Пример #1
def main():

    new_device_dict = {
        "ipAddress": [""],
        "snmpVersion": "v2",
        "snmpROCommunity": "readonly",
        "snmpRWCommunity": "readwrite",
        "snmpRetry": "1",
        "snmpTimeout": "60",
        "cliTransport": "ssh",
        "userName": "******",
        "password": "******",
        "enablePassword": "******",

    token = get_token()

    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    add_res = requests.post(
Пример #2
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program
    token = get_token()

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process
    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # Issue HTTP GET request to get list of network devices
    get_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/network-device",

    # Debugging output to learn the JSON structure, then quit
    # import json; print(json.dumps(get_resp.json(), indent=2))

    # Iterate over list of dictionaries and print device ID and management IP
    if get_resp.ok:
        for device in get_resp.json()["response"]:
                f"ID: {device['id']}  IP: {device['managementIpAddress']}   Type: {device['type']}"
        print(f"Device collection failed with code {get_resp.status_code}")
        print(f"Failure body: {get_resp.text}")
Пример #3
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program
    token = get_token()

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process
    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # Create a dictionary to represent the new device to add
    new_device_dict = {
        "ipAddress": [""],
        "snmpVersion": "v2",
        "snmpROCommunity": "readonly",
        "snmpRWCommunity": "readwrite",
        "snmpRetry": "1",
        "snmpTimeout": "60",
        "cliTransport": "ssh",
        "userName": "******",
        "password": "******",
        "enablePassword": "******",

    # Issue HTTP POST request to add a new device with the
    # "new_device_dict" as the body of the request.
    add_resp = requests.post(

    if add_resp.ok:

        # Wait 10 seconds after server responds
        print(f"Request accepted: status code {add_resp.status_code}")

        # Query DNA center for the status of the specific task ID
        task = add_resp.json()["response"]["taskId"]
        task_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/task/{task}",

        # See if the task was completed successfully or not
        if task_resp.ok:
            task_data = task_resp.json()["response"]
            if not task_data["isError"]:
                print("New device successfully added")
                print(f"Async task error seen: {task_data['progress']}")
            print(f"Async GET failed: status code {task_resp.status_code}")

        # The initial HTTP POST failed; print details
        print(f"Device addition failed with code {add_resp.status_code}")
        print(f"Failure body: {add_resp.text}")
Пример #4
def main(argv):
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program
    # https://developer.cisco.com/docs/dna-center-api-1210/
    host = "sandboxdnac2.cisco.com"
    token = get_token(host)

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # API requires specifying the epoch as query parameter. Take current
    # time in epoch seconds, convert to ms, and remove decimal
    # Note: epoch 0 = 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970
    current_epoch = int(time.time() * 1000)
    params = {"timestamp": current_epoch}

    # Pass CLI arguments into processor function to return subset of
    # valid, correctly formatted MAC addresses (error checking)
    macs = get_macs(argv)

    # Iterate over all valid MAC addresses
    for mac in macs:
        # Add a new key to specify the MAC address to query
        params["macAddress"] = mac

        # Issue HTTP GET request to get specific client details
        get_resp = requests.get(

        # Print error details (rather than raise error) and exit if failure
        get_resp_json = get_resp.json()
        if not get_resp.ok:
            print(f"Request failed: {get_resp.status_code}/{get_resp.reason}")
            print(json.dumps(get_resp_json, indent=2))

        # Print JSON response for troubleshooting and learning
        # print(json.dumps(get_resp_json, indent=2))

        # Request succeeded; print
        stats = get_resp_json["detail"]
        print(f"Wireless details for MAC {mac}")
        print(f"  IPv4 Address: {stats['hostIpV4']}")
        print(f"  Freq/chan: {stats['frequency']} GHz / {stats['channel']}")
        print(f"  RSSI/SNR: {stats['rssi']} / {stats['snr']}\n")
Пример #5
def main():

    token = get_token()

    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    get_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/network-device",

    if get_resp.ok:
        for device in get_resp.json()['response']:
            print(f" ID : {device['id']}, IP:i{device['managementIpAddress']}")
        print(f"failure body: {get_resp.text}")
Пример #6
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # The FTD sandbox uses a self-signed cert at present, so let's ignore any
    # obvious security warnings for now.

    # The API path below is what the DevNet sandbox uses for API testing,
    # which may change in the future. Be sure to check the IP address as
    # I suspect this changes frequently. See here for more details:
    # https://developer.cisco.com/firepower/
    api_path = ""
    token = get_token(api_path)

    # To authenticate, we issue a POST request with our username/password
    # as a JSON body to obtain a bearer token in response.
    post_headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",

    # Load the new network objects to be added as Python objects
    with open("json_state/new_netobjs.json", "r") as handle:
        network_objs = json.load(handle)

    # Loop over network objects and issue a POST request for each
    # network object to add. Raise HTTPError if anything fails
    for net in network_objs:
        post_resp = requests.post(

