Пример #1
class DummyHook(Atom):
    fail_check = Bool().tag(pref=True)

    fail_run = Bool()

    should_pause = Bool()

    accept_pause = Bool(True)

    should_resume = Bool()

    stop_called = Bool()

    waiting = Value(factory=Event)

    go_on = Value(factory=Event)

    signal_resuming = Value(factory=Event)

    go_on_resuming = Value(factory=Event)

    signal_resumed = Value(factory=Event)

    go_on_resumed = Value(factory=Event)

    def run(self, workbench, engine):
        if self.fail_run:
            raise RuntimeError()
        if self.accept_pause and self.should_pause:
            self.paused = True
            while True:
                if self.should_resume:
                    self.resumed = True


    def pause(self):
        self.should_pause = True

    def resume(self):
        self.should_resume = True

    def stop(self, force=False):
        self.stop_called = True
Пример #2
class WebApplication(Application):
    """ Base enaml web application that uses the widgets defined in

    #: Logger
    logger = Instance(logging.Logger,
                      factory=lambda: logging.getLogger('enaml'))

    #: Database
    database = Value()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a WebApplication.

        super(WebApplication, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.resolver = ProxyResolver(factories=lxml_components.FACTORIES)
class Records(Atom):
    """ A simple class representing a records object.

    items = List()

    # This property holds the timeout interval in milliseconds.
    interval = Int()

    current_position = Int(0)

    current_value = Value()

    def _select_curval(self, change):
        idx = change["value"]
        if idx < len(self.items):
            self.current_value = self.items[idx]
Пример #4
class Person(Atom):
    """ A simple class representing a person object.

    last_name = Unicode()

    first_name = Unicode()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dob = Value(datetime.date(1970, 1, 1))

    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """ Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes.

        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(

    def update_age(self, change):
        """ Update the person's age whenever their date of birth changes

        # grab the current date time
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        # estimate the person's age within one year accuracy
        age = now.year - self.dob.year
        # check to see if the current date is before their birthday and
        # subtract a year from their age if it is
        if ((now.month == self.dob.month and now.day < self.dob.day)
                or now.month < self.dob.month):
            age -= 1
        # set the persons age
        self.age = age
Пример #5
class PNASetRFPowerInterface(TaskInterface):
    """Set the central power to be used for the specified channel.

    #: Id of the channel whose central frequency should be set.
    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    #: Port whose output power should be set.
    port = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    #: Driver for the channel.
    channel_driver = Value()

    def prepare(self):
        """Create the channel driver.

        self.channel_driver = self.task.driver.get_channel(self.channel)

    def perform(self, power=None):
        """Set the power for the selected channel and port.

        task = self.task

        task.driver.owner = task.name
        self.channel_driver.owner = task.name

        if power is None:
            power = task.format_and_eval_string(task.power)

        self.channel_driver.port = self.port
        self.channel_driver.power = power
        task.write_in_database('power', power)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Ensure the presence of the requested channel.

        test, tb = super(PNASetRFPowerInterface, self).check(*args, **kwargs)
        task = self.task
        res = check_channels_presence(task, [self.channel], *args, **kwargs)
        return test and res[0], tb
Пример #6
class GzipDecompressor(Atom):
    """Streaming gzip decompressor.

    The interface is like that of `zlib.decompressobj` (without some of the
    optional arguments, but it understands gzip headers and checksums.
    decompressobj = Value()

    def __init__(self):
        import zlib
        # Magic parameter makes zlib module understand gzip header
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1838699/how-can-i-decompress-a-gzip-stream-with-zlib
        # This works on cpython and pypy, but not jython.
        self.decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)

    def decompress(self, value, max_length=None):
        # type: (bytes, Optional[int]) -> bytes
        """Decompress a chunk, returning newly-available data.

        Some data may be buffered for later processing; `flush` must
        be called when there is no more input data to ensure that
        all data was processed.

        If ``max_length`` is given, some input data may be left over
        in ``unconsumed_tail``; you must retrieve this value and pass
        it back to a future call to `decompress` if it is not empty.
        return self.decompressobj.decompress(value, max_length)

    def unconsumed_tail(self):
        # type: () -> bytes
        """Returns the unconsumed portion left over
        return self.decompressobj.unconsumed_tail

    def flush(self):
        # type: () -> bytes
        """Return any remaining buffered data not yet returned by decompress.

        Also checks for errors such as truncated input.
        No other methods may be called on this object after `flush`.
        return self.decompressobj.flush()
Пример #7
class Image(Atom):
    """ An object representing an image.

    Once an image is created it should be treated as read only. User
    code should create a new image object if the parameters need to
    be changed.

    #: The format of the image. By default, the consumer of the image
    #: will probe the header to automatically infer a type.
    format = Enum(
        'auto',  # Automatically determine the image format
        'png',  # Portable Network Graphics
        'jpg',  # Joint Photographic Experts Group
        'gif',  # Graphics Interchange Format
        'bmp',  # Windows Bitmap
        'xpm',  # X11 Pixmap
        'xbm',  # X11 Bitmap
        'pbm',  # Portable Bitmap
        'pgm',  # Portable Graymap
        'ppm',  # Portable Pixmap
        'tiff',  # Tagged Image File Format
        # 'array',    # A numpy array with an appropriate image dtype.

    #: The (width, height) size of the image. An invalid size indicates
    #: that the size of the image should be automatically inferred. A
    #: valid size indicates that the toolkit image should be scaled to
    #: the specified size.
    size = Coerced(Size, (-1, -1))

    #: The aspect ratio mode to use when the toolkit scales the image.
    aspect_ratio_mode = Enum('ignore', 'keep', 'keep_by_expanding')

    #: The transform mode to use when the toolkit scales the image.
    transform_mode = Enum('smooth', 'fast')

    # XXX this needs to be augmented to support arrays.
    #: The bytestring holding the data for the image.
    data = Str()

    #: Storage space for use by a toolkit backend to use as needed.
    #: This should not typically be manipulated by user code.
    _tkdata = Value()
Пример #8
def test_using_call_object_object_name_mode():
    """Test using call_object_object_name mode."""
    def getter(object, name):
        object.count += 1
        return object.count, name

    m = Value()
    m.set_getattr_mode(GetAttr.CallObject_ObjectName, getter)

    class CustomGetAtom(Atom):
        val = m
        count = Int()

    a = CustomGetAtom()
    assert a.val == (1, "val")
    assert a.val == (2, "val")

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        m.set_getattr_mode(GetAttr.CallObject_ObjectName, 1)
Пример #9
def test_using_object_method_name_mode():
    """Test using object_method mode."""
    m = Value()
    m.set_getattr_mode(GetAttr.ObjectMethod_Name, "getter")

    class CustomGetAtom(Atom):
        val = m
        count = Int()

        def getter(self, name):
            self.count += 1
            return (self.count, name)

    a = CustomGetAtom()
    assert a.val == (1, "val")
    assert a.val == (2, "val")

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        m.set_getattr_mode(GetAttr.CallObject_Object, 1)
Пример #10
class ListItem(ToolkitObject):
    """ A holder for a View within a ListItem.


    #: The item this view should render
    item = d_(Value(), writable=False)

    #: The position of this item within the ListView
    index = d_(Int(), writable=False)

    #: Triggered when this item is clicked
    clicked = d_(Event())

    #: Triggered when this item is long clicked
    long_clicked = d_(Event())

    #: A reference to the ProxyLabel object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxyListItem)
Пример #11
    class ChangingAtom(Atom):
        val = Int()

        counter1 = Int()

        counter2 = Int()

        observer = Value()

        def react1(self, change):
            self.counter1 += 1
            self.observer.active = False
            self.unobserve("val", self.react1)
            self.observe("val", self.react2)

        def react2(self, change):
            self.counter2 += 1
            self.observe("val", self.react1)
Пример #12
    def _default_connector_class(self):
        attrs = {}
        names = self.processor.output_fieldnames

        for k in names:
            attrs[k] = Value()

        attrs["names"] = List(default=names)

        def update_data(s, ds):
            for key in names:
                value = getattr(ds, key)
                if hasattr(s, key):
                    setattr(s, key, value)

        attrs['__call__'] = update_data
        return new.classobj(
            "DataConnector_%s_%s" % (self.name, self.processor.name), (Atom, ),
Пример #13
class SplitItem(Widget):
    """ A widget which can be used as an item in a Splitter.

