class ItemSource(BareComponent): def __init__(self): self.output = Output('item_source') def push_item(self, item): self.output.push(item)
class SampleSource(BareComponent): def __init__(self): self.output = Output('sample') def push(self, value): self.output.push(value)
class SquareFilter(EventDrivenComponent): def __init__(self, input_, output): self.input = Latest(input_, trigger=True) self.output = Output(output) async def process(self): self.output.push(self.input.value**2)
class LabelSource(BareComponent): def __init__(self): self.output = Output('label') def push_label(self, label: str): self.output.push(label)
class PaintDisplay(OpenCvDisplay): def __init__(self, source): super().__init__(source) self.mouse_event: Buffer[MouseEvent] = Buffer( EventBasedMouseHandler.MOUSE_EVENT) self.reset_calibration = Output( ProjectorDriver2d.RESET_CALIBRATION_TRIGGER) self.clear_canvas = Output('trigger.clear_canvas') self._menu = Menu([ Label('Menu'), Button('Calibrate', self.calibrate), Button('Clear Canvas', self.clear), ], position=(1, 0)) def calibrate(self): self.reset_calibration.push(None) def clear(self): self.clear_canvas.push(None) def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface) -> List[MouseRegion]: regions = super().draw(surface) self._menu.handle_mouse_events(self.mouse_event.values) regions += self._menu.draw(surface) return regions
class Labeler(EventDrivenComponent): def __init__(self): self.item_source = Buffer('item_source', trigger=True) self.label = Latest('label') self.output = Output('sink') async def process(self): for item in self.item_source.values: self.output.push(item + self.label.value)
class SquareFilter(IteratingComponent): target_fps = 10 def __init__(self, input_, output): self.input = Latest(input_) self.output = Output(output) async def process(self): if self.input.updated: self.output.push(self.input.value**2)
class SampleSubComponent(SubComponent): def __init__(self): self.input = Buffer('sample', trigger=True) self.output = Output('sample') self.log = [] def push(self, value): self.output.push(value) def do_something(self): self.log += self.input.values
class TriggerComponent(IteratingComponent): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.output = Output('trigger') @property def target_fps(self) -> int: return 1 async def process(self) -> None: self.output.push(None)
class SampleSource(IteratingComponent): target_fps = 10 def __init__(self, data, name='sample'): self.output = Output(name) = data.copy() async def process(self): try: self.output.push( except IndexError: self.logger.warning('End of data reached')
class MyKeyboardHandler(KeyboardHandler): ACTIONS = [ Action('enter', ['RETURN']), ] def __init__(self, layout: KeyboardLayout): super().__init__(layout) self.state = Output('state') = Output('name') self._name = 'World' def key_down(self, action: str) -> None: self.state.push('input') self.capture_text('name', self._name) def key_up(self, action: str) -> None: pass def process(self) -> None: pass def text_capture_completed(self, capture_id: str, text: str): self._name = text self.state.push('hello') def text_capture_update(self, capture_id: str, text: str):
class FaceDetector(EventDrivenComponent): FACE_CASCADE = os.path.join(, 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') def __init__(self): self.source: Latest[Frame] = Latest('source', trigger=True) self.face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(self.FACE_CASCADE) self.output = Output('faces') async def process(self): if not self.source.value: return faces = await run_in_executor(self._detect_faces, self.source.value.image) self.output.push(faces) def _detect_faces(self, image): return self.face_cascade.detectMultiScale(image, 1.3, 5)
class GameController(EventDrivenComponent): def __init__(self, game): = game self.node = 'start' self.selection = 0 self.keyboard = Buffer(EventBasedKeyboardHandler.KEYBOARD_EVENT, trigger=True) # type: Buffer[KeyboardEvent] self.text = Output('text') self.choices = Output('choices') async def setup(self): self._publish_state() async def process(self): changed = False choices =[self.node]['choices'] for event in self.keyboard.values: if if event.action == 'up' and self.selection > 0: self.selection -= 1 changed = True elif event.action == 'down' and self.selection + 1 < len( choices): self.selection += 1 changed = True elif event.action == 'choose' and len(choices): choice = choices[self.selection] self.node = choice['goto'] self.selection = 0 changed = True if changed: self._publish_state() def _publish_state(self): node =[self.node] self.text.push(node['text']) choices = [{ 'text': choice['text'], 'selected': i == self.selection } for i, choice in enumerate(node['choices'])] self.choices.push(choices)
