def HandleAdjustWallDist(req):
    """ Handler for adjusting wall hugging parameters

    Responds with wall_dist msg and a bool to verify that the
    service command has been accepted
    global PATH_CONFIG

    # print " wall {}".format(req.cmd.wall)
    # print " dist {}\n".format(req.cmd.dist)

    resp = wall_dist()
    isValid = req.cmd.dist >= 0

    if isValid is True and req.cmd.wall != autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_FRONT:
        """ only accept WALL_LEFT or WALL_RIGHT
        Service client can send an invalid wall or distance
        query current settings
        if req.cmd.wall is not wall_dist.WALL_UNDEF:
            PATH_CONFIG.wallToWatch = req.cmd.wall

        PATH_CONFIG.desiredTrajectory = req.cmd.dist
        isValid = False

    resp.wall = PATH_CONFIG.wallToWatch
    resp.dist = PATH_CONFIG.desiredTrajectory
    return AdjustWallDistResponse(resp, isValid)
def setWallDist(dist, wall):
        adjustWall = rospy.ServiceProxy('adjustWallDist', AdjustWallDist)
        cmd = wall_dist()
        cmd.wall = wall
        cmd.dist = dist
        resp = adjustWall(cmd)
        return resp
    except rospy.ROSException, e:
        print "Service called failed: %s" % e