def saveHistogram(vector, name, title, xlabel, ylabel): plt.figure() hist(vector, bins="blocks", histtype = "step") plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.savefig(name)
def plot_size_of_vertical_isolated_lobes(): filename = 'value_added_selection_NN' print(filename) tdata = Table('../%s.fits' % filename)[1].data) size = tdata['size_thesis'] / 60. # Use fancy algorithms to determine the bins from astropy import visualization visualization.hist(size, bins='scott', histtype=u'step', color='black', label='All sources') where = np.where((tdata['position_angle'] < 100) & (tdata['position_angle'] > 80)) size_vertical = size[where] visualization.hist(size_vertical, bins='scott', histtype=u'step', label='80<PA<100') # plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(fontsize=14, loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(r'Size (arcmin)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout()
def matched_sources_redshift(): filename = 'value_added_selection_NN' print(filename) tdata = Table('../%s.fits' % filename)[1].data) z_available = np.invert(np.isnan(tdata['z_best'])) tdata = tdata[z_available] spectro_where = np.where(tdata['z_source'] == 1) spec = tdata[spectro_where] position_angle = tdata['position_angle'] # Use fancy algorithms to determine the bins from astropy import visualization visualization.hist(position_angle, bins='scott', histtype=u'step', color='black', label='All sources') visualization.hist(spec['position_angle'], bins='scott', histtype=u'step', label='Spectro') # plt.yscale('log') plt.legend(fontsize=14, loc='upper left') plt.xlabel(r'Position angle (degrees)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout() plt.title('NN only redshift sources')
def test_hist_specify_ax(rseed=0): rng = np.random.default_rng(rseed) x = rng.standard_normal(100) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) n1, bins1, patches1 = hist(x, 10, ax=ax[0]) assert patches1[0].axes is ax[0] n2, bins2, patches2 = hist(x, 10, ax=ax[1]) assert patches2[0].axes is ax[1]
def test_hist_specify_ax(rseed=0): rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed) x = rng.randn(100) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2) n1, bins1, patches1 = hist(x, 10, ax=ax[0]) assert patches1[0].axes is ax[0] n2, bins2, patches2 = hist(x, 10, ax=ax[1]) assert patches2[0].axes is ax[1]
def test_histogram_pathological_input(): # Regression test for # The key feature of the data below is that one of the points is very, # very different than the rest. That leads to a large number of bins. data = [ 9.99999914e+05, -8.31312483e-03, 6.52755852e-02, 1.43104653e-03, -2.26311017e-02, 2.82660007e-03, 1.80307521e-02, 9.26294279e-03, 5.06606026e-02, 2.05418011e-03 ] with pytest.raises(ValueError): hist(data, bins='freedman', max_bins=10000)
def plot_E_PA_vs_E_position_angle(): ''' For the fidelity of the E_position angles: Compare E_PA_1 (PyBDSF PA) to (my algorithm) for the multi-gaussian sources. ''' filename = 'value_added_selection_MG' print(filename) tdata = Table('../%s.fits' % filename)[1].data) E_PA_1 = tdata['E_PA_1'] E_position_angle = tdata['err_orientation'] cutoff = 5 # degrees count_agree = 0 count_disagree = 0 for i in range(len(tdata)): difference = get_distance(E_PA_1[i], E_position_angle[i]) if difference > cutoff: count_disagree += 1 else: count_agree += 1 # print ('Number of E_PA agreeing within %i degrees: %i'%(cutoff,count_agree)) # print ('Number of E_PA disagreeing within %i degrees: %i'%(cutoff,count_disagree)) # print ('Percentage agreeing: %i/%i = %f percent'%(count_agree,len(tdata),(count_agree/float(len(tdata))*100))) print('Number of E_PA < 5 degrees: %i' % (np.sum(E_PA_1 < 5))) print('Which is %i/%i = %f' % (np.sum(E_PA_1 < 5), len(tdata), np.sum(E_PA_1 < 5) / float(len(tdata)))) # plt.hist(E_PA_1,bins=20,histtype=u'step')#,label='PyBDSF',alpha=0.5) # plt.hist(E_position_angle,bins=180/5,histtype=u'step',label='This study',alpha=0.5) # Use fancy algorithms to determine the bins from astropy import visualization visualization.hist(E_PA_1, bins='scott', histtype=u'step', color='black') # plt.yscale('log') # plt.legend(fontsize=14) plt.xlabel(r'1$\sigma$ error (degrees)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout()
def _plot_scalar_state_distribution(figure, state_name, state_val, volume_target, missed_imp_penalty, ref): figure.set_size_inches(10, 5) ax1 = figure.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) if state_val.shape[0] > 3: # use adaptative number of bins try: counts, bins, patches = hist(state_val[:, -1, 0], bins='knuth', ax=ax1) except ValueError as err: print("Falling back to regular hist, error was:", err) counts, bins, patches = ax1.hist(state_val[:, -1, 0]) else: counts, bins, patches = ax1.hist(state_val[:, -1, 0]) ax1.set_xlabel( f"{state_name.decode('utf-8')} (v={volume_target}, mip={missed_imp_penalty})" ) ax2 = figure.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax2.hist(state_val[:, -1, 0], bins=bins, cumulative=True, histtype='step', density=True) if ref is not None: ax2.vlines(ref, 0, 1, colors='r', linewidth=2) ax1.set_xlabel( f"{state_name.decode('utf-8')} (v={volume_target}, mip={missed_imp_penalty})" ) figure.tight_layout()
def test_hist_basic(rseed=0): rng = np.random.default_rng(rseed) x = rng.standard_normal(100) for range in [None, (-2, 2)]: n1, bins1, patches1 = plt.hist(x, 10, range=range) n2, bins2, patches2 = hist(x, 10, range=range) assert_allclose(n1, n2) assert_allclose(bins1, bins2)
def test_hist_basic(rseed=0): rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed) x = rng.randn(100) for range in [None, (-2, 2)]: n1, bins1, patches1 = plt.hist(x, 10, range=range) n2, bins2, patches2 = hist(x, 10, range=range) assert_allclose(n1, n2) assert_allclose(bins1, bins2)
def plot_in_cols(quant_list, col1_vals, graph_width, hmin, hmax, bin_val, htype, title_str): """ Input: quant_list: list - for each item in col1_vals "i", this list contains a corresponding item. This item is a list containing a boolean index. If the item in col1 has a value of "i", and the corresponding item in col2 exists and is not "unknown", then it has a value of True, otherwise it has a value of False. col1_vals: a list containing the names of the items in col1 for which we want to make comparison graphs graph_width: int - the width of the graph in inches hmin: int - the smallest value contained in col2 hmax: int - the largest value contained in col2 bin_val: string - the binning algorithm to be used htype: the type of histogram to draw title_str: string - a string which will be made into the title in the following way: title_str.format("value contained in x_vals") With the current setup, the unmodified x_val entry will be displayed as the title. """ clen = len(col1_vals) ax_list = [] plot_height = clen // 2 + clen % 2 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(graph_width, plot_height * 5)) img = get_scaled_img(fig) ax_im = plt.imshow(img) plt.axis('off') for v1, v2, i in zip(quant_list, col1_vals, range(clen)): if len(ax_list) == 0: ax = fig.add_subplot(plot_height, 2, i + 1, alpha=0) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(plot_height, 2, i + 1, alpha=0, sharex=ax_list[0], sharey=ax_list[0]) ax_list.append(ax) n, bins, patches = hist(v1, bins=bin_val, ax=ax, histtype=htype, alpha=0.7, density=True) mu, std = x = np.linspace(hmin, hmax, 100) y = norm.pdf(x, mu, std) c = match_hist_color(fig) l = ax.plot(x, y, color=c, linewidth=3, alpha=1) ax.set_title(title_str.format(col1_vals[i])) return fig, ax_list
