Пример #1
def naive_eps_simple(func, prob, k, delta): # naive simple composition
    # input x is log delta, it needs to be negative
    tmp_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
    eps = tmp_acct.get_eps(delta/k/prob)
    eps1, delta1 = rdp_acct.subsample_epsdelta(eps, delta/k/prob, prob)

    return eps1*k
Пример #2
def single_release_comp(sigma_1, sigma_2=None, delta=1e-5):
    """ input arguments """
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma_1}, x), prob=1.)
    if sigma_2 is not None:
        acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma_2}, x), prob=1.)

    print("Privacy loss is", acct.get_eps(delta))
Пример #3
def get_eps_rdp(func, delta):
    This is the generic function that uses RDP accountant and RDP function to solve for eps given delta
    :param func:
    :param delta:
    :return: The corresponding epsilon
    assert (delta >= 0)
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct(m=10, m_max=10)
    return acct.get_eps(delta)
def conservative_analysis():
    """ input arguments """

    # (1) privacy parameters for four types of Gaussian mechanisms
    sigma = 10.

    # (2) desired delta level
    delta = 1e-5

    n_epochs = 10  # 5 for DP-MERF and 17 for DP-MERF+AE
    batch_size = 64  # the same across experiments
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    n_data_by_class = [
        5923, 6742, 5958, 6131, 5842, 5421, 5918, 6265, 5851, 5949

    start_time = time.time()
    subset_count = 0
    for n_data in n_data_by_class:

        steps_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(n_data / batch_size))
        n_steps = steps_per_epoch * n_epochs
        sampling_rate = batch_size / n_data

        epoch_last_batch_size = n_data % batch_size
        epoch_last_sampling_rate = epoch_last_batch_size / n_data

        # old_time = start_time
        old_time = time.time()
        for i in range(1, n_steps + 1):
            sampling_rate_i = epoch_last_sampling_rate if i % steps_per_epoch == 0 else sampling_rate
                lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma}, x),
            if i % steps_per_epoch == 0:
                new_time = time.time()
                epochs_done = i // steps_per_epoch
                t_used = new_time - old_time
                t_total = new_time - start_time
                t_total_min = t_total / 60
                    f'Epoch {epochs_done} done - Time used: {t_used:.2f}, Total: {t_total:.2f} ({t_total_min:.2f} minutes)'
                old_time = new_time

            if i == n_steps:
                pre_eps_time = time.time()
                subset_count += 1
                print("[", i, "]Privacy loss is", (acct.get_eps(delta)))
                post_eps_time = time.time()
                print('time to get_eps: ', post_eps_time - pre_eps_time)
                old_time = post_eps_time
        print(f'data subset {subset_count} done')
Пример #5
def main(config):
    delta = 1e-5
    batch_size = config['batchsize']
    prob = 1. / config['num_discriminators']  # subsampling rate
    n_steps = config['iterations']  # training iterations
    sigma = 0.4859#config['noise_multiplier']  # noise scale
    func = lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma}, x)

    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
    acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(func, prob, coeff=n_steps * batch_size)
    epsilon = acct.get_eps(delta)
    print("Privacy cost is: epsilon={}, delta={}".format(epsilon, delta))
def conservative_analysis_syn2d(sigma, delta, n_epochs, batch_size,
                                n_data_per_class, n_classes,
    """ input arguments """

    # (2) desired delta level
    # delta = 1e-5

    # n_epochs = 20
    # batch_size = 256
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    n_data_by_class = [n_data_per_class] * n_classes

    start_time = time.time()
    subset_count = 0
    for model_idx, n_data in enumerate(n_data_by_class):

        steps_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(n_data / batch_size))
        n_steps = steps_per_epoch * n_epochs
        sampling_rate = batch_size / n_data

        epoch_last_batch_size = n_data % batch_size
        epoch_last_sampling_rate = epoch_last_batch_size / n_data

        # old_time = start_time
        old_time = time.time()
        for i in range(1, n_steps + 1):
            sampling_rate_i = epoch_last_sampling_rate if i % steps_per_epoch == 0 else sampling_rate
                lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma}, x),
            if i % steps_per_epoch == 0:
                new_time = time.time()
                epochs_done = i // steps_per_epoch
                t_used = new_time - old_time
                t_total = new_time - start_time
                t_total_min = t_total / 60
                    f'Epoch {epochs_done} done - Time used: {t_used:.2f}, Total: {t_total:.2f} ({t_total_min:.2f} minutes)'
                old_time = new_time

            if i == n_steps and (print_intermediate_results
                                 or model_idx + 1 == len(n_data_by_class)):
                pre_eps_time = time.time()
                subset_count += 1
                print("[", i, "]Privacy loss is", (acct.get_eps(delta)))
                post_eps_time = time.time()
                print(f'time to get_eps: {post_eps_time - pre_eps_time:.2f}')
                old_time = post_eps_time
        print(f'data subset {subset_count} done')
Пример #7
def main():
    """ input arguments """

