Пример #1
class VideoView(SurfaceView):
    """VideoView displays a video file"""

    #: Source of the video file or URI
    src = d_(Str())

    #: Player actions
    control = d_(Enum("play", "stop", "pause"))

    #: State
    state = d_(
        Enum("idle", "stopped", "paused", "loading", "complete", "playing",

    #: Error event
    error = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: Info event, such as buffering
    info = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyViewGroup object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyVideoView)

    @observe("src", "control")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

    def seek_to(self, ms: int):
        """Seek to the given time."""
        proxy = self.proxy
        assert proxy is not None
Пример #2
class KeyEvent(Control):
    #: Proxy reference
    proxy = Typed(ProxyKeyEvent)

    #: List of keys that or codes to filter
    #: Can be a key letter or code and including modifiers
    #: Ex. Ctrl + r, up, esc, etc..
    #: If empty will fire for any key combination
    keys = d_(List(str))

    #: Listen for events
    enabled = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Fire multiple times when the key is held
    repeats = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Pressed event
    pressed = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: Released event
    released = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    @observe("enabled", "keys")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """An observer which sends state change to the proxy."""
        super(KeyEvent, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #3
class ActionMenuView(LinearLayout):
    """ A simple control for displaying a ActionMenuView.


    #: Reference to the checked radio button or None
    overflow_icon = d_(Unicode())

    #: Show menu
    show = d_(Event())

    #: Hide menu
    hide = d_(Event())

    #: TODO: Should this be more like a Picker/Combo where you pass options

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyActionMenuView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('show', 'hide', 'overflow_icon')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        if change['type'] == 'event' and self.proxy_is_active:
            self.proxy.set_opened(change['name'] == 'show')
            super(ActionMenuView, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #4
class VideoView(SurfaceView):
    """ VideoView displays a video file

    #: Source of the video file or URI
    src = d_(Unicode())

    #: Player actions
    control = d_(Enum('play', 'stop', 'pause'))

    #: State
    state = d_(Enum('idle', 'stopped', 'paused', 'loading', 'complete',
                    'playing', 'error'),

    #: Error event
    error = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: Info event, such as buffering
    info = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyViewGroup object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyVideoView)

    @observe('src', 'src', 'control')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        super(VideoView, self)._update_proxy(change)

    def seek_to(self, ms):
        """ Seek to the given time.
Пример #5
class ActionMenuView(LinearLayout):
    """A simple control for displaying a ActionMenuView."""

    #: Reference to the checked radio button or None
    overflow_icon = d_(Str())

    #: Show menu
    show = d_(Event())

    #: Hide menu
    hide = d_(Event())

    #: TODO: Should this be more like a Picker/Combo where you pass options

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyActionMenuView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe("show", "hide", "overflow_icon")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

        if change["type"] == "event" and self.proxy_is_active:
            self.proxy.set_opened(change["name"] == "show")
Пример #6
class ScrollView(FrameLayout):
    """ A simple control for displaying a ScrollView.


    #: Vertical or horizontal scrollview
    orientation = d_(Enum('vertical', 'horizontal'))

    #: Scroll to position (x, y), 'top', or 'bottom
    scroll_to = d_(Event(object))

    #: Scroll to by delta (x, y)
    scroll_by = d_(Event(tuple))

    #: A reference to the ProxyScrollView object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyScrollView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe('orientation', 'scroll_to', 'scroll_by')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        if change['type'] in ['event', 'update'] and self.proxy_is_active:
            handler = getattr(self.proxy, 'set_' + change['name'], None)
            if handler is not None:
Пример #7
class AbstractWidgetItemGroup(Control):

    #: Triggered when clicked
    clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when double clicked
    double_clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item is entered
    entered = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item is pressed
    pressed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item's selection changes
    selection_changed = d_(Event(bool), writable=False)

    def _get_items(self):
        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, AbstractWidgetItem)]

