Пример #1
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        positions: Union[aa.Grid2DIrregular, List[List], List[Tuple]],
        positions_noise_map: Union[aa.ValuesIrregular, List[float]],
        fluxes: Optional[Union[aa.ValuesIrregular, List[float]]] = None,
        fluxes_noise_map: Optional[Union[aa.ValuesIrregular,
                                         List[float]]] = None,
        A collection of the data component that can be used for point-source model-fitting, for example fitting the
        observed positions of a a strongly lensed quasar or supernovae or in strong lens cluster modeling, where
        there may be many tens or hundreds of individual source galaxies each of which are modeled as a point source.

        The name of the dataset is required for point-source model-fitting, as it pairs a point-source dataset with
        its corresponding point-source in the model-fit. For example, if a dataset has the name `source_1`, it will
        be paired with the `Point` model-component which has the name `source_1`. If a dataset component is not
        successfully paired with a model-component, an error is raised.

            The name of the point source dataset which is paired to a `Point` in the `Model`.
            The image-plane (y,x) positions of the point-source.
            The noise-value of every (y,x) position, which is typically the pixel-scale of the data.
            The image-plane flux of each observed point-source of light.
            The noise-value of every observed flux.

        self.name = name

        if not isinstance(positions, aa.Grid2DIrregular):
            positions = aa.Grid2DIrregular(grid=positions)

        self.positions = positions

        if not isinstance(positions_noise_map, aa.ValuesIrregular):
            positions_noise_map = aa.ValuesIrregular(

        self.positions_noise_map = positions_noise_map

        if fluxes is not None:
            if not isinstance(fluxes, aa.ValuesIrregular):
                fluxes = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=fluxes)

        self.fluxes = fluxes

        if fluxes_noise_map is not None:
            if not isinstance(fluxes_noise_map, aa.ValuesIrregular):
                fluxes_noise_map = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=fluxes_noise_map)

        self.fluxes_noise_map = fluxes_noise_map
Пример #2
    def test__values_from_array_slim(self):

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[1.0, 2.0])

        values_from_1d = values.values_from_array_slim(
            array_slim=np.array([1.0, 2.0]))

        assert values_from_1d.in_list == [1.0, 2.0]

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

        values_from_1d = values.values_from_array_slim(
            array_slim=np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]))

        assert values_from_1d.in_list == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
Пример #3
    def test__output_values_to_json(self):

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[6.0, 7.0, 8.0])

        output_values_dir = path.join(

        if path.exists(output_values_dir):


        file_path = path.join(output_values_dir, "values_test.dat")


        values = aa.ValuesIrregular.from_file(file_path=file_path)

        assert values.in_list == [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]

        with pytest.raises(FileExistsError):

        values.output_to_json(file_path=file_path, overwrite=True)
Пример #4
    def test__coordinates_from_grid_1d(self):

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[1.0, 2.0])

        coordinate_from_1d = values.grid_from_grid_slim(
            grid_slim=np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0]]))

        assert coordinate_from_1d.in_list == [(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0)]

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]])

        coordinate_from_1d = values.grid_from_grid_slim(
            grid_slim=np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 2.0], [3.0, 3.0]]))

        assert coordinate_from_1d.in_list == [(1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0),
                                              (3.0, 3.0)]
Пример #5
    def test__input_as_list__convert_correctly(self):

        values = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[1.0, -1.0])

        assert type(values) == aa.ValuesIrregular
        assert (values == np.array([1.0, -1.0])).all()
        assert values.in_list == [1.0, -1.0]
Пример #6
    def extract_attribute(self, cls, attr_name):
        Returns an attribute of a class and its children profiles in the the galaxy as a `ValueIrregular`
        or `Grid2DIrregular` object.

        For example, if a galaxy has two light profiles and we want the `LightProfile` axis-ratios, the following:

        `galaxy.extract_attribute(cls=LightProfile, name="axis_ratio"`

        would return:

        ValuesIrregular(values=[axis_ratio_0, axis_ratio_1])

        If a galaxy has three mass profiles and we want the `MassProfile` centres, the following:

        `galaxy.extract_attribute(cls=MassProfile, name="centres"`

         would return:

        GridIrregular2D(grid=[(centre_y_0, centre_x_0), (centre_y_1, centre_x_1), (centre_y_2, centre_x_2)])

        This is used for visualization, for example plotting the centres of all light profiles colored by their profile.

        if isinstance(self, cls):
            if hasattr(self, attr_name):

                attribute = getattr(self, attr_name)

                if isinstance(attribute, float):
                    return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[attribute])
                if isinstance(attribute, tuple):
                    return aa.Grid2DIrregular(grid=[attribute])
Пример #7
 def ellipticities(self) -> aa.ValuesIrregular:
     If we treat this vector field as a set of weak lensing shear measurements, the galaxy ellipticity each vector
     corresponds too.
     return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=np.sqrt(self.slim[:, 0]**2 +
                                              self.slim[:, 1]**2.0))
Пример #8
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        fluxes: aa.ValuesIrregular,
        noise_map: aa.ValuesIrregular,
        positions: aa.Grid2DIrregular,
        tracer: Tracer,
        point_profile: Optional[ag.ps.Point] = None,

        self.tracer = tracer

        self.name = name
        self.positions = positions

        if point_profile is None:
            point_profile = tracer.extract_profile(profile_name=name)

        self.point_profile = point_profile

        if self.point_profile is None:
            raise exc.PointExtractionException(
                f"For the point-source named {name} there was no matching point source profile "
                f"in the tracer (make sure your tracer's point source name is the same the dataset name."

