Пример #1
def _traverse_node(node: javalang.ast.Node, file_name) -> [str]:
    strings_in_node, left_side_identifiers = [], []
    if isinstance(node, list) or isinstance(node, set):
        for elem in node:
            child_strings_in_node, child_left_side_identifiers = _traverse_node(elem, file_name)
            left_side_identifiers += child_left_side_identifiers
            strings_in_node += child_strings_in_node
    elif isinstance(node, str):
        if node:
        else:# Empty string -> Do nothing
    elif isinstance(node, javalang.ast.Node):
        for elem in node.children:
            child_strings_in_node, child_left_side_identifiers = _traverse_node(elem, file_name)
            left_side_identifiers += child_left_side_identifiers
            strings_in_node += child_strings_in_node
        a = _parse_left_side_identifiers(node)
        if a is None:
        left_side_identifiers += a
    elif not node:
        pass # Empty node -> Do nothing
        log.info(str(node) + "is neither a node nor a string nor a list nor None") 
    return strings_in_node, left_side_identifiers
Пример #2
    def dynamic_residual(self,
                         x: np.ndarray,
                         f_exc: np.ndarray,                     # TODO: make this a property of WEC
                         f_pto_fun: types.FunctionType,
                         f_ext_fun: types.FunctionType) -> np.ndarray:
        Solves WEC dynamics in residual form so that they may be enforced through
        a nonlinear constraint within an optimization problem
        x : np.ndarray
            Decision variable for optimization problem
        f_exc : np.ndarray
            Time history of excitation forcing at collocation points in body 
            coordinate system
        f_pto_fun : types.FunctionType
            Function that acceps decision variable and WEC, returns PTO forcing at 
            collocation points in body coordinate system
        f_ext_fun : types.FunctionType
            Function that acceps decision variable and WEC, returns other forcing at 
            collocation points in body coordinate system

            Residuals at collocation points
        assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
        assert isinstance(f_exc, np.ndarray)
        assert isinstance(f_pto_fun, types.FunctionType)
        assert isinstance(f_ext_fun, types.FunctionType)
        # WEC position
        x_wec, _, nf, nm = self.decompose_decision_var(x)
        # WEC velocity (each row is a mode, each column is a Fourier component)
        X = np.reshape(x_wec, (nm, -1))
        # complex velocity with position at beginning
        X_hat = np.concatenate((np.reshape(X[:,0],(-1,1)), X[:,1::2] - X[:,2::2]*1j ), axis=1)
        Gi_block_scaled = self.num_scale * self.Gi_block.toarray() # TODO: do this only once
        Fi = np.squeeze(np.reshape(Gi_block_scaled @ X_hat.flatten(), (nm, -1)))
        Fi_fs_tmp_0 = np.real(Fi[0])
        Fi_fs_tmp_1 = np.vstack([np.real(Fi[1::]), -np.imag(Fi[1::])]).ravel('F')
        Fi_fs = np.hstack((np.array(Fi_fs_tmp_0), Fi_fs_tmp_1))
        fi = Fi_fs @ self.Phi
        residual = f_exc + f_pto_fun(x) + f_ext_fun(x) - fi

        return residual.flatten()
Пример #3
def _parse_left_side_identifiers(node):
    # Returns name of all variable names that are on the left side of an assignment
    if isinstance(node, javalang.tree.LocalVariableDeclaration) or isinstance(node, javalang.tree.VariableDeclaration):
        decl_strings = []
        for decl in node.declarators:
            if isinstance(decl, javalang.tree.VariableDeclarator):
                decl_strings += [decl.name]
                log.error(f"Unknown case: {type(decl)} is not a VariableDeclaration")
        return decl_strings
    elif isinstance(node, javalang.tree.Assignment):
        if isinstance(node.expressionl, javalang.tree.MemberReference):
            return [node.expressionl.qualifier, node.expressionl.member]
        elif isinstance(node.expressionl, javalang.tree.This):
            if len(node.expressionl.selectors) == 1 and isinstance(node.expressionl.selectors[0], javalang.tree.MemberReference):
                return [node.expressionl.selectors[0].member]
                log.error(f"Unknown case: {node.expressionl.selectors} has more than 1 selector or is not a MemberReference")
        elif isinstance(node.expressionl, javalang.tree.MethodInvocation):
            strings = []
            for arg in node.expressionl.arguments:
                if isinstance(arg, javalang.tree.MemberReference):
                    strings += [arg.qualifier, arg.member]
            return [node.expressionl.qualifier, node.expressionl.member] + strings
            log.error(f"Unknown case: {type(node.expressionl)} on the left side of an assignment")
        return []
Пример #4
    def run_bem(self, freq=None, wave_dirs=None, post_proc=True):
        if freq is None:
            freq = np.arange(1, self.params['num_freq']+1)*self.params['f0']
        assert isinstance(freq, np.ndarray)
        if wave_dirs is None:
            wave_dirs = [0]
            raise NotImplementedError