    # (1) privacy parameters for four types of Gaussian mechanisms
    sigma = 1.2

    # (2) desired delta level
    delta = 1e-5

    # (5) number of training steps
    n_epochs = 10  # 5 for DP-MERF and 17 for DP-MERF+AE
    batch_size = 64  # the same across experiments

    dataset = "intrusion"

    if dataset == "epileptic":
        n_data = 8049
    elif dataset == "isolet":
        n_data = 4366
    elif dataset == "adult":
        n_data = 11077
    elif dataset == "census":
        n_data = 199523
    elif dataset == "cervical":
        n_data = 753
    elif dataset == "credit":
        n_data = 2668
    elif dataset == "intrusion":
        n_data = 394021
    elif dataset == "covtype":
        n_data = 9217

    steps_per_epoch = n_data // batch_size
    n_steps = steps_per_epoch * n_epochs
    # n_steps = 1

    # (6) sampling rate
    prob = batch_size / n_data
    # prob = 1
    """ end of input arguments """
    """ now use autodp to calculate the cumulative privacy loss """
    # declare the moment accountants
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    eps_seq = []

    for i in range(1, n_steps + 1):
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma}, x), prob)
        if i % steps_per_epoch == 0 or i == n_steps:
            print("[", i, "]Privacy loss is", (eps_seq[-1]))
Пример #8
def direct_readout(ar):
    delta = 1e-5
    batch_size = ar.batchsize
    prob = 1. / ar.num_discriminators  # subsampling rate
    n_steps = ar.iterations  # training iterations
    print(n_steps, batch_size, prob)
    sigma = ar.noise_multiplier  # noise scale
    func = lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma}, x)

    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
    acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(func, prob, coeff=n_steps * batch_size)
    epsilon = acct.get_eps(delta)
    print("Privacy cost is: epsilon={}, delta={}".format(epsilon, delta))
Пример #9
    def func(x):
        # We assume that the rdp_func and param_name is chosen such that this function is either monotonically
        # increasing or decreasing.
        params[param_name] = x
        rdp = lambda alpha: rdp_func(params, alpha)
        tmp_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

        if prob < 1.0 and prob > 0:
            tmp_acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(rdp, prob, coeff=k)
            tmp_acct.compose_mechanism(rdp, coeff=k)

        eps_tmp = tmp_acct.get_eps(delta)
        return eps_tmp - eps
Пример #10
def naive_eps(x, func, prob, k, delta): # naive strong composition
    # input x is log delta, it needs to be negative
    #t1 = time.time()
    tmp_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
    eps = tmp_acct.get_eps(np.exp(x))
    eps1, delta1 = rdp_acct.subsample_epsdelta(eps, np.exp(x), prob)
    eps_1 = k*eps1
    deltatilde = 1 - np.exp(np.log(1-delta) - k*np.log(1-delta1))
    eps_2 = k*eps1**2+ eps1 *(2*k*np.log(np.exp(1) +(k*eps1**2)**0.5/deltatilde))**0.5
    eps_3 = k*eps1**2 + eps1*(2*k*np.log(1 / deltatilde))**0.5
    eps_all = np.min([eps_1,eps_2,eps_3])

    if eps_all < 0:  # it will be -1
        return np.inf
        return eps_all
Пример #11
def get_eps_rdp_subsampled(func, delta, prob):
    This is the generic function that uses RDP accountant and RDP function to solve for eps given delta
    :param func:
    :param delta:
    :return: The corresponding epsilon
    assert (delta >= 0)
    assert (prob >= 0)
    if prob == 0:
        return 0
    elif prob == 1:
        return get_eps_rdp(func, delta)
        acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
        acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(func, prob)
        return acct.get_eps(delta)
Пример #12
def main():

    """ input arguments """

    # (1) privacy parameters for four types of Gaussian mechanisms
    sigma1 = 2.
    sigma2 = 200.0
    sigma3 = 200.0
    sigma4 = 200.0

    # (2) number of clusters in MoG
    num_Clust = 1

    # (3) number of iterations in EM updates
    num_iter_EM = 1

    # (4) desired delta level
    delta = 1e-5

    # (5) number of training steps
    k = 4000

    # (6) sampling rate
    prob = 512./60000.

    """ end of input arguments """

