def run_cv(self, config: Configuration, scenario: ASlibScenario, folds=10): ''' run a cross fold validation based on the given data from cv.arff Arguments --------- scenario: aslib scenario at hand config: Configuration parameter configuration to use for preprocessing folds: int number of cv-splits ''' try: if scenario.performance_type[0] == "runtime": cv_stat = Stats(runtime_cutoff=scenario.algorithm_cutoff_time) else: cv_stat = Stats(runtime_cutoff=0) for i in range(1, folds + 1):"CV-Iteration: %d" % (i)) test_scenario, training_scenario = scenario.get_split(indx=i) feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector = scenario=training_scenario, config=config) schedules = self.predict( test_scenario, config, feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector) val = Validator() if scenario.performance_type[0] == "runtime": stats = val.validate_runtime( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario) elif scenario.performance_type[0] == "solution_quality": stats = val.validate_quality( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario) else: raise ValueError("Unknown performance_type[0]") cv_stat.merge(stat=stats)">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")"CV Stats") par10 = except ValueError: traceback.print_exc() if not scenario.maximize[0]: par10 = scenario.algorithm_cutoff_time * 10 else: par10 = scenario.algorithm_cutoff_time * -10 if scenario.maximize[0]: par10 *= -1 return par10
def run_fold(self, config: Configuration, scenario:ASlibScenario, fold:int): ''' run a given fold of cross validation Arguments --------- scenario: aslib_scenario.aslib_scenario.ASlibScenario aslib scenario at hand config: Configuration parameter configuration to use for preprocessing fold: int fold id Returns ------- Stats() '''"CV-Iteration: %d" % (fold)) test_scenario, training_scenario = scenario.get_split(indx=fold) feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector = scenario=training_scenario, config=config) schedules = self.predict( test_scenario, config, feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector) val = Validator() if scenario.performance_type[0] == "runtime": stats = val.validate_runtime( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario) elif scenario.performance_type[0] == "solution_quality": stats = val.validate_quality( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario) else: raise ValueError("Unknown: %s" %(performance_type[0])) return stats
def run_fold(self, config: Configuration, scenario:ASlibScenario, fold:int, test_scenario=None, return_fit:bool=False): ''' run a given fold of cross validation Arguments --------- scenario: aslib_scenario.aslib_scenario.ASlibScenario aslib scenario at hand config: Configuration parameter configuration to use for preprocessing fold: int fold id test_scenario:aslib_scenario.aslib_scenario.ASlibScenario aslib scenario with test data for validation generated from <scenario> if None return_fit: bool optionally, the learned preprocessing options, presolver and selector can be returned Returns ------- Stats() (pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector): only present if return_fit is True the pipeline components fit with the configuration options schedule: dict of string -> list of (solver, cutoff) pairs only present if return_fit is True the solver choices for each instance ''' if test_scenario is None:"CV-Iteration: %d" % (fold)) test_scenario, training_scenario = scenario.get_split(indx=fold) else:"Validation on test data") training_scenario = scenario feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector = scenario=training_scenario, config=config) schedules = self.predict( test_scenario, config, feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector) val = Validator() if scenario.performance_type[0] == "runtime": stats = val.validate_runtime( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario, train_scenario=training_scenario) elif scenario.performance_type[0] == "solution_quality": stats = val.validate_quality( schedules=schedules, test_scenario=test_scenario, train_scenario=training_scenario) else: raise ValueError("Unknown: %s" %(scenario.performance_type[0])) if return_fit: return stats, (feature_pre_pipeline, pre_solver, selector), schedules else: return stats
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="Validate the algorithm selection performance of the " "predictions made using test-as-auto-sklearn using " "autofolio.validation.validate.Validator.") parser.add_argument('scenario', help="The ASlib scenario") parser.add_argument('predictions', help="The predictions file, from " "test-as-auto-sklearn") parser.add_argument('--config', help="A (yaml) config file which " "specifies options controlling the learner behavior") logging_utils.add_logging_options(parser) args = parser.parse_args() logging_utils.update_logging(args) msg = "Loading ASlib scenario" scenario = ASlibScenario() scenario.read_scenario(args.scenario) if args.config is not None: msg = "Loading yaml config file" config = yaml.load(open(args.config)) else: config = {} config['allowed_feature_groups'] = [scenario.feature_group_dict.keys()] # either way, update the scenario with the features used during training scenario.used_feature_groups = config['allowed_feature_groups'] msg = "Reading predictions" predictions = pd.read_csv(args.predictions) msg = "Selecting the algorithm with smallest prediction for each instance" algorithm_selections = pandas_utils.get_group_extreme( predictions, "predicted", ex_type="min", group_fields="instance_id") msg = "Creating the schedules for the validator" schedules = parallel.apply_df_simple(algorithm_selections, _get_schedule, scenario.algorithm_cutoff_time) schedules = utils.merge_dicts(*schedules) val = Validator() performance_type = scenario.performance_type[0] if performance_type == "runtime": stats = val.validate_runtime(schedules=schedules, test_scenario=scenario) elif performance_type == "solution_quality": stats = val.validate_quality(schedules=schedules, test_scenario=scenario) else: msg = "Unknown performance type: {}".format(performance_type) raise ValueError(msg) msg = "=== RESULTS ==="