        assert isinstance(wave_dirs, list)      # TODO check list contains floats
        solver = cpy.BEMSolver()                # TODO: enable setting this
        test_matrix = xr.Dataset(coords={
            'rho': 1e3,                         # TODO: enable setting this
            'water_depth': [np.infty],          # TODO: enable setting this
            'omega': freq*2*np.pi,
            'wave_direction': wave_dirs,
            'radiating_dof': list(self.fb.dofs.keys()),
        data = solver.fill_dataset(test_matrix, [self.fb],

        data['freq'] = data.omega / (2 * np.pi)
        data['freq'].attrs['units'] = 'Hz'
        data = data.set_coords('freq')

        data['T'] = 1 / data.freq
        data['T'].attrs['units'] = 's'
        data = data.set_coords('T')
        self.hydro = data
        self.hydro['displaced_volume'] = self.hsa.hs_data['disp_volume'] # TODO - redundant probably remove
        if True:                                                            # TODO
            # Infinite frequency added mass
            inf_test_matrix = xr.Dataset(coords={
                                        'rho': 1e3,                         # TODO
                                        'water_depth': [np.infty],
                                        'omega': [np.infty],
                                        'radiating_dof': list(self.fb.dofs.keys()),
            inf_data = solver.fill_dataset(inf_test_matrix, [self.fb])
            self.inf_data = inf_data
            self.hydro['Ainf'] = inf_data.added_mass[0,:,:]
        if post_proc:
Пример #5
def _extract_inner_classifier(cls_node, file_name):
    inner_classifiers = []
    for body_elem in cls_node.body:
        if isinstance(body_elem, javalang.tree.ClassDeclaration):
            inner_classifiers.append(_extract_class(body_elem, file_name))
        elif isinstance(body_elem, javalang.tree.InterfaceDeclaration):
            inner_classifiers.append(_extract_interface(body_elem, file_name))
        elif isinstance(body_elem, javalang.tree.EnumDeclaration):
            inner_classifiers.append(_extract_enum(body_elem, file_name))
    return inner_classifiers
Пример #6
def extract_type(type_node, file_name):
    if isinstance(type_node, javalang.tree.ClassDeclaration):
        return _extract_class(type_node, file_name)
    elif isinstance(type_node, javalang.tree.InterfaceDeclaration):
        return _extract_interface(type_node, file_name)
    elif isinstance(type_node, javalang.tree.EnumDeclaration):
        return _extract_enum(type_node, file_name)
    elif isinstance(type_node, javalang.tree.AnnotationDeclaration):
        log.info("Extracting annotation declaration called")
        return None
        log.info("No matching TypeDeclaration-Subclass!")
        return None
    def set(self, param_internal, param_val):
        assert isinstance(param_internal, Parameter)
        assert param_internal.shape == (self.dimension,)

        if isinstance(param_val, (list, np.ndarray)):
            assert len(param_val) == self.dimension
            assert np.array(param_val).ndim == 1
            val_int_list = [self.decode(val, 'param_val') for val in param_val]
            assert np.isscalar(param_val) is True
            val_int_list = [self.decode(param_val, 'param_val')] * self.dimension
Пример #8
    def boundary_value_or_flux(self, symbol, discretised_child):
        Uses linear extrapolation to get the boundary value or flux of a variable in the
        Finite Volume Method.