    """ now use autodp to calculate the cumulative privacy loss """
    # declare the moment accountants
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    # define the functional form of uppder bound of RDP
    func = CGF_func(sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, num_Clust, num_iter_EM)

    eps_seq = []
    print_every_n = 100
    for i in range(1, k+1):
        acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(func, prob)
        if i % print_every_n == 0 or i == k:
            print("[", i, "]Privacy loss is", (eps_seq[-1]))

    print("Composition of 1000 subsampled Gaussian mechanisms gives ", (acct.get_eps(delta), delta))
Пример #13
from torch.optim import lr_scheduler
import network
#from utils import Hamming_Score as hamming_accuracy
import os
from dataset_loader import ImageDataset
import aggregation
import autodp
from autodp import rdp_bank, dp_acct, rdp_acct, privacy_calibrator
#from utils import Hamming_Score as hamming_accuracy
from utils import hamming_precision as hamming_accuracy
from knn_attribute import tau_limit
import sys
from datafolder.folder import Test_Dataset
nb_teachers = config.nb_teachers
acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
gaussian = lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian(
    {'sigma': int(config.gau_scale / config.tau)}, x)
#print('privacy loss', acct.get_eps(config.delta))
dataset_dict = {
    'market': 'Market-1501',
    'duke': 'DukeMTMC-reID',

def ensemble_preds(nb_teachers, stdnt_data):
  Given a dataset, a number of teachers, and some input data, this helper
  function queries each teacher for predictions on the data and returns
  all predictions in a single array. (That can then be aggregated into
Пример #14
    for i, batch in enumerate(data_iterator):
        data = batch.data[0].as_in_context(ctx).reshape((-1, 784))
        label = batch.label[0].as_in_context(ctx)
        output = net(data)
        predictions = nd.argmax(output, axis=1)
        acc.update(preds=predictions, labels=label)
        loss = softmax_cross_entropy(output, label)
        loss_fun = loss_fun * i / (i + 1) + nd.mean(loss).asscalar() / (i + 1)
    return acc.get()[1], loss_fun

# ## Now let's try attaching a privacy accountant to this data set

# declare a moment accountant from pydiffpriv
DPobject = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

# Specify privacy specific inputs
thresh = 4.0  # limit the norm of individual gradient
sigma = thresh

delta = 1e-5

func = lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian({'sigma': sigma / thresh}, x)

# ## We now specify the parameters needed for learning

epochs = 10
learning_rate = .1
Пример #15
    part_sum = 4 * alpha * (alpha - 2) * gamma**3 / (3 * sigma**3)

    return bound

dense = 1.07
alpha_list = [
    int(dense**i + 1) for i in range(int(math.floor(math.log(M, dense))) + 1)
alpha_list = np.unique(alpha_list)

for name, func in funcs.items():
    figure_2 = []
    cgf_poisson = []
    # Declare the analytical CGF accountant
    acgfacct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct(m=m, m_max=1000, m_lin_max=M)

    # Declare another analytical CGF accountant for calculating the lower bound
    acgfacct3 = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct(m=m, m_max=1000, m_lin_max=M)
    # general_acct tracks the general upperbound, we set approx=True for approximate methods
    general_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct(m=m,

    def cgf(x):
        return (x - 1) * func(x)

    moment = []  # only for gaussian

    if name == 'gaussian':
Пример #16
    def amplify(self, mechanism, prob, improved_bound_flag=False):
        # If you know that your mechanism
        #  - (for PoissonSampling) satisfies the the conditions in Theorem 8 of http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/zhu19c/zhu19c.pdf
        #  - or (for subsampling)  satisfies the conditions of Theorem 27 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.00087.pdf
        # then you may switch general_bound_flag to False to get a tighter bound.