        # Print object details if success or error fails if failed. We
        # don't wait to raise_for_status() which halts the entire process
        # even if a single element fails
        if post_resp.ok:
            net_json = post_resp.json()
                f"Added {net_json['name']} network object at {net_json['id']}")
            print(f"Couldn't add {net['name']} network object")
            print(f"  Details: {post_resp.status_code} / {post_resp.reason}")
Пример #7
def main():

    token = get_token()
    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    get_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/network-device",

    # import json; print(json.dumps(get_resp.json(), indent=2))

    if get_resp.ok:
        for device in get_resp.json()["response"]:
            print(f" ID: {device['id']} IP: {device['managementIpAddress']}")
        print(f"Device collection failed with code {get_resp.status_code}")
        print(f"Failure body: {get_resp.text}")
Пример #8
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program
    # https://developer.cisco.com/docs/dna-center-api-1210/
    host = "sandboxdnac2.cisco.com"
    token = get_token(host)

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # API requires specifying the epoch as query parameter. Take current
    # time in epoch seconds, convert to ms, and remove decimal
    # Note: epoch 0 = 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970
    current_epoch = int(time.time() * 1000)
    params = {"timestamp": current_epoch}

    # Issue HTTP GET request to get high-level client health
    get_resp = requests.get(

    # Raise errors if the request failed, and convert body to JSON
    get_resp_json = get_resp.json()

    # Print JSON response for troubleshooting and learning
    # import json; print(json.dumps(get_resp_json, indent=2))

    # Iterate over all score details and categories
    for score in get_resp_json["response"]:
        for cat in score["scoreDetail"]:

            # Print the client type (wired or wireless) then the quantity
            # of clients at each quality level. Finish up with a newline
            print(f"{cat['scoreCategory']['value']} client health")
            for qual in cat["scoreList"]:
                print(f"  {qual['scoreCategory']['value']:<6}", end=" ")
                print(f"clients: {qual['clientCount']}")
Пример #9
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # The FTD sandbox uses a self-signed cert at present, so let's ignore any
    # obvious security warnings for now.

    # The API path below is what the DevNet sandbox uses for API testing,
    # which may change in the future. Be sure to check the IP address as
    # I suspect this changes frequently. See here for more details:
    # https://developer.cisco.com/firepower/
    api_path = ""
    token = get_token(api_path)

    # To authenticate, we issue a POST request with our username/password
    # as a JSON body to obtain a bearer token in response.
    get_headers = {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",

    # Issue a GET request to collect a list of network objects configured
    # on FTD. These are the IP subnets, hosts, and FQDNs that might be
    # included in various security access policies.
    item_list = []

    # Iterate over the list of networks and print out a few of the
    # most interesting values such as name, ID, and prefix/FQDN value.
    for net in item_list:
        print(f"Name: {net['name']} ({net['description']})")
        print(f"  ID: {net['id']}")
        print(f"  Type / Value: {net['subType']} / {net['value']}")

    # Write data to a JSON file to simplify future deletions
    outfile = "json_state/present_netobjs.json"
    with open(outfile, "w") as handle:
        json.dump(item_list, handle, indent=2)
    print(f"Saved present network objects to {outfile}")
Пример #10
def get_device_list():
    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    auth = auth_token.get_token()
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": auth}

    auth_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/network-device/",

    device_list = json.dumps(auth_resp.json(), indent=2)
    if auth_resp.ok:
        for device in auth_resp.json()["response"]:
            print(f"ID: {device['id']}   IP: {device['managementIpAddress']}")
        print("operation is not successful")

    return device_list
Пример #11
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # The FTD sandbox uses a self-signed cert at present, so let's ignore any
    # obvious security warnings for now.

    # The API path below is what the DevNet sandbox uses for API testing,
    # which may change in the future. Be sure to check the IP address as
    # I suspect this changes frequently. See here for more details:
    # https://developer.cisco.com/firepower/
    api_path = ""
    token = get_token(api_path)

    # To authenticate, we issue a POST request with our username/password
    # as a JSON body to obtain a bearer token in response.
    del_headers = {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",

    # Load the currently-configured network objects, which is populated
    # by the "get" script. These will be targets for deletion
    with open("json_state/present_netobjs.json", "r") as handle:
        network_objs = json.load(handle)

    # Iterate over the loaded objects and issue DELETE requests for each
    for net in network_objs:
        del_resp = requests.delete(
            net["links"]["self"], headers=del_headers, verify=False

        # Print object details if success or error fails if failed. We
        # don't wait to raise_for_status() which halts the entire process
        # even if a single element fails
        if del_resp.ok:
            print(f"Deleted {net['name']} network object at {net['id']}")
            print(f"Couldn't delete {net['name']} network object at {net['id']}")
            print(f"  Details: {del_resp.status_code} / {del_resp.reason}")
Пример #12
from auth_token import get_token def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails allow exception to crash program

    token = get_token()

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process

    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac.cisco.com/dna"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # Issue an HTTP GET to search for a specific device by IP address

    delete_ip = ""    
    get_resp = requests.get(

    # If the device was found, continue with deletion

    if get_resp.ok:
        delete_id = get_resp.json()["response"]["id"]
        print(f"Found device with mgmt IP {delete_ip} and ID {delete_id}")
        # Issue HTTP DELETE and specify the device ID. Like the HTTP POST to add a device, this is an asynchronous operation
        delete_resp = requests.delete(

