Пример #1
class Block(Declarative):

    name = d_(Unicode())
    label = d_(Unicode())
    compact_label = d_(Unicode())
    factory = d_(Callable())
    context_name_map = Typed(dict)

    blocks = Property()
    parameters = Property()

    hide = d_(List())

    def initialize(self):
        for p in self.parameters:
            if p.name in self.hide:
                p.visible = False

    def get_children(self, child_type):
        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, child_type)]

    def _get_blocks(self):
        return self.get_children(Block)

    def _get_parameters(self):
        return self.get_children(Parameter)
Пример #2
class BaseOutput(PSIContribution):

    name = d_(Str()).tag(metadata=True)
    label = d_(Str()).tag(metadata=True)

    target_name = d_(Str()).tag(metadata=True)
    target = d_(Typed(Declarative).tag(metadata=True), writable=False)
    channel = Property().tag(metadata=True)
    engine = Property().tag(metadata=True)

    def _default_label(self):
        return self.name

    def _get_engine(self):
        if self.channel is None:
            return None
            return self.channel.engine

    def _get_channel(self):
        from .channel import Channel
        target = self.target
        while True:
            if target is None:
                return None
            elif isinstance(target, Channel):
                return target
                target = target.target

    def is_ready(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #3
class Dummy(Model):
    _private = Int()
    computed = Int().tag(store=False)
    id = Int()
    enabled = Bool()
    string = Bool()
    list_of_int = List(int)
    list_of_str = List(str)
    list_of_any = List()
    list_of_tuple = List(Tuple())
    list_of_tuple_of_float = List(Tuple(float))
    tuple_of_any = Tuple()
    tuple_of_number = Tuple((float, int))
    tuple_of_int_or_model = Tuple((int, Model))
    tuple_of_forwarded = Tuple(ForwardTyped(lambda: NotYetDefined))
    set_of_any = Tuple()
    set_of_number = Set(float)
    set_of_model = Set(AbstractModel)
    dict_of_any = Dict()
    dict_of_str_any = Dict(str)
    dict_of_str_int = Dict(str, int)
    typed_int = Typed(int)
    typed_dict = Typed(dict)
    instance_of_model = Instance(AbstractModel)
    forwarded_instance = ForwardInstance(lambda: NotYetDefined)
    coerced_int = Coerced(int)
    prop = Property(lambda self: True)
    tagged_prop = Property(lambda self: 0).tag(store=True)
Пример #4
class NIDAQHardwareAOChannel4461(NIDAQHardwareAOChannel):
    Special channel that automatically compensates for filter delay of PXI 4461
    #: Filter delay lookup table for different sampling rates. The first column
    #: is the lower bound (exclusive) of the sampling rate (in samples/sec) for
    #: the filter delay (second column, in samples). The upper bound of the
    #: range (inclusive) for the sampling rate is denoted by the next row.
    #: e.g., if FILTER_DELAY[i, 0] < fs <= FILTER_DELAY[i+1, 0] is True, then
    #: the filter delay is FILTER_DELAY[i, 1].
    FILTER_DELAY = np.array([
        (  1.0e3, 36.6),
        (  1.6e3, 36.8),
        (  3.2e3, 37.4),
        (  6.4e3, 38.5),
        ( 12.8e3, 40.8),
        ( 25.6e3, 43.2),
        ( 51.2e3, 48.0),
        (102.4e3, 32.0),

    filter_delay = Property().tag(metadata=True)
    filter_delay_samples = Property().tag(metadata=True)

    def _get_filter_delay_samples(self):
        i = np.flatnonzero(self.fs > self.FILTER_DELAY[:, 0])[-1]
        return self.FILTER_DELAY[i, 1]

    def _get_filter_delay(self):
        return self.filter_delay_samples / self.fs
Пример #5
class Channel(PSIContribution):

    #: Globally-unique name of channel used for identification
    name = d_(Unicode()).tag(metadata=True)

    #: Label of channel used in GUI
    label = d_(Unicode()).tag(metadata=True)

    #: Is channel active during experiment?
    active = Property()

    # SI unit (e.g., V)
    unit = d_(Unicode()).tag(metadata=True)

    # Number of samples to acquire before task ends. Typically will be set to
    # 0 to indicate continuous acquisition.
    samples = d_(Int(0)).tag(metadata=True)