class PaintController(EventDrivenComponent): COLOR = (0, 255, 0) BG_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) THICKNESS = 4 def __init__(self): self.source = Latest('source', trigger=True) # type: Latest[Frame] self.output = Output('display') self.overlay = Output('overlay') self.mouse_movement = Buffer( EventBasedMouseHandler.MOUSE_MOVEMENT, trigger=True) # type: Buffer[MouseMovement] self.clear_canvas = Latest('trigger.clear_canvas', trigger=True) self.debug = Output(event.OPENCV_FRAME_EVENT) self._canvas = None self._last_position = None async def process(self): if not self.source.value: return if self.clear_canvas.updated: self._canvas = None if self._canvas is None: self._canvas = np.zeros(self.source.value.image.shape, dtype='uint8') for e in self.mouse_movement.values: if in ['display', 'VideoSource0' ] and e.buttons[MouseButton.LEFT]: if self._last_position: cv2.line(self._canvas, self._last_position, e.restored_position, self.COLOR, self.THICKNESS) self._last_position = e.restored_position elif in ['display', 'VideoSource0' ] and e.buttons[MouseButton.RIGHT]: if self._last_position: cv2.line(self._canvas, self._last_position, e.restored_position, self.BG_COLOR, self.THICKNESS) self._last_position = e.restored_position else: self._last_position = None output = self.source.value.image.copy() mask = (self._canvas > 0).any(-1) output[mask, :] = self._canvas[mask, :] output_frame = Frame(output, 'display') self.output.push(output_frame) self.debug.push(output_frame) overlay_frame = Frame(self._canvas, 'overlay') self.overlay.push(overlay_frame) self.debug.push(overlay_frame)
class PersonDetector(EventDrivenComponent): def __init__(self): self.source = Latest('source', trigger=True) # type: Latest[Frame] self._hog = cv2.HOGDescriptor() self._hog.setSVMDetector(cv2.HOGDescriptor_getDefaultPeopleDetector()) self.output = Output('people') async def process(self): rects, weights = await run_in_executor(self._detect) people = [ Person(*rect, weight) for rect, weight in zip(rects, weights) ] self.output.push(people) def _detect(self): step_size = int(self.source.value.width / 200) scale = 1.5 padding = 16 return self._hog.detectMultiScale(self.source.value.image, winStride=(step_size, step_size), scale=scale, padding=(padding, padding), useMeanshiftGrouping=True)
class PersonDisplay(EventDrivenComponent): RECT_COLOR = (255, 0, 0) HIGHLIGHTED_RECT_COLOR = (255, 255, 0) RECT_THICKNESS = 2 def __init__(self): self.source = Latest('source', trigger=True) # type: Latest[Frame] self.people = Latest('people') # type: Latest[List[Person]] self.output = Output('display') self.debug = Output(event.OPENCV_FRAME_EVENT) self.mouse = Buffer( EventBasedMouseHandler.MOUSE_EVENT) # type: Buffer[MouseEvent] self.mouse_move = LatestBy( EventBasedMouseHandler.MOUSE_MOVEMENT, lambda m: # type: LatestBy[MouseMovement] async def process(self): image = self.source.value.image.copy() if self.people.value: for p in self.people.value: if self._contains_mouse_pointer(p): color = self.HIGHLIGHTED_RECT_COLOR else: color = self.RECT_COLOR cv2.rectangle(image, (p.x, p.y), (p.x + p.w, p.y + p.h), color, self.RECT_THICKNESS) frame = Frame(image, 'display') self.output.push(frame) self.debug.push(frame) def _contains_mouse_pointer(self, person: Person) -> bool: if not self.mouse_move.value_dict.get('display', None): return False x, y = self.mouse_move.value_dict['display'].restored_position return person.x <= x <= person.x + person.w and person.y <= y <= person.y + person.h
class EventSource(BareComponent): def __init__(self): self.output = Output('sample') def trigger(self): self.output.push(None)
