Пример #1
  def onset(self, **options):
    onsetAlgorithm = options.get("onsetAlgorithm") or "default"
    onsetThreshold = options.get("onsetThreshold") or -90

    sourceBuffer = source(self.audioFilename, self.samplerate, self.hopSize)

    onsetSampler = aubio_onset(onsetAlgorithm, self.fftWindowSize, self.hopSize, self.samplerate)
    # onsetSampler = aubio_level_detection(-70)

    # list of onsets, in samples
    onsets = []
    timings = []
    frames = []

    # total number of frames read
    totalFrames = 0
    while True:
      samples, read = sourceBuffer()

      if onsetSampler(samples):
        # print "%f" % onsetSampler.get_last_s()
        frames += [totalFrames]

      totalFrames += read

      if read < self.hopSize: break

    return {
      "timings": timings,
      "frames": frames,
      "onsets": onsets
Пример #2
  def notes(self, **options):
    onsetAlgorithm = options.get("onsetAlgorithm") or "default"
    algorithm = options.get("algorithm") or "yinfft"
    pitchUnit = options.get("pitchUnit") or "freq"
    tolerance = options.get("tolerance") or 0.85

    sourceBuffer = source(self.audioFilename, self.samplerate, self.hopSize)

    onsetSampler = aubio_onset(onsetAlgorithm, self.fftWindowSize, self.hopSize, self.samplerate)
    pitchSampler = aubio_pitch(algorithm, self.fftWindowSize * 4, self.hopSize, self.samplerate)

    median = 6
    isReady = 0

    note_buffer = []

    timeStarts = []
    timeStops = []
    frameStarts = []
    frameStops = []
    pitches = []
    confidences = []

    isOn = False

    totalFrames = 0
    while True:
      samples, read = sourceBuffer()

      new_pitch = pitchSampler(samples)[0]
      curlevel = aubio_level_detection(samples, -90)

      note_buffer.insert(0, new_pitch)

      if len(note_buffer) > median:

      if onsetSampler(samples):
        if curlevel == 1.:
          isReady = 0
          isReady = 1

        if isReady > 0:
          isReady += 1
        if isReady == median:
          new_note = self.pseudo_median(note_buffer)

          if isOn:
            timeStops += [float(totalFrames) / self.samplerate]
            frameStops += [totalFrames]
            isOn = False

          if new_note > 45:
            confidence = pitchSampler.get_confidence()

            timeStarts += [float(totalFrames) / self.samplerate]
            frameStarts += [totalFrames]
            pitches += [new_note]
            confidences += [confidence]

            isOn = True

      totalFrames += read
      if read < self.hopSize: break

    if len(frameStops) < len(frameStarts): frameStops += [totalFrames]
    if len(timeStops) < len(timeStarts): timeStops += [timeStops]

    # timeStops += [timeStops]

    return {
      "timeStarts": timeStarts,
      "timeStops": timeStops,
      "frameStarts": frameStarts,
      "frameStops": frameStops,
      "pitches": pitches,
      "confidences": confidences