        elif not hasattr(self.point_profile, "flux"):
            raise exc.PointExtractionException(
                f"For the point-source named {name} the extracted point source was the "
                f"class {self.point_profile.__class__.__name__} and therefore does "
                f"not contain a flux component.")

        if len(tracer.planes) > 2:
            upper_plane_index = tracer.extract_plane_index_of_profile(
            deflections_func = partial(
            deflections_func = tracer.deflections_yx_2d_from

        self.magnifications = abs(
                grid=positions, deflections_func=deflections_func))

        model_fluxes = aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[
            magnification * self.point_profile.flux
            for magnification in self.magnifications

Пример #9
 def phis(self) -> aa.ValuesIrregular:
     If we treat this vector field as a set of weak lensing shear measurements, the position angle defined
     counter clockwise from the positive x-axis of each galaxy ellipticity that each vector corresponds too.
     return aa.ValuesIrregular(
         values=np.arctan2(self.slim[:, 0], self.slim[:, 1]) * 180.0 /
         np.pi / 2.0)
Пример #10
    def residual_map(self) -> aa.ValuesIrregular:
        Returns the residual map, over riding the parent method so that the result is converted to a
        `ValuesIrregular` object.
        residual_map = super().residual_map

        return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=residual_map)
Пример #11
    def model_data(self):
        The model-fluxes of the tracer at each of the image-plane positions.

        Only point sources which are a `PointFlux` type, and therefore which include a model parameter for its flux,
        are used.
        return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=[
            magnification * self.point_profile.flux
            for magnification in self.magnifications
Пример #12
    def from_dict(cls, dict_: dict) -> "PointDataset":
        Create a point source dataset from a dictionary representation.

            A dictionary. Arrays are represented as lists or lists of lists.

        An instance
        return cls(
            if dict_["fluxes"] is not None else None,
            if dict_["fluxes_noise_map"] is not None else None,
Пример #13
    def extract_attribute(self, cls, attr_name):
        Returns an attribute of a class and its children profiles in the the galaxy as a `ValueIrregular`
        or `Grid2DIrregular` object.

        For example, if a galaxy has two light profiles and we want the `LightProfile` axis-ratios, the following:

        `galaxy.extract_attribute(cls=LightProfile, name="axis_ratio"`

        would return:

        ValuesIrregular(values=[axis_ratio_0, axis_ratio_1])

        If a galaxy has three mass profiles and we want the `MassProfile` centres, the following:

        `galaxy.extract_attribute(cls=MassProfile, name="centres"`

         would return:

        GridIrregular2D(grid=[(centre_y_0, centre_x_0), (centre_y_1, centre_x_1), (centre_y_2, centre_x_2)])

        This is used for visualization, for example plotting the centres of all light profiles colored by their profile.

        def extract(value, name):

                return getattr(value, name)
            except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                return None

        attributes = [
            extract(value, attr_name)
            for value in self.__dict__.values()
            if isinstance(value, cls)

        attributes = list(filter(None, attributes))

        if attributes == []:
            return None
        elif isinstance(attributes[0], float):
            return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=attributes)
        elif isinstance(attributes[0], tuple):
            return aa.Grid2DIrregular(grid=attributes)
Пример #14
    def extract_attribute(self, cls, attr_name):
        Returns an attribute of a class in the tracer as a `ValueIrregular` or `Grid2DIrregular` object.

        For example, if a tracer has an image-plane with a galaxy with two light profiles, the following:

        `tracer.extract_attribute(cls=LightProfile, name="axis_ratio")`

        would return:

        ValuesIrregular(values=[axis_ratio_0, axis_ratio_1])

        If the image plane has has two galaxies with two mass profiles and the source plane another galaxy with a
        mass profile, the following:

        `tracer.extract_attribute(cls=MassProfile, name="centre")`

        would return:

        GridIrregular2D(grid=[(centre_y_0, centre_x_0), (centre_y_1, centre_x_1), (centre_y_2, centre_x_2)])

        This is used for visualization, for example plotting the centres of all mass profiles colored by their profile.
        def extract(value, name):

                return getattr(value, name)
            except (AttributeError, IndexError):
                return None

        attributes = [
            extract(value, attr_name) for galaxy in self.galaxies
            for value in galaxy.__dict__.values() if isinstance(value, cls)

        if attributes == []:
            return None
        elif isinstance(attributes[0], float):
            return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=attributes)
        elif isinstance(attributes[0], tuple):
            return aa.Grid2DIrregular(grid=attributes)
Пример #15
 def semi_minor_axes(self) -> aa.ValuesIrregular:
     If we treat this vector field as a set of weak lensing shear measurements, the semi-minor axis of each
     galaxy ellipticity that each vector corresponds too.
     return aa.ValuesIrregular(values=3 * (1 - self.ellipticities))