    #: Internal item reference
    _items = Property(lambda self: self._get_items(), cached=True)

    def child_added(self, child):
        """ Reset the item cache when a child is added """
        super(AbstractWidgetItemGroup, self).child_added(child)

    def child_removed(self, child):
        """ Reset the item cache when a child is removed """
        super(AbstractWidgetItemGroup, self).child_removed(child)
Пример #8
class ExecutableGraph(model.Graph):
    controller = ForwardInstance(_import_graph_calculator_controller)
    nxgraph = Property(lambda self: self._get_nxgraph(), cached=True)

    topologyChanged = Event()
    valuesChanged = Event()
    attributesChanged = Event()

    def _get_nxgraph(self):
        g = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        for node in self.nodes:
            g.add_node(node.id, id=node.id, name=node.name)
        for edge in self.edges:
        return g

    def _observe_topologyChanged(self, change):

    def _observe_valuesChanged(self, change):

    def _observe_attributesChanged(self, change):

    def execute_graph(self):
        for node_id in nx.topological_sort(self.nxgraph):
Пример #9
class Snackbar(ToolkitObject):
    """A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user."""

    #: Text to display
    #: if this node has a child view this is ignored
    text = d_(Str())

    #: Text to display in the action button
    action_text = d_(Str())

    #: Color for the action text button
    action_text_color = d_(Str())

    #: Duration to display in ms or 0 for infinite
    duration = d_(Int(3000))

    #: Alias for the action is clicked
    clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: When an action occurs such as swiped out, clicked, timed out, etc..
    action = d_(Event(str), writable=False)

    #: Show the snackbar for the given duration
    show = d_(Bool())

    #: A reference to the proxy object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySnackbar)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe("text", "duration", "action_text", "action_text_color", "show")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

Пример #10
class ScrollView(FrameLayout):
    """A simple control for displaying a ScrollView."""

    #: Vertical or horizontal scrollview
    orientation = d_(Enum("vertical", "horizontal"))

    #: Scroll to position (x, y), 'top', or 'bottom
    scroll_to = d_(Event(object))

    #: Scroll to by delta (x, y)
    scroll_by = d_(Event(tuple))

    #: Set which scrollbars are enabled
    scrollbars = d_(Enum("both", "vertical", "horizontal", "none"))

    #: A reference to the ProxyScrollView object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyScrollView)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Observers
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    @observe("orientation", "scroll_to", "scroll_by", "scrollbars")
    def _update_proxy(self, change):

        if change["type"] in ["event", "update"] and self.proxy_is_active:
            handler = getattr(self.proxy, f"set_{change['name']}", None)
            if handler is not None:
Пример #11
class XYDataObject(DataObjectBase):
    #might be up for a refactoring of the name if theres also going to be 2d data objects (XYDataObject, ListObject?)
    """ has x and y array"""
    label = Str('')
    x = Typed(np.ndarray)
    y = Typed(np.ndarray)
    x_updated = Event(kind=bool)
    y_updated = Event(kind=bool)

    from atomicplot.fit import Fit1D
    from atomicplot.plot import Plot1D

    fit = Typed(Fit1D)
    plot = Typed(Plot1D)

    file_path = Str  # Optional file path pointing to original data file

    def __init__(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, list)):
            raise TypeError("xdata needs to be list or numpy array")
        if not isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, list)):
            raise TypeError("ydata needs to be list or numpy array")
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            if not len(x) == x.size:
                raise ValueError("xdata is not an one-dimensional array")
        if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            if not len(y) == y.size:
                raise ValueError("ydata is not an one-dimensional array")
        if not len(x) == len(y):
            raise ValueError("xdata, ydata have unequal length; found {}, {}".format(len(x), len(y)))

        self.x = UpdateArray(x, self.x_updated)
        self.y = UpdateArray(y, self.y_updated)

        self.fit = Fit1D(self)
        self.plot = Plot1D(self)

        super(XYDataObject, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def testfunc(self, new):
        print('x updated in dataobject')

    def testfunc(self, new):
        print('y updated in dataobject')

    def tf1(self, new):
        print('fully y updated')

    def savetxt(self, file_path, **kwargs):
        #todo implement this

    def reset(self):
        """restores x, y with data which it was initialized"""
        raise NotImplementedError()
Пример #12
class AbstractWidgetItem(AbstractWidgetItemGroup):
    """ Item to be shared between table views and tree views """

    #: Model index or row within the view
    row = d_(Int(), writable=False)

    #: Column within the view
    column = d_(Int(), writable=False)

