def custom_feeder(input, coro=None): def write_proc(fin, pipe, coro=None): while True: data = yield, 8 * 1024) if not data: break n = yield pipe.write(data, full=True) assert n == len(data) fin.close() pipe.stdin.close() def read_proc(pipe, coro=None): # output from sha1sum is small, so read until EOF data = yield pipe.stdout.close() raise StopIteration(data) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # asyncfile.Popen must be used instead of subprocess.Popen pipe = asyncfile.Popen([r'\cygwin64\bin\sha1sum.exe'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) else: pipe = subprocess.Popen(['sha1sum'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) async_pipe = asyncfile.AsyncPipe(pipe) reader = asyncoro.Coro(read_proc, async_pipe) writer = asyncoro.Coro(write_proc, open(input), async_pipe) stdout = yield reader.finish() print(' feeder sha1sum: %s' % stdout)
def client_proc(coro=None): channel = asyncoro.Channel('sum_prod') sum_coro = asyncoro.Coro(seqsum) prod_coro = asyncoro.Coro(seqprod) yield channel.subscribe(sum_coro) yield channel.subscribe(prod_coro) for x in range(4): r = random.uniform(0.5, 3) channel.send(r) print('sent %f' % r) channel.send(None) yield channel.unsubscribe(sum_coro) yield channel.unsubscribe(prod_coro)
def server(host, port, coro=None): coro.set_daemon() sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((host, port)) sock.listen(5000) while True: conn, addr = yield sock.accept() asyncoro.Coro(process, conn)
#!/usr/bin/env python # program for creating coroutines (asynchronous concurrent # programming); see for # details. import sys, random, time if sys.version_info.major >= 3: import asyncoro3 as asyncoro else: import asyncoro def coro_proc(n, coro=None): s = random.uniform(0.5, 3) print('%f: coroutine %d sleeping for %f seconds' % (time.time(), n, s)) yield coro.sleep(s) print('%f: coroutine %d terminating' % (time.time(), n)) for i in range(10): asyncoro.Coro(coro_proc, i)
# output from sha1sum is small, so read until EOF data = yield pipe.stdout.close() raise StopIteration(data) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # asyncfile.Popen must be used instead of subprocess.Popen pipe = asyncfile.Popen([r'\cygwin64\bin\sha1sum.exe'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) else: pipe = subprocess.Popen(['sha1sum'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) async_pipe = asyncfile.AsyncPipe(pipe) reader = asyncoro.Coro(read_proc, async_pipe) writer = asyncoro.Coro(write_proc, open(input), async_pipe) stdout = yield reader.finish() print(' feeder sha1sum: %s' % stdout) # asyncoro.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # simpler version using 'communicate' coro = asyncoro.Coro(communicate, sys.argv[1]) coro.value() # wait for it to finish # alternate version with custom read and write processes asyncoro.Coro(custom_feeder, sys.argv[1])
import asyncoro def process(conn, coro=None): msg = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\nPong!\r\n" if sys.version_info.major >= 3: msg = bytes(msg, 'ascii') yield conn.sendall(msg) conn.close() def server(host, port, coro=None): coro.set_daemon() sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((host, port)) sock.listen(5000) while True: conn, addr = yield sock.accept() asyncoro.Coro(process, conn) if __name__ == '__main__': asyncoro.Coro(server, '', 8010) while True: try: cmd = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower() if not cmd or cmd == 'exit' or cmd == 'quit': break except KeyboardInterrupt: break
#!/usr/bin/env python # client and server coroutines communicating with message passing # (asynchronous concurrent programming); # see for details. import sys, random if sys.version_info.major >= 3: import asyncoro3 as asyncoro else: import asyncoro def server_proc(coro=None): coro.set_daemon() while True: msg = yield coro.receive() print('processing %s' % (msg)) msg_id = 0 def client_proc(server, n, coro=None): global msg_id for x in range(3): yield coro.suspend(random.uniform(0.5, 3)) msg_id += 1 server.send('%d: %d / %d' % (msg_id, n, x)) server = asyncoro.Coro(server_proc) for i in range(10): asyncoro.Coro(client_proc, server, i)