def initial_subsample_hist_AP(PT=False): '''histogram of the position angles of initial subsample using Astropy''' tdata = '../biggest_selection.fits' tdata = Table([1].data) if PT: position_angles = do_PT(tdata) else: position_angles = tdata['position_angle'] visualization.hist(position_angles, bins='scott', histtype=u'step', color='black') # plt.hist(position_angles,bins=180/5,histtype=u'step',color='black') plt.ylabel('Counts', fontsize=12) plt.xlabel('Position angle (degrees)', fontsize=12) plt.xlim(-8.9863954872984522, 188.91420232532226) # plt.ylim(0,250) plt.tight_layout()
def plot_single_axis(quant_list, col1_vals, graph_width, hmin, hmax, bin_val, htype, add_legend=True): """ Input: quant_list: list - for each item in col1_vals "i", this list contains a corresponding item. This item is a list containing a boolean index. If the item in col1 has a value of "i", and the corresponding item in col2 exists and is not "unknown", then it has a value of True, otherwise it has a value of False. col1_vals: a list containing the names of the items in col1 for which we want to make comparison graphs graph_width: int - the width of the graph in inches hmin: int - the smallest value contained in col2 hmax: int - the largest value contained in col2 bin_val: string - the binning algorithm to be used htype: the type of histogram to draw add_legend: should a legend be added? """ clen = len(col1_vals) fig, ay = plt.subplots(figsize=(graph_width, graph_width)) img = get_scaled_img(fig) ay.imshow(img) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) print(hmin, hmax) for v1, v2, i in zip(quant_list, col1_vals, range(clen)): n, bins, patches = hist(v1, bins=bin_val, histtype=htype, alpha=0.7, density=True, label=col1_vals[i]) mu, std = x = np.linspace(hmin, hmax, 100) y = norm.pdf(x, mu, std) c = match_hist_color(fig) l = ax.plot(x, y, color=c, linewidth=2, alpha=1, zorder=15 + i) ax = axis_style(ax, "", alpha=0) ax.tick_params('both', labelsize=16) if add_legend: asset_dir = os.environ['ASSET_DIR'] fpath = os.path.join(asset_dir, 'fonts', 'starjedi', 'Starjedi.ttf') prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=fpath, size=22) plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop=prop, bbox_to_anchor=[1, .95]) return fig, ax, patches
def plot_distributions(self, hist_blocks='knuth', color_hist='lightgrey', edgecolor='black', fontsize=16, save_fig=True): """ Plot feature distributions (i.e., where the clustering is applied). Only works if data has been previously scaled. """ index = iter(np.arange(len(self.features))) figure = plt.figure(figsize=[30, 10]) for scl_col in self.features: index_i = next(index) ax = plt.subplot(2, len(self.features), 1 + index_i) bin_h, bin_b, _ = hist(self.data_tb[scl_col], hist_blocks, color=color_hist, edgecolor=edgecolor) plt.title(scl_col, fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) ax = plt.subplot(2, len(self.features), 1 + len(self.features) + index_i) bin_h, bin_b, _ = hist(self.data_scl[:, index_i], hist_blocks, color=color_hist, edgecolor=edgecolor) plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize) if save_fig: fig_nm = f'{self.out_path}{self.label}_scl_{self.scaler}.pdf' self.save_fig(figure, fig_nm=fig_nm)
def get_Rp_from_depth( self, depth=None, Rstar=None, nsamples=10000, percs=[50, 16, 84], plot=False, apply_contratio=False, return_samples=False, ): """ estimate Rp from depth via Monte Carlo to account for Rs err Rs is taken from TICv8 """ if depth is None: depth = (self.toi_depth, self.toi_depth_err) else: assert isinstance(depth, tuple) if Rstar is None: # TICv8 since starhorse has no Rstar if self.tic_params is None: _ = self.query_tic_catalog(return_nearest_xmatch=True) # FIXME: self.tic_params.rad is different from self.toi_Rstar # e.g. see toi 179 Rstar = (self.toi_Rstar, self.toi_Rstar_err) else: assert isinstance(Rstar, tuple) # FIXME: is TOI depth raw or undiluted? depth = stats.truncnorm( a=(0 - self.toi_depth) / self.toi_depth_err, b=(1 - self.toi_depth) / self.toi_depth_err, loc=self.toi_depth, scale=self.toi_depth_err, ).rvs(size=nsamples) if apply_contratio: # undiluted depth depth = depth * (1 + self.tic_params["contratio"]) Rstar = stats.norm(loc=Rstar[0], scale=Rstar[1]).rvs(nsamples) Rp_samples = np.sqrt(depth) * Rstar * Rp, Rp_lo, Rp_hi = np.percentile(Rp_samples, percs) Rp, Rp_siglo, Rp_sighi = Rp, Rp - Rp_lo, Rp_hi - Rp if plot: _ = hist(Rp_samples, bins="scott") if return_samples: return (Rp, Rp_siglo, Rp_sighi, Rp_samples) else: return (Rp, Rp_siglo, Rp_sighi)
def plot_histo(data, cfg, plcfg, outd): """Plot histogram of data Using configuration in cfg, and output to outf. It returns outbin for further processing. """ histocfg = read_histo_configuration(cfg) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=plcfg['size']) if plcfg['xlog'] : plt.xscale('log') if plcfg['xlabel']: plt.xlabel(plcfg['xlabel']) if plcfg['ylabel'] : plt.ylabel(plcfg['ylabel']) if plcfg['title']: plt.title(plcfg['title']) plmin = np.min(data[0][0]) plmax = np.max(data[0][0]) if histocfg['meth'] == 'scott': w, bins = astropy.stats.scott_bin_width(data[0][0], return_bins=True) elif histocfg['meth'] == 'freedman' : w, bins = astropy.stats.freedman_bin_width(data[0][0], return_bins=True) elif histocfg['meth']== 'knuth' : w, bins = astropy.stats.knuth_bin_width(data[0][0].ravel(), return_bins=True, quiet=False) for ds in range(np.shape(data)[0]): shdata = data[ds][0] outbin = hist(shdata, bins=bins, ax=ax, histtype=histocfg['httype'], alpha=histocfg['alpha'], density=histocfg['dens'], range=(plmin, plmax), stacked=histocfg['stack'], cumulative=histocfg['cumul'], log=histocfg['ylog'], color=plcfg['colors'][ds]) fig.savefig(outd+cfg['outfile'], dpi=plcfg['dpi']) return outbin