    # Used to properly configure data storage.
    dtype = d_(Unicode()).tag(metadata=True)

    # Parent engine (automatically derived by Enaml hierarchy)
    engine = Property()

    # Calibration of channel
    calibration = d_(Typed(Calibration, factory=UnityCalibration))

    # Can the user modify the channel calibration?
    calibration_user_editable = d_(Bool(False))

    # Is channel active during experiment?
    active = Property()

    filter_delay = d_(Float(0).tag(metadata=True))

    def _default_calibration(self):
        return UnityCalibration()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # This is a hack due to the fact that name is defined as a Declarative
        # member and each Mixin will overwrite whether or not the name is
        # tagged.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _get_engine(self):
        return self.parent

    def _set_engine(self, engine):

    def configure(self):

    def _get_active(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __str__(self):
        return self.label
Пример #6
class Synchronized(PSIContribution):

    outputs = Property()
    engines = Property()

    def _get_outputs(self):
        return self.children

    def _get_engines(self):
        return set(o.engine for o in self.outputs)
Пример #7
class _Clipboard(Atom):
    """ The _Clipboard class provides a wrapper around the PyQt clipboard.

    # --- Members definitions -------------------------------------------------

    #: The instance on the clipboard (if any).
    instance = Property()

    #: Set if the clipboard contains an instance.
    has_instance = Property()

    #: The type of the instance on the clipboard (if any).
    instance_type = Property()

    # --- Instance property methods -------------------------------------------

    def _instance_getter(self):
        """ The instance getter.

        md = PyMimeData.coerce(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().mimeData())
        if md is None:
            return None

        return md.instance()

    def _instance_setter(self, data):
        """ The instance setter.


    def _has_instance_getter(self):
        """ The has_instance getter.

        clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard()
        return clipboard.mimeData().hasFormat(PyMimeData.MIME_TYPE)

    def _instance_type_getter(self):
        """ The instance_type getter.

        md = PyMimeData.coerce(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().mimeData())
        if md is None:
            return None

        return md.instance_type()
Пример #8
def test_enforce_read_only_cached_property():
    """Check a cached property has to be read-only."""
    def get(self):

    def set(self, value):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Property(get, set, cached=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        p = Property(cached=True)
Пример #9
class IInterface(BaseInterface):
    """Base class to use when writing an interface interface.

    The interface should not re-use member names used by the task or parent
    interfaces to avoid issue when walking.

    #: A reference to the parent interface to which this interface is linked.
    parent = Typed(BaseInterface)

    #: Direct access to the task, which acts as a root parent.
    task = Property(cached=True)

    def _get_task(self):
        return self.parent.task

    def _post_setattr_parent(self, old, new):
        """Reset the task property and update the interface anchor.

        if new:
            self.interface_id = (type(self).__name__,
                                 self.parent.interface_id[1] +
                                 (self.parent.interface_id[0], ))
            self.interface_id = (type(self).__name__, )
        task_member = self.get_member(str('task'))  # Python 2, Atom 0.x compat
Пример #10
class SingleInstrPref(Atom):
    title = Str().tag(pref=True)
    check_corrupt = Bool().tag(pref=True)
    corrupt_time = Float(5).tag(pref=True)
    fast_refresh = Bool().tag(pref=True)
    fast_refresh_time = Float(1).tag(pref=True)
    refresh_time = Float(60).tag(pref=True)

    preferences = Property()

    _can_check_corrupt = Bool()
    _has_fast_refresh = Bool()

    def __init__(self, model_type):
        super(SingleInstrPref, self).__init__()
        self._can_check_corrupt = \
                            bool(model_type._check_driver_state.__func__ is not
        self._has_fast_refresh = \

    def preferences(self):
        return {
            name: str(getattr(self, name))
            for name in tagged_members(self, meta='pref')
Пример #11
class IIRFilter(ContinuousInput):
    # Allows user to deactivate the filter entirely during configuration if
    # desired. Ideally we could just remove it from the graph, but it seems a
    # bit tricky to do so as some other components may be looking for the
    # output of this block.
    passthrough = d_(Bool(False)).tag(metadata=True)

    N = d_(Int(1)).tag(metadata=True)
    btype = d_(Enum('bandpass', 'lowpass', 'highpass',
    ftype = d_(Enum('butter', 'cheby1', 'cheby2', 'ellip',
    f_highpass = d_(Float()).tag(metadata=True)
    f_lowpass = d_(Float()).tag(metadata=True)

    Wn = Property().tag(metadata=True)

    def _get_Wn(self):
        if self.btype == 'lowpass':
            return self.f_lowpass
        elif self.btype == 'highpass':
            return self.f_highpass
            return (self.f_highpass, self.f_lowpass)

    def configure_callback(self):
        cb = super().configure_callback()
        if self.passthrough:
            return cb
        return pipeline.iirfilter(self.fs, self.N, self.Wn, None, None,
                                  self.btype, self.ftype, cb).send
Пример #12
def test_property_mode_args_validation(mode, func):
    """Test that a delegator properly validate the arguments when setting mode.

