Пример #1
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the calc directory
        logger.info("PARSING DIRECTORY: {} USING DRONE: {}".format(
            calc_dir, self['drone'].__class__.__name__))
        # get the database connection
        db_file = env_chk(self.get('db_file'), fw_spec)

        drone = self['drone'].__class__()
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir)
        if not db_file:
            with open("task.json", "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(task_doc, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
            mmdb = self["mmdb"]
            db = mmdb.__class__.from_db_file(db_file)
            # insert the task document
            t_id = db.insert(task_doc)
            logger.info("Finished parsing with task_id: {}".format(t_id))

        return FWAction(stored_data={"task_id": task_doc.get("task_id", None)},
                        defuse_children=(task_doc["state"] != "successful"))
    def test_passcalclocs(self):
        fw1 = Firework([PassCalcLocs(name="fw1")], name="fw1")
        fw2 = Firework([PassCalcLocs(name="fw2")], name="fw2", parents=fw1)
        fw3 = Firework([PassCalcLocs(name="fw3")], name="fw3", parents=fw2)

        wf = Workflow([fw1, fw2, fw3])

        fw2 = self.lp.get_fw_by_id(self.lp.get_fw_ids({"name": "fw2"})[0])
        fw3 = self.lp.get_fw_by_id(self.lp.get_fw_ids({"name": "fw3"})[0])

        self.assertEqual(len(fw2.spec["calc_locs"]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(fw3.spec["calc_locs"]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(fw3.spec["calc_locs"][0]["name"], "fw1")
        self.assertEqual(fw3.spec["calc_locs"][1]["name"], "fw2")

        calc_locs = fw3.spec["calc_locs"]
        self.assertEqual(get_calc_loc("fw1", calc_locs), calc_locs[0])
        self.assertEqual(get_calc_loc("fw2", calc_locs), calc_locs[1])
        self.assertEqual(get_calc_loc(True, calc_locs), calc_locs[1])
Пример #3
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        lammps_input = self["lammps_input"]
        diffusion_params = self.get("diffusion_params", {})

        # get the directory that contains the LAMMPS dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the directory
        logger.info("PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))
        d = {}
        d["dir_name"] = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
        d["last_updated"] = datetime.today()
        d["input"] = lammps_input.as_dict()
        log_file = lammps_input.config_dict["log"]
        if isinstance(lammps_input.config_dict["dump"], list):
            dump_file = lammps_input.config_dict["dump"][0].split()[4]
            dump_file = lammps_input.config_dict["dump"].split()[4]
        is_forcefield = hasattr(lammps_input.lammps_data, "bonds_data")
        lammpsrun = LammpsRun(lammps_input.data_filename, dump_file, log_file, is_forcefield=is_forcefield)
        d["natoms"] = lammpsrun.natoms
        d["nmols"] = lammpsrun.nmols
        d["box_lengths"] = lammpsrun.box_lengths
        d["mol_masses"] = lammpsrun.mol_masses
        d["mol_config"] = lammpsrun.mol_config
        if diffusion_params:
            diffusion_analyzer = lammpsrun.get_diffusion_analyzer(**diffusion_params)
            d["analysis"]["diffusion"] = diffusion_analyzer.get_summary_dict()
        db_file = env_chk(self.get('db_file'), fw_spec)

        # db insertion
        if not db_file:
            with open("task.json", "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(d, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
            mmdb = MMLammpsDb.from_db_file(db_file)
            # insert the task document
            t_id = mmdb.insert(d)
            logger.info("Finished parsing with task_id: {}".format(t_id))
        return FWAction(stored_data={"task_id": d.get("task_id", None)})
Пример #4
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        logger.info("PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))

        db_file = env_chk(self.get('db_file'), fw_spec)

        cluster_dict = None
        tags = Tags.from_file(filename="feff.inp")
        if "RECIPROCAL" not in tags:
            cluster_dict = Atoms.cluster_from_file("feff.inp").as_dict()
        doc = {"input_parameters": tags.as_dict(),
               "cluster": cluster_dict,
               "structure": self["structure"].as_dict(),
               "absorbing_atom": self["absorbing_atom"],
               "spectrum_type": self["spectrum_type"],
               "spectrum": np.loadtxt(os.path.join(calc_dir, self["output_file"])).tolist(),
               "edge": self.get("edge", None),
               "metadata": self.get("metadata", None),
               "dir_name": os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),
               "last_updated": datetime.today()}

        if not db_file:
            with open("feff_task.json", "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(doc, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
        # db insertion
            db = MMFeffDb.from_db_file(db_file, admin=True)

        logger.info("Finished parsing the spectrum")

        return FWAction(stored_data={"task_id": doc.get("task_id", None)})
Пример #5
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):

        if self.get("calc_dir"):  # direct setting of calc dir - no calc_locs or filesystem!
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
            filesystem = None
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):  # search for calc dir and filesystem within calc_locs
            calc_loc = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])
            calc_dir = calc_loc["path"]
            filesystem = calc_loc["filesystem"]
            raise ValueError("Must specify either calc_dir or calc_loc!")

