def get_thresh(filename): ''' Get the initial thresholds for marking images Input: filename = The name (and path) of the fits file to get the values from Returns: Thredholddict - dictionary with 2 keys, dark_current and stdev. These have a list which contain the values for amilifiers a,b,c,d. This returns the median of dark current and its standard deviation. ''' chip2 = fits.getdata(filename, 1) * 1.5 / 900.0 chip1 = fits.getdata(filename, 4) * 1.5 / 900.0 a = chip1[19:2070, 25:2072] b = chip1[19:2070, 2130:4178] c = chip2[0:2051, 25:2072] d = chip1[0:2070, 2130:4178] meda = np.median(a) astdev = np.std(a) medb = np.median(b) bstdev = np.std(b) medc = np.median(c) cstdev = np.std(c) medd = np.median(d) dstdev = np.std(d) threshdict = {'dark_current': [meda, medb, medc, medd], 'stdev': [astdev, bstdev, cstdev, dstdev]} return threshdict
def load_uvot_images(galaxy, band, imdir=''): """ugh: :returns hdr: :returns images: List of images [cps, exposure, sensitivity] :returns masks: Dictionary of mask images, keyed by strings: ['bkg', 'reg', 'reg1', 'reg5', 'reg20'] """ imroot = os.path.join(imdir, galaxy, galaxy) info = {'root': imroot, 'band': band} names = ['{root}_t{band}.fits', '{root}_t{band}_ex.fits', '{root}_t{band}_lss.fits'] #print(names[0].format(**info)) try: hdr = pyfits.getheader(names[0].format(**info), 1) except: hdr = pyfits.getheader(names[0].format(**info), 0) images = [pyfits.getdata(n.format(**info)) for n in names] masknames = ['bkg', 'reg', 'reg1', 'reg5', 'reg20'] masks = [pyfits.getdata('{root}_{mask}.fits'.format(root=info['root'], mask=n)) for n in masknames] return hdr, images, dict(zip(masknames, masks))
def dark_subtract(imlist, MasterDark, SaveSteps=False): '''Dark subtract the images in imlist using the previously combined Master Dark frame. Scale the Master Dark up to the exptime of each image before subtraction. Set SaveSteps = True to write each dark-subtracted image to a new file named [input_image].ds.fits. This option is good for checking the reduction at each step. Default is to overwrite input image files. ''' # read in Master Dark frame Dark = fits.getdata(MasterDark) # get the date and time now = time.strftime('%c') for image in imlist: im,hdr = fits.getdata(image, header=True) # write a keyword to header darkstr = 'Dark subtracted: %s' % now hdr['DARKSUB'] = darkstr # output file name if SaveSteps: output = ''.join([os.path.splitext(image)[0], '.ds.fits']) else: output = image # scale Dark up to exptime of image exptime = hdr['EXPTIME'] ScaledDark = Dark * exptime new = im - ScaledDark fits.writeto(output, new, header=hdr, clobber=True) return
def _scale_maps(ch, subtract_mean=True): f = _config.freq[ch] if subtract_mean: fhd_map = _config.maps_dir + 'fhd_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f), mode='update' ) fhd_map[0].data -= np.nanmean(fhd_map[0].data) fhd_map.flush() fhd_map.close() fhd_map, hdr = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'fhd_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f), header=True ) gamp, gmean, gstd = np.genfromtxt( _config.psf_dir + 'psf_fit_{:.3f}MHz.csv'.format(f), delimiter=',', unpack=True ) garea = 2 * np.pi * (gstd / hdr['CDELT2']) ** 2 scaled_map = fhd_map / garea scaled_map_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=scaled_map, header=hdr) scaled_map_hdu.writeto( _config.maps_dir + 'fhd_scaled_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f), clobber=True ) gauss_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'gauss_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) res_map = scaled_map - gauss_map res_map_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=res_map, header=hdr) res_map_hdu.writeto( _config.maps_dir + 'res_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f), clobber=True )
def read_zhu(): MgII = fits.getdata(prefix + '/MgII/Expanded_SDSS_DR7_107.fits') qso0 = fits.getdata(prefix + '/MgII/QSObased_Expanded_SDSS_DR7_107.fits') #MgII = fits.getdata(prefix + '/MgII/JHU-SDSS/Expanded_SDSS_DR7_107.fits') #qso0 = fits.getdata(prefix + '/MgII/JHU-SDSS/QSObased_Expanded_SDSS_DR7_107.fits') # find the min & max redshift for MgII search path qso_zmin, qso_zmax = get_MgII_zsearch_lim(qso0['ZQSO']) # remove qsos with tiny z search paths cond = (qso_zmax - qso_zmin) > 0.05 cond &= qso_zmin < 0.9 qso = qso0[cond] qso_zmin = qso_zmin[cond] qso_zmax = qso_zmax[cond] # add in DR9 too later? (not as many as DR7). Need to check there # is no overlap in QSOs first. arr = [qso['RA'], qso['DEC'], qso['ZQSO'], qso_zmin, qso_zmax, qso['INDEX_QSO']] qso1 = np.rec.fromarrays(arr, names='ra,dec,z,zmin_mg2,zmax_mg2, qid') arr = [MgII.ZABS, MgII.REW_MGII_2796, MgII.INDEX_QSO, np.arange(len(MgII))] MgII1 = np.rec.fromarrays(arr, names='z,Wr,qid,abid') MgII1.sort(order='qid') iMgII_from_id = {ind:i for i,ind in enumerate(MgII1['abid'])} iqso_from_id = {ind:i for i,ind in enumerate(qso1['qid'])} return dict(MgII=MgII1, qso=qso1), iqso_from_id, iMgII_from_id
def test_dd(self): """Test both single core and dual core running""" cmd = """{executable} {specter_dir}/bin/specter \ -i {sky} \ -p {monospot_file} \ -t {throughput_file} \ -w 7500,7620 \ --specmin 0 --nspec 2 --exptime 1500 --trimxy""".format( executable=self.executable, specter_dir=self.specter_dir, sky=self.sky_file, monospot_file=self.monospot_file, throughput_file=self.throughput_file) if os.path.exists(imgfile1): os.remove(imgfile1) if os.path.exists(imgfile2): os.remove(imgfile2) err = os.system(cmd + " --numcores 1 -o " + imgfile1) self.assertEqual(err, 0, 'Error code {} != 0'.format(err)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(imgfile1)) err = os.system(cmd + " --numcores 2 -o " + imgfile2) self.assertEqual(err, 0, 'Error code {} != 0'.format(err)) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(imgfile2)) img1 = fits.getdata(imgfile1) img2 = fits.getdata(imgfile2) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(img1, img2))
def main(): fitslst = glob.glob('*skysub.fits') fitslst.sort() ref = pf.getdata(fitslst[0]) xref,yref = np.loadtxt(fitslst[0]+'.coo') refmask = makeCircularMask(ref.shape,15,xref,yref) - makeCircularMask(ref.shape,8,xref,yref) refmed = np.median(ref[refmask]) pf.writeto('aligned_'+fitslst[0], ref) data = [ref] for fits in fitslst[1:]: targ = pf.getdata(fits) xtarg,ytarg = np.loadtxt(fits+'.coo') shim = shift(targ,(yref-ytarg,xref-xtarg),order=1) shval = alignIm(shim,ref,refmask) # first shim = shift(shim,shval,order=1) targmed = np.median(shim[refmask]) pf.writeto('aligned_'+fits, refmed*shim/targmed) data.append(shim) pf.writeto('Combo_%s.fits'%(fitslst[0].split('_')[0]),np.median(np.array(data),axis=0)) if not os.path.exists('../Aligned'): os.mkdir('../Aligned') os.system('mv aligned*fits ../Aligned/') os.system('mv Combo_*fits ../Aligned/')
def find_sky(args): for im_name in args.input: # Separate path and file imdir, imname = os.path.split(im_name) # Read images im =, mode='update') hdr = im[0].header data = fits.getdata(im_name).astype(numpy.float64) # If mask exist read it, otherwise build it with all values unmasked try: maskname = hdr[args.mask_key] mask = fits.getdata(maskname) except KeyError: mask = # Make a copy of the array, but only with the unmasked pixels whr2 = numpy.where( (mask == 0) & (numpy.isfinite(data))) data2 = data[whr2] median = numpy.median(data2) MAD = numpy.median( numpy.abs( data2 - median)) # Do a histogram, with limits of +- 7.5 MAD (~+-5 sigma for a normal distribution) minx, maxx = median-7.5*MAD, median+7.5*MAD nbins = 15 n, bins = numpy.histogram(data2, bins=nbins, range=[minx, maxx]) bincenters = 0.5 * (bins[1:]+bins[:-1]) # Find max position and value maxpos = n.argmax() maxvalue = bincenters[maxpos] # First guess for a fit p0 = [n[maxpos], maxvalue, 1.5 * MAD, numpy.min(n)] coeff, varmatrix = curve_fit(gauss, bincenters,n,p0=p0) # Plot the histogram pyplot.plot(bincenters, n, 'o') # Fit the histogram to calculate centre and standard deviation hist_fit = gauss(bincenters, *coeff) # Plot the resulting fit if args.plot == True: pyplot.plot(bincenters,hist_fit) pyplot.draw() # Including (or updating) sky values in the header of the image hdr.add_history("- Added sky value and std dev estimated from histogram of" +\ " image. See sky and sky_std keywords.") hdr["sky"] = (str(coeff[1]), "Sky value") hdr["sky_std"] = (str(coeff[2]), "Standard deviation of sky") im.flush() im.close() return coeff
def __init__(self, tag='repro', clobber=False): """dir should contain the cubes already as produced by prepare()""" self.tag = tag self.clobber = clobber # Use toal component as reference self.ref_file = filename(tag=tag) self.fitsimage = FITSimage(self.ref_file) # Construct vectors of glon, glat, energy e.g. for plotting ac = iu.axis_coordinates(self.fitsimage) self.glon = ac['GLON'] self.glat = ac['GLAT'] = 10 ** ac['PHOTON ENERGY'] # Read mask if there is one, else don't use a mask try: self.mask = fits.getdata('mask.fits')'Loaded mask.fits') except IOError: self.mask = 1'mask.fits not found') try: self.area = fits.getdata('area.fits')'Loaded area.fits') except IOError: self.area = iu.area(self.fitsimage, deg=False)'area.fits not found')
def get_primaryID(self): """Identifies and ranks duplicate detections. Returns ------- matchdata : tuple (sourceID, matchinfo) Notes ----- The ranking criteria are 1. source w/ best filter coverage wins (3 > 2 > 1); if no winner, then 2. source w/ smallest 'errBits' error flag wins; if no winner, then 3. source w/ best seeing wins (if seeing better by >20%); if no winner, then 4. source closest to the optical axis wins. This function is optimised for speed at the expense of readability :-( """ # Open the file with the sources crossmatched across fields try: crossmatch = fits.getdata(self.crossmatch_file, 1, Memmap=True) except OSError, e: # Anticipate a "No such file" error log.warning('Failed to open {0}: {1}'.format(self.crossmatch_file, e)) log.warning('Will try again in 5 seconds.') time.sleep(5) crossmatch = fits.getdata(self.crossmatch_file, 1)
def bfixpix(image_file, mask_file, outsuffix='_f', msksuffix='_s'): """ Inputs --------- image_file : string input image file to fix bad pixels on mask_file : string mask file (0 == good pixels, >0 == bad pixels outsuffix : string suffix for fixed image. default = '_f' msksuffix : string suffix for bad pixels significance mask. default = '_s' """ outf = image_file.replace('.fits', outsuffix + '.fits') outm = image_file.replace('.fits', msksuffix + '.fits') util.rmall([outf, outm]) print("bfixpix: {0} -> {1}".format(image_file, outf)) # fetch the image, fetch the mask img, hdr = fits.getdata(image_file, header=True) msk = fits.getdata(mask_file) # median the image medimg = ndimage.median_filter(img, 3, mode='nearest') # generate the pixel files outf_img = np.where(msk == 0, img, medimg) outm_img = np.where(msk == 1, (img - medimg), 0) fits.writeto(outf, outf_img, hdr) fits.writeto(outm, outm_img, hdr)
def load_and_reduce(filename, moment_folder="moments/"): ''' Load the cube in and derive the property arrays. ''' file_dict = {} file_labels = ["_moment0", "_centroid", "_linewidth", "_intint"] labels = ["moment0", "centroid", "linewidth", "integrated_intensity"] # load the cube in file_dict['cube'] = list(getdata(filename, header=True)) prefix_direc = "/".join(filename.split("/")[:-1]) if len(prefix_direc) != 0: prefix_direc = prefix_direc + "/" sim_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] for dic_lab, file_lab in zip(labels, file_labels): file_dict[dic_lab] = \ list(getdata(os.path.join(prefix_direc, moment_folder, sim_name + file_lab + ".fits"), 0, header=True)) # And the errors file_dict[dic_lab + "_error"] = \ list(getdata(os.path.join(prefix_direc, moment_folder, sim_name + file_lab + ".fits"), 1, header=True)) return file_dict
def determine_ratio_baseline_sigma(plot=False): data = pyfits.getdata(fits_path+'local_counts_baseline.fits') el = data[:,:,0].astype(np.float) sp = data[:,:,1].astype(np.float) mask_el = el < 1 mask_sp = sp < 1 mask_all = np.logical_and(mask_el, mask_sp) mask = np.logical_or(mask_el, mask_sp) ratio = pyfits.getdata(fits_path+'local_ratio_baseline.fits') count_sum = (el + sp).astype(np.float) count_product = (el * sp).astype(np.float) np.putmask(count_product, mask, 1.0) np.putmask(count_sum, mask, 1.0) sigma = (np.log10(np.e))**2 * count_sum / count_product sigma = np.sqrt(sigma) np.putmask(sigma, mask, unknown_ratio) sigma_masked = ma.masked_less_equal(sigma, unknown_ratio) if plot: fig = plt.figure(3) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) im = ax.imshow(sigma_masked, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') cb = plt.colorbar(im) ax.set_aspect('auto') ax.set_xlabel(r'$M_R [mag]$',fontsize=22) ax.set_ylabel(r'$R_{50} [kpc]$',fontsize=22) pyfits.writeto(fits_path+'local_ratio_baseline_sigma.fits', sigma, clobber=True)
def getMasks(filename): #Delete the old masks, if any exist. iraf.imdelete(filename+'_Handmask.fits') iraf.imdelete(filename+'_HaHandmask.fits') #Extract the mask from the masked R image, using a handmasked image if one exists otherwise using the masked image maskValue = 0.0 try: maskedRImage = fits.getdata(filename+'_Handmasked.fits') except IOError: maskedRImage = fits.getdata(filename+'Masked.fits') manyZeros = np.zeros_like(maskedRImage) manyOnes = np.ones_like(maskedRImage) print 'Writing R mask' RmaskPixels = np.where((maskedRImage!=maskValue),manyZeros,manyOnes) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(RmaskPixels) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(filename+'_Handmask.fits') #Do the same for the Ha image print 'Writing Ha mask' try: maskedHaImage = fits.getdata(filename+'_HaHandmasked.fits') except IOError: maskedHaImage = fits.getdata(filename+'_Ha.fits') HaMaskPixels = np.where((maskedHaImage!=maskValue),manyZeros,manyOnes) hdu=fits.PrimaryHDU(HaMaskPixels) hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdulist.writeto(filename+'_HaHandmask.fits')
def load_poisson_stats_image(extra_info=False, return_filenames=False): """Load Poisson statistics counts image of a Gaussian source on flat background. See poissson_stats_image/ for further info. TODO: add better description (extract from README?) Parameters ---------- extra_info : bool If true, a dict of images is returned. return_filenames : bool If true, return filenames instead of images Returns ------- data : numpy array or dict of arrays or filenames Depending on the ``extra_info`` and ``return_filenames`` options. """ if extra_info: out = dict() for name in ['counts', 'model', 'source', 'background']: filename = get_path('poisson_stats_image/{0}.fits.gz'.format(name)) if return_filenames: out[name] = filename else: data = fits.getdata(filename) out[name] = data else: filename = get_path('poisson_stats_image/counts.fits.gz') if return_filenames: out = filename else: out = fits.getdata(filename) return out
