Пример #1
def get_raw_tables(query):
    """(Down)load LAMDA data as astropy tables."""
    # lazy import of astropy-related things
    from astroquery.lamda import Lamda
    from astroquery.lamda import parse_lamda_datafile

    # case 1: try to get by URL
    if query.startswith("http"):
        name = Path(urlparse(query).path).stem
        Lamda.molecule_dict[name] = query
        return Lamda.query(name)

    # case 2: try to get by local path
    path = Path(query).expanduser().resolve()
    if path.exists():
        return parse_lamda_datafile(path)

    # case 3: try to get by astroquery
        return Lamda.query(Path(query).stem)
    except Exception:
        raise ValueError(query)
Пример #2
def test_einstein():

    transition_freq_list = [(1611.7935180 * u.GHz).to('MHz'),
                            (177.26111120 * u.GHz).to('MHz')]
    mol_tag_list = [28001, 27001]
    temp_estimate = 300. * u.K

    result = []
    catalog_result = []

    cat = JPLSpec.get_species_table()

    for i in range(2):

        transition_freq = transition_freq_list[i]
        mol_tag = mol_tag_list[i]

        mol_data = Phys.from_jplspec(temp_estimate, transition_freq, mol_tag)
        intl = intensity_conversion(mol_data)
        mol_data.apply([intl.value] * intl.unit, name='intl')

        au = einstein_coeff(mol_data)


        mol = cat[cat['TAG'] == mol_tag]

        mol_name = mol['NAME'].data[0]

        lam_search = Lamda.query(mol=mol_name.lower())

        lam_result = lam_search[1]

        tran = transition_freq.to('GHz').value

        lam_found = lam_result[lam_result['Frequency'] == tran]

        au_cat = lam_found['EinsteinA']

        au_cat = au_cat.data[0]


    err = (abs((np.array(catalog_result) - np.array(result)) /
               np.array(catalog_result) * 100))

    assert np.all(err < 23.5)
Пример #3
def get_datafile(species, savedir='./'):
    Load a molecular data file and save it into the specified directory
    from astroquery.lamda import Lamda

    datapath = os.path.join(savedir,species)

    species,suffix = os.path.splitext(species)
    if suffix == "":
        datapath += ".dat"
    elif suffix != ".dat":
        raise ValueError("Molecular data file must either be a species name or species.dat")

    if not os.path.isdir(savedir):

    if not os.path.isfile(datapath):
        data = Lamda.query(species, return_datafile=True)
        with open(datapath,'w') as out:
            out.writelines([d+"\n" for d in data])

    return os.path.split(datapath)
Пример #4
import pylab as pl
from astropy import units as u
from astroquery.lamda import Lamda, utils as lamutils
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar

ech3oh = Lamda.query('e-ch3oh')

lamutils.ncrit(ech3oh, 256, 253, 100)

crates, transitions, levels = ech3oh
upperenergy = [
    transitions['E_u(K)'][transitions['Upper'] == upper][0]
    for upper in crates['H2']['Upper']
ncrits = [
    lamutils.ncrit(ech3oh, upper, lower, 100) for upper, lower in ProgressBar(
        list(zip(transitions['Upper'], transitions['Lower'])))

Jvals = {
    level: int(levels[levels['Level'] == level]['J'][0].split("_")[0])
    for level in levels['Level']

pl.semilogy(upperenergy, crates['H2']['C_ij(T=200)'], '.')
pl.xlabel("$E_U$ (K)")
pl.ylabel("$C_{ij}$ at $T=200$ K")

pl.semilogy(transitions['Upper'], u.Quantity(ncrits), '.')
import pylab as pl
from astropy import units as u
from astroquery.lamda import Lamda, utils as lamutils
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar

ech3oh = Lamda.query("e-ch3oh")

lamutils.ncrit(ech3oh, 256, 253, 100)

crates, transitions, levels = ech3oh
upperenergy = [transitions["E_u(K)"][transitions["Upper"] == upper][0] for upper in crates["H2"]["Upper"]]
ncrits = [
    lamutils.ncrit(ech3oh, upper, lower, 100)
    for upper, lower in ProgressBar(list(zip(transitions["Upper"], transitions["Lower"])))

Jvals = {level: int(levels[levels["Level"] == level]["J"][0].split("_")[0]) for level in levels["Level"]}

pl.semilogy(upperenergy, crates["H2"]["C_ij(T=200)"], ".")
pl.xlabel("$E_U$ (K)")
pl.ylabel("$C_{ij}$ at $T=200$ K")

pl.semilogy(transitions["Upper"], u.Quantity(ncrits), ".")
pl.xlabel("Level ID")
pl.ylabel("$n_{crit}$ [cm$^{-3}$]")

pl.semilogy([Jvals[lid] for lid in transitions["Upper"]], u.Quantity(ncrits), ".")