def test_hist_autobin(rseed=0): rng = np.random.RandomState(rseed) x = rng.randn(100) # 'knuth' bintype depends on scipy that is optional dependency if HAS_SCIPY: bintypes = [ 10, np.arange(-3, 3, 10), 'knuth', 'scott', 'freedman', 'blocks' ] else: bintypes = [10, np.arange(-3, 3, 10), 'scott', 'freedman', 'blocks'] for bintype in bintypes: for range in [None, (-3, 3)]: n1, bins1 = histogram(x, bintype, range=range) n2, bins2, patches = hist(x, bintype, range=range) assert_allclose(n1, n2) assert_allclose(bins1, bins2)
def FitTheHist(z, nbins=20, func=fit_dNdz, normed=1): from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, leastsq from astropy.visualization import hist n, bins, _ = hist(z, nbins, normed=normed, histtype='step') # plt.close() bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1] ) #bins[:-1] + 0.5 * (bins[1:] - bins[:-1]) fitfunc = lambda p, x: x**p[0] * np.exp(-(x / p[2])**p[1]) errfunc = lambda p, x, y: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) out = leastsq(errfunc, [2.2, 1.4, 0.05], args=(bin_centers, n)) c = out[0] print "Fit Coefficients:" print c[0], c[1], c[2] #,c[3] plt.plot(bin_centers, fitfunc(c, bin_centers))
def plot_labeled_histogram(style, data, name, x, pdf_true, ax=None, hide_x=False, hide_y=False): if ax is not None: ax = plt.axes(ax) counts, bins, patches = hist(data, bins=style, ax=ax, color='k', histtype='step', density=True) ax.text(0.95, 0.93, '%s:\n%i bins' % (name, len(counts)), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right', va='top') ax.fill(x, pdf_true, '-', color='#CCCCCC', zorder=0) if hide_x: ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) if hide_y: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax.set_xlim(-5, 5) return ax
#------------------------------------------------------------ # Plot the cloned distribution and the procedure for obtaining it fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3, left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.92, wspace=0.3) indices = np.linspace(0, Ndata - 1, 20).astype(int) # plot a histogram of the input ax = fig.add_subplot(221) hist(x, bins='knuth', ax=ax, histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#AAAAAA') ax.set_ylim(0, 300) ax.set_title('Input data distribution') ax.set_xlabel('$x$') ax.set_ylabel('$N(x)$') # plot the cumulative distribution ax = fig.add_subplot(222) ax.scatter(x[indices], Px_cuml[indices], lw=0, c='k', s=9) ax.plot(x, Px_cuml, '-k') ax.set_xlim(-3, 3) ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05) ax.set_title('Cumulative Distribution') ax.set_xlabel('$x$') ax.set_ylabel('$p(<x)$')
#------------------------------------------------------------ # plot the r vs u-r color-magnitude diagram u = data['modelMag_u'] r = data['modelMag_r'] rPetro = data['petroMag_r'] plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() plt.scatter(u - r, rPetro, s=1, lw=0, c=data['z'],, vmin=0, vmax=0.4) plt.colorbar(ticks=np.linspace(0, 0.4, 9)).set_label('redshift') plt.xlim(0.5, 5.5) plt.ylim(18, 12.5) plt.xlabel('u-r') plt.ylabel('rPetrosian') #------------------------------------------------------------ # plot a histogram of the redshift plt.figure() hist(data['z'], bins='knuth', histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#F5CCB0') plt.xlim(0, 0.4) plt.xlabel('z (redshift)') plt.ylabel('dN/dz(z)')
plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) n2, bins2, patches2 = plt.hist(prlx, 700, normed=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.75) plt.xlim([-10, 20]) plt.grid(True) plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 3) # Chi histogram chil = [] for star in data: chil += [ chi(star['pmra'], 19.45) + chi(star['pmdec'], -45.35) + chi(star['parallax'], 7.42) ] plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) n2, bins2, patches2 = hist(chil, bins='freedman', normed=1, facecolor='blue', alpha=0.75) plt.grid(True) plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 3) # Save file plt.savefig('output.png', format='png', dpi=400)
from ccdproc import ImageFileCollection from astropy.visualization import hist import itertools from astropy.stats import sigma_clip, mad_std a ='Master_Files/mbias_median.fits', unit='adu') b ='Master_Files/mbias.fits', unit='adu') median = np.ndarray.flatten( sigclip = np.ndarray.flatten( med = sigma_clip(median, sigma=3, cenfunc='median', stdfunc=mad_std, masked=False) sig = sigma_clip(sigclip, sigma=3, cenfunc='median', stdfunc=mad_std, masked=False) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 20)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1) axs[0].hist(med, bins=20, label='median', histtype='stepfilled', log=False) axs[1].hist(sig, bins=50, label='sigclip', histtype='stepfilled', log=False) ''' hist(s, bins='freedman', label='average', alpha=0.5) '''
fname_kg = 'clkg_sims_dl'+str(delta_ell)+'_lmin_'+str(lmin)+'_lmax'+str(lmax)+'_KS_min_'+str(K_S_min)+'_KS_max_'+str(K_S_max)+'_nside256_zmin_'+str(zbin[0])+'_zmax'+str(zbin[1])+'_nsims'+str(nsims)+'.pkl.gz' clkg_sims[zbin] = pickle.load('spectra/sims/'+fname_kg,'rb')) clgg_sims[zbin] = pickle.load('spectra/sims/'+fname_gg,'rb')) # assert( clkg_sims[zbins[0]]['lb'] == lb ) # To bin theoretical spectra binner = cs.Binner(lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, delta_ell=delta_ell) # Initializing Cosmo class # cosmo = Cosmo() cosmo_nl = Cosmo(Giannantonio15Params, nonlinear=True) # cosmo_w = Cosmo(params={'w':-0.5}) # 2MPZ dN/dz nz, z, _ = hist(twompz.ZPHOTO,'knuth', normed=1, histtype='step') z = 0.5 * (z[1:]+z[:-1]) plt.close() # Get theoretical quantities clkg_slash = {} clgg_slash = {} clkg_slash_binned = {} clgg_slash_binned = {} for zbin in zbins: clkg_slash[zbin] = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, nz, [zbin[0],zbin[1]], b=bias, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, compute_at_z0=True) clgg_slash[zbin] = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, nz, [zbin[0],zbin[1]], b=bias, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, compute_at_z0=True) clkg_slash_binned[zbin] = binner.bin_spectra(clkg_slash[zbin]) clgg_slash_binned[zbin] = binner.bin_spectra(clgg_slash[zbin])
imX = np.empty((len(image_data), 2), dtype=np.float64) imX[:, 0] = image_data['ra'] imX[:, 1] = image_data['dec'] # get standard stars standards_data = fetch_sdss_S82standards() stX = np.empty((len(standards_data), 2), dtype=np.float64) stX[:, 0] = standards_data['RA'] stX[:, 1] = standards_data['DEC'] # crossmatch catalogs max_radius = 1. / 3600 # 1 arcsec dist, ind = crossmatch_angular(imX, stX, max_radius) match = ~np.isinf(dist) dist_match = dist[match] dist_match *= 3600 ax = plt.axes() hist(dist_match, bins='knuth', ax=ax, histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#AAAAAA') ax.set_xlabel('radius of match (arcsec)') ax.set_ylabel('N(r, r+dr)') ax.text(0.95, 0.95, "Total objects: %i\nNumber with match: %i" % (imX.shape[0], np.sum(match)), ha='right', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_xlim(0, 0.2)
