Пример #1
def BB_law(x, param, redshift):
    Calculated the blackbody radiation from head dust. Inout is the observed
    frequency, normalizing factor and the temperature. It shifts to restframe
    frequency and calculate the blackbody spectrum. The output is the specific
    intensity which is constant over distances.
    :param x: Frequency in Hz
    :param param: List of the normalization factor and temperature, param=[norm,temp]
    :param redshift: The redshift z of the object
    :return: the observed flux_nu of the blackbody model

    norm, temp = param
    redshift_shifted_freq = (1 + redshift) * x * u.Hz
    stradian = 4 * np.pi
    bbfunction = ampm.BlackBody(temp * u.K)

    # The astropy.blackbody_nu gives the specific intensity of the blackbody ragiation in
    # units erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1 sr^-1, the specific intenisty is
    # constant over distance due to the r^2 dependence of the solid angle and flux cancel out each other.
    # but to have a comparable quanitiy to the oberved flux we need to multiply by
    # the solid angle, which for a sphere is 4pi
    # return stradian*(10**norm)*analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu(redshift_shifted_freq, temp).value
    y_z = stradian * (10**norm) * bbfunction(redshift_shifted_freq).value
    y_z *= (1. + redshift)
    return y_z
Пример #2
def MBB_law_z(nu_obs, param):
    Calculate the flux for a modified black body. 
    Formula taken from Gilli et al. 2014

    param nu: array of frequency
    param param: array of the parameter values
    param redshift: redshift of the source
    return: calculated flux for the frequencies provided in the array with the given parameter

    parameter array description:
    p[0]: norm => normalisation fator in log
    p[1]: temp => temerature of the BB in Kelvin
    p[2]: beta => index of the slope
    p[3]: nu_0 => pivotal frequency for the two different regime of emission in log
    p[4]: redshift  => redshift

    norm, temp, beta, redshift = param
    bbfunction = ampm.BlackBody(temp * u.K)
    #    beta = 2.0
    nu_0 = np.log10(1.5e12)

    nu_rest = nu_obs * (
        1 + redshift) * u.Hz  # shift the frequency range to restframe
    y_z = (10**norm) * bbfunction(nu_rest).value * (
        1. - np.exp(-1.0 * (nu_rest.value / 10**nu_0)**beta))
    y_z *= (1. + redshift)  # shift the flux to observed frame
    return y_z
Пример #3
 def from_tree_transform(cls, node, ctx):
     return physical_models.BlackBody(scale=node['scale'],