    A SplitItem is a widget which can be used as a child of a Splitter
    widget. It can have at most a single child widget which is an
    instance of Container.

    #: The stretch factor for this item. The stretch factor determines
    #: how much an item is resized relative to its neighbors when the
    #: splitter space is allocated.
    stretch = d_(Range(low=0, value=1))

    #: Whether or not the item can be collapsed to zero width by the
    #: user. This holds regardless of the minimum size of the item.
    collapsible = d_(Bool(True))

    #: This is a deprecated attribute. It should no longer be used.
    preferred_size = d_(Value())

    #: A reference to the ProxySplitItem object.
    proxy = Typed(ProxySplitItem)

    def split_widget(self):
        """ Get the split widget defined on the item.

        The split widget is the last child Container.

        for child in reversed(self.children):
            if isinstance(child, Container):
                return child

    # Observers
    @observe('stretch', 'collapsible')
    def _update_proxy(self, change):
        """ An observer which sends state change to the proxy.

        # The superclass handler implementation is sufficient.
        super(SplitItem, self)._update_proxy(change)
Пример #14
class FalseEntryPoint(Atom):
    """False entry whose behavior can be customized.

    #: Name of this entry point
    name = Unicode()

    #: Flag indicating whether the require method should raise an error.
    missing_require = Bool()

    #: List of manifest to return when load method is called.
    manifests = Value()

    def require(self):
        if self.missing_require:
            raise Exception()
        return True

    def load(self):
        return lambda: self.manifests
Пример #15
class SingleChannelPNATask(InstrumentTask):
    """ Helper class managing the notion of channel in the PNA.

    # Id of the channel to use.
    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    channel_driver = Value()

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Add checking for channels to the base tests.

        test, traceback = super(SingleChannelPNATask,
                                self).check(*args, **kwargs)
        c_test, c_trace = check_channels_presence(self, [self.channel], *args,

        return test and c_test, traceback
Пример #16
class CustomEntryPoint(Atom):
    name = Str()
    module_name = Value()
    attrs = List()

    def load(self):
        entry = __import__(self.module_name, globals(), globals(), ['__name__'])
        for attr in self.attrs:
                entry = getattr(entry, attr)
            except AttributeError:
                raise ImportError("%r has no %r attribute" % (entry, attr))
        return entry

    def parse(cls, key, value):
        """Parse a single entry point from string `src`

            key: some.module:some.attr

        The entry key and module name are required, but the ``:attrs`` part is optional
            attrs = []
            if ':' in value:
                value, attrs = value.split(':', 1)
                if not MODULE(attrs.rstrip()):
                    raise ValueError
                attrs = attrs.rstrip().split('.')
        except ValueError:
            msg = "CustomEntryPoint must be in 'name=module:attrs' format"
            raise ValueError(msg, "%s=%s" % (key, value))
            return cls(name=key.strip(), module_name=value.strip(), attrs=attrs)

    def instances_from_items(cls, items):
        result = {}
        for key, value in items:
            result[key] = cls.parse(key, value).load()
        return result
Пример #17
class PNASetRFPowerInterface(InstrTaskInterface):
    """Set the central power to be used for the specified channel.

    # Id of the channel whose central frequency should be set.
    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    # Driver for the channel.
    channel_driver = Value()

    # Port whose output power should be set.
    port = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    driver_list = ['AgilentPNA']

    has_view = True

    def perform(self, power=None):
        task = self.task
        if not task.driver:
            self.channel_driver = task.driver.get_channel(self.channel)

        task.driver.owner = task.task_name
        self.channel_driver.owner = task.task_name

        if power is None:
            power = task.format_and_eval_string(task.power)

        self.channel_driver.port = self.port
        self.channel_driver.power = power
        task.write_in_database('power', power)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):

        task = self.task
        return check_channels_presence(task, [self.channel], *args, **kwargs)
Пример #18
class MetadataTaskFilter(TaskFilter):
    """Filter keeping only the python tasks with the right class attribute.

