def contourf_latday(var, is_precip=False, clev=None, cticks=None, climits=None, nc_pref=40, grp=None, xlims=(-120, 200), xticks=np.arange(-120, 201, 30), ylims=(-60, 60), yticks=np.arange(-60, 61, 20), dlist=None, grid=False, ind_nm='onset', xlabels=True): """Create a filled contour plot of data on latitude-day grid. """ var = atm.subset(var, {'lat': ylims}) vals = var.values.T lat = atm.get_coord(var, 'lat') days = atm.get_coord(var, 'dayrel') if var.min() < 0: symmetric = True else: symmetric = False if is_precip: cmap = 'PuBuGn' extend = 'max' else: cmap = 'RdBu_r' extend = 'both' if clev == None: cint = atm.cinterval(vals, n_pref=nc_pref, symmetric=symmetric) clev = atm.clevels(vals, cint, symmetric=symmetric) elif len(atm.makelist(clev)) == 1: if is_precip: clev = np.arange(0, 10 + clev / 2.0, clev) else: clev = atm.clevels(vals, clev, symmetric=symmetric) plt.contourf(days, lat, vals, clev, cmap=cmap, extend=extend) plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks) plt.clim(climits) atm.ax_lims_ticks(xlims, xticks, ylims, yticks) plt.grid(grid) if dlist is not None: for d0 in dlist: plt.axvline(d0, color='k') if xlabels: plt.gca().set_xticklabels(xticks) plt.xlabel('Days Since ' + ind_nm.capitalize()) else: plt.gca().set_xticklabels([]) if grp is not None and grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel('Latitude') return None
def contourf_latday(var, clev=None, title='', nc_pref=40, grp=None, xlims=(-120, 200), xticks=np.arange(-120, 201, 30), ylims=(-60, 60), yticks=np.arange(-60, 61, 20), ssn_length=None): vals = var.values.T lat = atm.get_coord(var, 'lat') days = atm.get_coord(var, 'dayrel') if == 'precip': cmap = 'hot_r' extend = 'max' else: cmap = 'RdBu_r' extend = 'both' if clev == None: symmetric = atm.symm_colors(vals) cint = atm.cinterval(vals, n_pref=nc_pref, symmetric=symmetric) clev = atm.clevels(vals, cint, symmetric=symmetric) cticks_dict = {'precip' : np.arange(0, 13, 2), 'T200' : np.arange(-208, 227, 2), 'U200' : np.arange(-60, 61, 10), 'PSI500' : np.arange(-800, 801, 200)} cticks = cticks_dict.get( plt.contourf(days, lat, vals, clev, cmap=cmap, extend=extend) plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks) fmt_axes(xlims, xticks, ylims, yticks) plt.grid() plt.title(title) plt.axvline(0, color='k') if ssn_length is not None: plt.axvline(ssn_length, color='k') if grp is not None and grp.row == grp.ncol - 1: plt.xlabel('Rel Day') if grp is not None and grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel('Latitude')
def contourf_latday(var, clev=None, title='', nc_pref=40, grp=None, xlims=(-120, 200), xticks=np.arange(-120, 201, 30), ylims=(-60, 60), yticks=np.arange(-60, 61, 20), dlist=None, grid=False): vals = var.values.T lat = atm.get_coord(var, 'lat') days = atm.get_coord(var, 'dayrel') if var.min() >= 0: cmap, extend, symmetric = 'PuBuGn', 'max', False else: cmap, extend, symmetric = 'RdBu_r', 'both', True if clev == None: cint = atm.cinterval(vals, n_pref=nc_pref, symmetric=symmetric) clev = atm.clevels(vals, cint, symmetric=symmetric) elif len(atm.makelist(clev)) == 1: if == 'PREC': clev = np.arange(0, 10 + clev/2.0, clev) else: clev = atm.clevels(vals, clev, symmetric=symmetric) cticks_dict = {'PRECTOT' : np.arange(0, 13, 2), 'PREC' : np.arange(0, 11, 2), 'T200' : np.arange(-208, 227, 2), 'U200' : np.arange(-60, 61, 10), 'PSI500' : np.arange(-800, 801, 200)} cticks = cticks_dict.get( plt.contourf(days, lat, vals, clev, cmap=cmap, extend=extend) plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks) atm.ax_lims_ticks(xlims, xticks, ylims, yticks) plt.grid(grid) plt.title(title) if dlist is not None: for d0 in dlist: plt.axvline(d0, color='k') if grp is not None and grp.row == grp.ncol - 1: plt.xlabel('Rel Day') if grp is not None and grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel('Latitude')