    #: Text to display within the cell
    text = d_(Unicode())

    #: Text alignment within the cell
    text_alignment = d_(
        Enum(*[(h, v) for h in ('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify')
               for v in ('center', 'top', 'bottom')]))

    #: Icon to display in the cell
    icon = d_(Typed(Icon))

    #: The size to use for the icon. The default is an invalid size
    #: and indicates that an appropriate default should be used.
    icon_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: Whether the item or group can be selected
    selectable = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Selection state of the item or group
    selected = d_(Bool())

    #: Whether the item or group can be checked
    checkable = d_(Bool())

    #: Checked state of the item or group
    checked = d_(Bool())

    #: Whether the item or group can be edited
    editable = d_(Bool())

    #: Triggered when the item's contents change
    changed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the checkbox state changes
    toggled = d_(Event(bool), writable=False)

    @observe('row', 'column', 'text', 'text_alignment', 'icon', 'icon_size',
             'selectable', 'selected', 'checkable', 'checked', 'editable')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.
        if change['name'] in ['row', 'column']:
            super(AbstractWidgetItem, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #13
class AppState(Atom):
    context = Dict()
    extensions = Typed(WorkspaceExtensionManager)
    current_workspace = Value()

    args = Value()
    options = Value()

    syslog = Typed(Syslog)

    workspace_started = Event()
    workspace_stopped = Event()
Пример #14
class BarcodeView(ViewGroup):
    """ Camera preview. 
    Note: This should not be used directly! 

    #: Camera is active
    active = d_(Bool(True))

    #: Flashlight enabled
    light = d_(Bool())

    #: Scanning is active
    scanning = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Trigger a scan
    mode = d_(Enum('single', 'continuous'), readable=False)

    #: Scan result
    scanned = d_(Event(dict), writable=False)

    #: Reference to the proxy implementation
    proxy = Typed(ProxyBarcodeView)

    @observe('light', 'active', 'mode', 'scanning')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ Update the proxy """
        #: The superclass implementation is sufficient
        super(BarcodeView, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #15
 def _create_user_storage(self):
     stack = [self._root]
     while stack:
         node = stack.pop()
         klass = node.typeclass
         members = klass.members()
         for storage in node.storage_defs:
             m = members.get(storage.name)
             if m is not None:
                 if m.metadata is None or not m.metadata.get('d_member'):
                     msg = "cannot override non-declarative member '%s'"
                     msg = msg % storage.name
                     self._raise_error(DeclarativeError, msg, storage)
                 if m.metadata.get('d_final'):
                     msg = "cannot override the final member '%s'"
                     msg = msg % storage.name
                     self._raise_error(DeclarativeError, msg, storage)
             if storage.kind == 'event':
                 event = Event(storage.typeclass)
                 new = d_(event, writable=False, final=False)
                 attr = Instance(storage.typeclass)
                 new = d_(attr, final=False)
             if m is not None:
             members[storage.name] = new
             setattr(klass, storage.name, new)
Пример #16
    class EventSignalTest(Atom):

        e = Event()

        s = Signal()

        counter = Int()
Пример #17
class Label(Control):
    """ A simple control for displaying read-only text.

    #: The unicode text for the label.
    text = d_(Unicode())

    #: The horizontal alignment of the text in the widget area.
    align = d_(Enum('left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'))

    #: The vertical alignment of the text in the widget area.
    vertical_align = d_(Enum('center', 'top', 'bottom'))

    #: An event emitted when the user clicks a link in the label.
    #: The payload will be the link that was clicked.
    link_activated = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Labels hug their width weakly by default.
    hug_width = set_default('weak')

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyLabel)

    # Observers
    @observe('text', 'align', 'vertical_align')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends the state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Label, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #18
class ContextGroup(PSIContribution):
    Used to group together context items in a single dock item pane.
    #: Are the parameters in this group visible?
    visible = d_(Bool(True))
    updated = d_(Event())
Пример #19
class ContextItem(Declarative):
    Defines the core elements of a context item. These items are made available
    to the context namespace.
    #: Must be a valid Python identifier. Used by eval() in expressions.
    name = d_(Str())

    #: Long-format label for display in the GUI. Include units were applicable.
    label = d_(Str())

