Пример #1
    def cwd(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        make a menu item for each file in the directory
        logger.log(9, 'cwd(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw)
        play_items = []
        number = len(self.info['tracks'])
        if hasattr(self.info, 'mixed'):
            number -= 1

        for i in range(0, number):
            title = self.info['tracks'][i]['title']
            item = AudioItem('cdda://%d' % (i + 1), self, title, scan=False)

            # XXX FIXME: set also all the other info here if AudioInfo
            # XXX will be based on mmpython
            #item.set_info('', self.name, title, i+1, self.disc_id[1], '')
            item.info = self.info['tracks'][i]
            item.length = item.info['length']
            if config.MPLAYER_ARGS.has_key('cd'):
                item.mplayer_options += (' ' + config.MPLAYER_ARGS['cd'])

            if self.devicename:
                item.mplayer_options += ' -cdrom-device %s' % self.devicename

        # add all playable items to the playlist of the directory
        # to play one files after the other
        self.playlist = play_items

        # all items together
        items = []

        # random playlist (only active for audio)
        if 'audio' in config.DIRECTORY_ADD_RANDOM_PLAYLIST and len(
                play_items) > 1:
            pl = Playlist(_('Random Playlist'), play_items, self, random=True)
            pl.autoplay = True
            items += [pl]

        items += play_items

        if hasattr(self.info, 'mixed'):
            d = DirItem(self.media.mountdir, self)
            d.name = _('Data files on disc')

        self.play_items = play_items

        title = self.name
        if title[0] == '[' and title[-1] == ']':
            title = self.name[1:-1]

        item_menu = menu.Menu(title, items, item_types=self.display_type)
        if menuw:

        return items
Пример #2
    def cwd(self, arg=None, menuw=None):
        make a menu item for each file in the directory
        logger.log( 9, 'cwd(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw)
        play_items = []
        number = len(self.info['tracks'])
        if hasattr(self.info, 'mixed'):
            number -= 1

        for i in range(0, number):
            item = AudioItem('cdda://%d' % (i+1), self, title, scan=False)

            # XXX FIXME: set also all the other info here if AudioInfo
            # XXX will be based on mmpython
            #item.set_info('', self.name, title, i+1, self.disc_id[1], '')
            item.info = self.info['tracks'][i]
            item.length = item.info['length']
            if config.MPLAYER_ARGS.has_key('cd'):
                item.mplayer_options += (' ' + config.MPLAYER_ARGS['cd'])

            if self.devicename:
                item.mplayer_options += ' -cdrom-device %s' % self.devicename

        # add all playable items to the playlist of the directory
        # to play one files after the other
        self.playlist = play_items

        # all items together
        items = []

        # random playlist (only active for audio)
        if 'audio' in config.DIRECTORY_ADD_RANDOM_PLAYLIST and len(play_items) > 1:
            pl = Playlist(_('Random Playlist'), play_items, self, random=True)
            pl.autoplay = True
            items += [ pl ]

        items += play_items

        if hasattr(self.info, 'mixed'):
            d = DirItem(self.media.mountdir, self)
            d.name = _('Data files on disc')

        self.play_items = play_items

        title = self.name
        if title[0] == '[' and title[-1] == ']':
            title = self.name[1:-1]

        item_menu = menu.Menu(title, items, item_types = self.display_type)
        if menuw:

        return items
Пример #3
    def fxdhandler(self, fxd, node):
        parse audio specific stuff from fxd files::

            <?xml version="1.0" ?>
                <audio title="Smoothjazz">
                        <description>A nice description</description>

        Everything except title and url is optional. If <player> is set, this player
        will be used (possible xine, mplayer or radioplayer). The tag <playlist/> signals that this
        url is a playlist (mplayer needs that).  <reconnect/> signals that the player
        should reconnect when the connection stopps.
        If <player> is radioplayer also the radioplayer (not radio) plugin must be activated.
        In this case, <station> defines the frequency used as '%s' in RADIO_CMD.
        a = AudioItem('', fxd.getattr(None, 'parent', None), scan=False)

        a.name     = fxd.getattr(node, 'title', a.name)
        a.image    = fxd.childcontent(node, 'cover-img')
        a.url      = fxd.childcontent(node, 'url')
        a.station  = fxd.childcontent(node, 'station')
        if a.image:
            a.image = vfs.join(vfs.dirname(fxd.filename), a.image)

        a.mplayer_options  = fxd.childcontent(node, 'mplayer_options')
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'player'):
            a.force_player = fxd.childcontent(node, 'player')
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'playlist'):
            a.is_playlist  = True
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'reconnect'):
            a.reconnect    = True

        fxd.parse_info(fxd.get_children(node, 'info', 1), a)
        fxd.getattr(None, 'items', []).append(a)
Пример #4
    def fxdhandler(self, fxd, node):
        parse audio specific stuff from fxd files

        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
          <audio title="Smoothjazz">

              <description>A nice description</description>


        Everything except title and url is optional. If <player> is set,
        this player will be used (possible xine or mplayer). The tag
        <playlist/> signals that this url is a playlist (mplayer needs that).
        <reconnect/> sihnals that the player should reconnect when the
        connection stopps.
        a = AudioItem('', fxd.getattr(None, 'parent', None), scan=False)

        a.name     = fxd.getattr(node, 'title', a.name)
        a.image    = fxd.childcontent(node, 'cover-img')
        a.url      = fxd.childcontent(node, 'url')
        if a.image:
            a.image = vfs.join(vfs.dirname(fxd.filename), a.image)

        a.mplayer_options  = fxd.childcontent(node, 'mplayer_options')
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'player'):
            a.force_player = fxd.childcontent(node, 'player')
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'playlist'):
            a.is_playlist  = True
        if fxd.get_children(node, 'reconnect'):
            a.reconnect    = True
        fxd.parse_info(fxd.get_children(node, 'info', 1), a)
        fxd.getattr(None, 'items', []).append(a)
Пример #5
    def get(self, parent, files):
        return a list of items based on the files
        items = []

        for file in util.find_matches(files, config.AUDIO_SUFFIX):
            a = AudioItem(file, parent)

        return items