametrized from Ciardullo+ 2012
        print("Lstar = ", Lstar)

        phistar = answersLya[
            1]  #this is linearly parametrized from Ciardullo+ 2012
        print("phistar = ", phistar)

    phi = phistar * ((L / Lstar)**(alpha + 1)) * (numpy.e**(-L / Lstar))
        "Note: Each paper uses a slightly different convention; I decided to consolidate them with the following:"
    print("using the LF equation with the alpha+1 exponent as follows: ")
    print("phi = phistar*((L/Lstar)**(alpha+1))*(numpy.e**(-L/Lstar))")

    #this deletes parts of the arrays that are so small python counts them as zero; otherwise, I would not be able to take the logarithm of the array
    L = L[numpy.where(phi != 0)]
    phi = phi[numpy.where(phi != 0)]
    testarray = test[numpy.where(phi != 0)]

    log10L = numpy.log10(L)
    log10phi = numpy.log10(phi)

    #the following calculates values I use in and plug into the lumlim function

    if filter == "uband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 26.1
        lambdalow = 305.30  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 408.60  #in nm

    if filter == "gband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 27.4
        lambdalow = 386.30  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 567.00  #in nm

    if filter == "rband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 27.5
        lambdalow = 536.90  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 706.00  #in nm

    if filter == "iband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 26.8
        lambdalow = 675.90  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 833.00  #in nm

    if filter == "zband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 26.1
        lambdalow = 802.90  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 938.60  #in nm

    if filter == "yband":
        #ABmag is the coadded depth for a 5 sigma magnitude limit in this filter
        ABmag = 24.9
        lambdalow = 908.30  #in nm
        lambdahigh = 1099.60  #in nm

    #uses previously defined function to get median transmission wavelenth
    lambdaarray = filter_int(filter=filter)
    lambdacenter = lambdaarray[0]
    #lambdaemitted = #will be one of the three emission lines #uses nm #these are redshifts
    filterendlow = (lambdalow / lambdaemitted) - 1
    filterendhigh = (lambdahigh / lambdaemitted) - 1
    filtercenter = (lambdacenter / lambdaemitted) - 1
    #I don't think I used the following at all
    #deltafilter = filterendhigh-filterendlow
    #print("for",em,"deltafilter =",deltafilter)

    #finds luminosity limit in center of z band
    center = lumlim(z=filtercenter, em=em, filter=filter)

    #sets up an array that I use to plot
    lumarray = numpy.full(15, numpy.log10(center))
    yarray = numpy.arange(-10, 5, 1)

    plot(log10L, log10phi, style, label=zpaper)
    plot(lumarray, yarray, style + "--")
    xlim(40, 45)
    ylim(-7, 0)
    legend(loc="upper right")
    #LaTeX is used with $ signs in the titles below
    xlabel("$\log_{10}(L [ergs/s])$")
    ylabel("$\log_{10}(\phi [\t{Mpc}^{-3}])$")
    title("Schechter Luminosity Function, " + filter)
    print("z = ", z, " and alpha = ", alpha, " are plotted, ")
    #saves image
    pyplot.savefig('/home/lanaeid/Desktop/fig1' + filter + '.png',

        "now the number density is calculated by integrating the LF using cumtrapz:"
    #cumptrapz integrates the opposite way than I need to integrate, so I flip it twice in the process
    phiflip = phi[::-1]
    phiflipint = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(phiflip, x=testarray)
    num_dens = phiflipint[::-1]

    Lmin = numpy.delete(L, (len(L) - 1))
    #shifted_Lmin = Lmin*fluxscale
    log10Lmin = numpy.log10(Lmin)
    #log10shifted_Lmin = numpy.log10(shifted_Lmin)

    plot(log10Lmin, num_dens, style, label=zpaper)
    plot(lumarray, yarray, style + "--")
    legend(loc="upper right")
    xlim(40, 44)
    ylim(0, 0.03)
    #LaTeX is used with $ signs in the titles below
    xlabel("$\log_{10}(L_{min} [ergs/s])$")
    ylabel("$\log_{10}(\phi [\t{Mpc}^{-3}])$")
    title("Number Density, " + filter)
    #saves image
    pyplot.savefig('/home/lanaeid/Desktop/fig2' + filter + '.png',