        fileclient = FileClient(filesystem=filesystem)
        calc_dir = fileclient.abspath(calc_dir)
        contcar_to_poscar = self.get("contcar_to_poscar", True)

        all_files = fileclient.listdir(calc_dir)

        # determine what files need to be copied
        if "$ALL" in self.get("additional_files", []):
            files_to_copy = all_files
            files_to_copy = ['INCAR', 'POSCAR', 'KPOINTS', 'POTCAR', 'OUTCAR', 'vasprun.xml']

            if self.get("additional_files"):

        if contcar_to_poscar and "CONTCAR" not in files_to_copy:
            files_to_copy = [f for f in files_to_copy if f != 'POSCAR']  # remove POSCAR

        # start file copy
        for f in files_to_copy:
            prev_path_full = os.path.join(calc_dir, f)
            # prev_path = os.path.join(os.path.split(calc_dir)[1], f)
            dest_fname = 'POSCAR' if f == 'CONTCAR' and contcar_to_poscar else f
            dest_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dest_fname)

            relax_ext = ""
            relax_paths = sorted(fileclient.glob(prev_path_full+".relax*"), reverse=True)
            if relax_paths:
                if len(relax_paths) > 9:
                    raise ValueError("CopyVaspOutputs doesn't properly handle >9 relaxations!")
                m = re.search('\.relax\d*', relax_paths[0])
                relax_ext = m.group(0)

            # detect .gz extension if needed - note that monty zpath() did not seem useful here
            gz_ext = ""
            if not (f + relax_ext) in all_files:
                for possible_ext in [".gz", ".GZ"]:
                    if (f + relax_ext + possible_ext) in all_files:
                        gz_ext = possible_ext

            if not (f + relax_ext + gz_ext) in all_files:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find file: {}".format(f))

            # copy the file (minus the relaxation extension)
            fileclient.copy(prev_path_full + relax_ext + gz_ext, dest_path + gz_ext)

            # unzip the .gz if needed
            if gz_ext in ['.gz', ".GZ"]:
                # unzip dest file
                f = gzip.open(dest_path + gz_ext, 'rt')
                file_content = f.read()
                with open(dest_path, 'w') as f_out:
                os.remove(dest_path + gz_ext)
Пример #6
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # get the directory that contains the VASP dir to parse
        calc_dir = os.getcwd()
        if "calc_dir" in self:
            calc_dir = self["calc_dir"]
        elif self.get("calc_loc"):
            calc_dir = get_calc_loc(self["calc_loc"], fw_spec["calc_locs"])["path"]

        # parse the VASP directory
        logger.info("PARSING DIRECTORY: {}".format(calc_dir))
        # get the database connection
        db_file = env_chk(self.get('db_file'), fw_spec)

        drone = VaspDrone(additional_fields=self.get("additional_fields"),
                          parse_dos=self.get("parse_dos", False), compress_dos=1,
                          bandstructure_mode=self.get("bandstructure_mode", False), compress_bs=1)

        # assimilate (i.e., parse)
        task_doc = drone.assimilate(calc_dir)

        # Check for additional fields to add in the fw_spec
        if self.get("fw_spec_field"):

        # db insertion
        if not db_file:
            with open("task.json", "w") as f:
                f.write(json.dumps(task_doc, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))
            mmdb = MMVaspDb.from_db_file(db_file, admin=True)

            # insert dos into GridFS
            if self.get("parse_dos") and "calcs_reversed" in task_doc:
                for idx, x in enumerate(task_doc["calcs_reversed"]):
                    if "dos" in task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]:
                        if idx == 0:  # only store most recent DOS
                            dos = json.dumps(task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["dos"], cls=MontyEncoder)
                            gfs_id, compression_type = mmdb.insert_gridfs(dos, "dos_fs")
                            task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["dos_compression"] = compression_type
                            task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["dos_fs_id"] = gfs_id
                        del task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["dos"]

            # insert band structure into GridFS
            if self.get("bandstructure_mode") and "calcs_reversed" in task_doc:
                for idx, x in enumerate(task_doc["calcs_reversed"]):
                    if "bandstructure" in task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]:
                        if idx == 0:  # only store most recent band structure
                            bs = json.dumps(task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["bandstructure"], cls=MontyEncoder)
                            gfs_id, compression_type = mmdb.insert_gridfs(bs, "bandstructure_fs")
                            task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["bandstructure_compression"] = compression_type
                            task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["bandstructure_fs_id"] = gfs_id
                        del task_doc["calcs_reversed"][idx]["bandstructure"]

            # insert the task document
            t_id = mmdb.insert(task_doc)

            logger.info("Finished parsing with task_id: {}".format(t_id))

        if self.get("defuse_unsuccessful", True):
            defuse_children = (task_doc["state"] != "successful")
            defuse_children = False

        return FWAction(stored_data={"task_id": task_doc.get("task_id", None)},