def add_labels(grp, labels, pos, fontsize, fontweight='bold'): """Add labels to subplots in a figure Parameters ---------- grp : atm.FigGroup object Instance of atm.FigGroup class for the subplots to annotate labels : list Labels to annotate, e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'] pos : list of tuples Positions for each label fontsize, fontweight Text parameters for labels """ try: n = len(pos[0]) except TypeError: pos = [pos] * len(labels) row, col = 0, 0 for i in range(len(labels)): grp.subplot(row, col) atm.text(labels[i], pos[i], fontsize=fontsize, fontweight=fontweight) col += 1 if col == grp.ncol: col = 0 row += 1 return None
def plot_hist(ind, binwidth=5, incl_daystr=True, ax=None, pos=(0.05, 0.7), kw={'alpha' : 0.3, 'color' : 'k'}): """Plot histogram of onset days. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() def daystr(day): day = round(day) mm, dd = atm.jday_to_mmdd(day) mon = atm.month_str(mm) return '%.0f (%s-%.0f)' % (day, mon, dd) if isinstance(ind, pd.Series) or isinstance(ind, xray.DataArray): ind = ind.values b1 = np.floor(np.nanmin(ind) / binwidth) * binwidth b2 = np.ceil(np.nanmax(ind) / binwidth) * binwidth bin_edges = np.arange(b1, b2 + 1, binwidth) n, bins, _ = ax.hist(ind, bin_edges, **kw) ax.set_xlabel('Day of Year') ax.set_ylabel('Num of Occurrences') if incl_daystr: dmean = daystr(np.nanmean(ind)) dmin = daystr(np.nanmin(ind)) dmax = daystr(np.nanmax(ind)) else: dmean = '%.0f' % np.nanmean(ind) dmin = '%.0f' % np.nanmin(ind) dmax = '%.0f' % np.nanmax(ind) s = 'Mean %s\n' % dmean + 'Std %.0f\n' % np.nanstd(ind) s = s + 'Min %s\n' % dmin + 'Max %s' % dmax x0, y0 = pos atm.text(s, (x0, y0), ax=ax, horizontalalignment='left')
def add_labels(grp, labels, pos, fontsize, fontweight='bold'): # Expand pos to list for each subplot, if needed try: n = len(pos[0]) except TypeError: pos = [pos] * (grp.nrow * grp.ncol) i = 0 for row in range(grp.nrow): for col in range(grp.ncol): grp.subplot(row, col) atm.text(labels[i], pos[i], fontsize=fontsize, fontweight=fontweight) i += 1
def plotyear(chp, y, xlims, ylims): days = chp["day"].values d_onset = chp["onset"][y] d_retreat = chp["retreat"][y] plt.plot(days, chp["tseries"][y]) plt.plot(days, chp["tseries_fit"][y]) plt.plot([d_onset, d_onset], ylims, "k") plt.plot([d_retreat, d_retreat], ylims, "k") plt.xlim(xlims[0], xlims[1]) plt.ylim(ylims[0], ylims[1]) plt.title(years[y]) atm.text("Onset: %d\nRetreat: %d" % (d_onset, d_retreat), (0.03, 0.83)) plt.grid()
def plotyear(chp, y, xlims, ylims): days = chp['day'].values d_onset = chp['onset'][y] d_retreat = chp['retreat'][y] plt.plot(days, chp['tseries'][y]) plt.plot(days, chp['tseries_fit_onset'][y]) plt.plot(days, chp['tseries_fit_retreat'][y]) plt.plot([d_onset, d_onset], ylims, 'k') plt.plot([d_retreat, d_retreat], ylims, 'k') plt.xlim(xlims[0], xlims[1]) plt.ylim(ylims[0], ylims[1]) plt.title(years[y]) atm.text('Onset: %d\nRetreat: %d' % (d_onset, d_retreat), (0.03, 0.83)) plt.grid()
def plot_maps(var, days, grp, cmin=0, cmax=20, cint=1, axlims=(5, 35, 60, 100), cmap='PuBuGn', res='c', extend='max', cticks=None, daypos=(0.05, 0.85)): """Lat-lon maps of precip on selected days.""" clev = np.arange(cmin, cmax + cint/2.0, cint) if cticks is None: cticks = np.arange(cmin, clev.max() + 1, 2) lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2 = axlims for day in days: pcp = var.sel(dayrel=day) m = atm.init_latlon(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, resolution=res) m = atm.contourf_latlon(pcp, m=m, clev=clev, axlims=axlims, cmap=cmap, colorbar=False, extend=extend) atm.text(day, daypos, fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') # plt.colorbar(ax=grp.axes.ravel().tolist(), orientation='vertical', # shrink=0.8, ticks=cticks) atm.colorbar_multiplot(orientation='vertical', shrink=0.8, ticks=cticks) fix_axes(axlims)