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
        getattr(Property(), func)(getattr(mode, 'Property'), 1)
    assert 'callable or None' in excinfo.exconly()
Пример #13
class IInterface(BaseInterface):
    """Base class to use when writing an interface interface.

    The interface should not re-use member names used by the task or parent
    interfaces to avoid issue when walking.

    #: A reference to the parent interface to which this interface is linked.
    parent = Typed(BaseInterface)

    #: Direct access to the task, which acts as a root parent.
    task = Property(cached=True)

    def _get_task(self):
        return self.parent.task

    def _post_setattr_parent(self, old, new):
        """Reset the task property and update the interface anchor.

        pack, _ = self.__module__.split('.', 1)
        i_id = pack + '.' + type(self).__name__
        if new:
            self.interface_id = self.parent.interface_id + ':' + i_id
            self.interface_id = i_id
        task_member = self.get_member('task')
Пример #14
class AbstractWidgetItemGroup(Control):

    #: Triggered when clicked
    clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when double clicked
    double_clicked = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item is entered
    entered = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item is pressed
    pressed = d_(Event(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when the row, column, or item's selection changes
    selection_changed = d_(Event(bool), writable=False)

    def _get_items(self):
        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, AbstractWidgetItem)]

    #: Internal item reference
    _items = Property(lambda self: self._get_items(), cached=True)

    def child_added(self, child):
        """ Reset the item cache when a child is added """
        super(AbstractWidgetItemGroup, self).child_added(child)

    def child_removed(self, child):
        """ Reset the item cache when a child is removed """
        super(AbstractWidgetItemGroup, self).child_removed(child)
Пример #15
class ModelManager(Atom):
    """ A descriptor so you can use this somewhat like Django's models.
    Assuming your using motor.
    #: Stores instances of each class so we can easily reuse them if desired
    _instances = {}

    def instance(cls):
        if cls not in ModelManager._instances:
            ModelManager._instances[cls] = cls()
        return ModelManager._instances[cls]

    def _get_database(self):
        db =  WebApplication.instance().database
        if db is None:
            raise EnvironmentError("No database set!")
        return db
    #: Used to access the database
    database = Property(_get_database)

    def __get__(self, obj, cls=None):
        """ Handle objects from the class that owns the manager. Subclasses 
        should override this as needed.
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #16
class ExecutableGraph(model.Graph):
    controller = ForwardInstance(_import_graph_calculator_controller)
    nxgraph = Property(lambda self: self._get_nxgraph(), cached=True)

    topologyChanged = Event()
    valuesChanged = Event()
    attributesChanged = Event()

    def _get_nxgraph(self):
        g = nx.MultiDiGraph()
        for node in self.nodes:
            g.add_node(node.id, id=node.id, name=node.name)
        for edge in self.edges:
        return g

    def _observe_topologyChanged(self, change):

    def _observe_valuesChanged(self, change):

    def _observe_attributesChanged(self, change):

    def execute_graph(self):
        for node_id in nx.topological_sort(self.nxgraph):
Пример #17
class AbstractQtWidgetItemGroup(QtControl, ProxyAbstractWidgetItemGroup):
    #: Context menu for this group
    menu = Instance(QtMenu)
    def _get_items(self):
        return [c for c in self.children() if isinstance(c,AbstractQtWidgetItem)]
    #: Internal items
    #: TODO: Is a cached property the right thing to use here??
    #: Why not a list??
    _items = Property(lambda self:self._get_items(),cached=True)
    def init_layout(self):
        for child in self.children():
            if isinstance(child, QtMenu):
                self.menu = child
    def refresh_style_sheet(self):
        pass # Takes a lot of time
    def child_added(self, child):
        super(AbstractQtWidgetItemGroup, self).child_added(child)
    def child_removed(self, child):
        super(AbstractQtWidgetItemGroup, self).child_removed(child)
Пример #18
class OutputMixin(Declarative):

