def single_WLH(cmap_file, yrmin, yrmax, lat0, lon0, loc_nm, kmax, kann, onset_min=20): # Single grid point and single year/climatology precip = precipdat.read_cmap(cmap_file, yrmin, yrmax) if yrmax > yrmin: precip = precip.mean(axis=0) titlestr = 'CMAP %d-%d' % (yrmin, yrmax) else: precip = precip[0] titlestr = 'CMAP %d' % yrmin latval, ilat0 = atm.find_closest(, lat0) lonval, ilon0 = atm.find_closest(precip.lon, lon0) d = 1.25 latstr = atm.latlon_labels(latval+d, 'lat', '%.1f', deg_symbol=False) lonstr = atm.latlon_labels(lonval+d, 'lon', '%.1f', deg_symbol=False) titlestr = '%s %s (%s, %s)' % (titlestr, loc_nm, latstr, lonstr) pcp = precip[:, ilat0, ilon0] pcp_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(pcp, kmax) pcp_ann, Rsq_ann = atm.fourier_smooth(pcp, kann) i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak = onset_WLH_1D(pcp_sm, threshold, onset_min) plot_single_WLH(pcp, pcp_sm, pcp_ann, Rsq, Rsq_ann, i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak, kmax, kann, titlestr) return pcp, pcp_sm, pcp_ann, Rsq, Rsq_ann, i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak
def onset_WLH(precip, axis=1, kmax=12, threshold=5.0, onset_min=20): """Return monsoon onset index computed by Wang & LinHo 2002 method. Smoothes multi-dimensional pentad precipitation data and computes onset indices at each point. Parameters ---------- precip : ndarray Pentad precipitation data with pentad as the first or second dimension. Maximum 4D: [year, pentad, lat, lon]. axis : {0, 1}, optional Axis corresponding to pentad dimension. kmax : int, optional Maximum Fourier harmonic for smoothing the input data. threshold : float, optional Threshold for onset/withdrawal criteria. Same units as precip. onset_min: int, optional Minimum pentad index allowed for onset. Returns ------- output : dict Dict with the following fields: precip_sm : ndarray, smoothed precip data Rsq : R-squared for smoothed data onset : ndarray, pentad index of onset retreat : ndarray, pentad index of retreat peak : ndarray, pentad index of peak rainfall smoothing_kmax, threshold : values used in computation Pentads are indexed 0-72. Reference --------- Wang, B., & LinHo. (2002). Rainy Season of the Asian-Pacific Summer Monsoon. Journal of Climate, 15(4), 386-398. """ nmax = 4 ndim = precip.ndim if ndim > nmax: raise ValueError('Too many dimensions in precip. Max %dD' % nmax) # Smooth with truncated Fourier series precip_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(precip, kmax, axis=axis) # Add singleton dimension for looping if axis == 0: precip_sm = np.expand_dims(precip_sm, 0) elif axis != 1: raise ValueError('Invalid axis %d. Must be 0 or 1.' % axis) while precip_sm.ndim < nmax: precip_sm = np.expand_dims(precip_sm, -1) # Calculate indices for each year and grid point dims = precip_sm.shape dims_out = list(dims) dims_out.pop(1) onset = np.nan * np.ones(dims_out) retreat = np.nan * np.ones(dims_out) peak = np.nan * np.ones(dims_out) for y in range(dims[0]): for i in range(dims[2]): for j in range(dims[3]): inds = onset_WLH_1D(precip_sm[y,:,i,j], threshold, onset_min) onset[y,i,j] = inds[0] retreat[y,i,j] = inds[1] peak[y,i,j] = inds[2] # Pack everything into a dict output = {} output['precip_sm'] = precip_sm output['onset'] = onset output['retreat'] = retreat output['peak'] = peak # Collapse any extra dimensions that were added if axis == 0: for key in output: output[key] = atm.collapse(output[key], 0) while onset.ndim > ndim: for key in output: if key != 'Rsq': output[key] = atm.collapse(output[key], -1) # Some more data to output output['Rsq'] = Rsq output['smoothing_kmax'] = kmax output['threshold'] = threshold return output
elif name == 'MERRA_MFC': pcp = mfcbar days = pentad = False precip_jan = 0.0 # Use zero for now elif name == 'MERRA_PRECIP': pcp = precipbar days = pentad = False precip_jan = 0.0 # Use zero for now years = pcp.year.values key = 'WLH_%s_kmax%d' % (name, kmax) print(key) pcp_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(pcp, kmax) index[key] = get_onset_WLH(years, days, pcp_sm, threshold, key, pentad, precip_jan) # Smooth with rolling mean key = 'WLH_%s_nroll%d' % (name, nroll[name]) print(key) pcp_sm = atm.rolling_mean(pcp, nroll[name], axis=-1, center=True) index[key] = get_onset_WLH(years, days, pcp_sm.values, threshold, key, pentad, precip_jan) # Unsmoothed pentad timeserires key = 'WLH_%s_unsmth' % name print(key) index[key] = get_onset_WLH(years, days, pcp, threshold, key, pentad, precip_jan)
early, late = {}, {} for nm in index1: early[nm], late[nm] = extreme_years(index1[nm]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fourier harmonics kmax_list = np.arange(2, 21, 1) nms = [pcp_nm, 'U850', 'V850'] days = np.arange(-138, 227) ts1 = ts.sel(dayrel=days) ts_sm = {kmax : xray.Dataset() for kmax in kmax_list} Rsq = {kmax : {} for kmax in kmax_list} for kmax in kmax_list: for nm in nms: vals, Rsq[kmax][nm] = atm.fourier_smooth(ts1[nm], kmax) print kmax, nm, Rsq[kmax][nm] ts_sm[kmax][nm] = xray.DataArray(vals, coords=ts1[nm].coords) # Find days where smoothed values are closest to actual timeseries # values at days 0, 15 def closest_day(nm, ts1, ts_sm, d0, buf=20): val0 = ts1[nm].sel(dayrel=d0).values sm = atm.subset(ts_sm[nm], {'dayrel' : (d0 - buf, d0 + buf)}) i0 = int(np.argmin(abs(sm - val0))) day0 = int(sm['dayrel'][i0]) return day0 # Annual + semi-annual harmonics xticks = np.arange(-120, 230, 30) sz = 10
titlestr = 'CMAP %d-%dE, %d-%dN ' % (lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2) precip = precipdat.read_cmap(cmap_file) precipbar = atm.mean_over_geobox(precip, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2) nyears, npentad = precipbar.shape years = precipbar.year.values nyears = len(years) pentads = precipbar.pentad onset = {} # Threshold for onset criteria threshold = 5.0 # Smooth with truncated Fourier series kmax = 12 kann = 4 pcp_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(precipbar, kmax) pcp_ann, Rsq_ann = atm.fourier_smooth(precipbar, kann) label_sm, label_ann = [], [] for y in range(nyears): label_sm.append('kmax=%d, $R^2$=%.2f' % (kmax, Rsq[y])) label_ann.append('kmax=%d, $R^2$=%.2f' % (kann, Rsq_ann[y])) i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak = get_onset(years, pcp_sm) plot_years(years, precipbar, pcp_sm, label_sm, i_onset, i_peak, i_retreat, titlestr, pcp_ann, label_ann) onset['fourier'] = i_onset # Smooth with rolling mean nroll = 3 pcp_sm = np.zeros(precipbar.shape)