        # Else, for all mechanisms with RDP bounds, the general upper bounds are used by default.

        newmech = Mechanism()

        # privacy amplification via approx-dp

        # Amplification of RDP
        # propagate to approxDP as well.

        if self.PoissonSampling:
            assert not mechanism.replace_one, "mechanism's replace_one notion of DP is " \
                                                   "incompatible with Privacy Amplification " \
                                                   "by Poisson sampling"
            # check that the input mechanism uses the standard add-or-remove notion of DP.
            # If not, there actually isn't a way to convert it from replace-one notation,
            # unless a "dummy" user exists in the space.
            newmech.replace_one = False

        else:  # if we want subsampled DP
            assert mechanism.replace_one, "mechanism's add-remove notion of DP is " \
                                                   "incompatible with Privacy Amplification " \
                                                   "by subsampling without replacements"
            # TODO: implement a transformer that convert add/remove to replace_one notion of DP.
            newmech.replace_one = True

        if prob == 0:
            new_approxDP = lambda delta:0
            new_approxDP = lambda delta: np.log(1 + prob*(np.exp(mechanism.approxDP(delta/prob))-1))
        newmech.approxDP = new_approxDP

        acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
        if self.PoissonSampling:
            if improved_bound_flag:
        else:  # subsampling
            if improved_bound_flag:
                acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(mechanism.RenyiDP, prob, improved_bound_flag=True)
                acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(mechanism.RenyiDP, prob)

        new_rdp = acct.evalRDP

        #TODO: Implement the amplification of f-DP
        # propagate to approxDP, or simply get the f-DP from approximate-DP.

        # book keeping
        key = self.name + '_' + str(prob)
        num = 0
        newname = self.name

        # the following handles the case when key is already in the params
        while key in mechanism.params:
            num = num+1
            newname = self.name+str(num)
            key = newname + '_' + str(prob)

        newmech.name = newname +':'+mechanism.name
        newmech.params = mechanism.params
        new_params = {newname:prob}

        return newmech

# TODO: implement other transformers:
# - amplification by shuffling
# - parallel composition
# - group composition
# - private selection of private candidates
# - amplification by overwhelmingly large-probability event.
Пример #17
 def func(x):
     rdp = lambda alpha: rdp_func(params, alpha)
     tmp_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
     tmp_acct.compose_subsampled_mechanism(rdp, x, coeff=k)
     eps_tmp = tmp_acct.get_eps(delta)
     return eps_tmp - eps
def calibrate_epsilon(params, delta):  #lemma_8
    # We use approximate-CDP for the composition, and then calculate the \epsilon parameters as a function of \delta

    # Input 'params' should contain the following fields
    # params['config'] keeps the integer denoting which configuration it is
    # params['eps_sigma']  keeps the epsilon parameter used by the Laplace mechanism when releasing M2's eigenvalue
    # params['delta_sigma'] denotes the failure probability for the high-probability upper bound of LS
    # params['eps_gamma'] and params['delta_gamma']  are similarly for M3's eigenvalue
    # params['Gaussian'] contains a list of tuples each containing (sensitivity,  variance)
    # this is because each config often release more than one quantities
    config = params['config']
    eps_edge_dist = params['eps_dist']
    acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()

    if not config:
        return 0

    delta0 = 0

    if config == 'config4':
        eps_e9 = eps_edge_dist['e9']
        eps_sigma = eps_e9 / 4
        eps_gamma = eps_e9 / 4
        delta_sigma = delta / 4
        delta_gamma = delta / 4
        delta0 = delta_sigma + delta_gamma
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_pureDP({'eps': eps_sigma}, x))
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_pureDP({'eps': eps_gamma}, x))

    if config == 'config3':
        eps_e7 = eps_edge_dist['e7']
        eps_sigma = eps_e7 / 3
        eps_gamma = eps_e7 / 3
        delta_sigma = delta / 3
        delta_gamma = delta / 3
        delta0 = delta_sigma + delta_gamma
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_pureDP({'eps': eps_sigma}, x))
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_pureDP({'eps': eps_gamma}, x))

    if config == 'config2':
        eps_e6 = eps_edge_dist['e6']
        eps_sigma = eps_e6 / 2
        delta_sigma = delta / 2
        delta0 = delta_sigma
            lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_pureDP({'eps': eps_sigma}, x))

    print('delta0:', delta0)

    if delta0 >= delta:
        return np.inf

    for sensitivity, variance in params['gaussian']:
        ## often we pre-emptively calculate sensitivities,
        ## so they might not be zero in places where we aren;t adding noise.
        ## variance provides a better check for this.
        if sensitivity == 0 or variance == 0:

        std = np.sqrt(variance)
        # CDP of gaussian mechanism conditioning on the event is the same as its RDP.
        acct.compose_mechanism(lambda x: rdp_bank.RDP_gaussian(
            {'sigma': std / max(sensitivity,
                                np.finfo(np.float32).eps)}, x))

    # This privacy calcluation follows from Lemma 8.8 of Bun et al. (2016) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.02065.pdf
    return acct.get_eps((delta - delta0) / (1 - delta0))
Пример #19
    def run(self):
        # Helper methods
        def get_random_lot(data_loader):
            return next(iter(data_loader))