def two_line_ratio(line1, line2, save_fits=False, filename=''): """ line1: str Filename of nominator line line2: str Filename of denominator line filename: str The name of the fits file to be saved Warning: works only if line1 and line2 have the same shape! Example: mp.two_line_ratio('Ha_moment0.fits', 'Hb_moment0.fits', save_fits=True, filename='Ha_Hb.fits') """ l1, l2 = fits.getdata(line1), fits.getdata(line2) hd = fits.getheader(line1) ratio = l1/l2 if save_fits==True: ff = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=ratio, header=hd) ff.writeto(filename, clobber=True) return ratio
def GetImage(image, mask): Passed = 0 try: imageData = fits.getdata(reducedpath+date+'.{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) hdr = fits.getheader(reducedpath+date+'.{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) w = WCS(reducedpath+date+'.{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) Passed = 1 except: print('Trying a different file name.') Passed = 0 pass if Passed == 0: try: imageData = fits.getdata(reducedpath+date+'.f{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) hdr = fits.getheader(reducedpath+date+'.f{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) w = WCS(reducedpath+date+'.f{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image)) except: raise OSError('We do not know that filename: %s'%(reducedpath+date+'.f{:0>3}.reduced.fits'.format(image))) # Parse the header to get the object name ObjName = hdr['OBJECT'].split(',')[0].split(' ')[0] band = hdr['FILTER2'] # Create the masked Image Data imageDataM =, mask=mask) # Computed the background levels mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(imageData, mask=mask, sigma=3.0) print('mean', 'median', 'std', 'BACKGROUND') print(mean, median, std) # Remove the background imageDataRed = imageDataM - median return imageDataRed, median, ObjName, band, std, hdr, w
def sdss_flux(filelist,scale=1,interp='cubic'): nfiles=len(filelist) spectra,header =fits.getdata(filelist[0],header=True) flux=np.zeros((nfiles,np.shape(spectra[1,:])[0]*scale)) wavelength=np.zeros((nfiles,np.shape(spectra[0,:])[0]*scale)) for i in np.arange(nfiles): spectra,header =fits.getdata(filelist[i],header=True) wave= spectra[0,:] f = spectra[1,:] err = spectra[2,:] n = header['NAXIS1'] plate = header['PLATEID'] mjd = header['MJD'] fiberID= header['FIBERID'] ra = header['PLUG_RA'] dec = header['PLUG_DEC'] sna = header['SPEC1_R'] vac_wavelength=10.**wave #vac to air air_wavelength=vactoair(vac_wavelength) #plot(vac_wavelength,spectra) #interpolating new_wavelength=np.linspace(air_wavelength[0],air_wavelength[-1],np.shape(air_wavelength)[0]*scale) func = interpolate.interp1d(air_wavelength,f,kind=interp) new_spectra=func(new_wavelength) flux[i,:]=new_spectra wavelength[i,:]=new_wavelength return wavelength,flux
def measure_spire_flux(imagenames, reg): """Measure fluxes in background subtracted Herschel SPIRE imaging, given as a list of filenames. """ spirebands = ['spire250', 'spire350', 'spire500'] # set up output fluxes, uncertainties, bands = [], [], [] # loop over images for imname in imagenames: # Read the image data and header im = pyfits.getdata(imname) hdr = pyfits.getheader(imname) # Read the uncertainty image. We assume this is matched pixel by pixel # with the flux image. uncname = imname.replace('scan.fits', 'scan.unc.fits') unc = pyfits.getdata(uncname) # Get image flux in the ds9 region flux, ps, units = photometer(im, hdr, [reg]) # Get image variance in the ds9 region var, _, _ = photometer(unc**2, hdr, [reg]) # Get flux and unc in Jy, assuming image data in MJy/sr flux = (flux * 1e6) * ( * 2.35e-11) unc = (np.sqrt(var) * 1e6) * ( * 2.35e-11) fluxes.append(flux) uncertainties.append(unc) # set the band flag for this image bands.append([b for b in spirebands if b in imname][0]) return fluxes, uncertainties, bands
def get_data_path(W,filepath, header = False): """ gets either S, M or L as string representing the dataset wavelengh returns: the cutted data, i.e centered, and a boolean matrix that represent a threathole in the coverage matrix. """ # Load the data fits_data_uncut, fits_header = fits.getdata(filepath,"image", header=True) fits_coverage_uncut = fits.getdata(filepath,"coverage") # Define cuts ycenter = int(len(fits_data_uncut)/2) xcenter = int(len(fits_data_uncut[0])/2) cut = int(ycenter/2) # Cut array to focus on center fits_data = fits_data_uncut[xcenter-cut:xcenter+cut,ycenter-cut:ycenter+cut] fits_coverage = fits_coverage_uncut[xcenter-cut:xcenter+cut,ycenter-cut:ycenter+cut ] # Create masked array from fits_data m_array = create_marray(fits_data) # Create masked array from fits_data maskin with coverage mask_coverage = m_array.mask * fits_coverage above = fits_coverage > 8 ## build this outside # image = (above * fits_data) if header == True: return above, fits_data, fits_header else: return above, fits_data
def retrieve_SFHs(filelist, i, massnorm='mformed', nsubpersfh=None, nsfhperfile=None): ''' fetch a time array & SFH from a series of FITS archives, each with `nsfhperfile` SFHs & `nsubpersfh` Z/tau/mu realizations for each SFH ''' if nsfhperfile is None: nsfhperfile = fits.getval(filelist[0], ext=0, keyword='NSFHPER') if nsubpersfh is None: nsubpersfh = fits.getval(filelist[0], ext=0, keyword='NSUBPER') fnum, fi, fii, fiii = find_sfh_ixs(i, nsfhperfile, nsubpersfh) ''' print('trainer {0}: spectral:file-spec {1}-{2}; SFH:file-rec-subsample {1}-{3}-{4}'.format( i, fnum, fi, fii, fiii)) ''' fname = filelist[fnum] allts = fits.getdata(fname, extname='allts') allsfhs = np.repeat(fits.getdata(fname, extname='allsfhs'), nsubpersfh, axis=0) # normalize mass either by total mass formed or current stellar mass mtot = fits.getdata(fname, massnorm)[:, None] return allts, allsfhs / mtot, fi
def sum_test(): work_dir = '/Users/Jake/Research/PHAT/sfhmaps/__old__analysis/map' brick_list = [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23] data_nat, data_rep = [], [] # brick native, brick reprojected for brick in brick_list: # Native, unprojected image filename = 'b{:02d}_mod_fuv_attenuated.fits'.format(brick) filename = os.path.join(work_dir, 'b{:02d}'.format(brick), filename) data = fits.getdata(filename) hdr = fits.getheader(filename) hwcs = wcs.WCS(hdr) #area = calc_area1(data, hwcs) area = calc_area3(hdr, ref='central') data_nat.append(data * area) # Reprojected image filename = 'hdu0_b{:02d}_mod_fuv_attenuated.fits'.format(brick) filename = os.path.join(work_dir, '_mod_fuv_attenuated', 'reproject', filename) data = fits.getdata(filename) filename = 'hdu0_b{:02d}_mod_fuv_attenuated_area.fits'.format(brick) filename = os.path.join(work_dir, '_mod_fuv_attenuated', 'reproject', filename) area_rep = fits.getdata(filename) * (180/np.pi*3600)**2 # arcsec2 data_rep.append(data * area_rep) sum_nat = np.array([np.nansum(arr) for arr in data_nat]) sum_rep = np.array([np.nansum(arr) for arr in data_rep]) fractionaldiff = (sum_rep - sum_nat) / sum_nat print_summary(fractionaldiff)
def load_data(): mgs = fits.getdata('{0}/matched/gz2_main.fits'.format(decals_path),1) s82 = fits.getdata('{0}/matched/gz2_s82_coadd1.fits'.format(decals_path),1) decals = fits.getdata('{0}/matched/decals_dr1.fits'.format(decals_path),1) return mgs,s82,decals
def get_simstds(simspecfile, spectroid=0): """ Extract the true standard star flux from the input simspec files. Args: night : string YEARMMDD expid : int or string exposure ID spectroid : optional spectrograph ID [default 0] Returns tuple of: stdfiber : 1D array of fiberid [0-499] of standard stars wave : 1D array of wavelength sampling flux : 2D array [nstd, nwave] flux in ergs/s/cm^2/A """ #- Read inputs ii = slice(500*spectroid, 500*(spectroid+1)) hdr = fits.getheader(simspecfile, 0) flux = fits.getdata(simspecfile, 'FLUX')[ii] meta = fits.getdata(simspecfile, 'METADATA')[ii] wave = hdr['CRVAL1'] + hdr['CDELT1']*np.arange(hdr['NAXIS1']) #- Which ones are standard stars? stdfiber = np.where(meta['OBJTYPE'] == 'STD')[0] return stdfiber, wave, flux[stdfiber]
def _cal_stats(i): f = _config.freq[i] z = _config.redshift[i] xi = _config.ion_frac[i] fhd_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'fhd_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) mask = ~np.isnan(fhd_map) fhd_map = fhd_map gauss_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'gauss_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) scaled_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'fhd_scaled_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) model_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'model_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) res_map = fits.getdata( _config.maps_dir + 'res_0.000h_{:.3f}MHz.fits'.format(f) ) # Calculate stats _stats_arr[0, :, i] = _stats(model_map, mask=mask) _stats_arr[1, :, i] = _stats(fhd_map, mask=mask) _stats_arr[2, :, i] = _stats(gauss_map, mask=mask) _stats_arr[3, :, i] = _stats(scaled_map, mask=mask) _stats_arr[4, :, i] = _stats(res_map, mask=mask)
def test_kernels_are_similar(): psfi = fits.getdata(dir_obj+'psf-i.fits') psfr = fits.getdata(dir_obj+'psf-r.fits') # avgdiff = 0.0180033021648 assert not two_kernels_are_similar(psfi, psfr)
def query_phatcat(objname, phottable='data/f2_apcanfinal_6phot_v2.fits', crosstable=None, filtcols=['275','336','475','814','110','160'], **extras): """ Read LCJ's catalog for a certain object and return the magnitudes and their uncertainties. Can take either AP numbers (starting with 'AP') or ALTIDs. """ print(phottable, crosstable, objname) ap = pyfits.getdata(phottable, 1) if objname[0:2].upper() == 'AP': objname = int(objname[2:]) ind = (ap['id'] == objname) else: if crosstable is None: crosstable = phottable.replace('canfinal_6phot_v2', 'match_known') cross = pyfits.getdata(crosstable) ind = (cross['altid'] == objname) ind = (ap['id'] == cross[ind]['id'][0]) dat = ap[ind][0] mags = np.array([dat['MAG'+f] for f in filtcols]).flatten() mags_unc = np.array([dat['SIG'+f] for f in filtcols]).flatten() flags = ap[ind]['id'] #return the ap number return mags, mags_unc, flags
def buildcat(pawprints, primaries, pawprintNum): # builds the matched pawprint catalogue from the matchID file # # # generate match ID file path string tile = pawprints[0]['tile'] P2matchFile = constants.matchDir+'P2match_'+tile+'_pp'+str(pawprintNum)+'_IDs.fits' # load match ID table IDtable = getdata(P2matchFile, 1) # TODO: remove rows with too few detections here? # dont forget to reorder the master_ID column if necessary # generate extension array extArray = np.zeros(len(IDtable['master_ID']), for primary in primaries: ob = primary['ob'] extCol = 'ext_'+ob+'.' extArray = np.maximum(np.array(extArray), np.array(IDtable[extCol])) # identify an overall primary epoch (P1) # we'll just use the P2 epoch with the best seeing for now # but could use the P2 epoch with the most detected sources instead? best_OB_ID = np.argmin(primaries['seeing_median']) best_OB = primaries[best_OB_ID]['ob'] # lets open a template array to put the data into dataTemplate = np.empty(len(IDtable['master_ID']), dtype={ 'names':['RA', 'Dec', 'X', 'Y', 'e_X', 'e_Y', 'mag', 'e_mag', 'ext', 'class', 'ell', 'mjdobs'], 'formats':['f8','f8','f8','f8','f8','f8','f4','f4','i2','i1','f4','f8'] }) dataTemplate[:] = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 0, 0, np.nan, np.nan) # generate final data array outputData = [] for epoch in pawprints: outputData.append(np.array(dataTemplate)) # generate list of secondary epoch files and OBs secondaryEpochIDs = [num for num, item in enumerate(pawprints) if item['ob'] not in [best_OB]] secondaryEpochs = pawprints[secondaryEpochIDs] obs = [best_OB] + list(secondaryEpochs['ob']) files = [primaries[best_OB_ID]['filename']] + list(secondaryEpochs['filename']) mjdobs = np.array([primaries[best_OB_ID]['mjdobs']] + list(secondaryEpochs['mjdobs'])) # load each catalogue into the output data array for epoch, file_ob in enumerate(zip(files, obs)): # load the catalogue file filepath = constants.dataDir+file_ob[0]+'_cat.fits' catdata = getdata(filepath, 1) # copy to output data array IDtablecol = 'ID_'+file_ob[1] indices = IDtable[IDtablecol] outputData[epoch][indices>0] = catdata[indices[indices>0]-1] return outputData, extArray, mjdobs
def test_match_psf_fits(): bandfrom = b0 bandto = b1 fp_img = dir_obj+'stamp-{}.fits'.format(bandfrom) fp_psf = dir_obj+'psf-{}.fits'.format(bandfrom) fp_psfto = dir_obj+'psf-{}.fits'.format(bandto) fp_img_out = dir_obj+'stamp-{}_psfmt-{}.fits'.format(bandfrom, bandto) fp_psf_out = dir_obj+'psf-{}_psfmt-{}.fits'.format(bandfrom, bandto) fp_psk_out = dir_obj+'psk-{}_psfmt-{}.fits'.format(bandfrom, bandto) matchpsf.match_psf_fits(fp_img, fp_psf, fp_psfto, fp_img_out, fp_psf_out, fp_psk_out, overwrite=True, towrite_psk=True) # check that file exists for fp in [fp_img_out,fp_psf_out,fp_psk_out,]: assert os.path.isfile(fp) img = fits.getdata(fp_img) psf = fits.getdata(fp_psf) psfto = fits.getdata(fp_psfto) # check that the final image content is correct img_out, psf_out, psk_out = matchpsf.match_psf(img, psf, psfto) assert np.all(img_out == fits.getdata(fp_img_out)) assert np.all(psf_out == fits.getdata(fp_psf_out))
def get_data(W): """ gets either S, M or L as string representing the dataset wavelengh returns: the cutted data, i.e centered, and a boolean matrix that represent a threathole in the coverage matrix. """ path = "/home/abeelen/Herschel/DDT_mustdo_5/PLCK_SZ_G004.5-19.6-1/" filename = "OD1271_0x50012da8L_SpirePhotoLargeScan_PLCK_SZ_G004.5-19.6-1_destriped_P"\ +W+"W.fits" # Load the data fits_data_uncut = fits.getdata(path+filename,"image") fits_coverage_uncut = fits.getdata(path+filename,"coverage") # Define cuts ycenter = int(len(fits_data_uncut)/2) xcenter = int(len(fits_data_uncut[0])/2) cut = int(ycenter/2) print "centers ", float(xcenter)/ycenter # Cut array to focus on center fits_data = fits_data_uncut[xcenter-cut:xcenter+cut,ycenter-cut:ycenter+cut] fits_coverage = fits_coverage_uncut[xcenter-cut:xcenter+cut,ycenter-cut:ycenter+cut] # Create masked array from fits_data m_array = create_marray(fits_data) # Create masked array from fits_data maskin with coverage mask_coverage = m_array.mask * fits_coverage above = fits_coverage > 8 image = (above * fits_data) return above, fits_data