    #: Metadata key to match.
    meta_key = d_(Unicode())

    #: Metadata value to match.
    meta_value = d_(Value())

    def filter_tasks(self, tasks, templates):
        """Keep only the task with the right class attribute.

        tasks = [
            name for name, infos in tasks.items()
            if infos.metadata.get(self.meta_key) == self.meta_value

        return tasks
Пример #19
    def _build_state(self, state_id):
        """Create a custom _StateHolder class at runtime and instantiate it.

        state_id : unicode
            Id of the state to return.

        state : _StateHolder
            State reflecting the sync_members of the plugin to which it is

        state = self._states.contributions[state_id]

        # Explicit casting required as Python 2 does not like Unicode for class
        # name
        class_name = str(''.join([s.capitalize()
                                  for s in state_id.split('.')]))

        members = {}
        # Explicit casting required as Python 2 does not like Unicode for
        # members name
        for m in state.sync_members:
            members[str(m)] = Value()
        state_class = type(class_name, (_StateHolder, ), members)

        # Instantiation , initialisation, and binding of the state object to
        # the plugin declaring it.
        state_object = state_class()
        extension = self._states.contributed_by(state_id)
        plugin = self.workbench.get_plugin(extension.plugin_id)
        with state_object.setting_allowed():
            for m in state.sync_members:
                setattr(state_object, m, getattr(plugin, m))
            plugin.observe(m, state_object.updater)

        return state_object
Пример #20
class WaitingTask(SimpleTask):
    """Simple Task whose execution can be controlled using events.

    check_flag = Bool(True).tag(pref=True)
    sync_port = Value(()).tag(pref=True)
    sock_id = Str().tag(pref=True)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(WaitingTask, self).check(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.check_flag, {'test': 1}

    def perform(self):
        with socket.socket() as s:
            while True:
                if s.connect_ex(('localhost', self.sync_port)) == 0:
Пример #21
class Pen(Atom):
    #: Color
    color = ColorMember()
    #: Width
    width = Float(1.0, strict=False)
    #: Line Style
    line_style = Enum('solid', 'dash', 'dot', 'dash_dot', 'dash_dot_dot',
                      'custom', 'none')
    #: Cap Style
    cap_style = Enum('square', 'flat', 'round')
    #: Join Style
    join_style = Enum('bevel', 'miter', 'round')
    #: Dash pattern used when line_style is 'custom'
    dash_pattern = List(Float(strict=False))
    #: Internal data
    _tkdata = Value()
Пример #22
class BaseRecordSource(Atom):
    name = Str()
    title = Str()

    schema = Typed(RecordSchema)
    output_fieldnames = List()

    max_record_count = Int(0)
    reference_timestamps = List()
    reference_interval = Float(1.0)

    record_class = Value()
    cached_records = List()

    def _default_output_fieldnames(self):
        return ['timestamp'] + [f.name for f in self.schema.fields]

    def _default_record_class(self):
        attrs = dict(timestamp=Coerced(np.int64), )
        for field in self.schema.fields:
            if field.name in attrs:
                    "Duplicate key: %s in field specification for record source: %s - skipping"
                    % (field.name, self.name))
            attrs[field.name] = Value()
        return new.classobj("RecordClass_%s" % self.name, (Atom, ), attrs)

    def clear_cache(self):
        self.cached_records = []

    def __iter__(self):
        if len(self.cached_records) > 0:
            for cached_record in self.cached_records:
                yield cached_record

        raise NotImplemented()
Пример #23
class PNASetRFFrequencyInterface(TaskInterface):
    """Set the central frequency to be used for the specified channel.

    #: Id of the channel whose central frequency should be set.
    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    #: Driver for the channel.
    channel_driver = Value()

    def perform(self, frequency=None):
        """Set the central frequency of the specified channel.

        task = self.task
        if not self.channel_driver:
            self.channel_driver = task.driver.get_channel(self.channel)

        task.driver.owner = task.name
        self.channel_driver.owner = task.name

        if frequency is None:
            frequency = task.format_and_eval_string(task.frequency)
            frequency = task.convert(frequency, 'Hz')

        self.channel_driver.frequency = frequency
        task.write_in_database('frequency', frequency)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Make sure the specified channel does exists on the instrument.

        test, tb = super(PNASetRFFrequencyInterface,
                         self).check(*args, **kwargs)
        task = self.task
        res = check_channels_presence(task, [self.channel], *args, **kwargs)
        return test and res[0], tb
Пример #24
class PNASetRFFrequencyInterface(InstrTaskInterface):
    """Set the central frequecny to be used for the specified channel.