ax1.set_ylabel('P(t)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.hist(t, bins=200, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2, density=True) ax2.set_xlabel('t') ax2.set_ylabel('P(t)') #------------------------------------------------------------ # Second & Third figure: Knuth bins & Bayesian Blocks fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15) for bins, title, subplot in zip(['knuth', 'blocks'], ["Knuth's rule", 'Bayesian blocks'], [121, 122]): ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot) # plot a standard histogram in the background, with alpha transparency hist(t, bins=200, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2, density=True, label='standard histogram') # plot an adaptive-width histogram on top hist(t, bins=bins, ax=ax, color='black', histtype='step', density=True, label=title) ax.legend(prop=dict(size=12)) ax.set_xlabel('t') ax.set_ylabel('P(t)')
def bayes_linear(x, y, x_err, y_err, nWalkers=10, nBurn=100, nSample=1000, conf_interval=[15.9, 84.1], verbose=False, return_samples=False): ''' Fit a line with errors in both variables using MCMC. Original version of this function is Erik Rosolowsky's: Parameters ---------- x : `~numpy.ndarray` x data. y : `~numpy.ndarray` y data. x_err : `~numpy.ndarray` x errors. y_err : `~numpy.ndarray` y errors. nWalkers : int, optional Number of walkers in the sampler (>2 required). Defaults to 10. nBurn : int, optional Number of steps to burn chain in for. Default is 100. nSample : int, optional Number of steps to sample chain with. Default is 1000. conf_interval : list, optional Upper and lower percentiles to estimate the bounds on the parameters. Defaults to the 1-sigma intervals (34.1% about the median). verbose : bool, optional Plot the resulting fit. return_samples : bool, optional Returns the entire chain of samples, when enabled. Returns ------- params : `~numpy.ndarray` Fit parameters (slope, intercept) errors : `~numpy.ndarray` Confidence interval defined by values given in `conf_interval` (slope, intercept). samples : `~numpy.ndarray` Samples from the chain. Returned only when `return_samples` is enabled. ''' try: import emcee except ImportError: raise ImportError("emcee must be installed to use Bayesian fitting.") def _logprob(p, x, y, x_err, y_err): theta, b = p[0], p[1] if np.abs(theta - np.pi / 4) > np.pi / 4: return -np.inf Delta = (np.cos(theta) * y - np.sin(theta) * x - b * np.cos(theta))**2 Sigma = (np.sin(theta))**2 * x_err**2 + (np.cos(theta))**2 * y_err**2 lp = -0.5 * np.nansum(Delta / Sigma) - 0.5 * np.nansum(np.log(Sigma)) return lp ndim = 2 p0 = np.zeros((nWalkers, ndim)) p0[:, 0] = np.pi / 4 + np.random.randn(nWalkers) * 0.1 p0[:, 1] = np.random.randn(nWalkers) * y.std() + y.mean() sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nWalkers, ndim, _logprob, args=[x, y, x_err, y_err]) pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, nBurn) sampler.reset() sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nSample) slopes = np.tan(sampler.flatchain[:, 0]) intercepts = sampler.flatchain[:, 1] slope = np.median(slopes) intercept = np.median(intercepts) params = np.array([slope, intercept]) # Use the percentiles given in conf_interval error_intervals = np.empty((2, 2)) error_intervals[0] = np.percentile(slopes, conf_interval) error_intervals[1] = np.percentile(intercepts, conf_interval) if verbose: # Make some trace plots, PDFs and a plot of the range of solutions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.visualization import hist fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9.9, 4.8)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=2) ax.plot(slopes, 'k', linewidth=0.5) ax.set_ylabel("Slope") # ax.set_xlabel("Iteration") ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=2) ax2.plot(intercepts, 'k', linewidth=0.5) ax2.set_ylabel("Intercept") # ax2.set_xlabel("Iteration") ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 0), colspan=1, rowspan=2) hist(slopes, bins='knuth', color='k', alpha=0.6, ax=ax3) ax3.axvline(slope, color='r', linestyle='-') ax3.axvline(error_intervals[0][0], color='r', linestyle='--') ax3.axvline(error_intervals[0][1], color='r', linestyle='--') ax3.set_xlabel("Slope") ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (2, 1), colspan=1, rowspan=2) hist(intercepts, bins='knuth', color='k', alpha=0.6, ax=ax4) ax4.axvline(intercept, color='r', linestyle='-') ax4.axvline(error_intervals[1][0], color='r', linestyle='--') ax4.axvline(error_intervals[1][1], color='r', linestyle='--') ax4.set_xlabel("Intercept") ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 2), colspan=2, rowspan=3) ax_r = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (3, 2), colspan=2, rowspan=1, sharex=ax5) ax5.errorbar(x, y, xerr=x_err, yerr=y_err, fmt='o', color='k') ax5.set_ylabel("log Spectral Length") xvals = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), x.size * 10) ax5.plot(xvals, slope * xvals + intercept, 'r-') ax5.fill_between(xvals, error_intervals[0, 0] * xvals + error_intervals[1, 0], error_intervals[0, 1] * xvals + error_intervals[1, 1], facecolor='red', interpolate=True, alpha=0.4) # ax5.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # Some very large error bars makes it difficult to see the model y_range = np.ptp(y) x_range = np.ptp(x) ax5.set_ylim([y.min() - y_range / 4, y.max() + y_range / 4]) ax5.set_xlim([x.min() - x_range / 4, x.max() + x_range / 4]) ax_r.errorbar(x, y - (slope * x + intercept), xerr=x_err, yerr=y_err, fmt='o', color='k') ax_r.axhline(0., color='red', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7) ax_r.set_ylabel("Residuals") ax_r.set_xlabel("log Spatial Length") print("Slope: {0} ({1}, {2})".format(slope, error_intervals[0, 0], error_intervals[0, 1])) print("Intercept: {0} ({1}, {2})".format(intercept, error_intervals[1, 0], error_intervals[1, 1])) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) if return_samples: return params, error_intervals, np.vstack([slopes, intercepts]) return params, error_intervals