def get(self, Teff, logg, FeH, resolution=None, interp=True): """ Retrieve the wavelength, flux, and effective radius for the spectrum of the given parameters Parameters ---------- Teff: int The effective temperature (K) logg: float The logarithm of the surface gravity (dex) FeH: float The logarithm of the ratio of the metallicity and solar metallicity (dex) resolution: int (optional) The desired wavelength resolution (lambda/d_lambda) interp: bool Interpolate the model if possible Returns ------- dict A dictionary of arrays of the wavelength, flux, and mu values and the effective radius for the given model """ # See if the model with the desired parameters is witin the grid in_grid = all([ (Teff >= min(self.Teff_vals)) & (Teff <= max(self.Teff_vals)) & (logg >= min(self.logg_vals)) & (logg <= max(self.logg_vals)) & (FeH >= min(self.FeH_vals)) & (FeH <= max(self.FeH_vals)) ]) if in_grid: # See if the model with the desired parameters is a true grid point on_grid =[[ (['Teff'] == Teff) & (['logg'] == logg) & (['FeH'] == FeH) ]] in # Grab the data if the point is on the grid if on_grid: # Get the row index and filepath row, = np.where((['Teff'] == Teff) & (['logg'] == logg) & (['FeH'] == FeH))[0] filepath = self.path + str([row]['filename']) # Get the flux, mu, and abundance arrays raw_flux = fits.getdata(filepath, 0) mu = fits.getdata(filepath, 1) # abund = fits.getdata(filepath, 2) # Construct full wavelength scale and convert to microns if self.CRVAL1 == '-': # Try to get data from WAVELENGTH extension... dat = fits.getdata(filepath, ext=-1) raw_wave = np.array(dat).squeeze() else: # ...or try to generate it b = self.CDELT1 * np.arange(len(raw_flux[0])) raw_wave = np.array(self.CRVAL1 + b).squeeze() # Convert from A to desired units raw_wave *= self.const # Janky unit nullification def toQ(val): return val if hasattr(val, 'unit') else val * self.wave_units # Trim the wavelength and flux arrays idx, = np.where( np.logical_and( raw_wave * self.wave_units >= toQ(self.wave_rng[0]), raw_wave * self.wave_units <= toQ(self.wave_rng[1]))) flux = raw_flux[:, idx] wave = raw_wave[idx] # Bin the spectrum if necessary if resolution is not None or self.resolution is not None: # Calculate zoom z = utils.calc_zoom(resolution or self.resolution, wave) wave = zoom(wave, z) flux = zoom(flux, (1, z)) # Make a dictionary of parameters # This should really be a core.Spectrum() object! row_data =[row].as_void() spec_dict = dict(zip(, row_data)) spec_dict['wave'] = wave spec_dict['flux'] = flux spec_dict['mu'] = mu # If not on the grid, interpolate to it else: # Call grid_interp method if interp: spec_dict = self.grid_interp(Teff, logg, FeH) else: return return spec_dict else: print('Teff: ', Teff, ' logg: ', logg, ' FeH: ', FeH, ' model not in grid.') return
# Initialize arrays hdu_slic = [None] * len(dofields) hdu_cube = [None] * len(dofields) var_slic = [None] * len(dofields) var_cube = [None] * len(dofields) # Main loop over spectral lines to be processed for line in sline: # Loop over fields to produce individual pbcor and variance cubes for i, field in enumerate(dofields): # --- Regrid the noise-flattened cube and calculate rms flatfile = prefix + field + basename + '.image.fits' flatimg, hdr = fits.getdata(flatfile, header=True) newhdr = hdr.copy() if velregrid: newhdr['crpix3'] = 1. newhdr['cdelt3'] = delv*1000 newhdr['crval3'] = vstart*1000 newhdr['naxis3'] = naxis3 flatimg = regrid_cube(flatimg, hdr, newhdr) noisech = np.r_[0:5, flatimg.shape[0]-5:flatimg.shape[0]] rms = mad_std(flatimg[noisech,:,:], axis=None, ignore_nan=True) # --- Regrid the pb cube and apply pb correction if imtype != 'TP': pbfile = prefix + field + baseint + '.flux.pbcoverage.fits' pbimage, pbhd = fits.getdata(pbfile, header=True) pbimage[pbimage<pbcut] = np.nan
def make_defocus_phase_map(rms_wfe, circular_pupil=False): # We will use some files from AIROPA dir_airopa = environ['AIROPA_DATA_PATH'] # Read in the default NIRC2 pupil. pupil_file = path.join(dir_airopa, 'phase_maps', 'defocus', 'pupil.fits') pupil = fits.getdata(pupil_file) clear_idx = np.where(pupil == 1) # Calculate the pupil plane coordinates (normalized over the clear aperture). pupil_u0 = np.median(clear_idx[0]) pupil_v0 = np.median(clear_idx[1]) pupil_u = np.arange( pupil.shape[0], dtype=float) - pupil_u0 # note this isn't quite right; but pupil_v = np.arange( pupil.shape[1], dtype=float ) - pupil_v0 # it appears to be the convention Gunther used. pupil_u_2d, pupil_v_2d = np.meshgrid(pupil_u, pupil_v, indexing='ij') pupil_rho_2d = np.hypot(1.0 * pupil_u_2d, pupil_v_2d) rho_max_clear = pupil_rho_2d[clear_idx].max() if circular_pupil: pupil[:, :] = 0 idx = np.where(pupil_rho_2d <= rho_max_clear) pupil[idx] = 1 pupil_u /= rho_max_clear pupil_v /= rho_max_clear pupil_u_2d /= rho_max_clear pupil_v_2d /= rho_max_clear pupil_rho_2d /= rho_max_clear clear_idx = np.where(pupil == 1) # Plot the clear pupil. plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) plt.imshow(pupil, extent=[pupil_u[0], pupil_u[-1], pupil_v[0], pupil_v[-1]]) plt.colorbar() plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('Pupil u') plt.ylabel('Pupil v') plt.title('Pupil') # Add a defocus term phase_map = rms_wfe * math.sqrt(3.0) * (2.0 * pupil_rho_2d**2 - 1.0) print('RMS WFE before pupil applied: {0:.1f} nm'.format( phase_map[clear_idx].std())) phase_map *= pupil print('RMS WFE after pupil applied: {0:.1f} nm'.format( phase_map[clear_idx].std())) rms = np.sqrt((phase_map**2).sum()) / np.size(phase_map[clear_idx])**0.5 print('RMS WFE after pupil applied: {0:.1f} nm'.format(rms)) # Plot the phase map plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.9) plt.imshow(phase_map, extent=[pupil_u[0], pupil_u[-1], pupil_v[0], pupil_v[-1]]) plt.colorbar(label='RMS WFE (nm)') plt.axis('equal') plt.xlabel('Pupil u') plt.ylabel('Pupil v') plt.title('Defocus: {0:.0f} nm'.format(rms_wfe)) out_file = test_dir + 'phase_map_defocus_{0:0.0f}'.format(rms_wfe) if circular_pupil: out_file += '_circ' out_file += '.fits' hdu_phase = fits.PrimaryHDU(phase_map) hdu_amp = fits.ImageHDU(pupil) hdu_u_2d = fits.ImageHDU(pupil_u_2d) hdu_v_2d = fits.ImageHDU(pupil_v_2d) hdu_list = fits.HDUList([hdu_phase, hdu_amp, hdu_u_2d, hdu_v_2d]) hdu_list.writeto(out_file, overwrite=True) return
number = 0 dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, 2) T = threshold #MAKE SAME AS DAVE! # find connected components labeled, nr_objects = ndimage.label( dnaf > T) # `dna[:,:,0]>T` for red-dot case #print "Number of objects is %d " % nr_objects #REMOVE SMALL/WRONG ONES.... labeled = np.where(labeled > 0, 1, 0) labeled2 = labeled.copy() return labeled2 #------soapy------ path = '/home/tanagnos/Desktop/Ph.D/sim_dicer/slit_analysis/' file = fits.getdata(path + 'slit_400ms.fits') file = np.transpose(file, (0, 2, 1)) file = file[:, 88:-88, 140:-155] wm = np.zeros((file.shape[0], file.shape[2])) com = np.zeros((file.shape[0], file.shape[2])) for i in range(file.shape[0]): print i a = file[i].copy() f_an = gen_analysis() labeled = f_an.identify_objects(a, np.mean(a)) slit = np.where(labeled == 1, a, 0) # check if slit file makes sense!!!! wm[i], com[i] = f_an.gauss_fit(slit)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #input argv = sys.argv if len(argv) < 2: print('Usage: python <fitsfile> <adcchannel> <start_time>(%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S:%f(5-digit)) <duration(sec)>') quit() filename = argv[1] adcchannel=int(argv[2]) start_time = datetime.strptime(argv[3], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S:%f').timestamp() duration = float(argv[4]) #read evt = fits.getdata(filename, 1, header=True) data = pd.DataFrame(np.array(evt[0]).byteswap().newbyteorder()) data = data[(data.boardIndexAndChannel.astype('int') == adcchannel) & (data.unixTime > start_time-0.02) & (data.unixTime < start_time+duration)].reset_index(drop=True) header = evt[1] data.to_csv('nae.csv') #array unix_time, pha_min = array( 'd' ), array('d') for i in range(len(data.index)): unix_time.append(data.unixTime[i]-start_time) pha_min.append(data.phaMin[i]+2**15) f1 = ROOT.TF1("func1","[0]-[1]*exp(-x/[2])",0.05,0.2) f1.SetParameter(0, 2050) f1.SetParameter(1, 200) f1.SetParameter(2, 0.05)
open(folder + 'sim_kwargs.pkl', 'rb')) lens_model_list, lens_light_model_list, source_model_list, point_source_list = model_lists lens_model_list[0] = 'PEMD' z_l, z_s, TD_distance, TD_true, TD_obs, TD_err_l = lens_info kwargs_lens_list, kwargs_lens_light_list, kwargs_source_list, kwargs_ps = para_s solver_type = 'PROFILE_SHEAR' kwargs_constraints = { 'joint_source_with_point_source': [[0, 0]], 'num_point_source_list': [len(kwargs_ps['ra_image'])], 'solver_type': solver_type, # 'PROFILE', 'PROFILE_SHEAR', 'ELLIPSE', 'CENTER' 'Ddt_sampling': True } if glob.glob(folder + savename) == []: lens_data = pyfits.getdata(folder + 'Drz_QSO_image.fits') # len_std = pyfits.getdata(folder+'noise_map.fits') lens_mask = cr_mask(lens_data, 'normal_mask.reg') framesize = 155 ct = int((len(lens_data) - framesize) / 2) lens_data = lens_data[ct:-ct, ct:-ct] # len_std = len_std[ct:-ct,ct:-ct] lens_mask = (1 - lens_mask)[ct:-ct, ct:-ct] plt.imshow(lens_data * lens_mask, origin='lower', cmap='gist_heat', norm=LogNorm()) plt.colorbar() exp_time = 599. * 2 * 8 stdd = 0.0004 #Measurement from empty retion, 0.016*0.08**2/0.13**2/np.sqrt(8) # vgrad = np.gradient(lens_data)
def align_stars(indir,outdir,fluxtable=None,fflux=None,ncpu=6,keepfrac=0.7, maxhalfsize=np.inf,minhalfsize=0,flipx=False,fitmode='neg'): '''align the stars and cut the maximum possible square around them''' from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import shift if outdir == None: outdir=indir dic_fflux = {0:'sat',1:'flux'} print('\n****Cutting out {}-frames****\n'.format(dic_fflux[fflux])) pxhalf = 30 #px right and left of image. final size 2*pxhalf+1, planet at ~242px filetable =,'filetable_bkgrnd.csv'),delimiter=',') filetable = filetable[filetable['flux'] ==fflux] #only continue if there is at least one file if len(filetable) == 0: print('No files found for type {}'.format(dic_fflux[fflux])) else: filetable['PA'] = np.nan nimages = len(filetable) imdim = fits.getdata(filetable['fndewarped'][0]).shape[-1] #read in the images images = [] full_images = [] remove_ims = [] #which are too close to corner for ii,fn in enumerate(filetable['fndewarped']): data,head = fits.getdata(fn,header=True) full_images.append(data) if not len(data.shape) == 2: raise ValueError('Unknown data fromat at file %s'%fn) starx = int(filetable[ii]['roughx']) stary = int(filetable[ii]['roughy']) # nims = data.shape[0] datacut = np.full([2*pxhalf+1,2*pxhalf+1],np.nan) data = data[max(0, stary-pxhalf) : min(stary+pxhalf+1, data.shape[1]), max(0, starx-pxhalf) : min(starx+pxhalf+1, data.shape[0]), ] filetable['PA'][ii] = get_pa(head,verbose=False) try: datacut[0:datacut.shape[0],0:datacut.shape[1]] = data except: print('Star too close to center. Ignoring image %s'%fn) remove_ims.append(ii) continue filetable['PA'][ii] = get_pa(head,verbose=False) images.append(datacut) full_images = np.array(full_images) filetable.remove_rows(remove_ims) # filetable.write('filetable_removed_close_borders.csv',delimiter=',',overwrite=True) print('Ignored {} images due to wrongly placed star.'.format(len(remove_ims))) nimages = len(filetable) #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #median combine and first xreg. Keep orig images and shift #them only once at the end! #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// print('register number getting medianed: ',len(images)) print(images[0].size, images[0].shape, images[0].dtype) first_median=np.median(images, axis=0) pool=Pool(ncpu) get_shifts=subreg(first_median),images) pool.close() shifted_images = [] for hh in range(len(images)): shifted_images.append(shift(images[hh], first_shifts[hh])) #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #keep only the best of images #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cross_reg=[] for im in shifted_images: cross_reg.append(np.sum((im-first_median)**2.)) sorted_cross_reg=np.argsort(cross_reg) selected_cross_reg=sorted(sorted_cross_reg[0:int(keepfrac*len(images))]) n_selected=len(selected_cross_reg) #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #median combine and second xreg #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// images=np.array(images)[selected_cross_reg,:,:] shifted_images = np.array(shifted_images)[selected_cross_reg,:,:] second_median=np.median(shifted_images,axis=0) print('second subreg') pool=Pool(ncpu) get_shifts=subreg(second_median) #second shifts is the shift to get all at the same center. need to absolutely #center them later,images) pool.close() shifted_images =[] for hh in range(n_selected): shifted_images.append(shift(images[hh], second_shifts[hh])) shifted_images = np.array(shifted_images) #get center for images. Move to pxhalf print('Finding the absolute center') yxoff = [] smallsizehalf = 20 fitsizehalf = 6 nfitworked = 0 for hh in range(n_selected): # xycen.append( get_center(images[h,:,:]) ) small_im = shifted_images[hh,pxhalf-smallsizehalf:pxhalf+smallsizehalf+1, pxhalf-smallsizehalf:pxhalf+smallsizehalf+1] yxroughcen = np.array(get_rough_center(small_im,n=3,neg = fitmode)) yxroughcen += pxhalf -smallsizehalf fit_im = shifted_images[hh,yxroughcen[0]-fitsizehalf: yxroughcen[0]+fitsizehalf+1, yxroughcen[1]-fitsizehalf: yxroughcen[1]+fitsizehalf+1] if fitmode == 'double': xx = range(fit_im.shape[1]) yy = range(fit_im.shape[0]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx,yy) amp = np.max(fit_im) - np.min(fit_im) initial_guess = (fitsizehalf,fitsizehalf,#center all in x,y fitsizehalf,fitsizehalf,#sigpos fitsizehalf/2.,fitsizehalf/2.,#signeg amp, -amp/2.,0.,) #amppos,ampneg,offset try: popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(shared_center, (xx,yy), fit_im.flatten(), p0=initial_guess) yxcen = popt[0:2][::-1] nfitworked +=1 yxoff.append(yxroughcen + (yxcen-fitsizehalf) - pxhalf) except: continue elif fitmode in ['neg','pos']: yxcen = np.array(fit_gaussian(fit_im,fitsizehalf,fitsizehalf, neg=fitmode)) else: raise ValueError('Fitmode {} unknown!'.format(fitmode)) if fitmode != 'double': yxoff.append(yxroughcen + (yxcen -fitsizehalf) - pxhalf) # del shifted_images # del images if fitmode == 'double': print('Fitting precise double gaussian used for absolute centering \ worked {} of {} times'.format(nfitworked,n_selected)) yxcenshift = np.median(-np.array(yxoff),axis=0) print('General offset of images: %s' %yxcenshift) all_shifts =second_shifts + yxcenshift #store the precise centers filetable['precisey'] = np.nan filetable['precisex'] = np.nan filetable['pxtoborder']=0 for istar,tstar,thisshift in zip(selected_cross_reg, filetable[selected_cross_reg], all_shifts): filetable['precisey'][istar] = tstar['roughy'] - thisshift[0] filetable['precisex'][istar] = tstar['roughx'] - thisshift[1] filetable['pxtoborder'][istar]= int(np.floor(np.min(\ (filetable['precisex'][istar], filetable['precisey'][istar], imdim - filetable['precisex'][istar], imdim - filetable['precisey'][istar]))-0.5)) #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #after we got the precise centers cut the maximum area #//////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #determine the minimum distance to any border min_dist = np.min((filetable['pxtoborder'][selected_cross_reg])) if min_dist >= minhalfsize: if min_dist <= maxhalfsize: maxsize = min_dist print('Cutting images to size {}, which is the maximum without discarding \ images'.format(2*maxsize+1)) else: maxsize = maxhalfsize print('Cutting images to selected size {}'.format(2*maxsize+1)) selected_final = selected_cross_reg n_final = n_selected else: maxsize = np.min(filetable['pxtoborder'][filetable['pxtoborder'] >=minhalfsize]) selected_border = np.where(filetable['pxtoborder'] > maxsize)[0] selected_final = [ii for ii in selected_cross_reg if ii in selected_border] n_final = len(selected_final) print('Cutting images to chosen size {}, which means {} more images are \ being discarded.'.format(2*maxsize+1,n_selected-n_final)) final_ims = np.full((n_final,2*maxsize+1,2*maxsize+1),np.nan) #1. round the center 2.shift the image by residuum 3.cut floor of min dist for ii,tstar in zip(range(n_final),filetable[selected_final]): inty = int(np.round(tstar['precisey'])) intx = int(np.round(tstar['precisex'])) tempim = shift(full_images[selected_final[ii],:,:], (inty - tstar['precisey'],intx-tstar['precisex'])) final_ims[ii,:,:]=tempim[inty -maxsize: inty +maxsize+1, intx -maxsize: intx +maxsize+1] #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #save #///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// filetable['selected_final'] = 0 filetable['selected_final'][selected_final] = 1 if flipx: final_ims = final_ims[:,:,::-1] filetable['PA'] = -filetable['PA'] if fflux == 1: fits.writeto(os.path.join(outdir,'median_unsat.fits'),np.median(final_ims,axis=0), overwrite=True) fits.writeto(os.path.join(outdir,'cube_unsat.fits'),final_ims,overwrite=True) print('Saved median images to {}'.format(outdir)) return filetable else: if fluxtable != None: filetable = vstack([fluxtable,filetable]) fits.writeto(os.path.join(outdir,'center_im.fits'),final_ims,overwrite=True) fits.writeto(os.path.join(outdir,'rotnth.fits'),filetable['PA'][selected_final], overwrite=True) ascii.write(filetable,output=os.path.join(indir,'filetable_stars.csv'),delimiter=',', overwrite=True) print('Cut stars. SAVED CENTERED IMAGES AND ANGLES IN {}.\ Their shape is {}'.format(outdir,final_ims.shape))
