Пример #1
def test_numerical_gradient():
    debug_output = False
    random = np.random.RandomState(42)
    eps = 1e-6

    for model in default_models():
        ei = EIAcquisitionFunction(model)

        for iter in range(10):
            high = 1.0 if iter < 5 else 0.02
            x = random.uniform(low=0.0, high=high, size=(2, ))
            f0, analytical_gradient = ei.compute_acq_with_gradient(x)
            analytical_gradient = analytical_gradient.flatten()
            if debug_output:
                print('x0 = {}, f(x_0) = {}, grad(x_0) = {}'.format(
                    x, f0, analytical_gradient))

            for i in range(2):
                h = np.zeros_like(x)
                h[i] = eps
                fpeps = ei.compute_acq(x + h)[0]
                fmeps = ei.compute_acq(x - h)[0]
                numerical_derivative = (fpeps - fmeps) / (2 * eps)
                if debug_output:
                        'f(x0+eps) = {}, f(x0-eps) = {}, findiff = {}, deriv = {}'
                        .format(fpeps[0], fmeps[0], numerical_derivative[0],
Пример #2
def test_value_same_as_with_gradient():
    # test that compute_acq and compute_acq_with_gradients return the same acquisition values
    for model in default_models():
        ei = EIAcquisitionFunction(model)

        random = np.random.RandomState(42)
        X = random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(10, 2))

        # assert same as computation with gradients
        vec1 = ei.compute_acq(X).flatten()
        vec2 = np.array([ei.compute_acq_with_gradient(x)[0] for x in X])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(vec1, vec2)
Пример #3
def test_optimization_improves():
    debug_output = False
    # Pick a random point, optimize and the expected improvement should be better:
    # But only if the starting point is not too far from the origin
    random = np.random.RandomState(42)
    for model in default_models():
        ei = EIAcquisitionFunction(model)
        opt = LBFGSOptimizeAcquisition(model.state, model,
        if debug_output:
            print('\n\nGP MCMC' if model.does_mcmc() else 'GP Opt')
            fzero = ei.compute_acq(np.zeros((1, 2)))[0]
            print('f(0) = {}'.format(fzero))
        if debug_output and not model.does_mcmc():
            print('Hyperpars: {}'.format(model.get_params()))
            # Plot the thing!
            plot_ei_mean_std(model, ei, max_grid=0.001)
            plot_ei_mean_std(model, ei, max_grid=0.01)
            plot_ei_mean_std(model, ei, max_grid=0.1)
            plot_ei_mean_std(model, ei, max_grid=1.0)

        non_zero_acq_at_least_once = False
        for iter in range(10):
            #initial_point = random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(2,))
            initial_point = random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.1, size=(2, ))
            acq0, df0 = ei.compute_acq_with_gradient(initial_point)
            if debug_output:
                print('\nInitial point: f(x0) = {}, x0 = {}'.format(
                    acq0, initial_point))
                print('grad0 = {}'.format(df0))
            if acq0 != 0:
                non_zero_acq_at_least_once = True
                optimized = np.array(opt.optimize(tuple(initial_point)))
                acq_opt = ei.compute_acq(optimized)[0]
                if debug_output:
                    print('Final point: f(x1) = {}, x1 = {}'.format(
                        acq_opt, optimized))
                assert acq_opt < 0
                assert acq_opt < acq0

        assert non_zero_acq_at_least_once