class EventBasedKeyboardHandler(KeyboardHandler): """ Abstract event based keyboard handler base class This keyboard handler emits events containing `KeyboardEvent` payload on the event key `KEYBOARD_EVENT`, when a key bound to a configured `Action` is pressed or released. Text capture can be triggered by sending an event containing a `capture_id` to the key `CAPTURE_TEXT_TRIGGER`. The results of this text capture flow are emitted via events containing `CaptureTextEvent` payload on the event key `CAPTURE_TEXT_EVENT`. Example: :: class MyKeyboardHandler(EventBasedKeyboardHandler): ACTIONS = [ Action('up', ['UP', 'w']), Action('down', ['DOWN', 's']), Action('left', ['LEFT', 'a']), Action('right', ['RIGHT', 'd']), ] """ CAPTURE_TEXT_TRIGGER: str = 'async2v.keyboard.trigger.capture' """ :type: str """ CAPTURE_TEXT_EVENT: str = 'async2v.keyboard.text' """ :type: str """ KEYBOARD_EVENT: str = 'async2v.keyboard.action' """ :type: str """ def __init__(self, layout: KeyboardLayout): """ :param layout: Use layout created by the `layout_from_args` method of the `KeyboardConfigurator` created for that concrete `KeyboardHandler` """ super().__init__(layout) self.keyboard = Output(self.KEYBOARD_EVENT) self.text = Output(self.KEYBOARD_EVENT) self.capture_trigger = Latest(self.CAPTURE_TEXT_TRIGGER) def key_down(self, action: str) -> None: self.keyboard.push(KeyboardEvent(action, True)) def key_up(self, action: str) -> None: self.keyboard.push(KeyboardEvent(action, False)) def process(self) -> None: if self.capture_trigger.updated: self.capture_text(self.capture_trigger.value) def text_capture_update(self, capture_id: str, text: str): self.text.push(CaptureTextEvent(capture_id, text, complete=False)) def text_capture_completed(self, capture_id: str, text: str): self.text.push(CaptureTextEvent(capture_id, text, complete=True))
class EventBasedMouseHandler(MouseHandler): """ Event based mouse handler This mouse handler emits events containing `MouseEvent` payload on the event key `MOUSE_EVENT` and events containing `MouseMovement` payload on the event key `MOUSE_MOVEMENT`. Supports the `MouseRegion` concept explained above. """ MOUSE_EVENT: str = 'async2v.mouse.event' """ :type: str """ MOUSE_MOVEMENT: str = 'async2v.mouse.movement' """ :type: str """ def __init__(self): self._regions: List[MouseRegion] = [] self.event = Output(self.MOUSE_EVENT) self.movement = Output(self.MOUSE_MOVEMENT) self._last_region: MouseRegion = None self._last_position = (-1, -1) def push_regions(self, regions: [MouseRegion]): self._regions: List[MouseRegion] = regions self._get_region() def _get_region(self, position: Tuple[int, int] = None) -> Optional[MouseRegion]: if position: self._last_position = position for region in reversed(self._regions): if region.rect.collidepoint(self._last_position[0], self._last_position[1]): if not self._last_region or != if self._last_region: self.event.push( MouseEvent(self._last_region, self._last_position, MouseEventType.LEAVE)) self.event.push( MouseEvent(region, self._last_position, MouseEventType.ENTER)) self._last_region = region return region else: if self._last_position != (-1, -1): self.logger.warning( f'Position {self._last_position} is not in any region') return None def push_button_down(self, position: Tuple[int, int], button: int): region = self._get_region(position) button = MouseButton(button) if region: self.event.push( MouseEvent(region, position, MouseEventType.DOWN, button=button)) def push_button_up(self, position: Tuple[int, int], button: int): region = self._get_region(position) button = MouseButton(button) if region: self.event.push( MouseEvent(region, position, MouseEventType.UP, button=button)) def push_movement(self, position: Tuple[int, int], rel: Tuple[int, int], buttons: Tuple[int, int, int]): region = self._get_region(position) buttons = {MouseButton(i + 1): buttons[i] > 0 for i in range(3)} if region: self.movement.push(MouseMovement(region, position, rel, buttons))
class ProjectorDriver2d(EventDrivenComponent, ContainerMixin): """ Draw overlays into the real world with a projector This component automatically calibrates a projector that projects into the field of view of a camera. Overlays can then be drawn in coordinates of the camera image. Calibration is performed automatically on start. It can also be triggered later by sending an arbitrary event to the key stored in `RESET_CALIBRATION_TRIGGER`. """ #: Event key for reset command input. Events on this key trigger a new projector calibration. RESET_CALIBRATION_TRIGGER = 'async2v.projector.trigger.reset_calibration' @staticmethod def configurator() -> ProjectorDriver2dConfigurator: """ Convenience method to create a matching configurator """ return ProjectorDriver2dConfigurator() def __init__( self, source: str, overlay: str, projector: str = 'projector', config: ProjectorDriver2dConfiguration = ProjectorDriver2dConfiguration( )): """ :param source: Key of the video stream input. Needs to provide events with `Frame` payload. :param overlay: Key of the overlay input. Needs to provide events with `Frame` payload. :param projector: Key of projector output. `Frame` events are pushed to this output. :param config: Can be generated via `ProjectorDriver2dConfigurator` """ self._calibrator = _ProjectorCalibrator2d(source, projector, config.debug) super().__init__([self._calibrator]) self.overlay: Latest[Frame] = Latest(overlay, trigger=True) self.projector = Output(projector) self.reset = Latest(self.RESET_CALIBRATION_TRIGGER, trigger=True) self._calibration_started = False async def process(self): if self.reset.updated: self._calibrator.reset() if self._calibrator.needs_calibration(): if not self._calibration_started: self._calibration_started = True'Starting projector calibration') self._calibrator.calibrate() elif self._calibration_started:'Finished projector calibration') self._calibration_started = False self._draw_overlay() elif self.overlay.updated: self._draw_overlay() def _draw_overlay(self): if not self.overlay.value: return canvas = cv2.warpPerspective(self.overlay.value.image, self._calibrator.transformation_matrix, self._calibrator.CANVAS_SIZE) canvas_frame = Frame(canvas, 'projector') self.projector.push(canvas_frame)
class _ProjectorCalibrator2d(SubComponent): KERNEL = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5)) CANVAS_SIZE = (1200, 900) # TODO make this configurable in a sane way CALIBRATION_LEARNING_DURATION = 10 CALIBRATION_PATTERN_GRID_SIZE = 100 CALIBRATION_CYCLE = [ ('learn_background', CALIBRATION_LEARNING_DURATION), ('draw_pattern', 1), ('wait', 5), ('calibrate_pattern', 5), ('clear_pattern', 1), ('wait', 5), ] def __init__(self, source, projector, debug): self._background: cv2.BackgroundSubtractor = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2( ) self._calibration_cycle_i = 0 self._initialize_pattern() self.source: Latest[Frame] = Latest(source, trigger=True) self.projector = Output(projector) if debug: self.debug = Output(event.OPENCV_FRAME_EVENT) else: self.debug = None self._last_calibrated = 0 self._transformation_matrix = None def reset(self) -> None: self._transformation_matrix = None def needs_calibration(self) -> bool: return self._transformation_matrix is None @property def transformation_matrix(self): return self._transformation_matrix def calibrate(self): if self.source.value is None: return self._calibration_cycle_i = (self._calibration_cycle_i + 1) % sum( [n for action, n in self.CALIBRATION_CYCLE]) action = self._calibration_action() if action == 'learn_background': self._background.apply(self.source.value.image, learningRate=1 / self.CALIBRATION_LEARNING_DURATION) elif action == 'wait': pass elif action == 'draw_pattern': pattern = self._draw_pattern() self._push_pattern_to_projector(pattern) elif action == 'clear_pattern': pattern = numpy.zeros(tuple(reversed(self.CANVAS_SIZE)), dtype=numpy.uint8) cv2.rectangle(pattern, (0, 0), self.CANVAS_SIZE, 128, self.CALIBRATION_PATTERN_GRID_SIZE) self._push_pattern_to_projector(pattern) elif action == 'calibrate_pattern': mask = self._background.apply(self.source.value.image, learningRate=0) mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.KERNEL) mask = cv2.blur(mask, (5, 5)) blob_detector = self._create_blob_detector() found, centers = cv2.findCirclesGrid( mask, self._calibration_pattern_size, cv2.CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID + cv2.CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING, blob_detector, None) if self.debug: output = self.source.value.image.copy() blobs = blob_detector.detect(mask) output = cv2.drawKeypoints( output, blobs, numpy.array([]), (0, 0, 255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) cv2.drawChessboardCorners(output, self._calibration_pattern_size, centers, found) self.debug.push(Frame(mask, 'projector.calibration.mask')) self.debug.push(Frame(output, 'projector.calibration.debug')) if found: self._finish_calibration(centers) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown action {action}') def _draw_pattern(self): overlay = numpy.zeros(tuple(reversed(self.CANVAS_SIZE)), dtype=numpy.uint8) cv2.rectangle(overlay, (0, 0), self.CANVAS_SIZE, 128, self.CALIBRATION_PATTERN_GRID_SIZE) r = int(self.CALIBRATION_PATTERN_GRID_SIZE * 0.2) for pos in self._calibration_pattern:, pos, r, (255, 255, 255), -1) return overlay def _initialize_pattern(self): x0 = int(self.CANVAS_SIZE[0] * 0.25) y0 = int(self.CANVAS_SIZE[1] * 0.25) a0 = self.CALIBRATION_PATTERN_GRID_SIZE a1 = numpy.sqrt(3) / 2 * a0 n_x = int(self.CANVAS_SIZE[0] * 0.25 / a0) * 2 + 1 n_y = int(self.CANVAS_SIZE[1] * 0.25 / a1) * 2 + 1 circles = [] for j in range(n_y): for i in range(n_x): x = int(x0 + i * a0 + (j % 2) * 0.5 * a0) y = int(y0 + j * a1) circles.append((x, y)) self._calibration_pattern = circles self._calibration_pattern_size = (n_x, n_y) def _calibration_action(self): n = 0 for action, duration in self.CALIBRATION_CYCLE: if n <= self._calibration_cycle_i < n + duration: return action n += duration else: raise RuntimeError( f'Invalid calibration state {self._calibration_cycle_i}') def _create_blob_detector(self): input_size = min(self.source.value.width, self.source.value.height) min_distance = int(input_size / 40) params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() params.blobColor = 255 params.filterByConvexity = False params.filterByArea = True params.filterByCircularity = True params.filterByColor = True params.filterByInertia = False params.minDistBetweenBlobs = min_distance params.minCircularity = 0.7 params.minArea = int((min_distance * 0.1)**2) return cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) def _finish_calibration(self, detected_centers): canvas_centers = numpy.array(self._calibration_pattern, dtype='float32') self._transformation_matrix, _ = cv2.findHomography( detected_centers, canvas_centers) self._last_calibrated = time.time() self._calibration_cycle_i = 0 def _push_pattern_to_projector(self, pattern): frame = Frame(pattern, 'projector') self.projector.push(frame) if self.debug: self.debug.push(frame)
class VideoSource(IteratingComponent): """ OpenCV video source component Reads from a video file or a camera at a given framerate. The frames are pushed to the provided event key wrapped in `Frame` objects. Supports full command line configuration via `VideoSourceConfigurator`. """ @staticmethod def configurator() -> VideoSourceConfigurator: """ Convenience method to create a matching configurator """ return VideoSourceConfigurator() def __init__(self, config: VideoSourceConfig, key: str = 'source'): """ :param config: Can be generated via `VideoSourceConfigurator` :param key: Event key of video output """ self._path = config.path self._target_fps = config.fps self.output = Output(key) self.debug_output = Output(event.OPENCV_FRAME_EVENT) self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._resolution = config.resolution self._resolution_verified = False self._capture: cv2.VideoCapture = None @property def target_fps(self) -> int: return self._target_fps @property def graph_colors(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: return '#8080F0', '#FBFBFF' async def setup(self): await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self._executor, self._create_capture) def _create_capture(self): self._capture = cv2.VideoCapture(self._path) if self._resolution: self._capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self._resolution[0]) self._capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self._resolution[1]) async def process(self): ret, image = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self._executor, if ret: frame = Frame(image, if not self._resolution_verified: self._verify_resolution(frame) self.output.push(frame) self.debug_output.push(frame) else:'Could not read frame, assuming end of file') self.shutdown() def _verify_resolution(self, frame: Frame): if self._resolution: w, h = self._resolution if frame.width != w or frame.height != h: raise ValueError(f'Expected resolution {w}x{h}, got {frame.width}x{frame.height}') self._resolution_verified = True'Source resolution {frame.width}x{frame.height}') async def cleanup(self): await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self._executor, self._release_capture) def _release_capture(self): self._capture.release()