def reduce_frame(raw, out_dir, flatCacher=None): """ Arguments: raw: RawDataSet object out_dir: Data product root directory """ # initialize per-object logger and check output directory if raw.isPair: init(raw.baseNames['AB'], out_dir) else: init(raw.baseNames['A'], out_dir) # if no flats in raw data set then fail if (len(raw.flatFns) < 1): logger.error("no flats for {}".format(raw.baseName)) raise DrpException.DrpException('no flats') # create reduced data set reduced = ReducedDataSet.ReducedDataSet(raw) # read raw object image data into reduced data set object reduced.objImg['A'] = fits.getdata(raw.objAFn, ignore_missing_end=True) if raw.isPair: reduced.objImg['B'] = fits.getdata(raw.objBFn, ignore_missing_end=True) # put object summary info into per-object log log_start_summary(reduced) # Get fully processed flat in the form of a Flat object reduced.Flat = getFlat(raw, flatCacher)'using flat {}'.format(reduced.Flat.getBaseName())) # clean cosmic ray hits on object frame(s) if config.params['no_cosmic']: "cosmic ray rejection on object frame inhibited by command line flag") else:'cosmic ray cleaning object frame A') reduced.objImg['A'], cosmicMethod = image_lib.cosmic_clean( reduced.objImg['A']) logger.debug('cosmic ray cleaning object frame A complete') if reduced.isPair:'cosmic ray cleaning object frame B') reduced.objImg['B'], _ = image_lib.cosmic_clean(reduced.objImg['B']) logger.debug('cosmic ray cleaning object frame B complete') reduced.cosmicCleaned = True # if darks are available, combine them if there are more than one # and subtract from object frame(s) and flat process_darks(raw, reduced) # if AB pair then subtract B from A if reduced.isPair: reduced.objImg['AB'] = np.subtract( reduced.objImg['A'], reduced.objImg['B']) # reduce orders try: reduce_orders(reduced) except IOError as e: # might want to do something else here raise # find and apply wavelength solution imp.reload(wavelength_utils) if find_global_wavelength_soln(reduced) is True: apply_wavelength_soln(reduced) else:'not applying wavelength solution') for order in reduced.orders: order.waveScale = order.flatOrder.gratingEqWaveScale order.calMethod = 'grating equation' return(reduced)
#step 1.a: read in the observed data targetfile = file_target.split(".fits") find_obsdate_target = targetfile[0].split("_") obsdate_target = find_obsdate_target[1] filenumber_target = find_obsdate_target[2] specfile_target = targetfile[0] + ".spec.fits" snrfile_target = targetfile[0] + ".sn.fits" vegafile = targetfile[0] + ".spec_a0v.fits" specpath_target = obsdir + obsdate_target + '/' + specfile_target snrpath_target = obsdir + obsdate_target + '/' + snrfile_target vegapath_target = obsdir + obsdate_target + '/' + vegafile spec_target = pyfits.getdata(specpath_target) wlsol_target = pyfits.getdata(specpath_target, 1) snr_target = pyfits.getdata(snrpath_target) vega = pyfits.getdata(vegapath_target, 4) filename_out = obsdir_out + targetfile[ 0] + "." + base_filename_out + ".spec_a0v.fits" #spectra filename_out_txt = obsdir_out + targetfile[ 0] + "." + base_filename_out + ".spec_a0v.txt" #text file out on info f = open(filename_out_txt, 'w') f.write('Performing a telluric correction \n') print 'Performing a telluric correction' print specfile_target dataheader_target = pyfits.getheader(specpath_target)
def get_sed_interpolated_cube(teff, met, logg): """ Returns an interpolated sed model: Args: teff: effective temperature met: metallicity logg: surface gravity Return: wave, flux - tuple with numpy array with the interpolated sed Examples: >>> wave, flux = get_sed_interpolated_cube(5777, 0, 4.44) """ data_grid = fits.getdata(DIR_SED + "ck04models/catalog.fits") teffv = [] metv = [] loggv = [] for line in data_grid: teffi, meti, loggi = line['INDEX'].split(',') teffv.append(float(teffi)) metv.append(float(meti)) loggv.append(float(loggi)) teff_u = np.unique(teffv) met_u = np.unique(metv) logg_u = np.unique(loggv) # Getting the points of the cube to interpolate teff_l = teff_u[np.where(teff_u < teff)[0][-1]] teff_h = teff_u[np.where(teff_u >= teff)[0][0]] met_l = met_u[np.where(met_u < met)[0][-1]] met_h = met_u[np.where(met_u >= met)[0][0]] logg_l = logg_u[np.where(logg_u < logg)[0][-1]] logg_h = logg_u[np.where(logg_u >= logg)[0][0]] print(teff_l, teff, teff_h) print(met_l, met, met_h) print(logg_l, logg, logg_h) list_cube = [(teff_l, met_l, logg_l), (teff_l, met_l, logg_h), (teff_l, met_h, logg_l), (teff_l, met_h, logg_h), (teff_h, met_l, logg_l), (teff_h, met_l, logg_h), (teff_h, met_h, logg_l), (teff_h, met_h, logg_h)] # Reading the seds in the cube list_sed = [] for t, m, l in list_cube: if m >= 0: sm = "p%02d" % int(abs(m) * 10.) else: sm = "m%02d" % int(abs(m) * 10.) sl = "%2d" % int(l * 10.) if t > 9999: st = "%5d" % int(t) else: st = "%4d" % int(t) file_name = DIR_SED + "ck04models/ck" + sm + "/ck" + sm + "_" + st + ".fits[g" + sl + "]" wave, flux = read_ck04models_numbers(file_name) if np.all(flux == 0): print("Problem with sed: ", file_name) raise ValueError('Sed in interpolation cube with zero flux values') list_sed.append((wave, flux)) # Interpolating the sed wave_i = [] flux_i = [] t = np.linspace(teff_l, teff_h, 2) m = np.linspace(met_l, met_h, 2) l = np.linspace(logg_l, logg_h, 2) V = np.zeros((2, 2, 2)) pt = (teff, met, logg) for i in range(NWAVE): V[0, 0, 0] = list_sed[0][1][i] V[0, 0, 1] = list_sed[1][1][i] V[0, 1, 0] = list_sed[2][1][i] V[0, 1, 1] = list_sed[3][1][i] V[1, 0, 0] = list_sed[4][1][i] V[1, 0, 1] = list_sed[5][1][i] V[1, 1, 0] = list_sed[6][1][i] V[1, 1, 1] = list_sed[7][1][i] fn = RegularGridInterpolator((t, m, l), V) flux_i.append(fn(pt)) wave_i.append(list_sed[0][0][i]) wave_i = np.array(wave_i) flux_i = np.array(flux_i) return wave_i, flux_i
import matplotlib #get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline') from matplotlib import pyplot from glob import glob #Pull all the blank files into a list files = glob('Sub*.fits') #Sub_SgrA_I_1160_Continuum_Slice20.fits.fits #Determine the shape of each files in order to crate a blank. shape = len(files), 10, 2000, 2000 #Make a blank datacube to stack all the data into it. data = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=np.float32) #Stack all the data into a single cube for i, f in enumerate(files): data[i, :, :, :] = fits.getdata(f) #Take the median of the data files median = np.nanmedian(data, axis=0) #Save the new cube cube =[0]) cube[0].data = median cube.writeto('median_nosignal.fits')
import numpy as np import as pyfits import os infos = open('info.list', 'r').readlines() for line in infos: info = line.split('\n')[0] info = info.split(' ') satellites = info[3].split(';') satellites = [int(i) for i in satellites] path = info[0] cube = pyfits.getdata(path) for i in range(len(cube)): if i + 1 not in satellites: name = '/h/ninou/trainset/detrended_trainset/images/' + path.split( 'fits')[0] + str(i) + '.fits' pyfits.writeto(name, cube[i], overwrite=True)
def make_stamps_t80share(names, coords, sizes, outdir=None, redo=False, img_types=None, bands=None, tiles_dir=None): """ Produces stamps of objects in S-PLUS from a table of names, coordinates. Parameters ---------- names: np.array Array containing the name/id of the objects. coords: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord Coordinates of the objects. size: np.array Size of the stamps (in pixels) outdir: str Path to the output directory. If not given, stamps are saved in the current directory. redo: bool Option to rewrite stamp in case it already exists. img_types: list List containing the image types to be used in stamps. Default is [ "swp', "swpweight"] to save both the images and the weight images with uncertainties. bands: list List of bands for the stamps. Defaults produces stamps for all filters in S-PLUS. Options are 'U', 'F378', 'F395', 'F410', 'F430', 'G', 'F515', 'R', 'F660', 'I', 'F861', and 'Z'. """ names = np.atleast_1d(names) sizes = np.atleast_1d(sizes) if len(sizes) == 1: sizes = np.full(len(names), sizes[0]) sizes = sizes.astype( img_types = ["swp", "swpweight"] if img_types is None else img_types outdir = os.getcwd() if outdir is None else outdir tiles_dir = "/storage/share/all_coadded/" if tiles_dir is None else \ tiles_dir header_keys = ["OBJECT", "FILTER", "EXPTIME", "GAIN", "TELESCOP", "INSTRUME", "AIRMASS"] bands = context.bands if bands is None else bands ############################################################################ # Selecting tiles from S-PLUS footprint fields =, "data", "all_tiles_final.csv")) field_coords = SkyCoord(fields["RA"], fields["DEC"], unit=(u.hourangle, idx, d2d, d3d = field_coords.match_to_catalog_sky(coords) idx = np.where(d2d < 2 * fields = fields[idx] ############################################################################ # Producing stamps for field in tqdm(fields, desc="Fields"): field_coords = SkyCoord(field["RA"], field["DEC"], unit=(u.hourangle, field_name = field["NAME"] tile_dir = os.path.join(tiles_dir, field["NAME"]) d2d = coords.separation(field_coords) idx = np.where(d2d < 2 *[0] fnames = names[idx] fcoords = coords[idx] fsizes = sizes[idx] for img_type in tqdm(img_types, desc="Data types", leave=False, position=1): for band in tqdm(bands, desc="Bands", leave=False, position=2): fitsfile = os.path.join(tile_dir, "{}_{}_{}.fits".format( field["NAME"], band, img_type)) fzfile = fitsfile.replace(".fits", ".fz") if os.path.exists(fitsfile): header = fits.getheader(fitsfile) data = fits.getdata(fitsfile) elif os.path.exists(fzfile): f =[1] header = f.header data = else: continue wcs = WCS(header) xys = wcs.all_world2pix(fcoords.ra, fcoords.dec, 1) for i, (name, size) in enumerate(tqdm(zip(fnames, fsizes), desc="Galaxies", leave=False, position=3)): galdir = os.path.join(outdir, name) output = os.path.join(galdir, "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}x{3}_{4}.fits".format( name, field_name, band, size, img_type)) if os.path.exists(output) and not redo: continue try: cutout = Cutout2D(data, position=fcoords[i], size=size * u.pixel, wcs=wcs) except ValueError: continue if np.all( == 0): continue hdu = fits.ImageHDU( for key in header_keys: if key in header: hdu.header[key] = header[key] hdu.header["TILE"] = hdu.header["OBJECT"] hdu.header["OBJECT"] = name if "HIERARCH OAJ PRO FWHMMEAN" in header: hdu.header["PSFFWHM"] = header["HIERARCH OAJ " \ "PRO FWHMMEAN"] hdu.header["X0TILE"] = (xys[0][i], "Location in tile") hdu.header["Y0TILE"] = (xys[1][i], "Location in tile") hdu.header.update(cutout.wcs.to_header()) hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu]) if not os.path.exists(galdir): os.mkdir(galdir) hdulist.writeto(output, overwrite=True)
def get_wavelength(wave_file): """ Load the wavelenth array from file """ return fits.getdata(wave_file)
# get the R50 and Mr bin for each galaxy in the sample R50_bins = np.digitize(R50, bins=R50_bin_edges).clip(1, n_R50_bins) Mr_bins = np.digitize(Mr, bins=Mr_bin_edges).clip(1, n_Mr_bins) # convert R50 and Mr bin indices to indices of bins # in the combined rectangular grid rect_bins = (Mr_bins - 1) + n_Mr_bins * (R50_bins - 1) # get the voronoi bin for each galaxy in the sample rect_bin_vbins = rect_vbins_table['vbin'] voronoi_bins = rect_bin_vbins[rect_bins] return voronoi_bins # Gives each galaxy a voronoi bin. # Load the required data: all_data = fits.getdata(source_directory+full_sample,1) all_data = Table(all_data) #spiral_data = select_data_arm_number(all_data) # keep spirals for binning. R50, Mr = [all_data[c] for c in ['PETROR50_R_KPC','PETROMAG_MR']] R50 = np.log10(R50) # binning performed in log10(R50) rect_bins_table, vbins_table, rect_vbins_table = voronoi_binning(R50, Mr) voronoi_bins = voronoi_assignment(all_data, rect_bins_table, rect_vbins_table) # Now make some plots to show the voronoi bins: # First check if the directory exists: os.mkdir('figures/voronoi_binning/') if os.path.isdir('figures/voronoi_binning/') is False else None # Bin count histogram:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import fits from itertools import product # fname = 'ap_cutoff3475_rap12_ran3' fname = 'final_scan_cutoff3490_v3' fitsname = 'A1_pic.fits' bins_number = 25 data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1) # Data structure 0)ypos 1)xpos 2)radius Magerror = 2.000E-02 Magzpt = 2.530E+01 image_data = fits.getdata(fitsname, ext=0) shapes = image_data.shape def fit_galaxy(ypos, xpos, r_in, r_out=4): """ fit the galaxy to a circle of radius r_in and use the outer ring to calculate the local background """ count_out = [] count_in = [] for j, i in product( np.arange(ypos - (r_out + r_in), ypos + r_out + r_in + 1), np.arange(xpos - (r_out + r_in), xpos + 1 + r_out + r_in)): # Create square if (j - ypos)**2 + (i - xpos)**2 <= r_in**2 and 0 <= j <= shapes[ 0] - 1 and 0 <= i <= shapes[ 1] - 1: # make sure points are in a circle j, i = [int(j), int(i)] if 3419 < image_data[j, i]:
def create(self): """MAIN FUNCTION""" self.logger = logging.getLogger('mirage.wfss_simulator')'\n\nRunning wfss_simulator....