def showSkyHist(skypix, skypix2=None, skypix3=None, sbExpt=None, pngName='skyhist.png', skyAvg=None, skyStd=None, skyMed=None, skySkw=None, savePng=True): """ Plot the distribution of sky pixels. Parameters: """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.07, wspace=0.0, left=0.06, bottom=0.15, top=0.99, right=0.95) fontsize = 12 ax.minorticks_on() for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label1.set_fontsize(fontsize) if astroHist: _ = hist(skypix, bins='knuth', ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='cyan', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True) else: _ = plt.hist(skypix, bins=100, ax=ax, alpha=0.4, color='cyan', histtype='stepfilled', normed=True) if skypix2 is not None: if astroHist: _ = hist(skypix2, bins='knuth', ax=ax, alpha=0.9, color='k', histtype='step', normed=True, linewidth=2) else: _ = plt.hist(skypix2, bins=100, ax=ax, alpha=0.9, color='k', histtype='step', normed=True, linewidth=2) if skypix3 is not None: if astroHist: _ = hist(skypix3, bins='knuth', ax=ax, alpha=0.8, color='k', histtype='step', normed=True, linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed') else: _ = plt.hist(skypix3, bins=100, ax=ax, alpha=0.8, color='k', histtype='step', normed=True, linewidth=2, linestyle='dashed') # Horizontal line ax.axvline(0.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=1.5) # Basic properties of the sky pixels skyMin = np.nanmin(skypix) skyMax = np.nanmax(skypix) if skyAvg is None: skyAvg = np.nanmean(skypix) if skyStd is None: skyStd = np.nanstd(skypix) if skyMed is None: skyMed = np.nanmedian(skypix) if not np.isfinite(skyMed): skyMed = np.median(skypix) if skySkw is None: skySkw = scipy.stats.skew(skypix) # Highligh the mode of sky pixel distribution ax.axvline(skyMed, linestyle='--', color='b', linewidth=1.5) ax.set_xlabel('Pixel Value', fontsize=12) ax.set_xlim(skyAvg - 4.0 * skyStd, skyAvg + 5.0 * skyStd) # Show a few information ax.text( 0.7, 0.9, "Min : %8.4f" % skyMin, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text( 0.7, 0.8, "Max : %8.4f" % skyMax, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text( 0.7, 0.7, "Avg : %8.4f" % skyAvg, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text( 0.7, 0.6, "Std : %8.4f" % skyStd, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text( 0.7, 0.5, "Med : %8.4f" % skyMed, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text( 0.7, 0.4, "Skew: %8.4f" % skySkw, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) if sbExpt is not None: ax.text(0.7, 0.3, "S.B : %8.5f" % sbExpt, fontsize=12, transform=ax.transAxes) if savePng: fig.savefig(pngName, dpi=70) plt.close(fig)
epar_hdu = epar_data = epar_hdu[0].data[epar_ext[par_i],:,:] epar_hdu.close() par_hdu = par_data = par_hdu[0].data par_hdu.close() pmin_list = plot_param['pmin_list'] pmax_list = plot_param['pmax_list'] pmin = np.max([pmin_list[par_i],np.nanmin(par_data)]) pmax = np.min([pmax_list[par_i],np.nanmax(par_data)]) par_masked = mask_hist(par_data,epar_data,epar_limits[par_i],pmax,par_min=pmin) par_masked = par_masked[np.isfinite(par_masked)] if par == 'Vlsr': bin_width = 0.3 nbins = - np.min(par_masked !=0))/bin_width) hist(par_masked[par_masked !=0],bins=nbins,ax=ax,histtype='stepfilled',alpha=0.3, color=plot_colours[region_i],label=region,normed=True) else: hist(par_masked[par_masked !=0],bins='knuth',ax=ax,histtype='stepfilled',alpha=0.3, color=plot_colours[region_i],label=region,normed=True) if (i+1) != len(region_list): ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xlim(hist_minx_list[par_i],hist_maxx_list[par_i]) #ax.set_ylim(0,hist_maxy_list[par_i]) if par == 'Tkin': if region == 'OrionA' or region == 'L1688' or region == 'NGC1333': ax.set_ylim(0,0.25) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(ytick_int_maj[par_i])) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(ytick_int_min[par_i])) ax.annotate('{0}'.format(region),xy=(0.97,0.7),xycoords='axes fraction',horizontalalignment='right') #ax.legend(frameon=False) ax.set_xlabel(label)
def plot_histogram(data, max_data=None, range=None, bins='knuth', figsize=(6,6), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, label=None, suptitle=None, plotfile_prefix=None, plotfile_suffix=None, plotfile=None, outpath=None, showplot=None, saveplot=True): """ plot a histogram using astropy.visualization.hist UPDATE: was ported from astroML.plotting.hist ( *astropy.visualization.hist* astropy.visualization.hist(x, bins=10, ax=None, **kwargs) Enhanced histogram function This is a histogram function that enables the use of more sophisticated algorithms for determining bins. Aside from the bins argument allowing a string specified how bins are computed, the parameters are the same as pylab.hist(). matplotlib.pyplot.hist(x, bins=None, range=None, density=None, weights=None, cumulative=False, bottom=None, histtype='bar', align='mid', orientation='vertical', rwidth=None, log=False, color=None, label=None, stacked=False, normed=None, hold=None, data=None, **kwargs) astroML.plotting.hist(x, bins=10, range=None, ax=None, **kwargs) Enhanced histogram bins : int or list or str (optional) If bins is a string, then it must be one of: 'blocks' : use bayesian blocks for dynamic bin widths 'knuth' : use Knuth's rule to determine bins 'scott' : use Scott's rule to determine bins 'freedman' : use the Freedman-diaconis rule to determine bins This is a histogram function that enables the use of more sophisticated algorithms for determining bins. Aside from the bins argument allowing a string specified how bins are computed, the parameters are the same as pylab.hist(). """ # from astroML.plotting import hist from astropy.visualization import hist if max_data != None: max_data = np.max(dist) xmax = max_data fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # fig = plt.gcf() # fig.set_size_inches(10,10) ax = plt.axes() ndata = len(data) if range is None: range = [np.min(data), np.max(data)] if range is not None: print('range:', range, np.min(data), np.max(data)) print(range, type(data), type(range), type(range[0])) print(data.dtype) idata = (data > range[0]) # & data < range[1]) print(len(data), len(data[idata])) data = data[idata] ndata = len(data) print('bins:', bins) hist(data, bins=bins, range=range, ax=ax, label=str(ndata), histtype='stepfilled', ec='k', fc='#AAAAAA') if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is None: ax.set_ylabel('counts') if ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if suptitle is not None: plt.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize='medium') # get basename without file extension #basename=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] #figname = basename + '_' + 'scheme3_image_sep_NN_360arcsec_arcmin.png' plt.legend() plotid() if saveplot: if plotfile is None and plotfile_suffix is None: plotfile = 'histogram.png' if plotfile is None and plotfile_suffix is not None: plotfile = 'histogram_' + plotfile_suffix + '.png' if outpath is None: outpath = './' print('plotfile:', plotfile) print('outpath:', outpath) plotfile = outpath + plotfile print('Saving:', plotfile) plt.savefig(plotfile) if showplot: plt.close() return
