Пример #1
def upload(request, app_model, id, field=None, form=FileForm, filename_prefix=None):
    Main Multiuploader module.
    Parses data from jQuery plugin and makes database changes.
    att = False
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if "application/json" in request.META['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']:
            mimetype = 'application/json'
            mimetype = 'text/plain'

        log.info('received POST to main multiuploader view')
        if request.FILES == None:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest('Must have files attached!')

        #getting file data for farther manipulations
        file = request.FILES[u'files[]']
        wrapped_file = UploadedFile(file)
        filename = wrapped_file.name
        file_size = wrapped_file.file.size
        log.info ('Got file: "%s"' % str(filename))
        log.info('Content type: "$s" % file.content_type')

        """ Use a form to validate the upload """
        instance = form({ 'filename': filename, 'id': id })
        if not instance.is_valid():
            return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps([{
                                        'error': instance.errors['__all__'],
                                        'name': filename,
                                        'size': file_size,
                                        }]), mimetype=mimetype)

        in_app, in_model = app_model.split('.')
        model = get_model(in_app, in_model)

        if field:
            field_info = model._meta.get_field_by_name(field)
            field_info = [False]

        obj = get_object_or_404(model, pk=id)
        if not isinstance(field_info[0], FileField) or not isinstance(field_info[0], ImageField):
            """ if the field we are uploading to is not a FileField or
                ImageField it is a generic attachment """
            if Attachment:
                """ attach the file """
                att = Attachment()
                att.content_object = obj
                att.client = obj.client
                att.file.save(filename, file, save=False)
                att.added_by = request.user
                if field:
                    """ if we pass in an optional field name then the sending
                    object tracks the attachement too.  So we set the attachment
                    ID in the foreign object """
                    setattr(obj, field, att)
                raise "Cannot attach file"
            """ this does not use the Attachment model and instead tracks the
            upload independantly.  Just upload the file and save it to the
            foreign model """
            if not field:
                raise "Field is mandatory when not a generic attachement"
            setattr(obj, field, file)

        log.info('File saving done')

                        field=field, instance=obj,
                        filename=filename, attachment_object=att)

        #generating json response array
        result = []

        response_data = simplejson.dumps(result)

        return HttpResponse(response_data, mimetype=mimetype)

    else: #GET
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()