def plot_index_years(index, nrow=3, ncol=4, fig_kw={'figsize' : (11, 7), 'sharex' : True, 'sharey' : True}, gridspec_kw={'left' : 0.1, 'right' : 0.95, 'wspace' : 0.05, 'hspace' : 0.1}, incl_fit=False, suptitle='', xlabel='Day', ylabel='Index', xlims=None, ylims=None, xticks=np.arange(0, 401, 100), grid=True): """Plot daily timeseries of monsoon onset/retreat index each year. """ years = atm.get_coord(index, 'year') days = atm.get_coord(index, 'day') grp = atm.FigGroup(nrow, ncol, fig_kw=fig_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, suptitle=suptitle) for year in years: ind = atm.subset(index, {'year' : (year, year)}, squeeze=True) ts = ind['tseries'] d0_list = [ind['onset'], ind['retreat']] plt.plot(days, ts, 'k') for d0 in d0_list: plt.axvline(d0, color='k') if incl_fit and 'tseries_fit_onset' in ind: plt.plot(days, ind['tseries_fit_onset'], 'r') if incl_fit and 'tseries_fit_retreat' in ind: plt.plot(days, ind['tseries_fit_retreat'], 'b') atm.text(year, (0.05, 0.9)) atm.ax_lims_ticks(xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, xticks=xticks) plt.grid(grid) if grp.row == grp.nrow - 1: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if grp.col == 0: plt.ylabel(ylabel) return grp
ts = index[onset_nm]["tseries"].sel(year=year) ts_onset = index[onset_nm]["tseries_fit_onset"].sel(year=year) ts_retreat = index[onset_nm]["tseries_fit_retreat"].sel(year=year) days = index[onset_nm]["tseries"]["day"] figsize = (5, 3.5) gs_kw = {"left": 0.15, "bottom": 0.15} plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw=gs_kw) plt.plot(days, ts, "k") plt.plot(days, ts_onset, "r") plt.plot(days, ts_retreat, "b") plt.grid() plt.xlim(0, 366) plt.xlabel("Day") plt.ylabel("MFC_ACC (mm)") atm.text(year, (0.05, 0.9)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Summarize onset, retreat, indices in dataframes onset = pd.DataFrame() for nm in index: onset[nm] = index[nm]["onset"].to_series() corr = onset.corr() retreat = index[onset_nm]["retreat"].to_series() length = retreat - onset[onset_nm] # Labels for onset indices correlations labels = {} for nm in onset.columns:
tseries.plot(ax=ax, grid=True, legend=False) ax.set_title(title, loc='left', fontsize=11) # Plot climatology and a few individual years plotyears = [None, years[0], years[1], years[2]] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) suptitle = version.upper() + ' MFC Budget (%s) - Daily Tseries' % latlonstr plt.suptitle(suptitle) nrow, ncol = 2, 2 for y, year in enumerate(plotyears): ax = plt.subplot(nrow, ncol, y + 1) plot_tseries(ts, year, ax=ax) if y == 0: ax.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=9) s = 'RESID = MFC-P+E-dW/dt-ANA' atm.text(s, (0.03, 0.5), fontsize=9) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot daily timeseries of W W = ts['W'] d1, d2 = days_ssn[0], days_ssn[-1] W1 = W.sel(day=d1) W2 = W.sel(day=d2) plotyears = years[:4] clrs = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'k'] plt.figure() for y, year in enumerate(plotyears): plt.plot(W['day'], W[y], clrs[y], label=year) plt.plot([d1, d2], [W1[y], W2[y]], clrs[y], marker='.') plt.grid()
def plot_tseries_together(data, onset=None, years=None, suptitle='', figsize=(14,10), legendsize=10, legendloc='lower right', nrow=3, ncol=4, yearnm='year', daynm='day', standardize=True, label_attr=None, data_style=None, onset_style=None, show_days=False): """Plot multiple daily timeseries together each year. Parameters ---------- data : xray.Dataset Dataset of timeseries variables to plot together. onset : ndarray or dict of ndarrays, optional Array of onset day for each year, or dict of onset arrays (e.g. to compare onset days from different methods). years : ndarray, optional Subset of years to include. If omitted, all years are included. suptitle : str, optional Supertitle for plot. figsize : 2-tuple, optional Size of each figure. legendsize : int, optional Font size for legend legendloc : str, optional Legend location nrow, ncol : int, optional Number of rows, columns in each figure. yearnm, daynm : str, optional Name of year and day dimensions in data. standardize : bool, optional If True, standardize each timeseries by dividing by its standard deviation. label_attr : str, optional Attribute of each data variable to use for labels. If omitted, then the variable name is used. data_style, onset_style : list or dict, optional Matlab-style strings for each data variable or onset index. show_days : bool, optional If True, annotate each subplot with a textbox showing the onset days. """ if years is None: # All years years = data[yearnm].values