    # Datatype of the value. Required for properly initializing some data
    # plugins (e.g., those that save data to a HDF5 file).
    dtype = d_(Str())

    #: Name of the group to display the item under. This should never be
    #: overwitten even if we remove the item from the group (e.g., when
    #: loading/unloading plugin tokens).
    group_name = d_(Str())

    # Compact label where there is less space in the GUI (e.g., under a column
    # heading for example).
    compact_label = d_(Str())

    # Is this visible via the standard configuration menus?
    visible = d_(Bool(True))

    # Can this be configured by the user? This will typically be False if the
    # experiment configuration has contributed an Expression that assigns the
    # value of this parameter.
    editable = Bool(True)

    updated = Event()

    def _default_label(self):
        return self.name.capitalize().replace('_', ' ')

    def _default_compact_label(self):
        return self.label

    def coerce_to_type(self, value):
        coerce_function = np.dtype(self.dtype).type
        value = coerce_function(value)
        return value.item()

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self}>'

    def __str__(self):
        if isinstance(self.parent, ContextGroup):
            l = f'{self.name} in {self.parent.name}'
        elif self.group_name:
            l = f'{self.name} in {self.group_name}'
            l = f'{self.name}'
        if not self.visible:
            l = f'{l} (not visible)'
        if not self.editable:
            l = f'{l} (not editable)'
        return l
Пример #20
class TestClass(Atom):
    arr = Typed(np.ndarray)
    val = Value(default=np.arange(10))
    number = Int(default=10)
    x_arr = Typed(np.ndarray)
    x_arr_updated = Event(kind=bool)

    def __init__(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        #  print(id(self.x_arr_updated))
        self.x_arr = Arr(x, self.x_arr_updated)

    def _x_arr_changed(self, new):

    def _xarr_setitem(self, new):

    def _number_changed(self, new_value):

    def _arr_changed(self, new_value):
Пример #21
class BaseSelector(SimpleState, Declarative):

    context_info = Typed(dict, {})
    parameters = ContainerList()
    updated = Event()

    def append_parameter(self, parameter):
        self.insert_parameter(len(self.parameters), parameter)
        self.updated = True

    def remove_parameter(self, parameter):
        self.updated = True

    def insert_parameter(self, index, parameter):
        self.parameters.insert(index, parameter)
        self.updated = True

    def find_parameter(self, name):
        for p in self.parameters:
            if p.name == name:
                return p

    def move_parameter(self, parameter, after=None):
        if parameter == after:
        if after is None:
            index = 0
            index = self.parameters.index(after) + 1
        self.parameters.insert(index, parameter)
        self.updated = True
Пример #22
class Html(Tag):
    #: Dom modified event. This will fire when any child node is updated, added
    #: or removed. Observe this event to handle updating websockets.
    modified = d_(Event(dict), writable=False).tag(attr=False)

    def _default_tag(self):
        return 'html'
Пример #23
class AbstractButton(Control):
    """ A base class for creating button-like controls.

    #: The text to use as the button's label.
    text = d_(Unicode())

    #: The source url for the icon to use for the button.
    icon = d_(Typed(Icon))

    #: The size to use for the icon. The default is an invalid size
    #: and indicates that an appropriate default should be used.
    icon_size = d_(Coerced(Size, (-1, -1)))

    #: Whether or not the button is checkable. The default is False.
    checkable = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Whether a checkable button is currently checked.
    checked = d_(Bool(False))

    #: Fired when the button is pressed then released. The payload will
    #: be the current checked state. This event is triggered by the
    #: proxy object when the button is clicked.
    clicked = d_(Event(bool), writable=False)

    #: Fired when a checkable button is toggled. The payload will be
    #: the current checked state. This event is triggered by the
    #: proxy object when a togglable button is toggled.
    toggled = d_(Event(bool), writable=False)

    #: Buttons hug their contents' width weakly by default.
    hug_width = set_default('weak')

    #: A reference to the ProxyAbstractButton object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyAbstractButton)

    # Observers
    @observe('text', 'icon', 'icon_size', 'checkable', 'checked')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which updates the proxy widget.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(AbstractButton, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #24
    class NameTest(Atom):

        v = Value()

        l = List(Int())

        d = Dict(Int(), Int())

        e = Event(Int())
Пример #25
class ListItem(ToolkitObject):
    """ A holder for a View within a ListItem.