    outputs = List().tag(metadata=True)
    buffer_size = Property().tag(metadata=True)

    def _get_active(self):
        return len(self.outputs) > 0

    def add_output(self, o):
        if o in self.outputs:
        o.target = self

    def remove_output(self, o):
        if o not in self.outputs:
        o.target = None

    def add_queued_epoch_output(self, queue, auto_decrement=True):
        # Subclasses of Enaml Declarative will automatically insert themselves
        # as children of the parent when initialized.
        o = QueuedEpochOutput(queue=queue, auto_decrement=auto_decrement)
        return o

    def _get_buffer_size(self):
        return self.engine.get_buffer_size(self.name)
Пример #19
class FormulaModel(Atom):
    """Base class to provide reference to the registered api."""

    api = Property()
    _api = Typed(API)

    def _get_api(self):
        if registry.api is not None:
            return registry.api
            raise EnvironmentError('API has not been registered.')

    def _set_api(self, api):
        self._api = api

    def __id__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def from_dict(cls, kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_row(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #20
class Node(GraphItem):
    id = Str()
    name = Unicode()

    graph = ForwardTyped(import_graph_type)

    inputs = ContainerList(Socket)
    outputs = ContainerList(Socket)

    input_dict = Property(lambda self: self._mk_input_dict(), cached=True)
    output_dict = Property(lambda self: self._mk_output_dict(), cached=True)

    def _observe_inputs(self, change):
        if change['type'] == 'create':
            for n in change['value']:
                n.node = self
                n.socket_type = SocketType.INPUT
                n.index = change['value'].index(n)
        elif change['type'] == 'container':
            if change['operation'] == 'append':
                change['item'].node = self
                change['item'].socket_type = SocketType.INPUT
                change['item'].index = change['value'].index(n)
            elif change['operation'] == 'remove':
                change['item'].node = None

    def _mk_input_dict(self):
        return {v.name: v for v in self.inputs}

    def _observe_outputs(self, change):
        if change['type'] == 'create':
            for n in change['value']:
                n.node = self
                n.socket_type = SocketType.OUTPUT
                n.index = change['value'].index(n)
        elif change['type'] == 'container':
            if change['operation'] == 'append':
                change['item'].node = self
                change['item'].socket_type = SocketType.OUTPUT
                change['item'].index = change['value'].index(n)
            elif change['operation'] == 'remove':
                change['item'].node = None

    def _mk_output_dict(self):
        return {v.name: v for v in self.outputs}
Пример #21
class ComboBox(Control):
    """ A drop-down list from which one item can be selected at a time.

    Use a combo box to select a single item from a collection of items.

    See `ObjectCombo` for a more robust combo box control.

    #: The strings to display in the combo box.
    items = d_(List(Unicode()))

    #: The integer index of the currently selected item. If the index
    #: falls outside the range of items, the item will be deselected.
    index = d_(Int(-1))

    #: A read only cached property which returns the selected item.
    selected_item = d_(Property(cached=True), writable=False)

    #: Whether the text in the combo box can be edited by the user.
    editable = d_(Bool(False))

    #: A combo box hugs its width weakly by default.
    hug_width = set_default('weak')

    #: A reference to the ProxyComboBox object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyComboBox)

    def get_selected_item(self):
        """ The getter function for the selected item property.

        If the index falls out of range, the selected item will be an
        empty string.

        items = self.items
        idx = self.index
        if idx < 0 or idx >= len(items):
            return u''
        return items[idx]

    # Observers
    @observe('index', 'items', 'editable')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(ComboBox, self)._update_proxy(change)

    @observe('index', 'items')
    def _reset_selected_item(self, change):
        """ Reset the selected item when the index or items changes.

        if change['type'] == 'update':
Пример #22
class PSIManifest(PluginManifest):

    contribution = Typed(PSIContribution)
    id = Property(cached=True)

    def _get_id(self):
        class_type = self.__class__.__name__
        return f'{self.contribution.name}.{class_type}'
Пример #23
class Driver(FormulaModel):
    birth_date = Typed(datetime.datetime)
    driverId = Unicode()
    shortId = Coerced(str)
    last = Unicode()
    first = Unicode()
    country = Unicode()
    url = Unicode()
    number = Coerced(int)

    seasons = Property()
    _seasons = Typed(Seasons)

    def _get_seasons(self):
        if not self._seasons:
            self.seasons = Seasons(
                self.api.query(driver_id=self.driverId, query_type='seasons'))
        return self._seasons

