Пример #1
def update_iers(save_name='iers_frozen.ecsv', num_avg=1000):
    """Update the IERS table used by astropy time, coordinates.

    Downloads the current IERS-A table, replaces the last entry (which is
    repeated for future times) with the average of the last ``num_avg``
    entries, and saves the table in ECSV format.

    This should only be called every few months, *e.g.*, with major releases.
    The saved file should then be copied to this package's data/ directory
    and committed to the git repository.

    Requires a network connection in order to download the current IERS-A table.
    Prints information about the update process.

    The :func:`desiutil.plots.plot_iers` function is useful for inspecting
    IERS tables and how they are extrapolated to DESI survey dates.

    save_name : :class:`str`, optional
        Name where frozen IERS table should be saved. Must end with the
        .ecsv extension.
    num_avg : :class:`int`, optional
        Number of rows from the end of the current table to average and
        use for calculating UT1-UTC offsets and polar motion at times
        beyond the table.
    log = get_logger()
    # Validate the save_name extension.
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(save_name)
    if ext != '.ecsv':
        raise ValueError('Expected .ecsv extension for {0}.'.format(save_name))

    # Download the latest IERS_A table
    if astropy.utils.iers.conf.iers_auto_url == 'frozen':
        raise ValueError("Attempting to update a frozen IERS A table!")
    iers = astropy.utils.iers.IERS_A.open(
    last = Time(iers['MJD'][-1], format='mjd').datetime
    log.info('Updating to current IERS-A table with coverage up to %s.',

    # Loop over the columns used by the astropy IERS routines.
    for name in 'UT1_UTC', 'PM_x', 'PM_y':
        # Replace the last entry with the mean of recent samples.
        mean_value = np.mean(iers[name][-num_avg:].value)
        unit = iers[name].unit
        iers[name][-1] = mean_value * unit
        log.info('Future %7s = %.3f', name, mean_value * unit)

    # Strip the original table metadata since ECSV cannot handle it.
    # We only need a single keyword that is checked by IERS_Auto.open().
    iers.meta = dict(data_url='frozen')

    # Save the table. The IERS-B table provided with astropy uses the
    # ascii.cds format but astropy cannot write this format.
    iers.write(save_name, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True)
    log.info('Wrote updated table to %s.', save_name)