def contour_londay(var, clev=None, grp=None,n_pref=40, yticks=np.arange(-120, 201, 30)): lon = atm.get_coord(var, 'lon') days = atm.get_coord(var, 'dayrel') if clev is None: cint = atm.cinterval(var, n_pref=n_pref, symmetric=True) clev = atm.clevels(var, cint, symmetric=True) plt.contourf(lon, days, var, clev, cmap='RdBu_r', extend='both') plt.grid() plt.colorbar() #plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.yticks(yticks) plt.axhline(0, color='k') if grp is not None and grp.row == grp.nrow - 1: plt.xlabel('Longitude') if grp is not None and grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel('Rel Day')
def contourf_londay(var, clev=None, grp=None, n_pref=40, yticks=np.arange(-120, 201, 30)): """Create a filled contour plot of data on longitude-day grid. """ lon = atm.get_coord(var, 'lon') days = atm.get_coord(var, 'dayrel') if clev is None: cint = atm.cinterval(var, n_pref=n_pref, symmetric=True) clev = atm.clevels(var, cint, symmetric=True) plt.contourf(lon, days, var, clev, cmap='RdBu_r', extend='both') plt.colorbar() plt.yticks(yticks) plt.axhline(0, color='0.5', linestyle='--', dashes=[6, 1]) if grp is not None and grp.row == grp.nrow - 1: plt.xlabel('Longitude') if grp is not None and grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel('Days Since Onset')
def contourf_lat_time(lat, days, plotdata, clev=None, title='', cmap='RdBu_r', onset_nm='', zero_line=False, ax=None): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() vals = plotdata.values.T vals =, mask=np.isnan(vals)) ncont = 40 symmetric = atm.symm_colors(plotdata) if clev == None: cint = atm.cinterval(vals, n_pref=ncont, symmetric=symmetric) clev = atm.clevels(vals, cint, symmetric=symmetric) cf = ax.contourf(days, lat, vals, clev, cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar(mappable=cf, ax=ax) #plot_colorbar(symmetric, ax=ax, mappable=cf) if symmetric and zero_line: ax.contour(days, lat, vals, [0], colors='k') ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') ax.set_xlabel('Day Relative to %s Onset' % onset_nm) ax.set_title(title) xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() if xmax > 60: ax.set_xticks(range(int(xmin), int(xmax) + 1, 30)) plt.draw()
topo = atm.get_ps_clim(lat, lon) / 100 topo.units = 'hPa' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Correct for topography u_orig = u u = atm.correct_for_topography(u_orig, topo) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Zonal mean zonal wind season = 'jjas' lon1, lon2 = 60, 100 cint = 5 months = atm.season_months(season) uplot = atm.subset(u, 'lon', lon1, lon2, 'mon', months) uplot = uplot.mean(['lon', 'mon']) ps_plot = atm.subset(topo, 'lon', lon1, lon2) ps_plot = ps_plot.mean('lon') plt.figure() cs = atm.contour_latpres(uplot, clev=cint, topo=ps_plot) clev = atm.clevels(uplot, cint, omitzero=True) plt.clabel(cs, clev[::2], fmt='%02d') plt.figure() atm.contourf_latpres(uplot, clev=cint, topo=ps_plot)
# 1-d timeseries var = data['U200'].sel(dayrel=day) ts = atm.mean_over_geobox(var, 10, 30, 60, 100) ts_reg = atm.Linreg(onset, ts) ts_reg2 = atm.regress_field(ts, onset) print(ts_reg.r, ts_reg2.r.values) print(ts_reg.slope, ts_reg2.m.values) print(ts_reg.p, ts_reg2.p.values) # x-y data regdays = [-60, -30, 0, 30, 60] plotdays = [-60, -30] clev_r = np.arange(-1.0, 1.01, 0.05) for nm in varnms: print(nm) var = data[nm].sel(dayrel=regdays) reg_daily = atm.regress_field(var, onset, axis=0) for day in plotdays: reg = reg_daily.sel(dayrel=day) title = '%s day %d vs. Onset ' % (, day) cint_m = atm.cinterval(reg.m) clev_m = atm.clevels(reg.m, cint_m, symmetric=True) plt.figure(figsize=(11, 8)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) atm.contourf_latlon(reg['r'], clev=clev_r, cmap='RdBu_r') plt.title(title + ' - Corr Coeff') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) atm.contourf_latlon(reg['m'], clev=clev_m, cmap='RdBu_r') plt.title(title + ' - Reg Coeff')