def Dc2(z1,z2):
    Dcz1 = (p15.comoving_distance(z1).value*p15.h)
    Dcz2 = (p15.comoving_distance(z2).value*p15.h)
    res = Dcz2-Dcz1+1e-8
    return res
    """Dc2(z1,z2) returns comoving distance between two objects at different redshifts.  It accepts z1
	and z2 as input, which are redshifts of lens and source, respectively."""
Пример #2
def convert_one_from_dir(file_name_base,ncc):
    zs = 1.0

    file_dir = "./15x15/"
    #file_name_base = "s97"
    file_in_base = file_dir+file_name_base

    zl_array = np.fromfile(file_in_base+"_redshift.bin",dtype = ">f")
    zl = 0.5*(zl_array.max()+zl_array.min())
    zD = cosmo.comoving_distance(zl)*cosmo.h
    zB = cosmo.comoving_distance(zl_array.max())-cosmo.comoving_distance(zl_array.min())

    x1 = np.fromfile(file_in_base+"_theta.bin",dtype = ">f")
    npp=len(x1) # total mass = 1e9*2e5 M_sun/h
    bsz = 15.0
    if ((npp/500000.0)<2):
        nsa = 1
        nsa = int(npp/500000.0)

    #nsa = 1

    xc1 = (x1.max()+x1.min())*0.5
    x1 = x1[::nsa]-xc1

    x2 = np.fromfile(file_in_base+"_phi.bin",dtype = ">f")
    xc2 = (x2.max()+x2.min())*0.5
    x2 = x2[::nsa]-xc2

    x3 = (np.random.random_sample((len(x1)))-0.5)*zB/zD*mm.apr/3600
    #print zB/zD*mm.apr/3600
    #x3 = np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,len(x1))*100.0/zD*mm.apr/3600

    #print nsa,len(x1),len(x2),len(x3)

    if npp > 100:
        sdens_angular = call_cic_sdens(x1,x2,bsz,ncc,len(x1))*mp/np.deg2rad(1.0)**2.0*npp/len(x1)
        sdens_angular = call_sph_sdens(x1,x2,x3,bsz,ncc,len(x1))*mp/np.deg2rad(1.0)**2.0*npp/len(x1)

    #sdens_angular_normal = (sdens_angular-sdens_angular.mean())
    sdens_angular_normal = sdens_angular
    Dcl = (cosmo.comoving_distance(zl).value*cosmo.h)
    Dcs = (cosmo.comoving_distance(zs).value*cosmo.h)
    Dcls = Dcs-Dcl
    kappa = 4.0*np.pi*mm.G/**2*(1.0+zl)/Dcl*Dcls/Dcs*sdens_angular_normal

    #sdens_normal = sdens_angular_normal/mm.Da(zl)**2.0/mm.sigma_crit(zl,zs)
    #file_out ="./output_files/"+file_name_base+"_"+str(zl)+"_sdens_normal.bin"
    return kappa,zl
Пример #3
def projected_rho_mean(z1, z2):
    # return the mean density of the unvierse integrated across redshifts
    # z1 and z2, in comoving (M_sun/h)(Mpc/h)^-3
    pc0 = cosmo.critical_density(0).to(units.Msun / units.Mpc**3).value
    Om0 = cosmo.Om0
    rho_mean_0 = Om0 * pc0

    d1 = cosmo.comoving_distance(z1).value
    d2 = cosmo.comoving_distance(z2).value

    return rho_mean_0 * (d2 - d1) / cosmo.h
Пример #4
    def _SFR_UV(self, z, fmag, nmag, rmag, f_flux):
        ''' calculate UV star formation rates based on Salim+(2007) Eq. 5, 7, 8. 
        :param z:

        :param fmag: 
            FUV absolute magnitude

        :param nmag: 
            NUV absolute magnitude

        :param rmag: 
            r-band absolute magnitude

        :param f_flux: 
            FUV flux in Janskies. See `_jansky` method for conversion 
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP7
        fn = fmag - nmag
        opt = nmag - rmag  # N-r

        #Luminosity Distance
        dist = WMAP7.comoving_distance(z)
        ldist = (1 + z) * dist.value