\n')'using parameter files: ') for pfile in self.paramfiles:'{}'.format(pfile)) # Loop over the yaml files and create # a direct seed image for each imseeds = [] ptsrc_seeds = [] galaxy_seeds = [] extended_seeds = [] for pfile in self.paramfiles:'Running catalog_seed_image for {}'.format(pfile)) cat = catalog_seed_image.Catalog_seed(offline=self.offline) cat.paramfile = pfile cat.make_seed() imseeds.append(cat.seed_file) ptsrc_seeds.append(cat.ptsrc_seed_filename) galaxy_seeds.append(cat.galaxy_seed_filename) extended_seeds.append(cat.extended_seed_filename) # If Mirage is going to produce an hdf5 file of spectra, # then we only need a single direct seed image. Note that # find_param_info() has reordered the list such that the # wfss mode yaml file will be examined first. if self.create_continuum_seds: break # Create hdf5 file with spectra of all sources if requested. if self.create_continuum_seds: det_name = cat.params['Readout']['array_name'].split('_')[0] self.SED_file = spectra_from_catalog.make_all_spectra(self.catalog_files, input_spectra=self.SED_dict, input_spectra_file=self.SED_file, extrapolate_SED=self.extrapolate_SED, output_filename=self.final_SED_file, normalizing_mag_column=self.SED_normalizing_catalog_column, module=self.module, detector=det_name) # Location of the configuration files needed for dispersion loc = os.path.join(self.datadir, "{}/GRISM_{}/".format(self.instrument, self.instrument.upper())) # Determine the name of the background file to use, as well as the # orders to disperse. if self.instrument == 'nircam': dmode = 'mod{}_{}'.format(self.module, self.dispersion_direction) if self.params['simSignals']['use_dateobs_for_background']:"Generating background spectrum for observation date: {}".format(self.params['Output']['date_obs'])) back_wave, back_sig = backgrounds.day_of_year_background_spectrum(self.params['Telescope']['ra'], self.params['Telescope']['dec'], self.params['Output']['date_obs']) else: if isinstance(self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'], str): if self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'].lower() in ['low', 'medium', 'high']:"Generating background spectrum based on requested level of: {}".format(self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'])) back_wave, back_sig = backgrounds.low_med_high_background_spectrum(self.params, self.detector, self.module) else: raise ValueError("ERROR: Unrecognized background rate. Must be one of 'low', 'medium', 'high'") else: raise ValueError(("ERROR: WFSS background rates must be one of 'low', 'medium', 'high', " "or use_dateobs_for_background must be True ")) elif self.instrument == 'niriss': dmode = 'GR150{}'.format(self.dispersion_direction) background_file = "{}_{}_medium_background.fits".format(self.crossing_filter.lower(), dmode.lower()) if isinstance(self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'], str): if self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'].lower() in ['low', 'medium', 'high']: siaf_instance = pysiaf.Siaf('niriss')[self.params['Readout']['array_name']] vegazp, photflam, photfnu, pivot_wavelength = fluxcal_info(self.params['Reffiles']['flux_cal'], self.instrument, self.params['Readout']['filter'], self.params['Readout']['pupil'], self.detector, self.module) if os.path.split(self.params['Reffiles']['filter_throughput'])[1] == 'placeholder.txt' or self.params['Reffiles']['filter_throughput'] == 'config': filter_file = get_filter_throughput_file(self.instrument, 'CLEAR', self.params['Readout']['pupil']) else: filter_file = self.params['Reffiles']['filter_throughput'] scaling_factor = backgrounds.calculate_background(self.params['Telescope']['ra'], self.params['Telescope']['dec'], filter_file, self.params['simSignals']['use_dateobs_for_background'], MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['niriss'], siaf_instance, level=self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate']) # Having the grism in the beam reduces the throughput by 20%. # Mulitply that into the scaling factor scaling_factor *= NIRISS_GRISM_THROUGHPUT_FACTOR # Translate from ADU/sec/pix to e-/sec/pix since that is # what the disperser works with scaling_factor *= MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['niriss'] else: raise ValueError("ERROR: Unrecognized background rate. String value must be one of 'low', 'medium', 'high'") elif np.isreal(self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate']): # The bkgdrate entry in the input yaml file is described as # the desired signal in ADU/sec/pixel IN A DIRECT IMAGE # Since we want e-/sec/pixel here for the disperser, multiply # by the gain as well as the throughput factor for the grism. scaling_factor = self.params['simSignals']['bkgdrate'] * MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['niriss'] * NIRISS_GRISM_THROUGHPUT_FACTOR # Default to extracting all orders orders = None # Call the disperser separately for each type of object: point sources # galaxies, extended objects disp_seed = np.zeros((cat.ffsize, cat.ffsize)) background_done = False for seed_files in [ptsrc_seeds, galaxy_seeds, extended_seeds]: if seed_files[0] is not None: dispersed_objtype_seed = Grism_seed(seed_files, self.crossing_filter, dmode, config_path=loc, instrument=self.instrument.upper(), extrapolate_SED=self.extrapolate_SED, SED_file=self.SED_file, SBE_save=self.source_stamps_file) dispersed_objtype_seed.observation(orders=orders) dispersed_objtype_seed.disperse(orders=orders) # Only include the background in one of the object type seed images if not background_done: if self.instrument == 'nircam': background_image = dispersed_objtype_seed.disperse_background_1D([back_wave, back_sig]) dispersed_objtype_seed.finalize(Back=background_image, BackLevel=None) else: # BackLevel is used as such: background / max(background) * BackLevel # So we need to either set BackLevel equal to the requested level # NOT THE RATIO OF THAT TO MEDIUM, or we need to open the background # file and multiply it by the ratio of the requested level to medium. # The former isn't quite correct because it'll be scaling the maximum # value in the image to "low" or "high", rather than the median full_background_file = os.path.join(loc, background_file) background_image = fits.getdata(full_background_file) # Before scaling the background image by the scaling_factor # we need to normalize by the sigma-clipped mean value. This is # because the background files were produced and scaled to the # ETC "medium" level at some arbirtrary pointing, but the # "medium" level is pointing-dependent. Current background files # are scaled such that the "medium" value from the ETC is the # sigma-clipped mean value. clip, lo, hi = sigmaclip(background_image, low=3, high=3) background_mean = np.mean(clip) background_image = background_image / background_mean * scaling_factor dispersed_objtype_seed.finalize(Back=background_image, BackLevel=None) background_done = True # Save the background image to a fits file hprime = fits.PrimaryHDU() himg = fits.ImageHDU(background_image) himg.header['EXTNAME'] = 'BACKGRND' himg.header['UNITS'] = 'e/s' hlist = fits.HDUList([hprime, himg]) hlist.writeto(self.background_image_filename, overwrite=True) else: dispersed_objtype_seed.finalize() disp_seed += # Disperser output is always full frame. Remove the signal from # the refrence pixels now since we know exactly where they are disp_seed[0:4, :] = 0. disp_seed[2044:, :] = 0. disp_seed[:, 0:4] = 0. disp_seed[:, 2044:] = 0. # Crop to the requested subarray if necessary if cat.params['Readout']['array_name'] not in self.fullframe_apertures:"Subarray bounds: {}".format(cat.subarray_bounds))"Dispersed seed image size: {}".format(disp_seed.shape)) disp_seed = self.crop_to_subarray(disp_seed, cat.subarray_bounds) # Save the dispersed seed image if requested # Save in units of e/s, under the idea that this should be a # "perfect" noiseless view of the scene that does not depend on # detector effects, such as gain. if self.save_dispersed_seed: self.save_dispersed_seed_image(disp_seed) # Convert seed image to ADU/sec to be consistent # with other simulator outputs if self.instrument == 'niriss': gain = MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['niriss'] elif self.instrument == 'nircam': gain = MEAN_GAIN_VALUES['nircam']['lw{}'.format(self.module.lower())] disp_seed /= gain # Update seed image header to reflect the # division by the gain cat.seedinfo['units'] = 'ADU/sec' # Prepare dark current exposure if # needed. if self.override_dark is None: d = dark_prep.DarkPrep(offline=self.offline) d.paramfile = self.wfss_yaml d.prepare() if len(d.dark_files) == 1: obslindark = d.prepDark else: obslindark = d.dark_files else:'\n\noverride_dark has been set. Skipping dark_prep.') if isinstance(self.override_dark, str): self.read_dark_product() obslindark = self.prepDark elif isinstance(self.override_dark, list): obslindark = self.override_dark # Combine into final observation obs = obs_generator.Observation(offline=self.offline) obs.linDark = obslindark obs.seed = disp_seed obs.segmap = cat.seed_segmap obs.seedheader = cat.seedinfo #obs.paramfile = y.outname obs.paramfile = self.wfss_yaml obs.create()
plt.savefig(filepath) plt.clf() def save_fits(data_frame, filepath): print('Saving', filepath) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data_frame) hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu]) hdul.writeto(filepath, overwrite=True) #100ms #Load Dark Frames darkframes = [ fits.getdata(f'raw_data/Albireo_V_Dark_100ms_{i:03}.FITS') for i in range(1, 6) ] for g in darkframes: print(g.shape) med_dark_frame = np.median(darkframes, axis=0) print(med_dark_frame.shape) save_image(med_dark_frame, 'dark_fields/100ms.png') #V Band for i in range(1, 11): df = fits.getdata(f'raw_data/Albireo_V_100ms_{i:03}.FITS') save_image(df, f'data_fields/Albireo_V_100ms_{i:03}.png') dark_sub = df - med_dark_frame save_image(dark_sub, f'subtracted_fields/Albireo_V_100ms_{i:03}.png') save_fits(dark_sub, f'subtracted_fields/Albireo_V_100ms_{i:03}.FITS')
def flattest(step_input_filename, dflatref_path=None, sfile_path=None, fflat_path=None, msa_shutter_conf=None, writefile=False, show_figs=True, save_figs=False, plot_name=None, threshold_diff=1.0e-14, debug=False): """ This function does the WCS comparison from the world coordinates calculated using the script with the ESA files. The function calls that script. Args: step_input_filename: str, name of the output fits file from the 2d_extract step (with full path) dflatref_path: str, path of where the D-flat reference fits files sfile_path: str, path of where the S-flat reference fits files fflat_path: str, path of where the F-flat reference fits files msa_shutter_conf: str, full path and name of the MSA configuration fits file writefile: boolean, if True writes the fits files of the calculated flat and difference images show_figs: boolean, whether to show plots or not save_figs: boolean, save the plots (the 3 plots can be saved or not independently with the function call) plot_name: string, desired name (if name is not given, the plot function will name the plot by default) threshold_diff: float, threshold difference between pipeline output and ESA file debug: boolean, if true a series of print statements will show on-screen Returns: - 1 plot, if told to save and/or show. - median_diff: Boolean, True if smaller or equal to 1e-14 """ # get info from the rate file header det = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "DETECTOR", 0) print('step_input_filename=', step_input_filename) lamp = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "LAMP", 0) exptype = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "EXP_TYPE", 0) grat = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "GRATING", 0) filt = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "FILTER", 0) print("rate_file --> Grating:", grat, " Filter:", filt, " Lamp:", lamp) # read in the on-the-fly flat image flatfile = step_input_filename.replace("flat_field.fits", "intflat.fits") pipeflat = fits.getdata(flatfile, 1) # get the reference files # D-Flat dflat_ending = "f_01.03.fits" dfile = "_".join((dflatref_path, "nrs1", dflat_ending)) if det == "NRS2": dfile = dfile.replace("nrs1", "nrs2") #print(" ***** path for d-flat: ", os.path.isfile(dfile)) dfim = fits.getdata(dfile, 1) dfimdq = fits.getdata(dfile, 4) # need to flip/rotate the image into science orientation ns = np.shape(dfim) dfim = np.transpose(dfim, ( 0, 2, 1)) # keep in mind that 0,1,2 = z,y,x in Python, whereas =x,y,z in IDL dfimdq = np.transpose(dfimdq) if det == "NRS2": dfim = reverse_cols(dfim) dfim = dfim[::-1] dfimdq = reverse_cols(dfimdq) dfimdq = dfimdq[::-1] naxis3 = fits.getval(dfile, "NAXIS3", 1) # get the wavelength values dfwave = np.array([]) for i in range(naxis3): keyword = "_".join(("PFLAT", str(i + 1))) dfwave = np.append(dfwave, fits.getval(dfile, keyword, 1)) dfrqe = fits.getdata(dfile, 2) # S-flat tsp = exptype.split("_") mode = tsp[1] if filt == "F070LP": flat = "FLAT4" elif filt == "F100LP": flat = "FLAT1" elif filt == "F170LP": flat = "FLAT2" elif filt == "F290LP": flat = "FLAT3" elif filt == "CLEAR": flat = "FLAT5" else: print("No filter correspondence. Exiting the program.") # This is the key argument for the assert pytest function msg = "Test skiped because there is no flat correspondance for the filter in the data: {}".format( filt) median_diff = "skip" return median_diff, msg sflat_ending = "f_01.01.fits" sfile = "_".join((sfile_path, grat, "OPAQUE", flat, "nrs1", sflat_ending)) #print(" ***** path for s-flat: ", os.path.isfile(sfile)) if debug: print("grat = ", grat) print("flat = ", flat) print("sfile used = ", sfile) if det == "NRS2": sfile = sfile.replace("nrs1", "nrs2") sfim = fits.getdata(sfile, 1) sfimdq = fits.getdata(sfile, 3) # need to flip/rotate image into science orientation sfim = np.transpose(sfim, (0, 2, 1)) sfimdq = np.transpose(sfimdq, (0, 2, 1)) if det == "NRS2": sfim = reverse_cols(sfim) sfim = sfim[::-1] sfimdq = reverse_cols(sfimdq) sfimdq = sfimdq[::-1] # get the wavelength values for sflat cube sfimwave = np.array([]) naxis3 = fits.getval(sfile, "NAXIS3", 1) for i in range(0, naxis3): if i + 1 < 10: keyword = "".join(("FLAT_0", str(i + 1))) else: keyword = "".join(("FLAT_", str(i + 1))) #print ("S-flat -> using ", keyword) try: sfimwave = np.append(sfimwave, fits.getval(sfile, keyword, 1)) except: KeyError sfv = fits.getdata(sfile, 5) # F-Flat #print ("F-flat -> using the following flats: ") fflat_ending = "_01.01.fits" ffile = fflat_path + "_" + filt + fflat_ending naxis3 = fits.getval(ffile, "NAXIS3", 1) #print(" ***** path for f-flat: ", os.path.isfile(ffile)) ffsq1 = fits.getdata(ffile, 1) ffswaveq1 = np.array([]) for i in range(0, naxis3): if i <= 9: suff = "".join(("0", str(i))) else: suff = str(i) t = ("FLAT", suff) keyword = "_".join(t) #print ("1. F-flat -> ", keyword) ffswaveq1 = np.append(ffswaveq1, fits.getval(ffile, keyword, 1)) ffserrq1 = fits.getdata(ffile, 2) ffsdqq1 = fits.getdata(ffile, 3) ffvq1 = fits.getdata(ffile, 4) ffsq2 = fits.getdata(ffile, 1) ffswaveq2 = np.array([]) for i