def main(args): SetPlotStyle() # Params 'n' stuff fits_planck_mask = '../Data/mask_convergence_planck_2015_512.fits' fits_planck_map = '../Data/convergence_planck_2015_512.fits' twoMPZ_mask = 'fits/2MPZ_mask_tot_256.fits' # N_side = 256 twoMPZ_cat = 'fits/results16_23_12_14_73.fits' nside = args.nside do_plots = False delta_ell = args.delta_ell lmin = args.lmin lmax = args.lmax K_S_min = args.K_S_min K_S_max = args.K_S_max # Load Cat and Mask print("...loading 2MPZ catalogue...") twompz = Load2MPZ(twoMPZ_cat, K_S_min=K_S_min, K_S_max=K_S_max) print("...done...") # Load Planck CMB lensing map 'n' mask print("...loading Planck map/mask...") planck_map, planck_mask = LoadPlanck(fits_planck_map, fits_planck_mask, nside, do_plots=0, filt_plank_lmin=0) print("...done...") print("...reading 2MPZ mask...") mask = hp.read_map(twoMPZ_mask, verbose=False) nside_mask = hp.npix2nside(mask.size) if nside_mask != nside: mask = hp.ud_grade(mask, nside) print("...done...") # Common Planck & WISExSCOS mask mask *= planck_mask # Counts 'n' delta map cat_tmp = twompz[(twompz.ZSPEC >= args.zmin) & (twompz.ZSPEC < args.zmax)] counts = hpy.GetCountsMap(cat_tmp.RA, cat_tmp.DEC, nside, coord='G', rad=True) delta = hpy.Counts2Delta(counts, mask=mask) est = cs.Master(mask, lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, delta_ell=delta_ell, MASTER=1, pixwin=True) print('...extracting kg spectra...') kg, err_kg = est.get_spectra(planck_map, map2=delta, analytic_errors=True) print("\t=> Detection at rougly %3.2f sigma ") % (np.sum( (kg[0:] / err_kg[0:])**2)**.5) # Initializing Cosmo class cosmo = Cosmo() cosmo_nl = Cosmo(nonlinear=True) nz, z, _ = hist(twompz.ZSPEC[twompz.ZSPEC > 0.], 'knuth', normed=1, histtype='step') z = 0.5 * (z[1:] + z[:-1]) plt.close() fig = plt.figure() #figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title(r'$%.2f < z < %.2f$' % (args.zmin, args.zmax)) clkg = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo, z, nz, [args.zmin, args.zmax], b=1, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.) clkg_nl = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, nz, [args.zmin, args.zmax], b=1, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.) # z, n_z = GetdNdzNorm(nz=1000) # clkg = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo, z, n_z, [bins_edges[zbin][0],0.3], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000) # # clkg = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo, z, n_z, [bins_edges[zbin][0],bins_edges[zbin][1]], b=1, alpha=1.24, lmax=1000) # clkg_nl = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, n_z, [bins_edges[zbin][0],0.5], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000) # # clkg_nl = GetCrossSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, n_z, [bins_edges[zbin][0],bins_edges[zbin][1]], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000) # # clgg_pherrz = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo, z, dndz, [bins_edges[zbin][0],bins_edges[zbin][1]], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000, sigma_zph=0.03) lab = r'2MPZ $%.1f < K_S < %.1f$' % (K_S_min, K_S_max) ax.plot(clkg, color='grey', label=r'$b=1$') ax.plot(clkg_nl, color='darkgrey', ls='--', label=r'NL $b=1$') ax.errorbar(, kg, yerr=err_kg, fmt='o', capsize=0, ms=5, label=lab) ax.set_ylabel(r'$C_{\ell}^{\kappa g}$') ax.set_xlabel(r'Multipole $\ell$') ax.legend(loc='best') ax.axhline(ls='--', color='grey') ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax.set_xlim([2., 200]) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([1e-8, 1e-5]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('plots/2MPZ_Planck_clkg_dl' + str(args.delta_ell) + '_lmin_' + str(args.lmin) + '_lmax' + str(args.lmax) + '_KS_min_' + str(args.K_S_min) + '_KS_max_' + str(args.K_S_max) + '_nside' + str(args.nside) + '_zmin_' + str(args.zmin) + '_zmax' + str(args.zmax) + '_split_spec.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # # plt.close() # embed() np.savetxt( 'spectra/2MPZ_Planck2015_clkg_dl' + str(args.delta_ell) + '_lmin_' + str(args.lmin) + '_lmax' + str(args.lmax) + '_KS_min_' + str(args.K_S_min) + '_KS_max_' + str(args.K_S_max) + '_nside' + str(args.nside) + '_zmin_' + str(args.zmin) + '_zmax' + str(args.zmax) + '_split_spec.dat', np.c_[, kg, err_kg])
min_distances = [] for s1 in GSO_satellites: p1 = min_dist = Distance(au=100).km for s2 in GSO_satellites: if s2 == s1: continue p2 = dist = (p2 - p1).distance().km if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist min_distances.append(min_dist) fig, ax = plt.subplots() hist(min_distances, bins='scott', density=True, alpha=0.5, ax=ax) ax.set_title(u'Распределение КА по расстоянию между «ближайшими соседями»') ax.set_xlabel(u'Расстояние, км') ax.set_ylabel(u'Частота') plt.savefig('Распределение КА по расстоянию.png') orbit_heights = [] eccos = [] LEO_sat_count = 0 SSO_sat_count = 0 for satellite in satellites: height = if height <= 2000:
ax2.set_ylabel('P(t)') #------------------------------------------------------------ # Second & Third figure: Knuth bins & Bayesian Blocks fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, bottom=0.15) for bins, title, subplot in zip(['knuth', 'blocks'], ["Knuth's rule", 'Bayesian blocks'], [121, 122]): ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot) # plot a standard histogram in the background, with alpha transparency hist(t, bins=200, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2, density=True, label='standard histogram') # plot an adaptive-width histogram on top hist(t, bins=bins, ax=ax, color='black', histtype='step', density=True, label=title) ax.legend(prop=dict(size=12)) ax.set_xlabel('t') ax.set_ylabel('P(t)')
def main(args): SetPlotStyle() # Params 'n' stuff fits_planck_mask = '../Data/mask_convergence_planck_2015_512.fits' fits_planck_map = '../Data/convergence_planck_2015_512.fits' twoMPZ_mask = 'fits/2MPZ_mask_tot_256.fits' # N_side = 256 twoMPZ_cat = 'fits/results16_23_12_14_73.fits' twoMPZ_cat2 = 'fits/results2_14_20_37_1053.fits.gz' fits_ebv = 'fits/lambda_sfd_ebv.fits' nsidelow = 64 nside = args.nside do_plots = False delta_ell = args.delta_ell lmin = args.lmin lmax = args.lmax K_S_min = args.K_S_min K_S_max = args.K_S_max # lbmin = 2 # lbmax = 10 # Load Cat and Mask print("...loading 2MPZ catalogue...") twompz = Load2MPZ(twoMPZ_cat, K_S_min=K_S_min, K_S_max=K_S_max) twompz2 = Load2MPZ(twoMPZ_cat2, K_S_min=K_S_min, K_S_max=K_S_max) print("...done...") # E(B-V) reddening map by Schlegel+ in gal coord at nside=512 ebv = hp.read_map(fits_ebv, verbose=False) ebv = hp.ud_grade(ebv, nsidelow, pess=True) A_K = ebv * 0.367 # K-band correction for Galactic extinction print("...Reddening map loaded...") # Get nstar map nstar = GetNstarMap(twompz['RA'], twompz['DEC'], twompz['STARDENSITY'], nsidelow, rad=True) # Get 2MPZ mask (A_K + nstar + counts) # !!! "torque rod gashes" still need to be removed !!! mask2mpz = Get2MPZMask(A_K, nstar, nside=nside, maskcnt=hpy.GuessMask(twompz['RA'], twompz['DEC'], nsidelow, rad=True)) print("Mask