    #: The item this view should render
    item = d_(Value(), writable=False)

    #: The position of this item within the ListView
    index = d_(Int(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when this item is clicked
    clicked = d_(Event())

    #: Triggered when this item is long clicked
    long_clicked = d_(Event())

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyListItem)
Пример #26
    class IndexTest(Atom):

        v1 = Value()
        v2 = Value()

        l = List(Int())

        d = Dict(Int(), Int())

        e = Event(Int())
Пример #27
class BaseSelector(PSIContribution):

    context_items = Typed(list, [])
    symbols = Typed(dict, {})
    updated = Event()

    #: Since order of context items is important for certain selectors (e.g.,
    #: the CartesianProduct), this attribute is used to persist experiment
    #: settings when saving/loading from a file.
    context_item_order = Property().tag(preference=True)

    def _get_context_item_order(self):
        return [i.name for i in self.context_items]

    def _set_context_item_order(self, order):
        old_items = self.context_items[:]
        new_items = []
        for name in order:
            for item in old_items[:]:
                if item.name == name:

        # Be sure to tack on any old items that were not saved to the ordering
        # in the preferences file.
        self.context_items = new_items

    def append_item(self, item):
        Add context item to selector

        item : ContextItem
            Item to add to selector
        context_items = self.context_items[:]
        self.context_items = context_items
        self.updated = True

    def remove_item(self, item):
        Remove context item from selector

        item : ContextItem
            Item to remove from selector
        context_items = self.context_items[:]
        self.context_items = context_items
        self.updated = True
Пример #28
class Timer(ToolkitObject):
    """ An object which represents a toolkit independent timer.

    #: The interval of the timer, in milliseconds. The default is 0 and
    #: indicates that the timer will fire as soon as the event queue is
    #: emptied of all pending events.
    interval = d_(Int(0))

    #: Whether the timer fires only once, or repeatedly until stopped.
    single_shot = d_(Bool(False))

    #: An event fired when the timer times out.
    timeout = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: A reference to the ProxyTimer object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyTimer)

    # Observers
    @observe('single_shot', 'interval')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which updates the proxy when the state changes.

        # The superclass implementation is sufficient.
        super(Timer, self)._update_proxy(change)

    def start(self):
        """ Start or restart the timer.

        If the timer is already started, it will be stopped and

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def stop(self):
        """ Stop the timer.

        If the timer is already stopped, this is a no-op.

        if self.proxy_is_active:

    def is_active(self):
        """ Returns True if the timer is running, False otherwise.

        if self.proxy_is_active:
            return self.proxy.is_running()
        return False
Пример #29
    class NameTest(Atom):

        v = Value()

        t = Tuple(Int())

        li = List(Int())

        d = Dict(Int(), Int())

        e = Event(Int())
Пример #30
def add_storage(node, name, store_type, kind):
    """ Add user storage to a Declarative subclass.

    node : DeclarativeNode
        The declarative node to which storage should be added.

    name : str
        The name of the attribute or event to add to the class.

    store_type : type or None
        The type of values to allow on the attribute.

    kind : 'attr' or 'event'
        The kind of storage to add to the class.

    if store_type is None:
        store_type = object
    elif not isinstance(store_type, type):
        raise TypeError("%s is not a type" % store_type)

    klass = node.klass
    members = klass.members()
    member = members.get(name)
    if member is not None:
        if member.metadata is None or not member.metadata.get('d_member'):
            msg = "can't override non-declarative member '%s.%s'"
            raise TypeError(msg % (klass.__name__, name))
        if member.metadata.get('d_final'):
            msg = "can't override final member '%s.%s'"
            raise TypeError(msg % (klass.__name__, name))
    elif hasattr(klass, name):
        _override_fail(klass, name)

    if kind == 'event':
        new = d_(Event(store_type), writable=False, final=False)
    elif kind == 'attr':
        new = d_(Instance(store_type), final=False)
        raise RuntimeError("invalid kind '%s'" % kind)

    if member is not None:

    members[name] = new
    setattr(klass, name, new)