in range(0, naxis3): if i <= 9: suff = "".join(("0", str(i))) else: suff = str(i) t = ("FLAT", suff) keyword = "_".join(t) #print ("2. F-flat -> using ", keyword) ffswaveq2 = np.append(ffswaveq2, fits.getval(ffile, keyword, 1)) ffserrq2 = fits.getdata(ffile, 2) ffsdqq2 = fits.getdata(ffile, 3) ffvq2 = fits.getdata(ffile, 4) ffsq3 = fits.getdata(ffile, 1) ffswaveq3 = np.array([]) for i in range(0, naxis3): if i <= 9: suff = "".join(("0", str(i))) else: suff = str(i) t = ("FLAT", suff) keyword = "_".join(t) #print ("3. F-flat -> using ", keyword) ffswaveq3 = np.append(ffswaveq3, fits.getval(ffile, keyword, 1)) ffserrq3 = fits.getdata(ffile, 2) ffsdqq3 = fits.getdata(ffile, 3) ffvq3 = fits.getdata(ffile, 4) ffsq4 = fits.getdata(ffile, 1) ffswaveq4 = np.array([]) for i in range(0, naxis3): if i <= 9: suff = "0" + str(i) else: suff = str(i) keyword = "FLAT_" + suff #print ("4. F-flat -> using ", keyword) ffswaveq4 = np.append(ffswaveq4, fits.getval(ffile, keyword, 1)) ffserrq4 = fits.getdata(ffile, 2) ffsdqq4 = fits.getdata(ffile, 3) ffvq4 = fits.getdata(ffile, 4) # go through each pixel in the test data wc_file_name = step_input_filename.replace("_flat_field.fits", "_world_coordinates.fits") wc_hdulist = if writefile: # create the fits list to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU() outfile = fits.HDUList() outfile.append(hdu0) # create the fits list to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU() complfile = fits.HDUList() complfile.append(hdu0) # loop over the 2D subwindows and read in the WCS values for i, _ in enumerate(wc_hdulist): ext = i + 1 if ext >= len(wc_hdulist): break slit_id = fits.getval(wc_file_name, "SLIT", ext) wc_data = fits.getdata(wc_file_name, ext) # get the wavelength wave = wc_data[0, :, :] # get the subwindow origin px0 = int(fits.getval(wc_file_name, "CRVAL1", ext)) - 1 py0 = int(fits.getval(wc_file_name, "CRVAL2", ext)) - 1 n_p = np.shape(wave) nw = n_p[0] * n_p[1] if debug: print("subwindow origin: px0=", px0, " py0=", py0) #print ("nw = ", nw) delf = np.zeros([nw]) + 999.0 flatcor = np.zeros([nw]) + 999.0 # get the slitlet info, needed for the F-Flat ext_shutter_info = "SHUTTER_INFO" # this is extension 2 of the msa file, that has the shutter info slitlet_info = fits.getdata(msa_shutter_conf, ext_shutter_info) sltid = slitlet_info.field("SLITLET_ID") for j, s in enumerate(sltid): if s == int(slit_id): im = j # get the shutter with the source in it if slitlet_info.field("BACKGROUND")[im] == "N": isrc = j quad = slitlet_info.field("SHUTTER_QUADRANT")[im] row = slitlet_info.field("SHUTTER_ROW")[im] col = slitlet_info.field("SHUTTER_COLUMN")[im] slitlet_id = repr(row) + "_" + repr(col) print('sltid=', sltid, " quad=", quad, " row=", row, " col=", col, " slitlet_id=", slitlet_id) # get the relevant F-flat reference data if quad == 1: ffsall = ffsq1 ffsallwave = ffswaveq1 ffsalldq = ffsdqq1 ffv = ffvq1 if quad == 2: ffsall = ffsq2 ffsallwave = ffswaveq2 ffsalldq = ffsdqq2 ffv = ffvq2 if quad == 3: ffsall = ffsq3 ffsallwave = ffswaveq3 ffsalldq = ffsdqq3 ffv = ffvq3 if quad == 4: ffsall = ffsq4 ffsallwave = ffswaveq4 ffsalldq = ffsdqq4 ffv = ffvq4 # loop through the pixels print("looping through the pixels, this may take a little time ... ") flat_wave = wave.flatten() wave_shape = np.shape(wave) for j in range(0, nw): if np.isfinite(flat_wave[j]): # skip if wavelength is NaN # get the pixel indeces jwav = flat_wave[j] t = np.where(wave == jwav) pind = [t[0][0] + py0, t[1][0] + px0] if debug: print('j, jwav, px0, py0 : ', j, jwav, px0, py0) print('pind = ', pind) # get the pixel bandwidth **this needs to be modified for prism, since the dispersion is not linear!** delw = 0.0 if (j != 0) and (int( (j - 1) / n_p[1]) == int(j / n_p[1])) and (int( (j + 1) / n_p[1]) == int(j / n_p[1])) and np.isfinite( flat_wave[j + 1]) and np.isfinite( flat_wave[j - 1]): delw = 0.5 * (flat_wave[j + 1] - flat_wave[j - 1]) if (j == 0) or not np.isfinite(flat_wave[j - 1]) or (int( (j - 1) / n_p[1]) != int(j / n_p[1])): delw = flat_wave[j + 1] - flat_wave[j] if (j == nw - 1) or not np.isfinite(flat_wave[j + 1]) or (int( (j + 1) / n_p[1]) != int(j / n_p[1])): delw = flat_wave[j] - flat_wave[j - 1] if debug: #print ("(j, (j-1), n_p[1], (j-1)/n_p[1], (j+1), (j+1)/n_p[1])", j, (j-1), n_p[1], int((j-1)/n_p[1]), (j+1), int((j+1)/n_p[1])) #print ("np.isfinite(flat_wave[j+1]), np.isfinite(flat_wave[j-1])", np.isfinite(flat_wave[j+1]), np.isfinite(flat_wave[j-1])) #print ("flat_wave[j+1], flat_wave[j-1] : ", np.isfinite(flat_wave[j+1]), flat_wave[j+1], flat_wave[j-1]) print("delw = ", delw) # integrate over dflat fast vector dfrqe_wav = dfrqe.field("WAVELENGTH") dfrqe_rqe = dfrqe.field("RQE") iw = np.where((dfrqe_wav >= flat_wave[j] - delw / 2.0) & (dfrqe_wav <= flat_wave[j] + delw / 2.0)) int_tab = auxfunc.idl_tabulate(dfrqe_wav[iw[0]], dfrqe_rqe[iw[0]]) first_dfrqe_wav, last_dfrqe_wav = dfrqe_wav[ iw[0]][0], dfrqe_wav[iw[0]][-1] dff = int_tab / (last_dfrqe_wav - first_dfrqe_wav) if debug: #print ("np.shape(dfrqe_wav) : ", np.shape(dfrqe_wav)) #print ("np.shape(dfrqe_rqe) : ", np.shape(dfrqe_rqe)) #print ("dfimdq[pind[0]][pind[1]] : ", dfimdq[pind[0]][pind[1]]) #print ("np.shape(iw) =", np.shape(iw)) #print ("np.shape(dfrqe_wav[iw[0]]) = ", np.shape(dfrqe_wav[iw[0]])) #print ("np.shape(dfrqe_rqe[iw[0]]) = ", np.shape(dfrqe_rqe[iw[0]])) #print ("int_tab=", int_tab) print("dff = ", dff) # interpolate over dflat cube iloc = auxfunc.idl_valuelocate(dfwave, flat_wave[j])[0] if dfwave[iloc] > flat_wave[j]: iloc -= 1 ibr = [iloc] if iloc != len(dfwave) - 1: ibr.append(iloc + 1) # get the values in the z-array at indeces ibr, and x=pind[1] and y=pind[0] zz = dfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]][[ibr]] # now determine the length of the array with only the finite numbers zzwherenonan = np.where(np.isfinite(zz)) kk = np.size(zzwherenonan) dfs = 1.0 if (flat_wave[j] <= max(dfwave)) and ( flat_wave[j] >= min(dfwave)) and (kk == 2): dfs = np.interp(flat_wave[j], dfwave[ibr], zz[zzwherenonan]) # check DQ flags if dfimdq[pind[0]][pind[1]] != 0: dfs = 1.0 # integrate over S-flat fast vector sfv_wav = sfv.field("WAVELENGTH") sfv_dat = sfv.field("DATA") iw = np.where((sfv_wav >= flat_wave[j] - delw / 2.0) & (sfv_wav <= flat_wave[j] + delw / 2.0)) sff = 1.0 if np.size(iw) != 0: int_tab = auxfunc.idl_tabulate(sfv_wav[iw], sfv_dat[iw]) first_sfv_wav, last_sfv_wav = sfv_wav[iw[0]][0], sfv_wav[ iw[0]][-1] sff = int_tab / (last_sfv_wav - first_sfv_wav) # interpolate s-flat cube iloc = auxfunc.idl_valuelocate(sfimwave, flat_wave[j])[0] ibr = [iloc] if iloc != len(sfimwave) - 1: ibr.append(iloc + 1) # get the values in the z-array at indeces ibr, and x=pind[1] and y=pind[0] zz = sfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]][[ibr]] # now determine the length of the array with only the finite numbers zzwherenonan = np.where(np.isfinite(zz)) kk = np.size(zzwherenonan) sfs = 1.0 if (flat_wave[j] <= max(sfimwave)) and ( flat_wave[j] >= min(sfimwave)) and (kk == 2): sfs = np.interp(flat_wave[j], sfimwave[ibr], zz[zzwherenonan]) # check DQ flags kk = np.where(sfimdq[:, pind[0], pind[1]][[ibr]] == 0) if np.size(kk) != 2: sfs = 1.0 # integrate over f-flat fast vector # reference file wavelength range is from 0.6 to 5.206 microns, so need to force # solution to 1 for wavelengths outside that range ffv_wav = ffv.field("WAVELENGTH") ffv_dat = ffv.field("DATA") fff = 1.0 if (flat_wave[j] - delw / 2.0 >= 0.6) and (flat_wave[j] + delw / 2.0 <= 5.206): iw = np.where((ffv_wav >= flat_wave[j] - delw / 2.0) & (ffv_wav <= flat_wave[j] + delw / 2.0)) if np.size(iw) > 1: int_tab = auxfunc.idl_tabulate(ffv_wav[iw], ffv_dat[iw]) first_ffv_wav, last_ffv_wav = ffv_wav[ iw[0]][0], ffv_wav[iw[0]][-1] fff = int_tab / (last_ffv_wav - first_ffv_wav) # interpolate over f-flat cube ffs = np.interp(flat_wave[j], ffsallwave, ffsall[:, col - 1, row - 1]) flatcor[j] = dff * dfs * sff * sfs * fff * ffs if (pind[1] - px0 + 1 == 9999) and (pind[0] - py0 + 1 == 9999): print("pind = ", pind) print("flat_wave[j] = ", flat_wave[j]) print("dfs, dff = ", dfs, dff) print("sfs, sff = ", sfs, sff) # make plot font = { #'family' : 'normal', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16 } matplotlib.rc('font', **font) fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 10)) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4) ax = plt.subplot(111) xmin = flat_wave[j] - 0.01 xmax = flat_wave[j] + 0.01 plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) #plt.ylim(min(dfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]])*0.9, max(dfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]])*1.1) plt.plot(dfwave, dfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]], linewidth=7, marker='D', color='k', label="dflat_im") plt.plot(flat_wave[j], dfs, linewidth=7, marker='D', color='r') plt.plot(dfrqe_wav, dfrqe_rqe, linewidth=7, marker='D', c='k', label="dflat_vec") plt.plot(flat_wave[j], dff, linewidth=7, marker='D', color='r') plt.plot(sfimwave, sfim[:, pind[0], pind[1]], linewidth=7, marker='D', color='k', label="sflat_im") plt.plot(flat_wave[j], sfs, linewidth=7, marker='D', color='r') plt.plot(sfv_wav, sfv_dat, linewidth=7, marker='D', color='k', label="sflat_vec") plt.plot(flat_wave[j], sff, linewidth=7, marker='D', color='r') # add legend box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 1.0, box.height]) ax.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) plt.minorticks_on() plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='on', top='on', right='on', direction='in', labelbottom='on') print( "Exiting the program. Unable to determine mean and std_dev. Test set to be skiped." ) plt.close() msg = "Unable to determine mean and std_dev. Test set to be skiped." median_diff = "skip" return median_diff, msg if debug: print("dfs = ", dfs) print("sff = ", sff) print("sfs = ", sfs) print("ffs = ", ffs) # Difference between pipeline and calculated values if ((pind[0] - py0) < np.shape(pipeflat)[0]) and ( (pind[1] - px0) < np.shape(pipeflat)[1]): delf[j] = pipeflat[pind[0] - py0, pind[1] - px0] - flatcor[j] else: break #print("pind[0], py0, pind[1], px0, flatcor[j] : ", pind[0], py0, pind[1], px0, flatcor[j]) #print("(pind[0]-py0, pind[1]-px0) : ", pind[0]-py0, pind[1]-px0 ) #print("(pind[0]-py0, pind[1]-px0) - flatcor[j] : ", (pind[0]-py0, pind[1]-px0) - flatcor[j]) #print("np.shape(pipeflat) = ", np.shape(pipeflat)) #print("delf[j] : ", delf[j]) # Remove all pixels with values=1 (mainly inter-slit pixels) for statistics if pipeflat[pind[0] - py0, pind[1] - px0] == 1: delf[j] = 999.0 else: flatcor[j] = 1.0 # no correction if no wavelength wc_hdulist.close() delfg = delf[np.where((delf != 999.0) & (delf >= -0.1))] # ignore outliers delfg_median, delfg_std = np.median(delfg), np.std(delfg) print("median, stdev in flat value differences: ", delfg_median, delfg_std) # This is the key argument for the assert pytest function median_diff = False if abs(delfg_median) <= float(threshold_diff): median_diff = True if median_diff: test_result = "PASSED" else: test_result = "FAILED" print(" *** Result of the test: ", test_result) # make histogram font = { #'family' : 'normal', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16 } matplotlib.rc('font', **font) alpha = 0.2 fontsize = 15 fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4) ax = plt.subplot(111) t = (filt, grat, " SLIT", slit_id) plt.title(" ".join(t)) plt.xlabel("flat$_{pipe}$ - flat$_{calc}$") plt.ylabel("N") xmin = delfg_median - delfg_std * 5 xmax = delfg_median + delfg_std * 5 plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) x_median = "median = {:0.3}".format(delfg_median) x_stddev = "stddev = {:0.3}".format(delfg_std) ax.text(0.7, 0.9, x_median, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize) ax.text(0.7, 0.83, x_stddev, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='on', top='on', right='on', direction='in', labelbottom='on') binwidth = (xmax - xmin) / 40. _, _, _ = ax.hist(delfg, bins=np.arange(xmin, xmax + binwidth, binwidth), histtype='bar', ec='k', facecolor="red", alpha=alpha) if save_figs: #if plot_name is None: file_basename = step_input_filename.replace(".fits", "") plot_name = file_basename + "_" + slitlet_id + "_MOS_flattest_histogram.pdf" plt.savefig(plot_name) print('\n Plot saved: ', plot_name) if show_figs: plt.close() # create fits file to hold the calculated flat for each slit if writefile: # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values outfile_ext = fits.ImageHDU(flatcor.reshape(wave_shape), name=slitlet_id) outfile.append(outfile_ext) # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values complfile_ext = fits.ImageHDU(delf.reshape(wave_shape), name=slitlet_id) complfile.append(complfile_ext) if writefile: outfile_name = step_input_filename.replace("2d_flat_field.fits", det + "_flat_calc.fits") complfile_name = step_input_filename.replace("2d_flat_field.fits", det + "_flat_comp.fits") # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values outfile.writeto(outfile_name, overwrite=True) # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values complfile.writeto(complfile_name, overwrite=True) print("Fits file with flat values of each slice saved as: ") print(outfile_name) print("Fits file with image of pipeline - calculated saved as: ") print(complfile_name) print("Done.") msg = "" return median_diff, msg
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 8)) labels = [] for filt_i in [0, 2]: filt_l = ['F150W', 'F200W', 'F356W', 'F444W'] filt = filt_l[filt_i] labels.append(filt) x_p = [1, 1, 2, 2] zp = zp_dic[filt] bias_list = [] for seed in range(seed_range[0], seed_range[1]): folder = folder_suf + 'sim' + '_ID' + repr( ID) + '_' + filt + '_seed' + repr(seed) f = open(folder + "/sim_info.txt", "r") string = lines = string.split('\n') # Split in to \n true_host = pyfits.getdata(folder + '/Drz_HOSTclean_image.fits') result, framesize = pickle.load( open(folder + '/{0}.pkl'.format(save_name), 'rb')) half_r = int(framesize / 2) peak = np.where(true_host == true_host.max()) peak = [peak[0][0], peak[1][0]] true_host = true_host[peak[0] - half_r:peak[0] + half_r + 1, peak[1] - half_r:peak[1] + half_r + 1] true_host_flux = true_host.sum() true_host_mag = -2.5 * np.log10(true_host_flux) + zp # print(true_host_mag) true_host_ratio = [ lines[i] for i in range(len(lines)) if 'host_flux_ratio' in lines[i] ][0].split('\t')[1] true_total_flux = true_host_flux / float(