    def _set_seasons(self, seasons):
        self._seasons = seasons

    def from_dict(cls, kwargs):
        if 'dateOfBirth' in kwargs.keys():
            dob = kwargs.pop('dateOfBirth')
            if dob:
                kwargs['birth_date'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    dob, '%Y-%m-%d')
        kwargs['last'] = kwargs.pop('familyName')
        kwargs['first'] = kwargs.pop('givenName')
        kwargs['country'] = kwargs.pop('nationality')

        if 'permanentNumber' in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs['number'] = kwargs.pop('permanentNumber')

        if 'code' in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs['shortId'] = kwargs.pop('code', None)

        return cls(**kwargs)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.driverId)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.first + ' ' + self.last)

    def to_row(self):
        return {
            'birth_date': self.birth_date,
            'driverId': self.driverId,
            'shortId': self.shortId,
            'last': self.last,
            'first': self.first,
            'country': self.country,
            'number': self.number,
            'object': self
Пример #24
    def _load_state(self, extension):
        """ Create a custom _StateHolder class at runtime and instantiate it

        extension : Extension
            Extension contributing to the state extension point for which a
            custom _StateHolder class should be build

        state_tuple: tuple
            Tuple containing the State declaration used to build the state
            holder, the custom class derived _StateHolder dynamically created,
            an instance of this class observing the plugin contributing the
        # Getting the state declaration contributed by the extension, either
        # as a child or returned by the factory. Only the first state is
        # considered.
        # TODO add support for arbitrary number of state per extension
        # TODO add support for dotted_names as sync_member
        workbench = self.workbench
        states = extension.get_children(State)
        if extension.factory is not None and not states:
            state = extension.factory(workbench)
            if not isinstance(state, State):
                msg = "extension '%s' created non-State of type '%s'"
                args = (extension.qualified_id, type(state).__name__)
                raise TypeError(msg % args)
            state = states[0]

        # Dynamic building of the state class
        # TODO add check sync_members and prop not confincting
        class_name = str(state.id.replace('.', '').capitalize())

        members = {}
        for m in state.sync_members:
            members[m] = Value()
        for p in state.prop_getters:
            members[p] = Property()
        state_class = classobj(class_name, (_StateHolder,), members)

        # Instantiation , initialisation, and binding of the state object to
        # the plugin declaring it.
        state_object = state_class()
        plugin = workbench.get_plugin(extension.plugin_id)
        for m in state.sync_members:
            with state_object.setting_allowed():
                setattr(state_object, m, getattr(plugin, m))
            plugin.observe(m, state_object.updater)
        for p in state.prop_getters:
            prop = state_object.get_member(p)
            prop.getter(getattr(plugin, state.prop_getters[p]))

        return (state, state_class, state_object)
Пример #25
class FlatCalibration(Calibration):

    sensitivity = Float().tag(metadata=True)
    fixed_gain = Float().tag(metadata=True)
    mv_pa = Property()

    def _get_mv_pa(self):
        return util.dbi(self.sensitivity) * 1e3

    def _set_mv_pa(self, value):
        self.sensitivity = util.db(value * 1e-3)

    def as_attenuation(cls, vrms=1, **kwargs):
        Allows levels to be specified in dB attenuation
        return cls.from_spl(0, vrms, **kwargs)

    def from_spl(cls, spl, vrms=1, **kwargs):
        Generates a calibration object based on the recorded SPL

        spl : array-like
            List of magnitudes (e.g., speaker output in SPL) for the specified
            RMS voltage.
        vrms : float
            RMS voltage (in Volts)

        Additional kwargs are passed to the class initialization.
        sensitivity = util.db(vrms)-spl-util.db(20e-6)
        return cls(sensitivity, **kwargs)

    def from_mv_pa(cls, mv_pa, **kwargs):
        sens = util.db(mv_pa*1e-3)
        return cls(sens, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, sensitivity, fixed_gain=0, source=None):
        sensitivity : float
            Sensitivity of system in dB(V/Pa).
        self.sensitivity = sensitivity
        self.fixed_gain = fixed_gain
        if source is not None:
            self.source = Path(source)

    def get_sens(self, frequency):
        return self.sensitivity-self.fixed_gain
Пример #26
class BBox(Atom):
    xmin = Float()
    ymin = Float()
    zmin = Float()
    xmax = Float()
    ymax = Float()
    zmax = Float()

    def _get_dx(self):
        return self.xmax - self.xmin

    dx = Property(_get_dx, cached=True)

    def _get_dy(self):
        return self.ymax - self.ymin

    dy = Property(_get_dy, cached=True)

    def _get_dz(self):
        return self.zmax - self.zmin

    dz = Property(_get_dz, cached=True)

    def __init__(self, xmin=0, ymin=0, zmin=0, xmax=0, ymax=0, zmax=0):
        super(BBox, self).__init__(xmin=xmin,