f_sky is %3.2f" % np.mean(mask2mpz)) # Load Planck CMB lensing map 'n' mask print("...loading Planck map/mask...") planck_map, planck_mask = LoadPlanck(fits_planck_map, fits_planck_mask, nside, do_plots=0, filt_plank_lmin=0) print("...done...") print("...reading 2MPZ mask...") mask = hp.read_map(twoMPZ_mask, verbose=False) nside_mask = hp.npix2nside(mask.size) if nside_mask != nside: mask = hp.ud_grade(mask, nside) print("...done...") # Common Planck & WISExSCOS mask mask *= planck_mask # embed() # Counts n overdesnity map cat_tmp = twompz[(twompz.ZPHOTO >= args.zmin) & (twompz.ZPHOTO < args.zmax)] a, b = train_test_split(cat_tmp, test_size=0.5) counts_a = hpy.GetCountsMap(a.RA, a.DEC, nside, coord='G', rad=True) counts_b = hpy.GetCountsMap(b.RA, b.DEC, nside, coord='G', rad=True) # hp.write_map('fits/counts_'+zbin+'_sum.fits', counts_sum[zbin]) # hp.write_map('fits/counts_'+zbin+'_diff.fits', counts_diff[zbin]) print("\tNumber of sources in bin [%.2f,%.2f) is %d" % (args.zmin, args.zmax, np.sum((counts_a + counts_b) * mask))) print("...converting to overdensity maps...") delta_a = hpy.Counts2Delta(counts_a, mask=mask) delta_b = hpy.Counts2Delta(counts_b, mask=mask) delta_sum = 0.5 * (delta_a + delta_b) delta_diff = 0.5 * (delta_a - delta_b) # hp.write_map('fits/delta_'+zbin+'_sum.fits', delta_sum[zbin]) # hp.write_map('fits/delta_'+zbin+'_diff.fits', delta_diff[zbin]) cat_tmp2 = twompz2[(twompz2.ZPHOTO >= args.zmin) & (twompz2.ZPHOTO < args.zmax)] a, b = train_test_split(cat_tmp2, test_size=0.5) counts_a2 = hpy.GetCountsMap(a.RA, a.DEC, nside, coord='G', rad=True) counts_b2 = hpy.GetCountsMap(b.RA, b.DEC, nside, coord='G', rad=True) delta_a2 = hpy.Counts2Delta(counts_a2, mask=mask) delta_b2 = hpy.Counts2Delta(counts_b2, mask=mask) delta_sum2 = 0.5 * (delta_a2 + delta_b2) delta_diff2 = 0.5 * (delta_a2 - delta_b2) print("...done...") # embed() # exit() # XC estimator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ est_mask = cs.Master(mask, lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, delta_ell=delta_ell, MASTER=0, pixwin=True) # est_mask2mpz = cs.Master(mask2mpz, lmin=lmin, lmax=lmax, delta_ell=delta_ell, MASTER=0, pixwin=True) print('...extracting gg spectra...') clGS, err_gg = est_mask.get_spectra(delta_sum, analytic_errors=True) clGD = est_mask.get_spectra(delta_diff) gg = clGS - clGD clGS_2mpz, err_gg_2mpz = est_mask.get_spectra(delta_sum2, analytic_errors=True) clGD_2mpz = est_mask.get_spectra(delta_diff2) gg_2mpz = clGS_2mpz - clGD_2mpz # clGS_2mpz, err_gg_2mpz = est_mask2mpz.get_spectra(delta_sum, analytic_errors=True) # clGD_2mpz = est_mask2mpz.get_spectra(delta_diff) # gg_2mpz = clGS_2mpz - clGD_2mpz print('...done...') # Initializing Cosmo class cosmo = Cosmo() cosmo_nl = Cosmo(nonlinear=True) nz, z, _ = hist(twompz.ZPHOTO, 'knuth', normed=1) z = 0.5 * (z[1:] + z[:-1]) plt.close() fig = plt.figure() #figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.title(r'$%.2f < z < %.2f$' % (args.zmin, args.zmax)) # z, n_z = GetdNdzNorm(nz=1000) # clgg = GetAutoSpectrumMagLim( cosmo, 2.21, 0.053, 1.43, bias=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000) # clgg_ph = GetAutoSpectrumMagLim( cosmo_nl, 2.21, 0.053, 1.43, bias=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000, sigma_zph=0.03) # clgg_nl = GetAutoSpectrumMagLim( cosmo_nl, 2.21, 0.053, 1.43, bias=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=1000) clgg = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo, z, nz, [args.zmin, args.zmax], b=1., alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, i=0) clgg_nl = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, nz, [args.zmin, args.zmax], b=1., alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, i=0) # clgg = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo, z, dndz, [0., 0.08, 0.5], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, i=i) # clgg_nl = GetAutoSpectrum(cosmo_nl, z, dndz, [0., 0.08, 0.5], b=1.24, alpha=1., lmax=500, sigma_zph=0.015, i=i) # ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,i+1) lab = r'2MPZ $%.1f < K_S < %.1f$' % (K_S_min, K_S_max) ax.plot(clgg, color='grey', label=r'$b=1$ $\sigma_z=0.015$') ax.plot(clgg_nl, color='darkgrey', ls='--', label=r'NL $b=1$ $\sigma_z=0.015$') ax.errorbar(, gg, yerr=err_gg, fmt='o', capsize=0, ms=5, label=lab) ax.errorbar( + 1, gg_2mpz, yerr=err_gg_2mpz, fmt='x', capsize=0, ms=5) #, label=lab) ax.set_ylabel(r'$C_{\ell}^{gg}$') ax.set_xlabel(r'Multipole $\ell$') ax.legend(loc='best') ax.axhline(ls='--', color='grey') ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax.set_xlim([2., 200]) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([1e-5, 1e-3]) plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('plots/2MPZ_clgg_dl'+str(args.delta_ell)+'_lmin_'+str(args.lmin)+'_lmax'+str(args.lmax)+'_KS_min_'+str(args.K_S_min)+'_KS_max_'+str(args.K_S_max)+'_nside'+str(args.nside)+'_zmin_'+str(args.zmin)+'_zmax'+str(args.zmax)+'_split.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() embed()
dls_10deg = GetDls(spectra_folder_10deg) dls_15deg = GetDls(spectra_folder_15deg) fig, ax = subplots(2,3, figsize=(20,12)) # Different lmax plot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for iLM, LM in enumerate([1200,1900]): ax[iLM,0].set_title(r'Radius 5 deg - $\ell_{\rm max}=%d - N=%d$'%(LM,dls_5deg.shape[0]), size=15) ax[iLM,1].set_title(r'Radius 10 deg - $\ell_{\rm max}=%d - N=%d$'%(LM,dls_10deg.shape[0]), size=15) ax[iLM,2].set_title(r'Radius 15 deg - $\ell_{\rm max}=%d - N=%d$'%(LM,dls_15deg.shape[0]), size=15) for lm in [300, 650, 1000]: taus_15_CR = GetManyTaus(dls_15deg, dltt_ref, lm, LM, method='CR') taus_10_CR = GetManyTaus(dls_10deg, dltt_ref, lm, LM, method='CR') taus_5_CR = GetManyTaus(dls_5deg, dltt_ref, lm, LM, method='CR') hist(taus_5_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,0], label=r'$\ell_{\rm min} = %d\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,stats.skew(taus_5_CR),err_skew(taus_5_CR))) hist(taus_10_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,1], label=r'$\ell_{\rm min} = %d\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,stats.skew(taus_10_CR),err_skew(taus_10_CR))) hist(taus_15_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,2], label=r'$\ell_{\rm min} = %d\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,stats.skew(taus_15_CR),err_skew(taus_15_CR))) # hist(taus_5_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,0], label=r'$(\ell_{\rm min},\ell_{\rm max}) = (%d,%d)\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,LM,stats.skew(taus_5_CR),err_skew(taus_5_CR))) # hist(taus_10_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,1], label=r'$(\ell_{\rm min},\ell_{\rm max}) = (%d,%d)\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,LM,stats.skew(taus_10_CR),err_skew(taus_10_CR))) # hist(taus_15_CR, 'knuth', histtype='step', ax=ax[iLM,2], label=r'$(\ell_{\rm min},\ell_{\rm max}) = (%d,%d)\, \gamma_1=%.2f\pm%.2f$'%(lm,LM,stats.skew(taus_15_CR),err_skew(taus_15_CR))) for i in xrange(3): ax[0,i].legend(loc='best') ax[1,i].legend(loc='best') ax[1,i].set_xlabel(r'$\hat{\tau}$', size=15) ax[0,i].set_xlim(-0.1,0.1) ax[1,i].set_xlim(-0.1,0.1) ax[0,i].axvline(0, ls='--', color='grey') ax[1,i].axvline(0, ls='--', color='grey')