def compare_pixscale(): # fnames = [x for x in useful.fnames if "irac" not in x] fnames = [] for instr in useful.instr_used_list[:-1]: for filt in useful.filters[instr][:1]: fnames.append("%s_%s" % (instr, filt)) zorder = np.linspace(1, 10, len(fnames))[::-1] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=75) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.07) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) dax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad=0.15) for fname, zo in zip(fnames, zorder): print fname instr, filt = fname.split("_") fcolor = useful.fcolor_dict[instr][filt] inp_name = orig_fnames[instr][filt]["img"] pixscale = proj_plane_pixel_scales(WCS( fitsio.getheader(inp_name)))[0] * 3600. cat_orig = fitsio.getdata("catalog_rms2_orig_%s.matched.fits" % fname) cat_swrp = fitsio.getdata("catalog_rms2_swrp_%s.matched.fits" % fname) orig_zp = useful.orig_zp[instr][ filt] if "supcam" not in fname else useful.orig_zp[instr][filt][1] cat_orig["FLUX_APER"] = cat_orig["FLUX_APER"] * calc_fscale(orig_zp) cat_orig["FLUXERR_APER"] = cat_orig["FLUXERR_APER"] * calc_fscale( orig_zp) cond = (cat_orig["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2] > 0) & (cat_swrp["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2] > 0) cat_orig = cat_orig[cond] cat_swrp = cat_swrp[cond] sn_orig = cat_orig["FLUX_APER"][:, 2] / cat_orig["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2] sn_swrp = cat_swrp["FLUX_APER"][:, 2] / cat_swrp["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2] cond = (sn_orig >= 25.) & (sn_swrp >= 25.) sn_orig, sn_swrp = sn_orig[cond], sn_swrp[cond] ferr_orig = cat_orig["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2][cond] ferr_swrp = cat_swrp["FLUXERR_APER"][:, 2][cond] ferr_med = np.nanmedian(ferr_swrp / ferr_orig) ferr_CIs = np.nanpercentile(ferr_swrp / ferr_orig, [16, 84]) ferr_err = np.abs(ferr_CIs - ferr_med)[:, np.newaxis] sn_med = np.nanmedian(sn_swrp / sn_orig) sn_CIs = np.nanpercentile(sn_swrp / sn_orig, [16, 84]) sn_err = np.abs(sn_CIs - sn_med)[:, np.newaxis] ax.scatter(pixscale, ferr_med, marker='o', s=75, facecolor=fcolor, edgecolor='none', label=fname.replace("_", ":"), zorder=zo) ax.errorbar(pixscale, ferr_med, yerr=ferr_err, marker='', markersize=0, color=fcolor, capsize=5, zorder=zo) dax.scatter(pixscale, sn_med, marker='o', s=75, facecolor=fcolor, edgecolor='none', zorder=zo) dax.errorbar(pixscale, sn_med, yerr=sn_err, marker='', markersize=0, color=fcolor, capsize=5, zorder=zo) print fname, ferr_med, ferr_CIs, sn_med, sn_CIs ax.axhline(1, c='k', lw=1.2, ls='--') dax.axhline(1, c='k', lw=1.2, ls='--') ax.axvline(0.15, c='k', lw=1.2) dax.axvline(0.15, c='k', lw=1.2, label='SWARP\'d Pixscale') xx = np.arange(0.1, 0.3, 0.01) yy = xx / 0.15 ax.plot(xx, 1. / yy, c='k', ls='-') dax.plot(xx, yy, c='k', ls='-') ax.set_ylim(0.6, 1.6) ax.set_xlim(0.11, 0.23) dax.set_ylim(0.75, 1.55) dax.set_xlim(0.11, 0.23) ax.set_ylabel("$\sigma_{f,SWARP} / \sigma_{f,Orig}$", fontsize=20) dax.set_ylabel("$SN_{SWARP} / SN_{Orig}$", fontsize=20) dax.set_xlabel("Original Pixscale [\"/px]", fontsize=20) _ = [label.set_visible(False) for label in ax.get_xticklabels()] _ = [ label.set_fontsize(16) for label in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels() + dax.get_xticklabels() + dax.get_yticklabels() ] dax.legend(loc=2, fontsize=16, fancybox=True, frameon=False) leg = ax.legend(loc="upper center", fontsize=14, ncol=4, fancybox=True, frameon=False) for txt, hndl in zip(leg.get_texts(), leg.legendHandles): txt.set_color(hndl.get_facecolor()[0]) txt.set_fontproperties(FontProperties(size=14, weight=600)) hndl.set_visible(False) fig.savefig("errors_swarp_rms2.png")
def pathtest(step_input_filename, reffile, comparison_filename, writefile=True, show_figs=False, save_figs=True, threshold_diff=1.0e-7, debug=False): """ This function calculates the difference between the pipeline and calculated pathloss values. Args: step_input_filename: str, full path name of sourcetype output fits file reffile: str, path to the pathloss FS reference fits file comparison_filename: str, path to pipeline-generated pathloss fits file writefile: boolean, if True writes the fits files of calculated flat and difference images show_figs: boolean, whether to show plots or not save_figs: boolean, whether to save the plots or not plot_name: string, desired name. If not given, plot has default name threshold_diff: float, threshold difference between pipeline output and comparison file debug: boolean, if true print statements will show on-screen Returns: - 1 plot, if told to save and/or show them. - median_diff: Boolean, True if smaller or equal to threshold. - log_msgs: list, all print statements are captured in this variable """ log_msgs = [] # start the timer pathtest_start_time = time.time() # get info from the rate file header det = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "DETECTOR", 0) msg = 'step_input_filename=' + step_input_filename print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) exptype = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "EXP_TYPE", 0) grat = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "GRATING", 0) filt = fits.getval(step_input_filename, "FILTER", 0) msg = "pathloss file: Grating:" + grat + " Filter:" + filt + " EXP_TYPE:" + exptype print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) is_point_source = False # get the datamodel from the assign_wcs output file extract2d_wcs_file = step_input_filename.replace("_srctype.fits", "_extract_2d.fits") model = datamodels.MultiSlitModel(extract2d_wcs_file) if writefile: # create the fits list to hold the calculated pathloss values for each slit hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU() outfile = fits.HDUList() outfile.append(hdu0) # create fits list to hold pipeline-calculated difference values hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU() compfile = fits.HDUList() compfile.append(hdu0) # list to determine if pytest is passed or not total_test_result = [] print('Checking files exist & obtaining datamodels, takes a few mins...') if os.path.isfile(comparison_filename): if debug: print('Comparison file does exist.') else: result_msg = 'Comparison file does NOT exist. Skipping pathloss test.' log_msgs.append(result_msg) result = 'skip' return result, result_msg, log_msgs # get the comparison data model pathloss_pipe = # For the moment, the pipeline is using the wrong reference file for slit 400A1, so read file that # re-processed with the right reference file and open corresponding data model if os.path.isfile( step_input_filename.replace("srctype.fits", "pathloss_400A1.fits")): pathloss_400a1 = step_input_filename.replace("srctype.fits", "pathloss_400A1.fits") pathloss_pipe_400a1 = if debug: print('got comparison datamodel!') if os.path.isfile(step_input_filename): if debug: print('Input file does exist.') else: result_msg = 'Input file does NOT exist. Skipping pathloss test.' log_msgs.append(result_msg) result = 'skip' return result, result_msg, log_msgs # get the input data model pl = if debug: print('got input datamodel!') msg = "Now looping through the slits. This may take a while... " print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) sltname_list = ["S200A1", "S200A2", "S400A1", "S1600A1"] if det == "NRS2": sltname_list.append("S200B1") # but check if data is BOTS if fits.getval(step_input_filename, "EXP_TYPE", 0) == "NRS_BRIGHTOBJ": sltname_list = ["S1600A1"] # get all the science extensions ps_uni_ext_list = get_ps_uni_extensions(reffile, is_point_source) slit_val = 0 for slit, pipe_slit in zip(pl.slits, pathloss_pipe.slits): slit_val = slit_val + 1 slit_id = #if slit_id == 'S400A1': # continue continue_pathloss_test = False if fits.getval(step_input_filename, "EXP_TYPE", 0) == "NRS_BRIGHTOBJ": slit = model continue_pathloss_test = True else: for slit_in_MultiSlitModel in model.slits: if == slit_id: slit = slit_in_MultiSlitModel continue_pathloss_test = True break if not continue_pathloss_test: continue else: try: if is_point_source is True: ext = ps_uni_ext_list[0][slit_id] print("Retrieved point source extension") elif is_point_source is False: ext = ps_uni_ext_list[1][slit_id] print("Retrieved extended source extension for {}".format( slit_val)) except KeyError: # gets index associted with slit if issue above ext = sltname_list.index(slit_id) print("Unable to retrieve extension.") wcs_obj = slit.meta.wcs # get the wavelength x, y = wcstools.grid_from_bounding_box(wcs_obj.bounding_box, step=(1, 1), center=True) ra, dec, wave = wcs_obj(x, y) wave_sci = wave * 10**(-6) # microns --> meters # adjustments for S400A1 if slit_id == "S400A1": if is_point_source: ext = 1 else: ext = 3 print( "Got uniform source extension frome extra reference file") reffile2use = "jwst-nirspec-a400.plrf.fits" else: reffile2use = reffile print("Using reference file {}".format(reffile2use)) plcor_ref_ext = fits.getdata(reffile2use, ext) hdul = plcor_ref = hdul[1].data w = wcs.WCS(hdul[1].header) w1, y1, x1 = np.mgrid[:plcor_ref.shape[0], :plcor_ref. shape[1], :plcor_ref.shape[2]] slitx_ref, slity_ref, wave_ref = w.all_pix2world(x1, y1, w1, 0) previous_sci = if slit_id == 'S400A1': if pathloss_pipe_400a1 is not None: for pipe_slit_400a1 in pathloss_pipe_400a1.slits: if == "S400A1": comp_sci = pipe_correction = pipe_slit_400a1.pathloss break else: continue else: comp_sci = pipe_correction = pipe_slit.pathloss if len(pipe_correction) == 0: print( "Pipeline pathloss correction in datamodel is empty. Skipping testing this slit." ) continue # set up generals for all the plots font = {'weight': 'normal', 'size': 7} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) corr_vals = np.interp(wave_sci, wave_ref[:, 0, 0], plcor_ref_ext) corrected_array = previous_sci / corr_vals # Plots: step_input_filepath = step_input_filename.replace(".fits", "") # my correction values fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(321) norm = ImageNormalize(corr_vals) plt.imshow(corr_vals, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.title('Calculated Correction') plt.colorbar() # pipe corerction plt.subplot(322) norm = ImageNormalize(pipe_correction) plt.imshow(pipe_correction, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.title('Pathloss Correction Comparison') plt.colorbar() # residuals (pipe correction - my correction) corr_residuals = pipe_correction - corr_vals plt.subplot(323) norm = ImageNormalize(corr_residuals) plt.imshow(corr_residuals, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.title('Correction residuals') plt.colorbar() # pipe science data before plt.subplot(324) norm = ImageNormalize(previous_sci) plt.imshow(previous_sci, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.title('Normalized pipeline science data before pathloss') plt.colorbar() # pipe science data after plt.subplot(325) norm = ImageNormalize(comp_sci) plt.imshow(comp_sci, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.title('Normalized pipeline science data after pathloss') plt.colorbar() # pipe science data after pathloss plt.subplot(326) norm = ImageNormalize(corrected_array) plt.imshow(corrected_array, norm=norm, aspect=10.0, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.title('My science data after pathloss') plt.xlabel('dispersion in pixels') plt.ylabel('y in pixels') plt.colorbar() fig.suptitle( "FS UNI Pathloss Correction Testing for {}".format(slit_id)) # add space between the subplots fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.9) # Show and/or save figures if show_figs: if save_figs: plt_name = step_input_filepath + "_Pathloss_test_slit_" + str( slit_id) + "_FS_extended.png" plt.savefig(plt_name) print('Figure saved as: ', plt_name) elif not save_figs and not show_figs: msg = "Not making plots because both show_figs and save_figs were set to False." if debug: print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) elif not save_figs: msg = "Not saving plots because save_figs was set to False." if debug: print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) plt.clf() # create fits file to hold the calculated pathloss for each slit if writefile: msg = "Saving the fits files with the calculated pathloss for each slit..." print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values outfile_ext = fits.ImageHDU(corr_vals, name=slit_id) outfile.append(outfile_ext) # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values compfile_ext = fits.ImageHDU(corr_residuals, name=slit_id) compfile.append(compfile_ext) # Histogram ax = plt.subplot(212) plt.hist(corr_residuals[~np.isnan(corr_residuals)], bins=100, range=(-0.00000013, 0.00000013)) plt.title('Residuals Histogram') plt.xlabel("Correction Value") plt.ylabel("Number of Occurences") nanind = np.isnan(corr_residuals) # get all the nan indexes notnan = ~nanind # get all the not-nan indexes arr_mean = np.mean(corr_residuals[notnan]) arr_median = np.median(corr_residuals[notnan]) arr_stddev = np.std(corr_residuals[notnan]) plt.axvline(arr_mean, label="mean = %0.3e" % (arr_mean), color="g") plt.axvline(arr_median, label="median = %0.3e" % (arr_median), linestyle="-.", color="b") str_arr_stddev = "stddev = {:0.3e}".format(arr_stddev) ax.text(0.73, 0.67, str_arr_stddev, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=7) plt.legend() plt.minorticks_on() # Show and/or save figures if save_figs: plt_name = step_input_filename.replace( ".fits", "") + "_Pathlosstest_slitlet_" + slit_id + ".png" plt.savefig(plt_name) print('Figure saved as: ', plt_name) if show_figs: elif not save_figs and not show_figs: msg = "Not making plots because both show_figs and save_figs were set to False." if debug: print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) elif not save_figs: msg = "Not saving plots because save_figs was set to False." if debug: print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) plt.close() if corr_residuals[~np.isnan(corr_residuals)].size == 0: msg1 = " * Unable to calculate statistics because difference array has all values as NaN. " \ "Test will be set to FAILED." print(msg1) log_msgs.append(msg1) test_result = "FAILED" else: msg = "Calculating statistics... " print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) corr_residuals = corr_residuals[ np.where((corr_residuals != 999.0) & (corr_residuals < 0.1) & (corr_residuals > -0.1))] # ignore outliers if corr_residuals.size == 0: msg1 = " * Unable to calculate statistics because difference array has all outlier values. Test " \ "will be set to FAILED." if debug: print(msg1) log_msgs.append(msg1) test_result = "FAILED" else: stats_and_strings = auxfunc.print_stats(corr_residuals, "Difference", float(threshold_diff), absolute=True) stats, stats_print_strings = stats_and_strings corr_residuals_mean, corr_residuals_median, corr_residuals_std = stats for msg in stats_print_strings: log_msgs.append(msg) # This is the key argument for the assert pytest function median_diff = False if abs(corr_residuals_median) <= float(threshold_diff): median_diff = True if median_diff: test_result = "PASSED" else: test_result = "FAILED" msg = " *** Result of the test: " + test_result + "\n" if debug: print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) total_test_result.append(test_result) if writefile: outfile_name = step_input_filename.replace("srctype", det + "_calcuated_pathloss") compfile_name = step_input_filename.replace( "srctype", det + "_comparison_pathloss") # create the fits list to hold the calculated pathloss values for each slit outfile.writeto(outfile_name, overwrite=True) # this is the file to hold the image of pipeline-calculated difference values compfile.writeto(compfile_name, overwrite=True) msg = "\nFits file with calculated pathloss values of each slit saved as: " print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) print(outfile_name) log_msgs.append(outfile_name) msg = "Fits file with comparison (pipeline pathloss - calculated pathloss) saved as: " print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) print(compfile_name) log_msgs.append(compfile_name) # If all tests passed then pytest will be marked as PASSED, else it will be FAILED FINAL_TEST_RESULT = False for t in total_test_result: if t == "FAILED": FINAL_TEST_RESULT = False break else: FINAL_TEST_RESULT = True if FINAL_TEST_RESULT: msg = "\n *** Final result for path_loss test will be reported as PASSED *** \n" print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) result_msg = "All slits PASSED path_loss test." else: msg = "\n *** Final result for path_loss test will be reported as FAILED *** \n" print(msg) log_msgs.append(msg) result_msg = "One or more slits FAILED path_loss test." # end the timer pathloss_end_time = time.time() - pathtest_start_time if pathloss_end_time > 60.0: pathloss_end_time = pathloss_end_time / 60.0 # in minutes pathloss_tot_time = "* Script took ", repr( pathloss_end_time) + " minutes to finish." if pathloss_end_time > 60.0: pathloss_end_time = pathloss_end_time / 60. # in hours pathloss_tot_time = "* Script took ", repr( pathloss_end_time) + " hours to finish." else: pathloss_tot_time = "* Script took ", repr( pathloss_end_time) + " seconds to finish." print(pathloss_tot_time) log_msgs.append(pathloss_tot_time) return FINAL_TEST_RESULT, result_msg, log_msgs
def img_normalization(img): ''' 图像归一化 ''' img = img.astype(np.float32) img[np.isnan(img)] = 0 if np.amax(img) == 0: return img else: img -= np.amin(img) img = img / (np.amax(img) - np.amin(img)) img *= 255 return img.astype(np.uint8) image_data = fits.getdata('./target/') # plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray') # plt.colorbar() def histeq(img, nbr_bins=65536): """ Histogram equalization of a grayscale image. """ # 获取直方图p(r) imhist, bins = histogram(img.flatten(), nbr_bins, normed=True) # 获取T(r) cdf = imhist.cumsum() # cumulative distribution function cdf = 65535 * cdf / cdf[-1] # 获取s,并用s替换原始图像对应的灰度值 result = interp(img.flatten(), bins[:-1], cdf)
def dark_sub(darkFrame, frame, scale): darkData = fits.getdata(darkFrame) fData = fits.getdata(frame) dataOut = fData - (darkData // scale) # subtracts bias from frame return dataOut
# import autolens_utils.autolens_tracer_utils as autolens_tracer_utils lens_redshift = 0.5 source_redshift = 2.0 n_pixels = 100 pixel_scale = 0.05 n_channels = 32 frequencies = casa_utils.generate_frequencies(central_frequency=260.0 * units.GHz, n_channels=n_channels, bandwidth=2.0 * units.GHz) uv = fits.getdata("./uv.fits") uv_wavelengths = casa_utils.convert_uv_coords_from_meters_to_wavelengths( uv=uv, frequencies=frequencies) # NOTE: For this tutorial we channel-average the uv_wavelengths. uv_wavelengths = np.average(a=uv_wavelengths, axis=0) antennas = fits.getdata("./antennas.fits") if not (uv_wavelengths.shape[0] == antennas.shape[0]): raise ValueError("...") antennas_unique = np.unique(antennas) if os.path.isfile("./phase_errors.fits"): phase_errors = fits.getdata(filename="./phase_errors.fits")
def get_all_TESS_data(object_name, radius=".02 deg", get_PDC=True, get_all=False): """ Given a planet name, this function returns a dictionary of times, fluxes and errors on fluxes in a juliet-friendly format for usage. The function does an astroquery to MAST using a default radius of .02 deg around the target name. If get_PDC is True, this function returns PDC fluxes. False returns SAP fluxes. If get_all is true, this function returns a dictionary that in addition to the times, fluxes and errors, returns other metadata. """ if not has_astroquery: print( "Error on using juliet function `get_all_TESS_data`: astroquery.mast not found." ) obs_table = Observations.query_object(object_name, radius=radius) out_dict = {} times = {} fluxes = {} fluxes_errors = {} for i in range(len(obs_table['dataURL'])): if 's_lc.fits' in obs_table['dataURL'][i]: fname = obs_table['dataURL'][i].split('/')[-1] metadata = fname.split('-') if len(metadata) == 5: # Extract metadata: sector =[1].split('s')[-1]) ticid =[2]) # Download files: data_products = Observations.get_product_list(obs_table[i]) manifest = Observations.download_products(data_products) # Read lightcurve file: d, h = fits.getdata('mastDownload/TESS/' + fname[:-8] + '/' + fname, header=True) t,fs,fserr,f,ferr = d['TIME']+h['BJDREFI'],d['SAP_FLUX'],d['SAP_FLUX_ERR'],\ d['PDCSAP_FLUX'],d['PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR'] idx_goodpdc = np.where((f != 0.) & (~np.isnan(f)))[0] idx_goodsap = np.where((fs != 0.) & (~np.isnan(fs)))[0] # Save to output dictionary: if 'TIC' not in out_dict.keys(): out_dict['TIC'] = ticid out_dict[sector] = {} out_dict[sector]['TIME_PDCSAP_FLUX'] = t[idx_goodpdc] out_dict[sector]['PDCSAP_FLUX'] = f[idx_goodpdc] out_dict[sector]['PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR'] = ferr[idx_goodpdc] out_dict[sector]['TIME_SAP_FLUX'] = t[idx_goodsap] out_dict[sector]['SAP_FLUX'] = fs[idx_goodsap] out_dict[sector]['SAP_FLUX_ERR'] = fserr[idx_goodsap] if get_PDC: times['TESS' + str(sector)] = t[idx_goodpdc] med = np.median(f[idx_goodpdc]) fluxes['TESS' + str(sector)] = f[idx_goodpdc] / med fluxes_errors['TESS' + str(sector)] = ferr[idx_goodpdc] / med else: times['TESS' + str(sector)] = t[idx_goodsap] med = np.median(fs[idx_goodsap]) fluxes['TESS' + str(sector)] = fs[idx_goodsap] / med fluxes_errors['TESS' + str(sector)] = fserr[idx_goodsap] / med # Remove downloaded folder: os.system('rm -r mastDownload') if get_all: return out_dict, times, fluxes, fluxes_errors else: return times, fluxes, fluxes_errors
user = '******' mike_hacking_wave_soln = False overwrite_extension_table = True files = input_locations.Files(user=user, mode=mode, cam=cam) # instantiate the ghostsim arm ghost = polyfit.ghost.GhostArm(cam, mode=mode) if model == 'W': #arclinefile = lookups_path + '/' + lookups.line_list arclinefile = files.arclinefile # Define the files in use (NB xmod.txt and wavemod.txt should be # correct) arc_file = files.arc_image_file arc_data = pyfits.getdata(arc_file) if len(arc_data) == 0: arc_data = pyfits.getdata(arc_file, 1) thar_spec = files.thar_spectrum(arclinefile) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() flat_file = files.flat_image_file print(flat_file) #DEBUG # Define the files in use (NB xmod.txt and wavemod.txt should be correct) flat_data = pyfits.getdata(flat_file) if len(flat_data) == 0: flat_data = pyfits.getdata(flat_file, 1) # Load all the parameter files, even if they are dummy try:
def main_mpi(args, comm=None): log = get_logger() psf_file = args.psf input_file = args.input # these parameters are interpreted as the *global* spec range, # to be divided among processes. specmin = args.specmin nspec = args.nspec #- Load input files and broadcast # FIXME: after we have fixed the serialization # of the PSF, read and broadcast here, to reduce # disk contention. img = None if comm is None: img = io.read_image(input_file) else: if comm.rank == 0: img = io.read_image(input_file) img = comm.bcast(img, root=0) psf = load_psf(psf_file) # get spectral range if nspec is None: nspec = psf.nspec specmax = specmin + nspec camera = img.meta['CAMERA'].lower() #- b0, r1, .. z9 spectrograph = int(camera[1]) fibermin = spectrograph * psf.nspec + specmin if args.fibermap is not None: fibermap = io.read_fibermap(args.fibermap) fibermap = fibermap[fibermin:fibermin+nspec] fibers = fibermap['FIBER'] else: fibermap = None fibers = np.arange(fibermin, fibermin+nspec, dtype='i4') #- Get wavelength grid from options if args.wavelength is not None: wstart, wstop, dw = [float(tmp) for tmp in args.wavelength.split(',')] else: wstart = np.ceil(psf.wmin_all) wstop = np.floor(psf.wmax_all) dw = 0.5 wave = np.arange(wstart, wstop+dw/2.0, dw) nwave = len(wave) #- Confirm that this PSF covers these wavelengths for these spectra psf_wavemin = np.max(psf.wavelength(list(range(specmin, specmax)), y=0)) psf_wavemax = np.min(psf.wavelength(list(range(specmin, specmax)), y=psf.npix_y-1)) if psf_wavemin > wstart: raise ValueError('Start wavelength {:.2f} < min wavelength {:.2f} for these fibers'.format(wstart, psf_wavemin)) if psf_wavemax < wstop: raise ValueError('Stop wavelength {:.2f} > max wavelength {:.2f} for these fibers'.format(wstop, psf_wavemax)) # Now we divide our spectra into bundles bundlesize = args.bundlesize checkbundles = set() checkbundles.update(np.floor_divide(np.arange(specmin, specmax), bundlesize*np.ones(nspec)).astype(int)) bundles = sorted(checkbundles) nbundle = len(bundles) bspecmin = {} bnspec = {} for b in bundles: if specmin > b * bundlesize: bspecmin[b] = specmin else: bspecmin[b] = b * bundlesize if (b+1) * bundlesize > specmax: bnspec[b] = specmax - bspecmin[b] else: bnspec[b] = bundlesize # Now we assign bundles to processes nproc = 1 rank = 0 if comm is not None: nproc = comm.size rank = comm.rank mynbundle = int(nbundle // nproc) myfirstbundle = 0 leftover = nbundle % nproc if rank < leftover: mynbundle += 1 myfirstbundle = rank * mynbundle else: myfirstbundle = ((mynbundle + 1) * leftover) + (mynbundle * (rank - leftover)) if rank == 0: #- Print parameters"extract: input = {}".format(input_file))"extract: psf = {}".format(psf_file))"extract: specmin = {}".format(specmin))"extract: nspec = {}".format(nspec))"extract: wavelength = {},{},{}".format(wstart, wstop, dw))"extract: nwavestep = {}".format(args.nwavestep))"extract: regularize = {}".format(args.regularize)) # get the root output file outpat = re.compile(r'(.*)\.fits') outmat = outpat.match(args.output) if outmat is None: raise RuntimeError("extraction output file should have .fits extension") outroot = outdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(outroot)) if rank == 0: if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) if comm is not None: comm.barrier() failcount = 0 for b in range(myfirstbundle, myfirstbundle+mynbundle): outbundle = "{}_{:02d}.fits".format(outroot, b) outmodel = "{}_model_{:02d}.fits".format(outroot, b)'extract: Rank {} starting {} spectra {}:{} at {}'.format( rank, os.path.basename(input_file), bspecmin[b], bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b], time.asctime(), ) ) sys.stdout.flush() #- The actual extraction try: results = ex2d(img.pix, img.ivar*(img.mask==0), psf, bspecmin[b], bnspec[b], wave, regularize=args.regularize, ndecorr=True, bundlesize=bundlesize, wavesize=args.nwavestep, verbose=args.verbose, full_output=True) flux = results['flux'] ivar = results['ivar'] Rdata = results['resolution_data'] chi2pix = results['chi2pix'] mask = np.zeros(flux.shape, dtype=np.uint32) mask[results['pixmask_fraction']>0.5] |= specmask.SOMEBADPIX mask[results['pixmask_fraction']==1.0] |= specmask.ALLBADPIX mask[chi2pix>100.0] |= specmask.BAD2DFIT #- Augment input image header for output img.meta['NSPEC'] = (nspec, 'Number of spectra') img.meta['WAVEMIN'] = (wstart, 'First wavelength [Angstroms]') img.meta['WAVEMAX'] = (wstop, 'Last wavelength [Angstroms]') img.meta['WAVESTEP']= (dw, 'Wavelength step size [Angstroms]') img.meta['SPECTER'] = (specter.__version__, '') img.meta['IN_PSF'] = (_trim(psf_file), 'Input spectral PSF') img.meta['IN_IMG'] = (_trim(input_file), 'Input image') if fibermap is not None: bfibermap = fibermap[bspecmin[b]-specmin:bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b]-specmin] else: bfibermap = None bfibers = fibers[bspecmin[b]-specmin:bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b]-specmin] frame = Frame(wave, flux, ivar, mask=mask, resolution_data=Rdata, fibers=bfibers, meta=img.meta, fibermap=bfibermap, chi2pix=chi2pix) #- Write output io.write_frame(outbundle, frame, units='photon/bin') if args.model is not None: from import fits fits.writeto(outmodel, results['modelimage'], header=frame.meta)'extract: Done {} spectra {}:{} at {}'.format(os.path.basename(input_file), bspecmin[b], bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b], time.asctime())) sys.stdout.flush() except: # Log the error and increment the number of failures log.error("extract: FAILED bundle {}, spectrum range {}:{}".format(b, bspecmin[b], bspecmin[b]+bnspec[b])) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) log.error(''.join(lines)) failcount += 1 sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: failcount = comm.allreduce(failcount) if failcount > 0: # all processes throw raise RuntimeError("some extraction bundles failed") if rank == 0: mergeopts = [ '--output', args.output, '--force', '--delete' ] mergeopts.extend([ "{}_{:02d}.fits".format(outroot, b) for b in bundles ]) mergeargs = mergebundles.parse(mergeopts) mergebundles.main(mergeargs) if args.model is not None: model = None for b in bundles: outmodel = "{}_model_{:02d}.fits".format(outroot, b) if model is None: model = fits.getdata(outmodel) else: #- TODO: test and warn if models overlap for pixels with #- non-zero values model += fits.getdata(outmodel) os.remove(outmodel) fits.writeto(args.model, model)
batman_curves.append(model['curve ' + str(i)]) data = glob.glob( '/common/contrib/classroom/ast520/tess_batman/data/TESS/Sector2/*.fits') test = [] sector = [] TIC = [] batman_indices = [] for i in data: fits_file = str(i) try: fits.getdata(fits_file, ext=1).columns with, mode="readonly") as hdulist: hdr = hdulist[0].header sector.append(hdr[20]) #identifier TIC.append(hdr[21]) tess_bjds = hdulist[1].data['TIME'] pdcsap_fluxes = hdulist[1].data['PDCSAP_FLUX'] except Exception as e: print(e, "file:", fits_file) pdcsap_fluxes[np.isnan(pdcsap_fluxes)] = 0 tess_bjds[np.isnan(tess_bjds)] = 0 #image = #Read the exposure time from the header
from import get_pkg_data_filename from import fits image_file = get_pkg_data_filename('tutorials/FITS-images/HorseHead.fits') ############################################################################## # Use `` to display the structure of the file: ############################################################################## # Generally the image information is located in the Primary HDU, also known # as extension 0. Here, we use `` to read the image # data from this first extension using the keyword argument ``ext=0``: image_data = fits.getdata(image_file, ext=0) ############################################################################## # The data is now stored as a 2D numpy array. Print the dimensions using the # shape attribute: print(image_data.shape) ############################################################################## # Display the image data: plt.figure() plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray') plt.colorbar()