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmin, self.xmax, self.ymax,

    def _get_center(self):
        return Point((self.xmin + self.xmax) / 2, (self.ymin + self.ymax) / 2,
                     (self.zmin + self.zmax) / 2)

    center = Property(_get_center, cached=True)

    def _get_diagonal(self):
        return math.sqrt(self.dx**2 + self.dy**2 + self.dz**2)

    diagonal = Property(_get_diagonal, cached=True)

    def _get_min(self):
        return Point(self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmin)

    def _get_max(self):
        return Point(self.xmax, self.xmax, self.xmax)

    min = Property(_get_min)
    max = Property(_get_max)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<BBox: x=%s y=%s z=%s w=%s h=%s d=%s>" % (
            self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmin, self.dx, self.dy, self.dz)
Пример #27
class TreeViewItem(AbstractWidgetItem):
    #: Proxy reference
    proxy = Typed(ProxyTreeViewItem)

    #: The child items
    items = d_(ContainerList(default=[]))

    #: First visible row
    visible_row = d_(Int(0))

    #: Number of rows visible
    visible_rows = d_(Int(100))

    #: First visible column
    visible_column = d_(Int(0))

    #: Number of columns visible
    visible_columns = d_(Int(1))

    def _get_items(self):
        """ Items should be a list of child TreeViewItems excluding
        return [c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, TreeViewItem)]

    def _get_columns(self):
        """ List of child TreeViewColumns including 
            this item as the first column
        return [self] + [
            c for c in self.children if isinstance(c, TreeViewColumn)

    #: Columns
    _columns = Property(lambda self: self._get_columns(), cached=True)

    def child_added(self, child):
        super(TreeViewItem, self).child_added(child)

    def child_removed(self, child):
        super(TreeViewItem, self).child_removed(child)

    def _update_rows(self):
        """ Update the row and column numbers of child items. """
        for row, item in enumerate(self._items):
            item.row = row  # Row is the Parent item
            item.column = 0

        for column, item in enumerate(self._columns):
            item.row = self.row  # Row is the Parent item
            item.column = column
Пример #28
class BaseSelector(PSIContribution):

    context_items = Typed(list, [])
    symbols = Typed(dict, {})
    updated = Event()

    #: Since order of context items is important for certain selectors (e.g.,
    #: the CartesianProduct), this attribute is used to persist experiment
    #: settings when saving/loading from a file.
    context_item_order = Property().tag(preference=True)

    def _get_context_item_order(self):
        return [i.name for i in self.context_items]

    def _set_context_item_order(self, order):
        old_items = self.context_items[:]
        new_items = []
        for name in order:
            for item in old_items[:]:
                if item.name == name:

        # Be sure to tack on any old items that were not saved to the ordering
        # in the preferences file.
        self.context_items = new_items

    def append_item(self, item):
        Add context item to selector

        item : ContextItem
            Item to add to selector
        context_items = self.context_items[:]
        self.context_items = context_items
        self.updated = True

    def remove_item(self, item):
        Remove context item from selector

        item : ContextItem
            Item to remove from selector
        context_items = self.context_items[:]
        self.context_items = context_items
        self.updated = True
Пример #29
class TDTHardwareAIChannel(TDTGeneralMixin, HardwareAIChannel):

    #: Decimation factor. The analog inputs allow for the data to be
    #: downsampled to a rate that's an integer divisor of the circuit
    #: frequency.
    decimation = d_(Int(1)).tag(metadata=True)

    #: Filter delay in samples.
    filter_delay_samples = Property().tag(metadata=True)

    def _get_filter_delay_samples(self):
        return int(round(self.filter_delay * self.fs))
Пример #30
    def __call__(self, func):
        new_func = func_runner(func)
        new_func.fset_list = []

        def setter(set_func):
            s_func = func_runner(set_func)
            s_func.pname = attr_name(set_func)
            return s_func

        new_func.setter = setter
        return Property(new_func).tag(**self.tags)