Пример #1
def geometric_delay(sig, dur, copies, pamp=.5):
  Delay effect by copying data (with Streamix).

    Input signal (an iterable).
    Duration, in samples.
    Number of times the signal will be replayed in the given duration. The
    signal is played copies + 1 times.
    The relative remaining amplitude fraction for the next played Stream,
    based on the idea that total amplitude should sum to 1. Defaults to 0.5.

    out = Streamix()
    sig = thub(sig, copies + 1)
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out
def geometric_delay(sig, dur, copies, pamp=0.5):
  Delay effect by copying data (with Streamix).

    Input signal (an iterable).
    Duration, in samples.
    Number of times the signal will be replayed in the given duration. The
    signal is played copies + 1 times.
    The relative remaining amplitude fraction for the next played Stream,
    based on the idea that total amplitude should sum to 1. Defaults to 0.5.

    out = Streamix()
    sig = thub(sig, copies + 1)
    out.add(0, sig * pamp)  # Original
    remain = 1 - pamp
    for unused in xrange(copies):
        gain = remain * pamp
        out.add(dur / copies, sig * gain)
        remain -= gain
    return out
Пример #3
Файл: core.py Проект: EQ4/lz2lv2
def metadata2ttl(mdata, **kwargs):
  """ Metadata object to Turtle (ttl) source code string. """
  frags = thub(ttl_single_uri_data(mdata, **kwargs), 2)
  plugin_metadata_code = "".join(frags)
  prefixes = get_prefixes(frags)
  prefix_template = "@prefix {prefix}: <{uri}>.\n"
  prefixes_code = "".join(prefix_template.format(prefix=prefix,
                          for prefix in prefixes)
  plugin_uri = "\n<{}>\n".format(mdata.uri)
  return "".join([prefixes_code, plugin_uri, plugin_metadata_code])
Пример #4
def mgl_seq(x):
  Sequence whose sum is the Madhava-Gregory-Leibniz series.

    [x,  -x^3/3, x^5/5, -x^7/7, x^9/9, -x^11/11, ...]

    An endless sequence that has the property
    ``atan(x) = sum(mgl_seq(x))``.
    Usually you would use the ``atan()`` function, not this one.

  odd_numbers = thub(count(start=1, step=2), 2)
  return Stream(1, -1) * x ** odd_numbers / odd_numbers
Пример #5
def mgl_seq(x):
  Sequence whose sum is the Madhava-Gregory-Leibniz series.

    [x,  -x^3/3, x^5/5, -x^7/7, x^9/9, -x^11/11, ...]

    An endless sequence that has the property
    ``atan(x) = sum(mgl_seq(x))``.
    Usually you would use the ``atan()`` function, not this one.

  odd_numbers = thub(count(start=1, step=2), 2)
  return Stream(1, -1) * x ** odd_numbers / odd_numbers
Пример #6
def limiter(sig, threshold=.1, size=256, env=envelope.rms, cutoff=pi/2048):
  sig = thub(sig, 2)
  return sig * Stream( 1. if el <= threshold else threshold / el
                       for el in maverage(size)(env(sig, cutoff=cutoff)) )
Пример #7
def limiter(sig, threshold=.1, size=256, env=envelope.rms, cutoff=pi / 2048):
    sig = thub(sig, 2)
    return sig * Stream(1. if el <= threshold else threshold / el
                        for el in maverage(size)(env(sig, cutoff=cutoff)))
Пример #8
# coding: utf-8
from audiolazy import count, takewhile, thub

def prime_gen():
    """ Gerador de números primos """
    yield 2
    primes = []
    for value in count(start=3, step=2):
        stream_primes = takewhile(lambda x: x * x <= value, primes)
        if all(value % stream_primes != 0):
            yield value

primes = thub(prime_gen(), 2)

for idx, p in enumerate(primes, 1):
    print(u"{:>5}º primo: {}".format(idx, p))
    if idx == 200:

for idx, p in enumerate(primes, 1):
    print(u"{:>5}º primo ao quadrado: {}".format(idx, p**2))
    if idx == 200:
Пример #9
ms = 1e-3 * s
kHz = 1e3 * Hz
beat_duration = 60. / beat * s # In samples
dur = beat_duration / notes_per_beat # Per note
smix = Streamix() # That's our sound mixture
env = adsr(dur, a=40*ms, d=35*ms, s=.6, r=70*ms).take(inf) # Envelope

# Effects used
def distortion(sig, multiplier=18):
  return atan(multiplier * sig) * (2 / pi)

# Intro count synth
filt = (1 - z ** -2) * .5
if starting_beats > 0:
  inoisy_stream = filt(gauss_noise()) * env
  inoisy_thub = thub(inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration),
  inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))
  smix.add(.1 * s, inoisy)
  smix.add(starting_beats * beat_duration - dur, []) # Event timing

# Wavetable lookup initialization
square_table = TableLookup([1] * 256 + [-1] * 256)
harmonics = dict(enumerate([1, 3, 2, 1, .3, .1, .7, .9, 1, 1, .5, .4, .2], 1))
table = sin_table.harmonize(harmonics).normalize()
mem_table = (3 * saw_table + (sin_table - saw_table) ** 3).normalize()

# Notes synth
midi_tuning = str2midi([gs.tune for gs in guitar])
midi_pitches = [midi_tuning[string_idx] + fret for string_idx, fret in notes]
for freq in midi2freq(midi_pitches):
  ks_memory = .1 * gauss_noise() + .9 * mem_table(freq * Hz)
Пример #10
beat_duration = 60. / beat * s  # In samples
dur = beat_duration / notes_per_beat  # Per note
smix = Streamix()  # That's our sound mixture
env = adsr(dur, a=40 * ms, d=35 * ms, s=.6, r=70 * ms).take(inf)  # Envelope

# Effects used
def distortion(sig, multiplier=18):
    return atan(multiplier * sig) * (2 / pi)

# Intro count synth
filt = (1 - z**-2) * .5
if starting_beats > 0:
    inoisy_stream = filt(gauss_noise()) * env
    inoisy_thub = thub(
        inoisy_stream.append(0).limit(beat_duration), starting_beats)
    inoisy = chain.from_iterable(repeat(inoisy_thub).limit(starting_beats))
    smix.add(.1 * s, inoisy)
    smix.add(starting_beats * beat_duration - dur, [])  # Event timing

# Wavetable lookup initialization
square_table = TableLookup([1] * 256 + [-1] * 256)
harmonics = dict(enumerate([1, 3, 2, 1, .3, .1, .7, .9, 1, 1, .5, .4, .2], 1))
table = sin_table.harmonize(harmonics).normalize()
mem_table = (3 * saw_table + (sin_table - saw_table)**3).normalize()

# Notes synth
midi_tuning = str2midi([gs.tune for gs in guitar])
midi_pitches = [midi_tuning[string_idx] + fret for string_idx, fret in notes]
for freq in midi2freq(midi_pitches):
    ks_memory = .1 * gauss_noise() + .9 * mem_table(freq * Hz)