Пример #1
async def main():
    async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username,
                                ast_password) as client:
        await client.taskgroup.spawn(on_start, client)
        # Run the WebSocket
        async for m in client:
            print("** EVENT **", m)
Пример #2
async def main():
    async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username,
                                ast_password) as client:
        await setup(client)
        client.on_channel_event('StasisStart', stasis_start_cb)
        # Run the WebSocket
        await anyio.sleep_forever()
Пример #3
async def main():
    async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username,
                                ast_password) as client:
        client.on_channel_event('StasisStart', on_start)
        client.on_channel_event('StasisEnd', on_end)
        # Run the WebSocket
        async for m in client:
            print("** EVENT **", m)
Пример #4
async def main():
    async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username,
                                ast_password) as _client:
        global client
        client = _client
        await setup()
        await client.on_channel_event('StasisStart', on_start,
        # Run the WebSocket
        async for m in client:
            pprint(("** EVENT **", m, m._orig_msg))
Пример #5
async def run(obj, checks, as_list):
    Run a one-shot call.
    if not checks:
        checks = list(k for k,v in obj.calls.items() if as_list or not v.test.skip)
    if not checks:
        raise click.UsageError("No tests known. Missing config file?")

    if as_list:
        for c in checks:
            c = obj.calls[c]
            print(c.name, "m" if c.test.skip else "-", c.info, sep="\t")

    ast = obj.cfg.asterisk
    url = "http://%s:%d/" % (ast.host,ast.port)
    async with asyncari.connect(url, ast.app, username=ast.username, password=ast.password) as client:
        client._calltest_config = obj.cfg
        async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
            for c in checks:
                await tg.spawn(obj.calls[c], client)
Пример #6
async def serve(cfg, checks):
    ast = cfg.asterisk
    url = "http://%s:%d/" % (ast.host, ast.port)

    stats = {}
    socks = set()
    app = Quart("calltest.server", root_path="/tmp")

    @app.route("/", methods=['GET'])
    @app.route("/list", defaults={'with_ok': True}, methods=['GET'])
    async def index(with_ok=False):
        s = attrdict()
        s.fail = list(k for k, v in stats.items()
                      if v.fail_count >= checks[k].test.fail)
        s.warn = list(
            k for k, v in stats.items()
            if checks[k].test.fail > v.fail_count >= checks[k].test.warn)
        s.note = list(k for k, v in stats.items()
                      if checks[k].test.warn > v.fail_count > 0
                      or v.fail_count == 0 and v.fail_map)
        ok = list(k for k, v in stats.items()
                  if v.fail_count == 0 and v.n_run > 0)
        if with_ok:
            s.ok = ok
            s.skip = list(k for k, v in stats.items() if checks[k].test.skip)
            s.n_skip = len(s.skip)
        s.n_fail = len(s.fail)
        s.n_warn = len(s.warn)
        s.n_note = len(s.note)
        s.n_ok = len(ok)
        return jsonify(s)

    async def alert(**msg):
        nonlocal socks
        ds = set()
        for s in socks:
                await s.send(msg)
            except Exception:
        socks -= ds

    @app.route("/test/<test>", methods=['GET'])
    async def test_detail(test):
        c = checks[test]
        return jsonify(c.state)

    @app.route("/test/<test>/start", methods=['PUT'])
    async def test_start(test):
        c = checks[test]
        res = await c.test_start()
        return jsonify({"success": res})

    @app.route("/test/<test>/stop", methods=['PUT'])
    async def test_stop(test):
        c = checks[test]
        res = await c.test_stop(fail=False)
        return jsonify({"success": res})

    @app.route("/test/<test>/fail", methods=['PUT'])
    async def test_fail(test):
        c = checks[test]
        res = await c.test_stop(fail=True)
        return jsonify({"success": res})

    async def ws():
            sock = websocket._get_current_object()
            while True:
                data = await sock.receive()
                print("IN", data)

    async def updated(call):
        await alert(action="update", name=call.name, state=call.state)
        stats[call.name] = call.state

    async with asyncari.connect(url,
                                password=ast.password) as client:
        client._calltest_config = cfg
        async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
            await tg.spawn(partial(run, app, **cfg.server, debug=True))
            for c in checks.values():
                await tg.spawn(partial(c.run, client, updated=updated))
            pass  # end loop
        pass  # end taskgroup
Пример #7
async def main():
    async with asyncari.connect(ast_url, ast_app, ast_username,
                                ast_password) as client:
        await clean_bridges(client)