Пример #1
    def login(self, registry, docker_secret_path):
        login to docker registry

        :param registry: registry name
        :param docker_secret_path: path to docker config directory
        logger.info("logging in: registry '%s', secret path '%s'", registry,
        # Docker-py needs username
        dockercfg = Dockercfg(docker_secret_path)
        username = dockercfg.get_credentials(registry)['username']
        logger.info("found username %s for registry %s", username, registry)

        response = self.d.login(registry=registry,
        if not response:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to login to '%s' with config '%s'" %
                               (registry, dockercfg))
        if u'Status' in response and response[u'Status'] == u'Login Succeeded':
            logger.info("login succeeded")
            if not (isinstance(response, dict)
                    and 'password' in response.keys()):
                # for some reason docker-py returns the contents of the dockercfg - we shouldn't
                # be displaying that
                logger.debug("response: %r", response)
Пример #2
    def login(self, registry, docker_secret_path):
        login to docker registry

        :param registry: registry name
        :param docker_secret_path: path to docker config directory
        logger.info("logging in: registry '%s', secret path '%s'", registry, docker_secret_path)
        # Docker-py needs username
        dockercfg = Dockercfg(docker_secret_path)
        credentials = dockercfg.get_credentials(registry)
        unpacked_auth = dockercfg.unpack_auth_b64(registry)
        username = credentials.get('username')
        if unpacked_auth:
            username = unpacked_auth.username
        if not username:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to extract a username from '%s'" % dockercfg)

        logger.info("found username %s for registry %s", username, registry)

        response = self.d.login(registry=registry, username=username,
        if not response:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to login to '%s' with config '%s'" % (registry, dockercfg))
        if u'Status' in response and response[u'Status'] == u'Login Succeeded':
            logger.info("login succeeded")
            if not(isinstance(response, dict) and 'password' in response.keys()):
                # for some reason docker-py returns the contents of the dockercfg - we shouldn't
                # be displaying that
                logger.debug("response: %r", response)
Пример #3
    def get_dockercfg_credentials(self, docker_registry):
        Read the .dockercfg file and return an empty dict, or else a dict
        with keys 'basic_auth_username' and 'basic_auth_password'.
        if not self.registry_secret_path:
            return {}

        dockercfg = Dockercfg(self.registry_secret_path)
        registry_creds = dockercfg.get_credentials(docker_registry)
        if 'username' not in registry_creds:
            return {}

        return {
            'basic_auth_username': registry_creds['username'],
            'basic_auth_password': registry_creds['password'],
    def get_dockercfg_credentials(self, docker_registry):
        Read the .dockercfg file and return an empty dict, or else a dict
        with keys 'basic_auth_username' and 'basic_auth_password'.
        if not self.registry_secret_path:
            return {}

        dockercfg = Dockercfg(self.registry_secret_path)
        registry_creds = dockercfg.get_credentials(docker_registry)
        if 'username' not in registry_creds:
            return {}

        return {
            'basic_auth_username': registry_creds['username'],
            'basic_auth_password': registry_creds['password'],
Пример #5
    def push_with_skopeo(self, registry_image, insecure, docker_push_secret):
        # If the last image has type OCI_TAR, then hunt back and find the
        # the untarred version, since skopeo only supports OCI's as an
        # untarred directory
        image = [
            x for x in self.workflow.exported_image_sequence
            if x['type'] != IMAGE_TYPE_OCI_TAR

        cmd = ['skopeo', 'copy']
        if docker_push_secret is not None:
            dockercfg = Dockercfg(docker_push_secret)
            credentials = dockercfg.get_credentials(registry_image.registry)
            username = credentials['username']
            password = credentials['password']

            cmd.append('--dest-creds=' + username + ':' + password)

        if insecure:

        if image['type'] == IMAGE_TYPE_OCI:
            source_img = 'oci:{path}:{ref_name}'.format(**image)
        elif image['type'] == IMAGE_TYPE_DOCKER_ARCHIVE:
            source_img = 'docker-archive://{path}'.format(**image)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Attempt to push unsupported image type %s with skopeo",

        dest_img = 'docker://' + registry_image.to_str()

        # Make sure we don't log the credentials
        cmd += [source_img, dest_img]
        log_cmd = [
            re.sub(r'^--dest-creds=.*', '--dest-creds=<HIDDEN>', arg)
            for arg in cmd

        self.log.info("Calling: %s", ' '.join(log_cmd))
            subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            self.log.error("push failed with output:\n%s", e.output)
            e.cmd = log_cmd  # hide credentials
Пример #6
    def push_with_skopeo(self, registry_image, insecure, docker_push_secret):
        # If the last image has type OCI_TAR, then hunt back and find the
        # the untarred version, since skopeo only supports OCI's as an
        # untarred directory
        image = [x for x in self.workflow.exported_image_sequence if
                 x['type'] != IMAGE_TYPE_OCI_TAR][-1]

        cmd = ['skopeo', 'copy']
        if docker_push_secret is not None:
            dockercfg = Dockercfg(docker_push_secret)
            credentials = dockercfg.get_credentials(registry_image.registry)
            username = credentials['username']
            password = credentials['password']

            cmd.append('--dest-creds=' + username + ':' + password)

        if insecure:

        if image['type'] == IMAGE_TYPE_OCI:
            source_img = 'oci:{path}:{ref_name}'.format(**image)
        elif image['type'] == IMAGE_TYPE_DOCKER_ARCHIVE:
            source_img = 'docker-archive://{path}'.format(**image)
            raise RuntimeError("Attempt to push unsupported image type %s with skopeo",

        dest_img = 'docker://' + registry_image.to_str()

        # Make sure we don't log the credentials
        cmd += [source_img, dest_img]
        log_cmd = [re.sub(r'^--dest-creds=.*', '--dest-creds=<HIDDEN>', arg)
                   for arg in cmd]

        self.log.info("Calling: %s", ' '.join(log_cmd))
            subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            self.log.error("push failed with output:\n%s", e.output)
            e.cmd = log_cmd  # hide credentials