plt.figure(3) plt.hexbin(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], gridsize=100, mincnt=1, cmap='Greys', extent=[2, 2.6, -40, 90]) plt.xlabel(r'$m$') plt.ylabel(r'$b$') print('4. Showing the fully marginalised distributions') plt.figure(4, figsize=(8, 5)) plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0)) values, bins, patches = hist(samples[:, 0], bins='knuth', histtype='step', color='k', density=True, lw=1.5) plt.xlabel(r'$m$') plt.ylabel(r'$P(m)$') plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1)) values, bins, patches = hist(samples[:, 1], bins='knuth', histtype='step', color='k', density=True, lw=1.5) plt.xlabel(r'$b$') plt.ylabel(r'$P(b)$') plt.tight_layout()
def _repr_html_(self): """ Produces an HTML summary of the timeseries data with plots for use in Jupyter notebooks. """ # Call _text_summary and reformat as an HTML table partial_html = (self._text_summary()[34:].replace( "\n", "</td></tr><tr><th>").replace(":\t", "</th><td>")) text_to_table = (f"""\ <table style='text-align:left'> <tr><th>{partial_html}</td></tr> </table>""").replace("\n", "") # Create the timeseries plots for each channel as a panel in one # figure. The color list below is passed to both timeseries and # histogram plotting methods for consistency. cols = [ 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:green', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan', 'palegreen', 'pink' ] dat = self.to_dataframe() fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows=len(self.columns), ncols=1, sharex=True, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(6, 10), ) # If all channels have the same unit, then one shared y-axis # label is set. Otherwise, each subplot has its own yaxis label. for i in range(len(self.columns)): if len(self.columns) == 1: axs.plot( dat.index, dat[self.columns[i]].values, color=cols[i], label=self.columns[i], ) if (dat[self.columns[i]].values < 0).any() is np.bool_(False): axs.set_yscale("log") axs.legend(frameon=False, handlelength=0) axs.set_ylabel(self.units[self.columns[i]]) else: axs[i].plot( dat.index, dat[self.columns[i]].values, color=cols[i], label=self.columns[i], ) if (dat[self.columns[i]].values < 0).any() is np.bool_(False): axs[i].set_yscale("log") axs[i].legend(frameon=False, handlelength=0) axs[i].set_ylabel(self.units[self.columns[i]]) plt.xticks(rotation=30) spc = _figure_to_base64(fig) plt.close(fig) # Make histograms for each column of data. The histograms are # created using the Astropy hist method that uses Scott's rule # for bin sizes. hlist = [] for i in range(len(dat.columns)): if set(np.isnan(dat[self.columns[i]].values)) != {True}: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3), constrained_layout=True) hist( dat[self.columns[i]]. values[~np.isnan(dat[self.columns[i]].values)], log=True, bins="scott", color=cols[i], ) plt.title(self.columns[i] + " [click for other channels]") plt.xlabel(self.units[self.columns[i]]) plt.ylabel("# of occurences") hlist.append(_figure_to_base64(fig)) plt.close(fig) # This loop creates a formatted list of base64 images that is passed # directly into the JS script below, so all images are written into # the html page when it is created (allows for an arbitrary number of # histograms to be rotated through onclick). hlist2 = [] for i in range(len(hlist)): hlist2.append(f"data:image/png;base64,{hlist[i]}") # The code below creates unique names to be passed to the JS script # in the html code. Otherwise, multiple timeseries summaries will # conflict in a single notebook. source = str(self.source) + str(time.perf_counter_ns()) return textwrap.dedent(f"""\ <pre>{html.escape(object.__repr__(self))}</pre> <script type="text/javascript"> function ImageChange(images) {{ this.images = images; this.i = 0; = function(img) {{ this.i++; if (this.i == images.length) this.i = 0; img.src = images[this.i]; }} }} var {source} = new ImageChange({hlist2}); </script> <table> <tr> <td style='width:40%'>{text_to_table}</td> <td rowspan=3> <img src='data:image/png;base64,{spc}'/> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="{hlist2[0]}" alt="Click here for histograms" onclick="{source}.next(this)"/> </td> </tr> </table>""")
def make_corner(self, galnum, scheme, lines=False): # make DFM-/emcee-style triangle plot res = self.res_d[galnum] colnames = res.colnames if self.nsample == 1: raise ValueError("need a sampled metallicity, not estimated! " + "Use self.sample(), with n fairly large") other_gcs = ["logR23", "E(B-V)"] if lines == True: other_gcs = [ "[OII]3727", "Hb", "[OIII]4959", "[OIII]5007", "[OI]6300", "Ha", "[NII]6584", "[SII]6717", "[SII]6731", "[SIII]9069", "[SIII]9532", ] + other_gcs if scheme == "all": scheme = ["P10", "M08", "D02", "M91", "KD02", "M13", "PP04", "Z94", "KK04", "P10"] raise RuntimeWarning("Caution using all Z indicators, " + "corner plots take a long time to generate") scheme_cols = [n for n in colnames if np.array(True if s in n else False for s in scheme).any()] elif scheme not in ["P10", "M08", "D02", "M91", "KD02", "M13", "PP04", "Z94", "KK04", "P10"]: raise ValueError("bad metallicity scheme") else: scheme_cols = [n for n in colnames if scheme in n] good_cols = scheme_cols + other_gcs data = np.array([res[c] for c in good_cols]).T # get rid of pesky nans data = data[~np.isnan(data).any(axis=1)] labels = good_cols figure = corner.corner(data, labels=labels, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84]) # if we have multiple metallicity indicators, hist them all together if len(scheme_cols) > 1: scheme_colis = np.array([True if l in scheme_cols else False for l in labels]).astype(bool) Ztot_ax = figure.add_axes([0.575, 0.675, 0.4, 0.3]) Ztot_data = np.array([res[c] for c in scheme_cols]).flatten() Ztot_data = Ztot_data[~np.isnan(Ztot_data)] hist(Ztot_data, ax=Ztot_ax, bins="knuth", histtype="step", color="k") plt.xticks(rotation=45.0) plt.setp(Ztot_ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) Ztot_ax.set_xlabel(r"$Z = 12 + \log{\frac{O}{H}}$") Ztot_ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize="x-small") pcs = np.percentile(Ztot_data, [14, 50, 86]) for p in pcs: Ztot_ax.axvline(p, color="k", linestyle="--") figure.savefig("corner_{}_{}.png".format(, galnum))