        See :meth:`pybamm.SpatialMethod.boundary_value`

        # Find the number of submeshes
        submesh_list = self.mesh.combine_submeshes(*discretised_child.domain)

        prim_pts = submesh_list[0].npts
        sec_pts = len(submesh_list)

        # Create submatrix to compute boundary values or fluxes
        if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryValue):
            if symbol.side == "left":
                sub_matrix = csr_matrix(
                    ([1.5, -0.5], ([0, 0], [0, 1])), shape=(1, prim_pts)
            elif symbol.side == "right":
                sub_matrix = csr_matrix(
                    ([-0.5, 1.5], ([0, 0], [prim_pts - 2, prim_pts - 1])),
                    shape=(1, prim_pts),
        elif isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryGradient):
            if symbol.side == "left":
                dx = submesh_list[0].d_nodes[0]
                sub_matrix = (1 / dx) * csr_matrix(
                    ([-1, 1], ([0, 0], [0, 1])), shape=(1, prim_pts)
            elif symbol.side == "right":
                dx = submesh_list[0].d_nodes[-1]
                sub_matrix = (1 / dx) * csr_matrix(
                    ([-1, 1], ([0, 0], [prim_pts - 2, prim_pts - 1])),
                    shape=(1, prim_pts),

        # Generate full matrix from the submatrix
        # Convert to csr_matrix so that we can take the index (row-slicing), which is
        # not supported by the default kron format
        # Note that this makes column-slicing inefficient, but this should not be an
        # issue
        matrix = csr_matrix(kron(eye(sec_pts), sub_matrix))

        # Return boundary value with domain given by symbol
        boundary_value = pybamm.Matrix(matrix) @ discretised_child
        boundary_value.domain = symbol.domain
        boundary_value.auxiliary_domains = symbol.auxiliary_domains

        return boundary_value
Пример #9
 def gen_initial_guess(self, x_extra=None) -> np.ndarray:
     if isinstance(x_extra,int):
         x_extra = np.zeros(x_extra)
     assert isinstance(x_extra, np.ndarray)
     assert x_extra.ndim == 1
     num_modes = self.hydro.radiating_dof.size
     num_freq = self.hydro.omega.size
     x_pos = np.zeros(num_modes*(2*num_freq+1))
     x = np.concatenate([x_pos, x_extra])
     return x
Пример #10
    def get_pow_ub(self, S, dof:int=2) -> xr.DataArray:
        Find the upper theoretical limit of power

        S : pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
            Wave spectrum created by MHKiT.
        dof : int, optional
            degree-of-freedom. The default is 2 (heave).

        P_ub : xr.DataArray
            Spectrum of power upper bound (sum for total).

        assert isinstance(dof, int)
        Fexc = self.get_waveExcitation(S)['F_EXC'].isel(influenced_dof=dof).squeeze()
        # print(self.hydro)
        Zi = self.hydro['Zi'].isel(dict(influenced_dof=dof,
        P_ub = 1/8 * np.abs(Fexc)**2 / np.real(Zi)
        return P_ub
    def fit(self, X, Y, **kwargs):
        X = self._check_and_format_input(X)
        Y = self._check_and_format_input(Y)

        mean_function = self.likelihood.mean
        if isinstance(mean_function, ScalarMeanFunction):

        def _log_posterior_density(hp_values: anp.ndarray) -> float:
            # We check box constraints before converting hp_values to
            # internal
            if not self._is_feasible(hp_values):
                return -float('inf')
            # Decode and write into Gluon parameters
            _set_gp_hps(hp_values, self.likelihood)
            neg_log = negative_log_posterior(self.likelihood, X, Y)
            return -neg_log

        slice_sampler = SliceSampler(_log_posterior_density, 1.0,
        init_hp_values = _get_gp_hps(self.likelihood)