    #the following finds the comoving number density above a certain detection limit (shot noise limit),
    #which I calculated in the previous part of the code (also shown below), where I saved the variable named center

    #runs through the LF code for chosen emission line
    #then gets number density above the luminosity limit using the center value

    #first, I have to shorten the phi array to contain only values above the luminosity limit

    #first define array of 100 evenly spaced wavelengths
    #use these to get an array of redshifts with which to get the comoving volume, for each of them
    #basically getting the thing I found below but for everything across the FWHM

    #uses astropy.cosmology.Planck15 to find comoving volume in shell between redshifts at each end of the z filter
    comovingvolmin = cosmo.comoving_volume(filterendlow)  #units are in Mpc^3
    comovingvolmax = cosmo.comoving_volume(filterendhigh)  #units are in Mpc^3
    comovingvol = comovingvolmax - comovingvolmin
    comovingvol = comovingvol.value
    print("comovingvol =", comovingvol, "Mpc^3")

    #shortens the array to be above the luminosity limit, then integrates to get comoving number density
    philim = phi[numpy.where(L > center)]
    testarraydos = test[numpy.where(L > center)]
    comovingphi = scipy.integrate.trapz(philim, x=testarraydos)
    print("comovingphi =", comovingphi, "Mpc^-3")  #units?

    #finds total number of galaxies and areal number density
    totalnumgalaxies = comovingphi * comovingvol
    arealphi = totalnumgalaxies / (4 * numpy.pi)
    print("arealphi =", arealphi, "steradian^-1")

def schechter_LF(z,lambdaemitted,alpha,Lstar0,betaL,phistar0,betaphi,zpaper,param,fluxscale,em,style = ""):

	print("alpha = ", alpha)
	print("z = ", z)

	test = numpy.arange(30,55,0.01)
	L = (10**test)

	#I have two different parametrizations for Lstar and phistar; the first one is from Comparat et al 2016, and the second one is from Sobral et al 2015

	if param == "first":

		Lstar = fluxscale*Lstar0*((1+z)**betaL)
		print("Lstar = ", Lstar)

		phistar = phistar0*((1+z)**betaphi)
		print("phistar = ", phistar)

	if param == "second":

		Lstar = 10**(0.45*z + Lstar0)
		print("Lstar = ", Lstar)

		phistar = 10**(-0.38*(z**2) + z + phistar0)
		print("phistar = ", phistar)

	if param == "third": #THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED

		answersLya = lineqLya(z)

		Lstar = answersLya[0] #this is linearly parametrized from Ciardullo+ 2012
		print("Lstar = ",Lstar)

		phistar = answersLya[1] #this is linearly parametrized from Ciardullo+ 2012
		print("phistar = ",phistar)

	phi = phistar*((L/Lstar)**(alpha+1))*(numpy.e**(-L/Lstar))
	print("Note: Each paper uses a slightly different convention; I decided to consolidate them with the following:")
	print("using the LF equation with the alpha+1 exponent as follows: ")
	print("phi = phistar*((L/Lstar)**(alpha+1))*(numpy.e**(-L/Lstar))")

	#this deletes parts of the arrays that are so small python counts them as zero; otherwise, I would not be able to take the logarithm of the array
	L = L[numpy.where(phi!=0)]
	phi = phi[numpy.where(phi!=0)]
	testarray = test[numpy.where(phi!=0)]

	log10L = numpy.log10(L)
	log10phi = numpy.log10(phi)

	#the following calculates values I use in and plug into the lumlim function
	lambdalow = 818.95 #in nm
	lambdahigh = 921.15 #in nm
	lambdacenter = (lambdalow+lambdahigh)/2 #in nm #NO THIS IS NOT CORRECT, FIX THIS
	#lambdaemitted = #will be one of the three emission lines #in nm
	zendlow = (lambdalow/lambdaemitted)-1
	zendhigh = (lambdahigh/lambdaemitted)-1
	zcenter = (lambdacenter/lambdaemitted)-1
	deltaz = zendhigh-zendlow
	print("for",em,"deltaz =",deltaz)