# each client sends 3 messages for j in range(2): server.send((i, j)) server.send((i, None)) def server_proc(n, coro=None): k = 0 while True: i, j = yield coro.receive() if j is None: # client 'i' is done k += 1 if k == n: break if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 10000 start = time.time() server = asyncoro.Coro(server_proc, n) # create given number of client coroutines for i in range(n): asyncoro.Coro(client_proc, i, server) print('creating %d coroutines took %.3f sec' % (n, time.time() - start)) proc_start = time.time() # wait for server to finish server.value() print('messaging took %.3f sec' % (time.time() - proc_start))
print('sum: %f' % result) def seqprod(coro=None): # compute product of numbers received over channel result = 1 while True: msg = yield coro.receive() if msg is None: break result *= msg print('prod: %f' % result) def client_proc(coro=None): channel = asyncoro.Channel('sum_prod') sum_coro = asyncoro.Coro(seqsum) prod_coro = asyncoro.Coro(seqprod) yield channel.subscribe(sum_coro) yield channel.subscribe(prod_coro) for x in range(4): r = random.uniform(0.5, 3) channel.send(r) print('sent %f' % r) channel.send(None) yield channel.unsubscribe(sum_coro) yield channel.unsubscribe(prod_coro) asyncoro.Coro(client_proc)
import asyncoro def server_proc(n, sock, coro=None): for i in range(n): msg, addr = yield sock.recvfrom(1024) print('Received "%s" from %s:%s' % (msg, addr[0], addr[1])) sock.close() def client_proc(host, port, coro=None): sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket( socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) msg = 'client socket: %s' % (sock.fileno()) if sys.version_info.major >= 3: msg = bytes(msg, 'ascii') yield sock.sendto(msg, (host, port)) sock.close() if __name__ == '__main__': sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket( socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) sock.bind(('', 0)) host, port = sock.getsockname() n = 50 server_coro = asyncoro.Coro(server_proc, n, sock) for i in range(n): asyncoro.Coro(client_proc, host, port)
#!/usr/bin/env python # client program for sending requests to server ( # with sockets (asynchronous network programming); # see for details. import sys, socket, random if sys.version_info.major >= 3: import asyncoro3 as asyncoro else: import asyncoro def client(host, port, n, coro=None): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock = asyncoro.AsyncSocket(sock) yield sock.connect((host, port)) msg = '%d: ' % n + '-' * random.randint(100,300) + '/' if sys.version_info.major >= 3: msg = bytes(msg, 'ascii') yield sock.sendall(msg) sock.close() # run 10 client coroutines for n in range(10): asyncoro.Coro(client, '', 8010, n)
break if not line: break print('%s' % line), nlines += 1 print('lines: %s' % nlines) raise StopIteration(nlines) # asyncoro.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # asyncfile.Popen must be used instead of subprocess.Popen p1 = asyncfile.Popen([r'\cygwin64\bin\grep.exe', '-i', 'error'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = asyncfile.Popen([r'\cygwin64\bin\wc.exe'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) async_pipe = asyncfile.AsyncPipe(p1, p2) asyncoro.Coro(writer, async_pipe, r'\tmp\grep.inp') asyncoro.Coro(line_reader, async_pipe) # in Windows child process may not terminate when input is closed - # so terminate it explicitly when pipe is done with: # p1.terminate() # p2.terminate() else: p1 = subprocess.Popen(['grep', '-i', 'error'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(['wc'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) async_pipe = asyncfile.AsyncPipe(p1, p2) asyncoro.Coro(writer, async_pipe, '/var/log/syslog') asyncoro.Coro(line_reader, async_pipe) # alternate example: # p1 = subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-f', '/var/log/kern.log'], stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def server_proc(conn, coro=None): # conn is a synchronous socket (as it is obtained from synchronous # 'accept'); it's file-descriptor is converted to asynchronous # file to read data from that afd = asyncfile.AsyncFile(conn) csum = hashlib.sha1() nlines = 0 while True: # read lines from data line = yield afd.readline() if not line: break csum.update(line) nlines += 1 afd.close() print('server csum: %s' % (csum.hexdigest())) print('lines: %s' % (nlines)) asyncoro.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('localhost', 0)) sock.listen(5) host, port = sock.getsockname() print('host: %s, port: %s' % (host, port)) asyncoro.Coro(client_proc, host, port, sys.argv[1]) conn, addr = sock.accept() asyncoro.Coro(server_proc, conn)