        self.samples = slice_sampler.sample(init_hp_values,
        self._states = self._create_posterior_states(self.samples, X, Y)
 def process_trace_link_2D_dict(self, trace_link_2D_dict: Dict[float, Dict[float, List[TraceLink]]]):
     print_str_dict, best_eval_result, best_final_threshold, best_maj_thresh = self._process_trace_link_2D_dict(trace_link_2D_dict)
     header_row = [""]  # First header cell is empty -> needed for header column
     header_row += [self.FILE_LEVEL_DROP_THRESH_PATTERN.format(final_threshold) for final_threshold in print_str_dict[best_maj_thresh].keys()]
     excel_array = [header_row]
     for maj_thresh in sorted(print_str_dict):
         next_row = [self.MAJ_DROP_THRESH_PATTERN.format(maj_thresh)]  # First cell is the maj thresh, followed by the evaluated f1 metrics for this maj thresh
         for final_threshold in sorted(print_str_dict[maj_thresh]):
             if self._also_print_eval:
                 log.info(f"\nm{maj_thresh} f{final_threshold}\n"
     excel_array.append([""])  # Add empty row as divider
     if isinstance(best_eval_result, F1ResultObject):
         excel_array = self._add_best_f1_2D_excel_rows(excel_array, print_str_dict, best_eval_result, best_final_threshold, best_maj_thresh)
     FileUtil.write_eval_to_excel(excel_array, self._excel_output_file_path)
 def _find_unregistered_block_in_container(data):
     # Find whether a nested container structure contains Blocks
     if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
         for ele in data:
             if _find_unregistered_block_in_container(ele):
                 return True
         return False
     elif isinstance(data, dict):
         for _, v in data.items():
             if _find_unregistered_block_in_container(v):
                 return True
         return False
     elif isinstance(data, Block):
         return not data in children
         return False
    def _check_container_with_block(self):
        children = set(self._children.values())

        def _find_unregistered_block_in_container(data):
            # Find whether a nested container structure contains Blocks
            if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
                for ele in data:
                    if _find_unregistered_block_in_container(ele):
                        return True
                return False
            elif isinstance(data, dict):
                for _, v in data.items():
                    if _find_unregistered_block_in_container(v):
                        return True
                return False
            elif isinstance(data, Block):
                return not data in children
                return False

        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(v,
                          (list, tuple, dict)) and not (k.startswith('__')
                                                        or k == '_children'):
                if _find_unregistered_block_in_container(v):
                        '"{name}" is an unregistered container with Blocks. '
                        'Note that Blocks inside the list, tuple or dict will not be '
                        'registered automatically. Make sure to register them using '
                        'register_child() or switching to '
                        'nn.Sequential/nn.HybridSequential instead. '.format(
                            name=self.__class__.__name__ + "." + k),
 def __init__(
         self, lower, constr_upper=None, init_val=None, regularizer=None, dimension=1):
     assert isinstance(lower, numbers.Real) and lower >= 0.0
     # lower should be a real number
     self.lower = lower
     super(PositiveScalarEncoding, self).__init__(
         init_val, constr_lower=None, constr_upper=constr_upper,
         regularizer=regularizer, dimension=dimension)
Пример #16
 def __read_bem__(self, fpath=None) -> xr.Dataset:
     if fpath is None: #TODO - should be able to do this as "from_dir" and build entire object
         fpath = os.path.join(self.params['wrk_dir'], self.params['name'] + '.nc')
     assert isinstance(fpath, str), 'fpath must be type(str), received {:}'.format(type(fpath))
     assert os.path.exists(fpath)
     hydro = merge_complex_values(xr.open_dataset(fpath)) # TODO - this could result in a mismatch between mesh and hydro
     self.hydro = hydro
     return hydro
 def __repr__(self):
     s = '{name}(\n{modstr}\n)'
     modstr = '\n'.join([
         '  ({key}): {block}'.format(key=key,
                                     block=_indent(block.__repr__(), 2))
         for key, block in self.__dict__.items()
         if isinstance(block, Block)
     return s.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, modstr=modstr)
Пример #18
def _decorate_ind(e, cnt):
    if isinstance(e, Cnst): pass
    elif isinstance(e, Var): pass
    elif isinstance(e, Linear): pass

    elif isinstance(e, App):
        for ei in e.args:
            cnt = _decorate_ind(ei, cnt)

    elif isinstance(e, If):
        cnt_prev = dict(cnt)
        # record cnt of If
        e.ind = cnt['if']
        cnt['if'] = cnt['if'] + 1
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e1, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e2, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e3, cnt)
        # ASSUME: no Sample and Fsample inside If's
        assert (cnt_prev['sample'] == cnt['sample']
                and cnt_prev['fsample'] == cnt['fsample'])