	#finds luminosity limit in center of z band
	center = lumlim(z = zcenter,em = em)
	#why did I have it reprint out: print("luminosity limit for the center of the z band with a 5 sigma detection limit is",center,"erg/s") ?

	lumarray = numpy.full(15,numpy.log10(center))
	yarray = numpy.arange(-10,5,1)

	plot(log10L,log10phi,style,label = zpaper)
	legend(loc = "upper right")
	#LaTeX is used with $ signs in the titles below
	xlabel("$\log_{10}(L [ergs/s])$")
	ylabel("$\log_{10}(\phi [\t{Mpc}^{-3}])$")
	title("Schechter Luminosity Function") #emline+
	print("z = ", z, " and alpha = ", alpha, " are plotted, ")
	#saves image
	#plot.savefig('/home/Desktop/fig1.png',bbox_inches = 'tight')

	print("now the number density is calculated by integrating the LF using cumtrapz:")
	#cumptrapz integrates the opposite way than I need to integrate, so I flip it twice in the process
	phiflip = phi[::-1]
	phiflipint = scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(phiflip,x=testarray)
	num_dens = phiflipint[::-1]

	Lmin = numpy.delete(L,(len(L)-1))
	#shifted_Lmin = Lmin*fluxscale
	log10Lmin = numpy.log10(Lmin)
	#log10shifted_Lmin = numpy.log10(shifted_Lmin)

	plot(log10Lmin,num_dens,style,label = zpaper)
	legend(loc = "upper right")
	#LaTeX is used with $ signs in the titles below
	xlabel("$\log_{10}(L_{min} [ergs/s])$")
	ylabel("$\log_{10}(\phi [\t{Mpc}^{-3}])$")
	title("Number Density") #emline+
	#saves image
	#plot.savefig('/home/Desktop/fig2.png',bbox_inches = 'tight')

	#the following finds the comoving number density above a certain detection limit (shot noise limit),
	#which I calculated in the previous part of the code (also shown below), where I saved the variable named center

	#runs through the LF code for chosen emission line
	#then gets number density above the luminosity limit using the center value

	#first, I have to shorten the phi array to contain only values above the luminosity limit

	#uses astropy.cosmology.Planck15 to find comoving volume in shell between redshifts at each end of the z filter
	comovingvolmin = cosmo.comoving_volume(zendlow) #units are in Mpc^3
	comovingvolmax = cosmo.comoving_volume(zendhigh) #units are in Mpc^3
	comovingvol = comovingvolmax-comovingvolmin
	comovingvol = comovingvol.value
	print("comovingvol =",comovingvol,"Mpc^3")

	#shortens the array to be above the luminosity limit, then integrates to get comoving number density
	philim = phi[numpy.where(L>center)]
	testarraydos = test[numpy.where(L>center)]
	comovingphi = scipy.integrate.trapz(philim,x=testarraydos)
	print("comovingphi =",comovingphi,"Mpc^-3") #units?  

	#finds total number of galaxies and areal number density
	totalnumgalaxies = comovingphi*comovingvol
	arealphi = totalnumgalaxies/(4*numpy.pi)
	print("arealphi =",arealphi,"steradian^-1")
Пример #9
    import time
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    names = ['z', 'm1', 'm2']
    data = np.genfromtxt(
        '../../../simulation/data_ready_june_snap_lim_1.txt', names=True, dtype=None)
    z_coal = data['redshift']

    dz = 0.001
    zs_i = np.arange(0.0, 8.0+dz, dz)
    zs_i_plus_1 = zs_i + dz
    zs = zs_i + dz/2.

    # TODO: check units

    dVc_dz = (cosmo.comoving_volume(zs_i_plus_1).value - cosmo.comoving_volume(zs_i).value)/dz
    dz_dt = dz/(cosmo.age(zs_i_plus_1).value*1e9 - cosmo.age(zs_i).value*1e9)

    weights = np.abs(np.interp(z_coal, zs, dz_dt*dVc_dz/(1+zs)))
    kde = KDEResample(
        np.asarray([data['redshift'], data['mass_new_prev_in'], data['mass_new_prev_out']]).T,
        weights, names)


    st = time.time()
    gc = GenerateCatalog(0.8, 100.0, kde, num_catalogs=100000)
    cats = gc.make_catalogs()
    print(time.time() - st)
