Пример #1
def parse_ozi_map(map_file_name, cutline_type = None):
    """cutline_type can be 'projected', 'latlon' or None"""
    ozi_map = ozi_reader.read_map(open(map_file_name).readlines())
    ozi_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(map_file_name))[0]

    image_name = find_file_ci(ozi_dir, ozi_map.file_name)
    if not image_name:
        raise Exception('File "%s" not found.' % image_name)
    map_srs = get_srs_as_proj4(ozi_map.datum, ozi_map.projection)
    map_ll_srs = get_ozi_ll_srs(ozi_map.datum, ozi_map.projection)
    gcps = convert_ozi_gcps(ozi_map.gcps, map_srs, map_ll_srs)
    geotransform = gcps_to_geotransform(gcps)
    units_per_pixel = get_resolution(geotransform)
    if cutline_type and len(ozi_map.cutline) > 2:
        cutline_projected = {'projected': True, 'latlon': False}[cutline_type]
        if cutline_projected:
            cutline_points = convert_cutline(ozi_map.cutline, map_srs, map_ll_srs)
            cutline_srs = map_srs
            cutline_units_per_pixel = units_per_pixel
            cutline_points = convert_cutline(ozi_map.cutline)
            cutline_srs = map_ll_srs
            cutline_units_per_pixel = get_resolution(geotransform, map_srs, map_ll_srs)
        cutline = AttrDict(points = cutline_points, srs = cutline_srs, units_per_pixel = cutline_units_per_pixel)
        cutline = None

    result = AttrDict()
    result.image_name = image_name
    result.map_srs = map_srs
    result.gcps = gcps
    result.units_per_pixel = units_per_pixel
    result.cutline = cutline
    result.geotransform = geotransform
    result.datum = datum_names_map[ozi_map.datum]
    result.projection = ozi_map.projection
    result.inv_geotransform = gcps_to_geotransform([AttrDict(pixel = g.ref, ref = g.pixel) for g in gcps ])
    return result