    elif isinstance(e, Let):
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.v1, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e1, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e2, cnt)

    elif isinstance(e, Sample):
        # record cnt of Sample
        e.ind = cnt['sample']
        cnt['sample'] = cnt['sample'] + 1
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e1, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e2, cnt)

    elif isinstance(e, Fsample):
        # record cnt of Fsample
        e.ind = cnt['fsample']
        cnt['fsample'] = cnt['fsample'] + 1
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e1, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.e2, cnt)

    elif isinstance(e, Observe):
        for ei in e.args:
            cnt = _decorate_ind(ei, cnt)
        cnt = _decorate_ind(e.c1, cnt)

        assert (False)
    return cnt
Пример #19
def calc_impedance(hydro:DataSet_type, damp_frac:float=0.05, make_sym:bool=True):
    Calculate intrinsic impedance (see, e.g., Falnes).
          title={Ocean Waves and Oscillating Systems: Linear Interactions Including Wave-Energy Extraction},
          author={Falnes, J.},
          publisher={Cambridge University Press}

    hydro : xr.core.dataset.Dataset
        Hydro structure returned from Capytaine with mass matrix and hydrostatics
    damp_frac : float, optional
        Frictional damping. The default is 0.05.
    make_sym : bool, optional
        Make symmetric. The default it True.

    Zi : xr.core.dataset.DataArray
        Intrinsic impedance.

    assert isinstance(hydro, DataSet_type), 'hydro must be xr.DataSet, received {:}'.format(type(hydro))
    assert isinstance(damp_frac, float), 'damp_frac must be float, received {:}'.format(type(damp_frac))
    friction_damping = np.eye(hydro.radiation_damping[0,:,:].shape[0])*damp_frac
    Zi = hydro.radiation_damping + friction_damping + \
            1j * (hydro.omega * (hydro.mass + hydro.added_mass) \
                  - hydro.hydrostatic_stiffness / hydro.omega )
    if make_sym:
        Zi.values = (Zi.values + Zi.values.transpose(0,2,1))/2

    return Zi
def cholesky_computations(features,
    Given input matrix X (features), target matrix Y (targets), mean and kernel
    function, compute posterior state {L, P}, where L is the Cholesky factor
        k(X, X) + sigsq_final * I
        L P = Y - mean(X)
    Here, sigsq_final >= noise_variance is minimal such that the Cholesky
    factorization does not fail.

    :param features: Input matrix X (n,d)
    :param targets: Target matrix Y (n,m)
    :param mean: Mean function
    :param kernel: Kernel function
    :param noise_variance: Noise variance (may be increased)
    :param debug_log: Debug output during add_jitter CustomOp?
    :param test_intermediates: If given, all intermediates are written into
        this dict
    :return: L, P
    kernel_mat = kernel(features, features)
    #   Add jitter to noise_variance (if needed) in order to guarantee that
    #   Cholesky factorization works
    sys_mat = AddJitterOp(flatten_and_concat(kernel_mat, noise_variance),
                          debug_log='true' if debug_log else 'false')
    chol_fact = cholesky_factorization(sys_mat)
    centered_y = targets - anp.reshape(mean(features), (-1, 1))
    pred_mat = aspl.solve_triangular(chol_fact, centered_y, lower=True)
    # print('chol_fact', chol_fact)

    if test_intermediates is not None:
        assert isinstance(test_intermediates, dict)
            'features': features,
            'targets': targets,
            'noise_variance': noise_variance,
            'kernel_mat': kernel_mat,
            'sys_mat': sys_mat,
            'chol_fact': chol_fact,
            'pred_mat': pred_mat,
            'centered_y': centered_y

    return chol_fact, pred_mat
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        """Registers parameters."""

