Пример #1
def backproject(voxel_dim, voxel_size, origin, projection, features):
    """ Takes 2d features and fills them along rays in a 3d volume

    This function implements eqs. 1,2 in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10432.pdf
    Each pixel in a feature image corresponds to a ray in 3d.
    We fill all the voxels along the ray with that pixel's features.

        voxel_dim: size of voxel volume to construct (nx,ny,nz)
        voxel_size: metric size of each voxel (ex: .04m)
        origin: origin of the voxel volume (xyz position of voxel (0,0,0))
        projection: bx4x3 projection matrices (intrinsics@extrinsics)
        features: bxcxhxw  2d feature tensor to be backprojected into 3d

        volume: b x c x nx x ny x nz 3d feature volume
        valid:  b x 1 x nx x ny x nz volume.
                Each voxel contains a 1 if it projects to a pixel
                and 0 otherwise (not in view frustrum of the camera)

    batch = features.size(0)
    channels = features.size(1)
    device = features.device
    nx, ny, nz = voxel_dim

    coords = coordinates(voxel_dim, device).unsqueeze(0).expand(batch, -1,
                                                                -1)  # bx3xhwd
    world = coords.type_as(projection) * voxel_size + origin.to(
    world = torch.cat((world, torch.ones_like(world[:, :1])), dim=1)

    camera = torch.bmm(projection, world)
    #print('camera shape:', camera.shape)
    px = (camera[:, 0, :] / camera[:, 2, :]).round().type(torch.long)
    py = (camera[:, 1, :] / camera[:, 2, :]).round().type(torch.long)
    pz = camera[:, 2, :]

    # voxels in view frustrum
    height, width = features.size()[2:]
    valid = (px >= 0) & (py >= 0) & (px < width) & (py < height) & (pz > 0
                                                                    )  # bxhwd

    # put features in volume
    volume = torch.zeros(batch,
                         nx * ny * nz,
    for b in range(batch):
        volume[b, :, valid[b]] = features[b, :, py[b, valid[b]], px[b,

    volume = volume.view(batch, channels, nx, ny, nz)
    valid = valid.view(batch, 1, nx, ny, nz)

    return volume, valid
Пример #2
def label_scene(path_meta, scene, voxel_size, dist_thresh=.05, verbose=2):
    """ Transfer instance labels from ground truth mesh to TSDF

    For each voxel find the nearest vertex and transfer the label if
    it is close enough to the voxel.

        path_meta: path to save the TSDFs 
            (we recommend creating a parallel directory structure to save 
            derived data so that we don't modify the original dataset)
        scene: name of scene to process
        voxel_size: voxel size of TSDF to process
        dist_thresh: beyond this distance labels are not transferd
        verbose: how much logging to print

        Updates the TSDF (.npz) file with the instance volume

    # dist_thresh: beyond this distance to nearest gt mesh vertex,
    # voxels are not labeled
    if verbose > 0:
        print('labeling', scene)

    info_file = os.path.join(path_meta, scene, 'info.json')
    data = load_info_json(info_file)

    # each vertex in gt mesh indexs a seg group
    segIndices = json.load(open(data['file_name_seg_indices'],

    # maps seg groups to instances
    segGroups = json.load(open(data['file_name_seg_groups'], 'r'))['segGroups']
    mapping = {
        ind: group['id'] + 1
        for group in segGroups for ind in group['segments']

    # get per vertex instance ids (0 is unknown, [1,...] are objects)
    n = len(segIndices)
    instance_verts = torch.zeros(n, dtype=torch.long)
    for i in range(n):
        if segIndices[i] in mapping:
            instance_verts[i] = mapping[segIndices[i]]

    # load vertex locations
    mesh = trimesh.load(data['file_name_mesh_gt'], process=False)
    verts = mesh.vertices

    # construct kdtree of vertices for fast nn lookup
    pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(verts)
    kdtree = o3d.geometry.KDTreeFlann(pcd)

    # load tsdf volume
    tsdf = TSDF.load(data['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size])
    coords = coordinates(tsdf.tsdf_vol.size(), device=torch.device('cpu'))
    coords = coords.type(torch.float) * tsdf.voxel_size + tsdf.origin.T
    mask = tsdf.tsdf_vol.abs().view(-1) < 1

    # transfer vertex instance ids to voxels near surface
    instance_vol = torch.zeros(len(mask), dtype=torch.long)
    for i in mask.nonzero():
        _, inds, dist = kdtree.search_knn_vector_3d(coords[:, i], 1)
        if dist[0] < dist_thresh:
            instance_vol[i] = instance_verts[inds[0]]

    tsdf.attribute_vols['instance'] = instance_vol.view(
    tsdf.save(data['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size])

    key = 'vol_%02d' % voxel_size
    temp_data = {
        key: tsdf,
        'instances': data['instances'],
        'dataset': data['dataset']
    tsdf = transforms.InstanceToSemseg('nyu40')(temp_data)[key]
    mesh = tsdf.get_mesh('semseg')
    fname = data['file_name_vol_%02d' % voxel_size]
    mesh.export(fname.replace('tsdf', 'mesh').replace('.npz', '_semseg.ply'))