data = atm.subset(data, {yearnm : (years, None)}) if label_attr is not None: labels = {nm : data[nm].attrs[label_attr] for nm in data.data_vars} if onset is not None: if isinstance(onset, dict): if onset_style is None: onset_style = {key : 'k' for key in onset.keys()} else: onset = {'onset' : onset} if onset_style is None: onset_style = {'onset' : 'k'} textpos = {key : (0.05, 0.9 - 0.1*i) for i, key in enumerate(onset)} # Plot each year for y, year in enumerate(years): df = atm.subset(data, {yearnm : (year, None)}).to_dataframe() df.drop(yearnm, axis=1, inplace=True) if label_attr is not None: df.rename(columns=labels, inplace=True) if standardize: for key in df.columns: df[key] = (df[key] - np.nanmean(df[key])) / np.nanstd(df[key]) ylabel = 'Standardized Timeseries' else: ylabel = 'Timeseries' if y % (nrow * ncol) == 0: fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=figsize, sharex=True) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.95, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2) plt.suptitle(suptitle) yplot = 1 else: yplot += 1 i, j = atm.subplot_index(nrow, ncol, yplot) ax = axes[i-1, j-1] df.plot(ax=ax, style=data_style) ax.grid() if yplot == 1: ax.legend(fontsize=legendsize, loc=legendloc) else: ax.legend_.remove() if onset is not None: for key in onset: d0 = onset[key][y] ax.plot([d0, d0], ax.get_ylim(), onset_style[key]) if show_days: atm.text(d0, textpos[key], ax=ax, color=onset_style[key]) if j == 1: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if i == nrow: ax.set_xlabel('Day') else: ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_title(year)
if key.startswith('CHP'): for nm, clr in zip(['onset', 'retreat'], ['r', 'g']): pred = index[keylong]['tseries_fit_' + nm][y] pred = atm.subset(pred, {'day' : (df.index, None)}) ax.plot(df.index, pred, clr) if std_ts: ax.set_ylim(ylim1, ylim2) else: plt.autoscale(tight=True) ax.plot([d0, d0], ax.get_ylim(), style) txt = '%d' % d0 if d1 is not None: ax.plot([d1, d1], ax.get_ylim(), style) txt = txt + ', %d' % d1 ax.grid() atm.text(txt, (0.05, 0.9), ax=ax, color=style) if i == 0: ax.set_title(year) if i == nrow - 1: ax.set_xlabel('Day') else: ax.set_xlabel('') if y % ncol == 0: ax.set_ylabel(key) iplot += ncol saveclose('tseries_stacked_', isave, exts) # Correlations between daily timeseries
style = {'MFC' : 'k', pcp_nm : 'k--'} fig_kw = {'figsize' : (14, 10)} gridspec_kw = {'left' : 0.04, 'right' : 0.94, 'bottom' : 0.06, 'top' : 0.95, 'hspace' : 0.07, 'wspace' : 0.07} suptitle = 'Daily and Cumulative Precip/MFC for %s Onset' % onset_nm nrow, ncol = 3, 4 grp = atm.FigGroup(nrow, ncol, fig_kw=fig_kw, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw, suptitle=suptitle) for y, year in enumerate(years): if grp.row == 0 and grp.col == ncol - 1: legend = True else: legend = False data1 = xray.Dataset({'MFC' : data['MFC'][y], pcp_nm : data[pcp_nm][y]}) data2 = data['MFC_ACC'][y] axes = lineplots(data1, data2, style, xlims, xticks, ylims, yticks, y2_lims=y2_lims, legend=legend, length=index['length'][y]) title = '%d\n%d, %d' % (year, onset[y], index['retreat'][y]) atm.text(title, (0.03, 0.85), fontsize=10) if grp.row < nrow - 1: for ax in axes: clear_labels('x', ax) for i, ax in enumerate(axes): if i == 0 and grp.col > 0: clear_labels('y', ax) if i > 0 and grp.col < ncol - 1: clear_labels('y', ax)
yrly_index(onset_all, legend=True) else: for i in [0, 1]: plt.axis('off') ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) df = index[['length', 'retreat', 'onset']].to_dataframe() plt.boxplot(df.values, vert=False, labels=['Length', 'Retreat', 'Onset'], whis='range') plt.xlabel('Day of Year | Number of Days') plt.xlim(120, 320) plt.xticks(np.arange(120, 321, 20)) pos = ax.get_position() pos2 = [pos.x0, pos.y0 + 0.05, pos.width, pos.height] ax.set_position(pos2) atm.text('a', (-0.16, 1.01), fontsize=labelsize, fontweight='bold') # Plot daily tseries legend = True if ind_nm == 'onset': dlist = [15] else: dlist = None daily_tseries(tseries, index, pcp_nm, npre, npost, legend, grp, ind_nm=ind_nm, dlist=dlist) # Add a-d labels if ind_nm == 'onset': labels = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] add_labels(grp, labels, labelpos, labelsize) else: