Пример #1
    def __init__(self):

        # connect to vehicle with dronekit
        self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()
        # mode 0 = balloon finder ; mode 1 = Precision Land & Landing on moving platform ; mode 2 = detection & following mode
        # mode 3 = Precision Land without timout ; mode 4 = Fire Detetction
        self.mission_on_guide_mode = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','mode_on_guide',4)

        self.camera_width = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','width',640)
        self.camera_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('camera','height',480)
        self.camera_hfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'horizontal-fov', 72.42)
        self.camera_vfov = balloon_config.config.get_float('camera', 'vertical-fov', 43.3)

        # initialised flag
        self.home_initialised = False
        # timer to intermittently check for home position
        self.last_home_check = time.time()

        # historical attitude
        self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0)
        self.attitude_delay = 0.0               # expected delay between image and attitude

        # search variables
        self.search_state = 0                   # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw 
        self.search_start_heading = None        # initial heading of vehicle when search began
        self.search_target_heading = None       # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search)
        self.search_heading_change = None       # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search
        self.search_balloon_pos = None          # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search
        self.search_balloon_heading = None      # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None        # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_distance = None     # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.targeting_start_time = 0           # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below)
        self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY',2.0)    # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it
        self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','SEARCH_YAW_SPEED',5.0) 

        # vehicle mission
        self.mission_cmds = None
        self.mission_alt_min = 0                # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_alt_max = 0                # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_distance_max = 0           # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance).  "0" means no limit

        # we are not in control of vehicle
        self.controlling_vehicle = False

        # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured
        self.vehicle_pos = None

        # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image
        self.balloon_found = False
        self.fire_found = False
        self.balloon_pitch = None
        self.balloon_pitch_top = None           # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon
        self.balloon_heading = None
        self.balloon_distance = None
        self.balloon_pos = None             # last estimated position as an offset from home

        # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller
        self.guided_last_update = time.time()

        # latest velocity target sent to flight controller
        self.guided_target_vel = None

        # time the target balloon was last spotted
        self.last_spotted_time = 0

        # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search
        self.lost_sight_timeout = 15

        # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing).
        # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will
        # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon
        self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','debug',True)

        # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images
        self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general','simulate',False)

        # start background image grabber
        if not self.use_simulator:

        # initialise video writer
        self.writer = None

        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_P',1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_I',0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_D',0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_XY_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_P',2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_I',0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_Z_D',0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_IMAX',10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MIN',1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_SPEED_MAX',4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0   # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)    # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5) 

        # pitch angle to hit balloon at.  negative means come down from above
        self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_PITCH_TARGET',-5.0))

        # velocity controller update rate
        self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC',0.2)

        # stats
        self.num_frames_analysed = 0
        self.stats_start_time = 0
        #self.attitude = (0,0,0)

        #FROM PRECISION LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        #how many times to attempt a land before giving up
        self.search_attempts = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','search_attempts', 5)

        #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan
        self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5)

        #how high to climb in meters to complete a scan routine
        self.climb_altitude = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','climb_altitude', 20)

        #the max horizontal speed sent to autopilot
        #self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'vel_speed_max', 5)

        #P term of the horizontal distance to velocity controller
        self.dist_to_vel = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'dist_to_vel', 0.15)

        #Descent velocity
        self.descent_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','descent_rate', 0.5)

        #roll/pitch valupixee that is considered stable
        self.stable_attitude = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'stable_attitude', 0.18)

        #Climb rate when executing a search
        self.climb_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float('general','climb_rate', -2.0)

        #The height at a climb is started if no target is detected
        self.abort_height = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'abort_height', 10)

        #when we have lock on target, only descend if within this radius
        self.descent_radius = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'descent_radius', 1.0)

        #The height at which we lock the position on xy axis, default = 1
        self.landing_area_min_alt = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_min_alt', 0)

        #The radius of the cylinder surrounding the landing pad
        self.landing_area_radius = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general', 'landing_area_radius', 20)

        #Whether the landing program can be reset after it is disabled
        self.allow_reset = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'allow_reset', True)

        #Run the program no matter what mode or location; Useful for debug purposes
        self.always_run = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'always_run', True)

        #whether the companion computer has control of the autopilot or not
        self.in_control = False

        #The timeout between losing the target and starting a climb/scan
        self.settle_time = balloon_config.config.get_integer('general','settle_time', 1.5)
        #how many frames have been captured
        self.frame_count = 0
        #Reset state machine

        # Variable sendiri
        self.lanjut_cmd = 1
        self.arm = True
        self.a = False
        self.b = 0
        self.c = False
        self.relay(0)  #servo
        self.relay1(0) #indikator
        self.relay2(0) #magnet
        self.waktu = 0
        self.waktu1 = 0
        self.drop = 0
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):

        # connect to vehicle with dronekit
        self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()

        # initialised flag
        self.home_initialised = False
        # timer to intermittently check for home position
        self.last_home_check = time.time()

        # historical attitude
        self.att_hist = AttitudeHistory(self.vehicle, 2.0)
        self.attitude_delay = 0.0  # expected delay between image and attitude

        # search variables
        self.search_state = 0  # 0 = not search, 1 = spinning and looking, 2 = rotating to best balloon and double checking, 3 = finalise yaw
        self.search_start_heading = None  # initial heading of vehicle when search began
        self.search_target_heading = None  # the vehicle's current target heading (updated as vehicle spins during search)
        self.search_heading_change = None  # heading change (in radians) performed so far during search
        self.search_balloon_pos = None  # position (as an offset from home) of closest balloon (so far) during search
        self.search_balloon_heading = None  # earth-frame heading (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_pitch_top = None  # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.search_balloon_distance = None  # distance (in meters) from vehicle to closest balloon
        self.targeting_start_time = 0  # time vehicle first pointed towards final target (used with delay_time below)
        self.targeting_delay_time = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'SEARCH_TARGET_DELAY', 2.0
        )  # time vehicle waits after pointing towards ballon and before heading towards it
        self.search_yaw_speed = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'SEARCH_YAW_SPEED', 5.0)

        # vehicle mission
        self.mission_cmds = None
        self.mission_alt_min = 0  # min altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons below this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_alt_max = 0  # max altitude from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons above this altitude).  "0" means no limit
        self.mission_distance_max = 0  # max distance from NAV_GUIDED mission command (we ignore balloons further than this distance).  "0" means no limit

        # we are not in control of vehicle
        self.controlling_vehicle = False

        # vehicle position captured at time camera image was captured
        self.vehicle_pos = None

        # balloon direction and position estimate from latest call to analyse_image
        self.balloon_found = False
        self.balloon_pitch = None
        self.balloon_pitch_top = None  # earth-frame pitch (in radians) from vehicle to top of closest balloon
        self.balloon_heading = None
        self.balloon_distance = None
        self.balloon_pos = None  # last estimated position as an offset from home

        # time of the last target update sent to the flight controller
        self.guided_last_update = time.time()

        # latest velocity target sent to flight controller
        self.guided_target_vel = None

        # time the target balloon was last spotted
        self.last_spotted_time = 0

        # if we lose sight of a balloon for this many seconds we will consider it lost and give up on the search
        self.lost_sight_timeout = 3

        # The module only prints log messages unless the vehicle is in GUIDED mode (for testing).
        # Once this seems to work reasonablly well change self.debug to False and then it will
        # actually _enter_ guided mode when it thinks it sees a balloon
        self.debug = balloon_config.config.get_boolean('general', 'debug',

        # use the simulator to generate fake balloon images
        self.use_simulator = balloon_config.config.get_boolean(
            'general', 'simulate', False)

        # start background image grabber
        if not self.use_simulator:

        # initialise video writer
        self.writer = None

        # horizontal velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        xy_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_P', 1.0)
        xy_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_I', 0.0)
        xy_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_D', 0.0)
        xy_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_XY_IMAX',
        self.vel_xy_pid = pid.pid(xy_p, xy_i, xy_d, math.radians(xy_imax))

        # vertical velocity pid controller.  maximum effect is 10 degree lean
        z_p = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_P', 2.5)
        z_i = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_I', 0.0)
        z_d = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_Z_D', 0.0)
        z_imax = balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_IMAX', 10.0)
        self.vel_z_pid = pid.pid(z_p, z_i, z_d, math.radians(z_imax))

        # velocity controller min and max speed
        self.vel_speed_min = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MIN', 1.0)
        self.vel_speed_max = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_SPEED_MAX', 4.0)
        self.vel_speed_last = 0.0  # last recorded speed
        self.vel_accel = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_ACCEL', 0.5)  # maximum acceleration in m/s/s
        self.vel_dist_ratio = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_DIST_RATIO', 0.5)

        # pitch angle to hit balloon at.  negative means come down from above
        self.vel_pitch_target = math.radians(
            balloon_config.config.get_float('general', 'VEL_PITCH_TARGET',

        # velocity controller update rate
        self.vel_update_rate = balloon_config.config.get_float(
            'general', 'VEL_UPDATE_RATE_SEC', 0.2)

        # stats
        self.num_frames_analysed = 0
        self.stats_start_time = 0