class Repo_insertion_manager(): ROOT_AUGUR_DIR = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) def __init__(self, organization_name, database_connection): = organization_name self.db = database_connection ## added for keys self._root_augur_dir = Repo_insertion_manager.ROOT_AUGUR_DIR self.augur_config = AugurConfig(self._root_augur_dir) ########## def get_existing_repos(self, group_id): """returns repos belonging to repogroup in augur db""" select_repos_query = s.sql.text(""" SELECT repo_git from augur_data.repo WHERE repo_group_id = :repo_group_id """) select_repos_query = select_repos_query.bindparams( repo_group_id=group_id) result = self.db.execute(select_repos_query) return result.fetchall() ## This doesn't permit importing of an individual's repo, as they don't show up under "orgs" # def group_exists_gh(self): # url = url = "{}".format( # res = requests.get(url).json() # try: # if res['message'] == "Not Found": # return False # except KeyError: # return True ## Revised Version of Method def group_exists_gh(self): url = url = "{}".format( ## attempting to add key due to rate limiting gh_api_key = self.augur_config.get_value('Database', 'key') self.headers = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % gh_api_key} #r = requests.get(url=cntrb_url, headers=self.headers) ####### Original request code # res = requests.get(url).json() ######## res = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers).json() try: if res['message'] == "Not Found": url = url = "{}".format( res = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers).json() if res['message'] == "Not Found": return False except KeyError: return True def insert_repo(self, orgid, given_org, reponame): """creates a new repo record""" insert_repo_query = s.sql.text(""" INSERT INTO augur_data.repo(repo_group_id, repo_git, repo_status, tool_source, tool_version, data_source, data_collection_date) VALUES (:repo_group_id, :repo_git, 'New', 'CLI', 1.0, 'Git', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING repo_id """) repogit = self.github_urlify(given_org, reponame) insert_repo_query = insert_repo_query.bindparams( repo_group_id=int(orgid), repo_git=repogit) result = self.db.execute(insert_repo_query).fetchone() return result['repo_id'] def github_urlify(self, org, repo): return "" + org + "/" + repo def get_org_id(self): select_group_query = s.sql.text(""" SELECT repo_group_id FROM augur_data.repo_groups WHERE rg_name = :group_name """) select_group_query = select_group_query.bindparams( result = self.db.execute(select_group_query) row = result.fetchone() return row['repo_group_id'] def insert_repo_group(self): """creates a new repo_group record and returns its id""" insert_group_query = s.sql.text(""" INSERT INTO augur_data.repo_groups(rg_name, rg_description, rg_website, rg_recache, rg_last_modified, rg_type, tool_source, tool_version, data_source, data_collection_date) VALUES (:group_name, '', '', 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'Unknown', 'Loaded by user', 1.0, 'Git', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING repo_group_id """) insert_group_query = insert_group_query.bindparams( result = self.db.execute(insert_group_query) row = result.fetchone() return row['repo_group_id'] def fetch_repos(self): """uses the github api to return repos belonging to the given organization""" gh_api_key = self.augur_config.get_value('Database', 'key') self.headers = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % gh_api_key} repos = [] page = 1 url = self.paginate(page) res = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers).json() while res: for repo in res: repos.append(repo['name']) page += 1 res = requests.get(self.paginate(page)).json() return repos ## Modified pagination to account for github orgs that look like orgs but are actually users. def paginate(self, page): ### Modified here to incorporate the use of a GitHub API Key gh_api_key = self.augur_config.get_value('Database', 'key') self.headers = {'Authorization': 'token %s' % gh_api_key} url = "{}/repos?per_page=100&page={}" res = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers).json() if res['message'] == "Not Found": url = "{}/repos?per_page=100&page={}" res = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers).json() return url.format(, str(page)) #r = requests.get(url=cntrb_url, headers=self.headers) ####### Original request code # res = requests.get(url).json() ######## res = requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers).json()
class Application(): """Initalizes all classes from Augur using a config file or environment variables""" def __init__(self, given_config={}, disable_logs=False, offline_mode=False): """ Reads config, creates DB session, and initializes cache """ self.logging = AugurLogging(disable_logs=disable_logs) self.root_augur_dir = ROOT_AUGUR_DIRECTORY self.config = AugurConfig(self.root_augur_dir, given_config) # we need these for later self.housekeeper = None self.manager = None self.gunicorn_options = { 'bind': '%s:%s' % (self.config.get_value( "Server", "host"), self.config.get_value("Server", "port")), 'workers': int(self.config.get_value('Server', 'workers')), 'timeout': int(self.config.get_value('Server', 'timeout')) } self.logging.configure_logging(self.config) self.gunicorn_options.update(self.logging.gunicorn_logging_options) self.cache_config = { 'cache.type': 'file', 'cache.data_dir': 'runtime/cache/', 'cache.lock_dir': 'runtime/cache/' } if not os.path.exists(self.cache_config['cache.data_dir']): os.makedirs(self.cache_config['cache.data_dir']) if not os.path.exists(self.cache_config['cache.lock_dir']): os.makedirs(self.cache_config['cache.lock_dir']) cache_parsed = parse_cache_config_options(self.cache_config) self.cache = CacheManager(**cache_parsed) if offline_mode is False: logger.debug("Running in online mode") self.database, self.operations_database, self.spdx_database = self._connect_to_database( ) self.metrics = Metrics(self) def _connect_to_database(self): user = self.config.get_value('Database', 'user') host = self.config.get_value('Database', 'host') port = self.config.get_value('Database', 'port') dbname = self.config.get_value('Database', 'name') database_connection_string = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format( user, self.config.get_value('Database', 'password'), host, port, dbname) csearch_path_options = 'augur_data' engine = s.create_engine( database_connection_string, poolclass=s.pool.NullPool, connect_args={'options': f'-csearch_path={csearch_path_options}'}, pool_pre_ping=True) csearch_path_options += ',spdx' spdx_engine = s.create_engine( database_connection_string, poolclass=s.pool.NullPool, connect_args={'options': f'-csearch_path={csearch_path_options}'}, pool_pre_ping=True) helper_engine = s.create_engine( database_connection_string, poolclass=s.pool.NullPool, connect_args={'options': f'-csearch_path=augur_operations'}, pool_pre_ping=True) try: engine.connect().close() helper_engine.connect().close() spdx_engine.connect().close() logger.debug("Database connection successfully established") return engine, helper_engine, spdx_engine except s.exc.OperationalError as e: logger.error("Unable to connect to the database. Terminating...") raise (e) def shutdown(self): if self.logging.stop_event is not None: logger.debug("Stopping housekeeper logging listener...") self.logging.stop_event.set() if self.housekeeper is not None: logger.debug("Shutting down housekeeper updates...") self.housekeeper.shutdown_updates() self.housekeeper = None if self.manager is not None: logger.debug("Shutting down manager...") self.manager.shutdown() self.manager = None