        #calculating Attenuation 'atten'
        atten = np.repeat(-999., len(fmag))

        case1 = np.where((opt > 4.) & (fn < 0.95))
        atten[case1] = 3.32 * fn[case1] + 0.22
        case2 = np.where((opt > 4.) & (fn >= 0.95))
        atten[case2] = 3.37
        case3 = np.where((opt <= 4.) & (fn < 0.9))
        atten[case3] = 2.99 * fn[case3] + 0.27
        case4 = np.where((opt <= 4.) & (fn >= 0.9))
        atten[case4] = 2.96

        #if opt >= 4.0:
        #    if fn < 0.95:
        #        atten = 3.32*fn + 0.22
        #    else:
        #        atten = 3.37
        #    if fn < 0.90:
        #        atten = 2.99*fn +0.27
        #    else:
        #        atten = 2.96

        lum = 4. * np.pi * (ldist**2.0) * (3.087**2.0) * (10**(
            25.0 + (atten / 2.5))) * f_flux  #Luminosity
        sfr = 1.08 * (10**(-28.0)) * np.abs(lum)
        return sfr
Пример #5
def UVsfr(z, fmag, nmag, rmag, f_flux):
    ''' Calculate UV star formation rates. 
    Inputs: NSAID,z,F-band magnitude, N-band magnitude, r-band magnitude, F-band flux in Janskies
    fn = fmag - nmag
    opt = nmag - rmag  # N-r

    #Luminosity Distance
    dist = WMAP7.comoving_distance(z)
    ldist = (1 + z) * dist

    #calculating Attenuation 'atten'
    atten = np.repeat(-999., len(fmag))

    case1 = np.where((opt > 4.) & (fn < 0.95))
    atten[case1] = 3.32 * fn[case1] + 0.22
    case2 = np.where((opt > 4.) & (fn >= 0.95))
    atten[case2] = 3.37
    case3 = np.where((opt <= 4.) & (fn < 0.9))
    atten[case3] = 2.99 * fn[case3] + 0.27
    case4 = np.where((opt <= 4.) & (fn >= 0.9))
    atten[case4] = 2.96

    #if opt >= 4.0:
    #    if fn < 0.95:
    #        atten = 3.32*fn + 0.22
    #    else:
    #        atten = 3.37
    #    if fn < 0.90:
    #        atten = 2.99*fn +0.27
    #    else:
    #        atten = 2.96

    lum = 4. * np.pi * (ldist**2.0) * (3.087**2.0) * (10**(
        25.0 + (atten / 2.5))) * f_flux  #Luminosity
    sfr = 1.08 * (10**(-28.0)) * np.abs(lum)
    return sfr
Пример #6
def uvsfr(id, z, fmag, nmag, rmag, f_flux):
    fn = fmag - nmag
    opt = nmag - rmag  # N-r

    #Luminosity Distance
    dist = WMAP7.comoving_distance(z)
    ldist = (1 + z) * dist

    #calculating Attenuation 'a'
    if opt >= 4.0:
        if fn < 0.95:
            a = 3.32 * float(fn) + 0.22
            a = 3.37
        if fn < 0.90:
            a = 2.99 * float(fn) + 0.27
            a = 2.96

    lum = 4 * 3.14159 * (ldist**2.0) * (3.087**2.0) * (10**(
        25.0 + (a / 2.5))) * f_flux  #Luminosity
    sfr = 1.08 * (10**(-28.0)) * abs(lum)
    return sfr
Пример #7
def dcomv(z):
    return cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value * h  #in Mpc/h
def Dc(z):
    res = p15.comoving_distance(z).value * p15.h
    return res
    def __init__(self, snapnum, subhalos, mi, ci, RA_deg, DEC_deg, snapz,
                 galaxy_camera_posx, galaxy_camera_posy, galaxy_camera_posz,
                 centerz, galaxy_camera_velx, galaxy_camera_vely,
                 galaxy_camera_velz, cyl, gmag):


        self.snapshot_number = snapnum + np.zeros_like(ci)

        self.subhalo_index = subhalos['SubFindID'][mi[ci]]

        self.RA_deg = RA_deg
        self.DEC_deg = DEC_deg

        self.snapz = snapz + np.zeros_like(RA_deg)
        self.center_z = centerz + np.zeros_like(RA_deg)

        self.cylinder_number = cyl + np.zeros_like(self.subhalo_index)

        self.galaxy_comoving_x_mpc = galaxy_camera_posx[ci] / 1000.0
        self.galaxy_comoving_y_mpc = galaxy_camera_posy[ci] / 1000.0
        self.galaxy_comoving_z_mpc = galaxy_camera_posz[ci] / 1000.0