        # Data importing, pre-processing, and loading
        num_training_examples, num_testing_examples, train_data_lot_iterator, train_data_eval_iterator, test_data = self._load_data(
        # parameters calculated from loaded data
        self._num_training_examples = num_training_examples
        self._num_testing_examples = num_testing_examples
            'sample_fraction'] = self._lot_size / num_training_examples
        rounds_per_epoch = round(num_training_examples / self._lot_size)

        # Set up privacy accountant
        accountant = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()  # dpacct.anaCGFAcct()
        eps_sequence = []

        # Network structure creation

        # Loss function
        loss_func = self._get_loss_func()

        # Optimization procedure
        trainer = self._optimizer(self._hyperparams, self._net, self._params,
                                  loss_func, self._model_ctx, accountant)

        # begin profiling if enabled
        if self._enable_mxnet_profiling:
            from mxnet import profiler

        # Training sequence
        rounds = round(self._epochs * rounds_per_epoch)
        loss_sequence = []
        current_epoch_loss = mx.nd.zeros(1, ctx=self._model_ctx)
        for t in range(1, rounds + 1):
            if self._verbose and self._print_epoch_status:
                # show current epoch progress
                epoch_number = 1 + (t - 1) // rounds_per_epoch
                epoch_progress = 1 + (t - 1) % rounds_per_epoch
                    prefix='Epoch {} progress:'.format(epoch_number),

            if self._run_training:
                # prepare random lot of data for DPSGD step
                data, labels = get_random_lot(train_data_lot_iterator)
                data = data.as_in_context(self._model_ctx).reshape(
                    (-1, 1, self._input_layer))
                labels = labels.as_in_context(self._model_ctx)
                data, labels = [], []

            # perform DPSGD step
            lot_mean_loss = trainer.step(

            current_epoch_loss += lot_mean_loss

            # no need to continue running training if NaNs are present
            if not np.isfinite(lot_mean_loss):
                self._run_training = False
                if self._verbose: print("NaN loss on round {}.".format(t))
            if self._params_not_finite():
                self._run_training = False
                if self._verbose:
                    print("Non-finite parameters on round {}.".format(t))

            if self._accumulate_privacy and self._debugging:

            # print some stats after an "epoch"
            if t % rounds_per_epoch == 0:
                if self._verbose:
                    print("Epoch {}  (round {})  complete.".format(
                        t / rounds_per_epoch, t))
                    if self._run_training:
                        print("mean epoch loss: {}".format(
                            current_epoch_loss.asscalar() * self._lot_size /
                        if self._compute_epoch_accuracy:
                            print("training accuracy: {}".format(
                            print("testing accuracy: {}".format(
                    if self._accumulate_privacy and self._debugging:
                        print("eps used: {}\n".format(eps_sequence[-1]))
                current_epoch_loss = mx.nd.zeros(1, ctx=self._model_ctx)

        # end profiling if enabled
        if self._enable_mxnet_profiling:

        # Make sure we don't report a bogus number
        if self._accumulate_privacy:
            final_eps = accountant.get_eps(self._fixed_delta)
            final_eps = -1

        test_accuracy = self._evaluate_accuracy(test_data)

        if self._save_plots or self._debugging:
            self._create_and_save_plots(t, eps_sequence, loss_sequence,
                                        final_eps, test_accuracy)

        return final_eps, test_accuracy
Пример #20
prob is the sample ratio
alpha_limit computes the maximum available alpha for moment method in Abadi et. al.2016
We declare 6 moment account here
acgfacct: Sample w/o Replacement [WBK’18]
acgfacct3:via tight upper/lower bound (Theorem 2/3)
acgfacct5: general upperbound
eps_seq_simple: naive composition
eps_seq_naive: strong composition [Kairouz et al.KOV15]
moment_cache: moment method in Abadi et. al.2016
We compare their privacy loss after k's iteration


m=100 # for small \eps, m needs to be large for big \eps, m needs to be
delta = 1e-8
cgfacct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct(m)
k= 60000
sigma = 5
b = 2
p = 0.6
prob=0.001 # sampling probability
alpha_limit = int(sigma ** 2 * np.log(1 / (prob * sigma))) # maximum alpha for moment method

def naive_eps_simple(func, prob, k, delta): # naive simple composition
    # input x is log delta, it needs to be negative
    tmp_acct = rdp_acct.anaRDPacct()
    eps = tmp_acct.get_eps(delta/k/prob)
    eps1, delta1 = rdp_acct.subsample_epsdelta(eps, delta/k/prob, prob)