Пример #1
def test_update_git_devstr(version_test_package, capsys):
    """Tests that the commit number in the package's version string updates
    after git commits even without re-running setup.py.

    # We have to call version_test_package to actually create the package
    test_pkg = version_test_package()

    with test_pkg.as_cwd():
        run_setup('setup.py', ['--version'])

        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        version = stdout.strip()

        m = _DEV_VERSION_RE.match(version)
        assert m, (
            "Stdout did not match the version string pattern:"
            "\n\n{0}\n\nStderr:\n\n{1}".format(stdout, stderr))
        revcount = int(m.group(1))

        import apyhtest_eva
        assert apyhtest_eva.__version__ == version

        # Make a silly git commit
        with open('.test', 'w'):

        run_cmd('git', ['add', '.test'])
        run_cmd('git', ['commit', '-m', 'test'])

        import apyhtest_eva.version

    # Previously this checked packagename.__version__, but in order for that to
    # be updated we also have to re-import _astropy_init which could be tricky.
    # Checking directly that the packagename.version module was updated is
    # sufficient:
    m = _DEV_VERSION_RE.match(apyhtest_eva.version.version)
    assert m
    assert int(m.group(1)) == revcount + 1

    # This doesn't test astropy_helpers.get_helpers.update_git_devstr directly
    # since a copy of that function is made in packagename.version (so that it
    # can work without astropy_helpers installed).  In order to get test
    # coverage on the actual astropy_helpers copy of that function just call it
    # directly and compare to the value in packagename
    from astropy_helpers.git_helpers import update_git_devstr

    newversion = update_git_devstr(version, path=str(test_pkg))
    assert newversion == apyhtest_eva.version.version
Пример #2
def test_update_git_devstr(version_test_package, capsys):
    """Tests that the commit number in the package's version string updates
    after git commits even without re-running setup.py.

    # We have to call version_test_package to actually create the package
    test_pkg = version_test_package()

    with test_pkg.as_cwd():
        run_setup('setup.py', ['--version'])

        stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
        version = stdout.strip()

        m = _DEV_VERSION_RE.match(version)
        assert m, (
            "Stdout did not match the version string pattern:"
            "\n\n{0}\n\nStderr:\n\n{1}".format(stdout, stderr))
        revcount = int(m.group(1))

        import apyhtest_eva
        assert apyhtest_eva.__version__ == version

        # Make a silly git commit
        with open('.test', 'w'):

        run_cmd('git', ['add', '.test'])
        run_cmd('git', ['commit', '-m', 'test'])

        import apyhtest_eva.version

    # Previously this checked packagename.__version__, but in order for that to
    # be updated we also have to re-import _astropy_init which could be tricky.
    # Checking directly that the packagename.version module was updated is
    # sufficient:
    m = _DEV_VERSION_RE.match(apyhtest_eva.version.version)
    assert m
    assert int(m.group(1)) == revcount + 1

    # This doesn't test astropy_helpers.get_helpers.update_git_devstr directly
    # since a copy of that function is made in packagename.version (so that it
    # can work without astropy_helpers installed).  In order to get test
    # coverage on the actual astropy_helpers copy of that function just call it
    # directly and compare to the value in packagename
    from astropy_helpers.git_helpers import update_git_devstr

    newversion = update_git_devstr(version, path=str(test_pkg))
    assert newversion == apyhtest_eva.version.version