        #self.galaxy_camera_posx = galaxy_camera_posx[ci]/1000.0
        #self.galaxy_camera_posy = galaxy_camera_posy[ci]/1000.0
        #self.galaxy_camera_posz = galaxy_camera_posz[ci]/1000.0

        self.galaxy_camera_velx = galaxy_camera_velx[ci]
        self.galaxy_camera_vely = galaxy_camera_vely[ci]
        self.galaxy_camera_velz = galaxy_camera_velz[ci]

        self.galaxy_peculiar_vr = 1.0 * self.galaxy_camera_velz
        self.galaxy_peculiar_z = 1.0 * self.galaxy_peculiar_vr / (
            astropy.constants.c.value / 1.0e3)

        self.cosmological_redshift = np.zeros_like(self.RA_deg)

        for i, index in enumerate(ci):
            self.cosmological_redshift[i] = np.float64(
                           self.galaxy_comoving_z_mpc[i] * u.megaparsec,

        self.hubble_velocity = self.cosmological_redshift * astropy.constants.c.value / 1.0e3  #in km/s

        self.galaxy_observed_z = 1.0 * self.cosmological_redshift + self.galaxy_peculiar_z

        #self.galaxy_comoving_x_mpc = self.galaxy_camera_posx*(1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)
        #self.galaxy_comoving_y_mpc = self.galaxy_camera_posy*(1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)
        #self.galaxy_comoving_z_mpc = self.galaxy_camera_posz*(1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)

        self.galaxy_camera_posx = self.galaxy_comoving_x_mpc / (
            1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)
        self.galaxy_camera_posy = self.galaxy_comoving_y_mpc / (
            1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)
        self.galaxy_camera_posz = self.galaxy_comoving_z_mpc / (
            1.0 + self.cosmological_redshift)

        self.angdiam_mpc = np.asarray(
        self.kpc_per_arcsec = np.asarray(
            WMAP7.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(self.cosmological_redshift) / 60.0)

        self.observed_angdiam_mpc = np.asarray(
        self.observed_comoving_mpc = np.asarray(
        self.observed_kpc_per_arcsec = np.asarray(
            WMAP7.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(self.galaxy_observed_z) / 60.0)

        self.RA_kpc = self.RA_deg * 3600.0 * self.kpc_per_arcsec
        self.DEC_kpc = self.DEC_deg * 3600.0 * self.kpc_per_arcsec
        self.observed_RA_kpc = self.RA_deg * 3600.0 * self.observed_kpc_per_arcsec
        self.observed_DEC_kpc = self.DEC_deg * 3600.0 * self.observed_kpc_per_arcsec

        self.mstar_msun = subhalos['SubhaloMassInRadType'][self.subhalo_index,
                                                           4] * (1.0e10) / ilh
        self.mgas_msun = subhalos['SubhaloMassInRadType'][
            self.subhalo_index, 0] * (1.0e10) / ilh  #includes wind mass
        self.mbh_msun = subhalos['SubhaloMassInRadType'][self.subhalo_index,
                                                         5] * (1.0e10) / ilh
        self.mhalo_msun = subhalos['SubhaloMass'][self.subhalo_index] * (
            1.0e10) / ilh

        self.baryonmass_msun = self.mstar_msun + self.mgas_msun + self.mbh_msun  #within 2x stellar half mass radius... best?

        self.xpos_ckh = subhalos['SubhaloPos'][self.subhalo_index,
                                               0]  #in cKpc/h of max bound part
        self.ypos_ckh = subhalos['SubhaloPos'][self.subhalo_index, 1]
        self.zpos_ckh = subhalos['SubhaloPos'][self.subhalo_index, 2]

        self.xpos_pmpc = (self.xpos_ckh * 1.0 / (1.0 + snapz) / ilh) / 1.0e3
        self.ypos_pmpc = (self.ypos_ckh * 1.0 / (1.0 + snapz) / ilh) / 1.0e3
        self.zpos_pmpc = (self.zpos_ckh * 1.0 / (1.0 + snapz) / ilh) / 1.0e3

        self.xvel_kms = subhalos['SubhaloVel'][self.subhalo_index, 0]
        self.yvel_kms = subhalos['SubhaloVel'][self.subhalo_index, 1]
        self.zvel_kms = subhalos['SubhaloVel'][self.subhalo_index, 2] = subhalos['SubhaloSFRinRad'][self.subhalo_index]
        self.bhmdot = subhalos['SubhaloBHMdot'][self.subhalo_index]

        self.gmag = subhalos['SubhaloStellarPhotometrics'][self.subhalo_index,
        self.rmag = subhalos['SubhaloStellarPhotometrics'][self.subhalo_index,
        self.imag = subhalos['SubhaloStellarPhotometrics'][self.subhalo_index,
        self.zmag = subhalos['SubhaloStellarPhotometrics'][self.subhalo_index,

        self.gmag_apparent = gmag[ci]

        #self.total_redshift =

def Dc2(z1, z2):
    Dcz1 = (p15.comoving_distance(z1).value * p15.h)
    Dcz2 = (p15.comoving_distance(z2).value * p15.h)
    res = Dcz2 - Dcz1 + 1e-8
    return res
Пример #11
def Da2(z1, z2):
    # return the proper distance to redshift z in Mpc/h
    Dcz1 = (cosmo.comoving_distance(z1).value * cosmo.h)
    Dcz2 = (cosmo.comoving_distance(z2).value * cosmo.h)
    res = (Dcz2 - Dcz1 + 1e-8) / (1 + z2)
    return res
Пример #12
def Da(z):
    # return the proper distance to redshift z in Mpc/h
    res = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value * cosmo.h / (1 + z)
    return res
Пример #13
def Dc2(z1, z2):
    # return the comoving distance between redshifts z1 and z2 in Mpc/h
    Dcz1 = (cosmo.comoving_distance(z1).value * cosmo.h)
    Dcz2 = (cosmo.comoving_distance(z2).value * cosmo.h)
    res = (Dcz2 - Dcz1 + 1e-8)
    return res
Пример #14
def Dc(z):
    # return the comoving distance to redshift z in Mpc/h
    res = cosmo.comoving_distance(z).value * cosmo.h
    return res
Пример #15
def getcoords(a,d,z):                                                          
    comdis = WMAP7.comoving_distance(z)                                        
    i = (comdis)*(math.cos(math.radians(d)))*(math.cos(math.radians(a)))       
    j = (comdis)*(math.cos(math.radians(d)))*(math.sin(math.radians(a)))       
    k = (comdis)*(math.sin(math.radians(d)))                                   
def Dc(z):
    res = p15.comoving_distance(z).value*p15.h
    return res
    """Dc(z) returns comoving distance at a particular redshift z"""
Пример #17
#       Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z) / Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))
# plt.plot(ar_z, Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13 - ar_delta_z_wmap7) /
#          Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z))

# print(scipy.misc.derivative(func=Planck13.comoving_distance, x0=2, dx=0.1))
# ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: Planck13.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7 = np.array([scipy.misc.derivative(
#     func=lambda x: WMAP7.comoving_distance(x).value, x0=z, dx=0.01) for z in ar_z])
# plt.plot(ar_z, -(ar_dcmv_dz_planck13 - ar_dcmv_dz_wmap7) * ar_delta_z_planck13)
del scipy.misc

ar_base_cmvd_planck13 = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_true_planck13_cmvd = Planck13.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap5 = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd = WMAP5.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap7 = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd = WMAP7.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
ar_base_cmvd_wmap9 = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z)
ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd = WMAP9.comoving_distance(ar_z + ar_delta_z_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_true_planck13_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_planck13)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap5_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap5)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap7)
plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap9_apparent_cmvd - ar_base_cmvd_wmap9)
# plt.plot(ar_z, ar_wmap7_apparent_cmvd - ar_true_planck13_cmvd)