    # Id of the channel whose central frequency should be set.
    channel = Int(1).tag(pref=True)

    # Driver for the channel.
    channel_driver = Value()

    driver_list = ['AgilentPNA']

    has_view = True

    def perform(self, frequency=None):
        task = self.task
        if not task.driver:
            self.channel_driver = task.driver.get_channel(self.channel)

        task.driver.owner = task.task_name
        self.channel_driver.owner = task.task_name

        if frequency is None:
            frequency = task.format_and_eval_string(task.frequency)
            frequency = task.convert(frequency, 'Hz')

        self.channel_driver.frequency = frequency
        task.write_in_database('frequency', frequency)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):

        task = self.task
        return check_channels_presence(task, [self.channel], *args, **kwargs)
Пример #25
class Pen(Atom):
    #: Color
    color = ColorMember()

    #: Width
    width = Float(1.0, strict=False)

    #: Line Style
    line_style = Enum(
        "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash_dot", "dash_dot_dot", "custom", "none"

    #: Cap Style
    cap_style = Enum("square", "flat", "round")

    #: Join Style
    join_style = Enum("bevel", "miter", "round")

    #: Dash pattern used when line_style is 'custom'
    dash_pattern = List(Float(strict=False))

    #: Internal data
    _tkdata = Value()
Пример #26
class MetadataSequenceFilter(SequenceFilter):
    """ Filter keeping only the items with the right class attribute.

    #: Metadata key on which the filtering is performed.
    meta_key = d_(Unicode())

    #: Metadata value on which the filtering is performed.
    meta_value = d_(Value())

    def filter_sequences(self, py_sequences, template_sequences):
        """Filter keeping only the items whose metadata fit the provided
        key/value pair.

        sequences = []
        for name, s_infos in py_sequences.items():
            if (self.meta_key in s_infos.metadata and
                    s_infos.metadata[self.meta_key] == self.meta_value):

        return sequences
Пример #27
class SharedCounter(Atom):
    """ Thread-safe counter object.

    #: Current count of the counter. User should not manipulate this directly.
    count = Int()

    def increment(self):
        """Increment the counter by one.

        with self._lock:
            self.count += 1

    def decrement(self):
        """Decrement the counter by one.

        with self._lock:
            self.count += -1

    #: Simple lock to ensure the thread safety of operations.
    _lock = Value(factory=Lock)
Пример #28
class CheckTask(SimpleTask):

    check_called = Bool()

    perform_called = Int()

    perform_value = Value()

    time = Float(0.01)

    def check(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.check_called = True
        return True, {}

    def perform(self, value=None):

        self.perform_called += 1
        self.perform_value = value
        # Simply allow thread switching
Пример #29
class Parameter(ContextItem):
    A context item that can be evaluated dynamically, but cannot be included as
    part of a selector.  This is typically used for settings that must be
    determined before values are drawn from the selectors (e.g., probability of
    a go trial).
    # Default value of the context item when used as part of a selector.
    default = d_(Value())

    expression = d_(Str()).tag(preference=True)

    # Defines the span over which the item's value does not change:
    # * experiment - the value cannot change once the experiment begins
    # * trial - The value cannot change once a trial begins. This is the only
    #   type of item that can be roved using a selector.
    # * arbitrary - The value can be changd at any time but it does not make
    #   sense for it to be a roving item.
    scope = d_(Enum('trial', 'experiment', 'arbitrary'))

    # Is the value of this item managed by a selector?
    rove = d_(Bool()).tag(preference=True)

    def _default_expression(self):
        return str(self.default)

    def _default_dtype(self):
        return np.array(self.default).dtype.str

    def _default_label(self):
        return self.name

    def to_expression(self, value):
        return str(value)

    def set_value(self, value):
        self.expression = self.to_expression(value)
Пример #30
class Person(Atom):
    """A simple class representing a person object."""

    last_name = Str()

    first_name = Str()

    age = Range(low=0)

    dob = Value(datetime.date(1970, 1, 1))

    debug = Bool(False)

    def debug_print(self, change):
        """Prints out a debug message whenever the person's age changes."""
        if self.debug:
            templ = "{first} {last} is {age} years old."
            s = templ.format(