        # If delete succeeded, check task ID for completion

        if delete_resp.ok:

            # Wait 10 seconds after server responds

            print(f"Request accepted: status code {delete_resp.status_code}")

            # Query DNA center for the status of the specific task ID

            task = delete_resp.json()["response"]["taskId"]
            task_resp = requests.get(
                f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/task/{task}", headers=headers

            # See if the task was completed successfully or not

            if task_resp.ok:
                task_data = task_resp.json()["response"]
                if not task_data["isError"]:
                    print("Old device successfully deleted")
                    print(f"Async task error seen: {task_data['progress']}")
                print(f"Async GET failed: status code {task_resp.status_code}")
            # The initial HTTP DELETE failed; print details
            print(f"Device removal failed with code {delete_resp.status_code}")
            print(f"Failure body: {delete_resp.text}")
        print(f"Could not find device with mgmt IP {delete_ip}")
        print(f"Code: {get_resp.status_code} Body: {get_resp.text}") 
Пример #13
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program
    # https://developer.cisco.com/docs/dna-center-api-1210/
    host = "sandboxdnac2.cisco.com"
    token = get_token(host)

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # API requires specifying the epoch as query parameter. Take current
    # time in epoch seconds, convert to ms, and remove decimal
    # Note: epoch 0 = 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970
    current_epoch = int(time.time() * 1000)
    params = {"timestamp": current_epoch}

    # Run the loop however many times is specified by ATTEMPTS
    for i in range(ATTEMPTS):

        # Code in the "try" block may raise errors
            # Issue HTTP GET request to get high-level client health
            get_resp = requests.get(

            # Request succeeded, break out of loop early
            if get_resp.ok:

        except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
            # Catch error, print message, and quit the program
            # with error code 1 if we are on the last attempt
            print(f"Timeout {i+1}/{ATTEMPTS} ({TIMEOUT} sec)")
            if i + 1 == ATTEMPTS:
                print("Could not collect client health")
                import sys

    # Convert HTTP response body to JSON to extract health data
    get_resp_json = get_resp.json()

    # Print JSON response for troubleshooting and learning
    # import json; print(json.dumps(get_resp_json, indent=2))

    # Iterate over all score details and categories
    for score in get_resp_json["response"]:
        for cat in score["scoreDetail"]:

            # Print the client type (wired or wireless) then the quantity
            # of clients at each quality level. Finish up with a newline
            print(f"{cat['scoreCategory']['value']} client health")
            for qual in cat["scoreList"]:
                print(f"  {qual['scoreCategory']['value']:<6}", end=" ")
                print(f"clients: {qual['clientCount']}")
Пример #14
def main():
    Execution begins here.

    # Reuse the get_token() function from before. If it fails
    # allow exception to crash program

    token = get_token()

    # Declare useful local variables to simplify request process

    api_path = "https://sandboxdnac2.cisco.com"
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token": token}

    # Issue HTTP GET request to get list of network devices
    get_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/api/v1/network-device",

    # adding a devices dictionary
    new_device_dict = {
        "ipAddress": [""],
        "snmpVersion": "v2",
        "snmpROCommunity": "readonly",
        "snmpRWCommunity": "readwrite",
        "snmpRetry": "1",
        "snmpTimeout": "60",
        "cliTransport": "ssh",
        "userName": "******",
        "password": "******",
        "enablePassword": "******",

    # Debugging output to learn the JSON structure, then quit import json; print(json.dumps(get_resp.json(), indent=2)) Iterate over list of dictionaries and print device ID and management IP
    add_resp = requests.post(f"{api_path}/dna/intent/api/v1/network-device",

    if add_resp.ok:

        # Wait 10 seconds after server responds

        print(f"Request accepted: status code {add_resp.status_code}")

        # Query DNA center for the status of the specific task ID

        task = add_resp.json()["response"]["taskId"]
        task_resp = requests.get(f"{api_path}/intent/api/v1/task/{task}",

        # See if the task was completed successfully or not
        if task_resp.ok:
            task_data = task_resp.json()["response"]
            if not task_data["isError"]:
                print("New device successfully added")
                print(f"Async task error seen: {task_data['progress']}")
            print(f"Async GET failed: status code {task_resp.status_code}")
        # The initial HTTP POST failed; print details
        print(f"Device addition failed with code {add_resp.status_code}")
        print(f"Failure body: {add_resp.text}")
Пример #15
from dnacentersdk import DNACenterAPI
from auth_token import get_token

token = get_token()

dnac = api.DNACenterAPI(encoded_auth={token}, base_url='https://sandboxdnac2.cisco.com', version='1.2.10')

# Or even just dnac = api.DNACenterAPI() as base_url and version have those values.

    devices = dnac.devices.get_device_list(family='Switches and Hubs')
    for device in devices.response:
        print('{:20s}{}'.format(device.hostname, device.upTime))
except ApiError as e: