Пример #1
# ```bash
# LR(C=4.015231900472649, penalty='l2')
# LR(C=9.556786605505499, penalty='l2')
# LR(C=4.05716261883461, penalty='l1')
# LR(C=3.2786487445120858, penalty='l1')
# LR(C=4.655510386502897, penalty='l2')
# ```

# Now we can search for the best combination of constructor parameters by
# trying a bunch of different instances and see which one obtains the best score.
# AutoGOAL also has tools for automating this process.

from autogoal.search import RandomSearch

search = RandomSearch(grammar, evaluate, random_state=0)  # Fixed seed
best, score = search.run(100)

print("Best:", best, "\nScore:", score)

# The `RandomSearch` will try 100 different random instances, and for each one
# run the `evaluate` method we defined earlier. It returns the best one and the corresponding score.

# ```
# Best: LR(C=0.7043201482743121, penalty='l1')
# Score: 0.8853333333333337
# ```

# So we can do a little bit better by carefully selecting the right parameters.
# However, maybe we can do even better.
Пример #2
fitness_fn = movie_reviews.make_fn(examples=100)

# ### Random search
# The `RandomSearch` strategy simply calls `grammar.sample()` a bunch of times
# and stores the best performing pipeline. It has no intelligence whatsoever,
# but it serves as a good baseline implementation.
# We will run it for a total of `1000` fitness evaluations, or equivalently, a total
# of `1000` different random pipelines. To see what's actually going on we will use
# the wonderfull `enlighten` library through our implementation `EnlightenLogger`.

logger = ProgressLogger(log_solutions=True)

random_search = RandomSearch(grammar, fitness_fn, random_state=0)
best_rand, fn_rand = random_search.run(1000, logger=logger)

# !!! note
#     For reproducibility purposes we can pass a fixed random seed in `random_state`.
# ### Evolutionary Search
# Random search is fun, but to search with purpose, we need a more intelligent sampling
# strategy. The `PESearch` (short for Probabilistic Evolutionary Search, phew), does just that.
# It starts with a random sampling strategy, but as it evaluates more pipelines, it modifies
# an probabilistic sampling model so that pipelines similar to the best ones found are more
# commonly sampled.
# There are three main parameters for `PESearch`.