        if hasattr(self, name):
            existing = getattr(self, name)
            if isinstance(
                (Parameter, Block)) and not isinstance(value, type(existing)):
                raise TypeError('Changing attribute type for {name} from {type1} to {type2}' \
                                'is not allowed.'.format(
                                    name=name, type1=type(existing), type2=type(value)))

        if isinstance(value, Block):
            self.register_child(value, name)
        elif isinstance(value, Parameter):
            assert name not in self._reg_params, \
                "Overriding Parameter attribute %s is not allowed. " \
                "If you want to share parameters between blocks, please set " \
                "'params' at Block construction instead."
            self._reg_params[name] = value

        super(Block, self).__setattr__(name, value)
 def __init__(self, param_name, encoding, size_cols, **kwargs):
     super(ConstantPositiveVector, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     assert isinstance(encoding, ScalarEncodingBase)
     self.param_name = param_name
     self.encoding = encoding
     self.size_cols = size_cols
     with self.name_scope():
         init_val_int = encoding.init_val_int
         # Note: The initialization values are bogus!
         self.param_internal = self.params.get(
             param_name + '_internal',
             shape=(1,), dtype=DATA_TYPE)
Пример #23
    def write_bem(self, fpath:str=None):
        Write the BEM solution to netCDF file

        fpath : str, optional
            DESCRIPTION. The default is the WEC's wrk_dir.
        if fpath is None:
            fpath = os.path.join(self.params['wrk_dir'], self.params['name'] + '.nc')
        assert isinstance(fpath, str), 'fpath must be type(str), received {:}'.format(type(fpath))
    def _check_and_format_input(self, u):
        Check and massage the input to conform with the numerical type and context

        :param u: some np.ndarray
        assert isinstance(u, anp.ndarray)

        if u.ndim == 1:
            u = anp.reshape(u, (-1, 1))
        if u.dtype != DATA_TYPE:
            return anp.array(u, dtype=DATA_TYPE)
            return u
Пример #25
    def from_file(name: str, fpath: str=None) -> 'WEC':
        Generate a WEC object directly from a directory of previous results

        name : str
        fpath : str, optional
            The default is '.'

        my_wec : WecOptTool.core.Wec

        if fpath is None:
            fpath = '.'
        assert isinstance(fpath, str)
        assert isinstance(name, str)

        param_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(fpath,name+'*.json'))[0]

        with open(param_file) as f:
            params = json.load(f)

        bem_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(fpath,name+'*.nc'))
        if not bem_file:
            params['run_bem'] = bem_file[0]   

        params['wrk_dir'] = fpath
        params['mesh'] = glob.glob(os.path.join(fpath,name+'*.stl'))[0]
        my_wec = WEC(**params)
        return my_wec
Пример #26
def param_to_pretty_string(gluon_param, encoding):
    Take a gluon parameter and transform it to a string amenable to plotting
    If need be, the gluon parameter is appropriately encoded (e.g., log-exp transform).

    :param gluon_param: gluon parameter
    :param encoding: object in charge of encoding/decoding the gluon_param
    assert isinstance(gluon_param, Parameter)
    assert encoding is not None, "encoding of param {} should not be None".format(
    param_as_numpy = encoding.get(getval(gluon_param.data()))

    return "{}: {}".format(
        ";".join("{:.6f}".format(value) for value in param_as_numpy))
Пример #27
    def process_binary_operators(self, bin_op, left, right, disc_left, disc_right):
        """Discretise binary operators in model equations.  Performs appropriate
        averaging of diffusivities if one of the children is a gradient operator, so
        that discretised sizes match up.

        bin_op : :class:`pybamm.BinaryOperator`
            Binary operator to discretise
        left : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The left child of `bin_op`
        right : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The right child of `bin_op`
        disc_left : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The discretised left child of `bin_op`
        disc_right : :class:`pybamm.Symbol`
            The discretised right child of `bin_op`
            Discretised binary operator

        # Post-processing to make sure discretised dimensions match
        left_evaluates_on_edges = left.evaluates_on_edges()
        right_evaluates_on_edges = right.evaluates_on_edges()

        # inner product takes fluxes from edges to nodes
        if isinstance(bin_op, pybamm.Inner):
            if left_evaluates_on_edges:
                disc_left = self.edge_to_node(disc_left)
            if right_evaluates_on_edges:
                disc_right = self.edge_to_node(disc_right)

        # If neither child evaluates on edges, or both children have gradients,
        # no need to do any averaging
        elif left_evaluates_on_edges == right_evaluates_on_edges:
        # If only left child evaluates on edges, map right child onto edges
        elif left_evaluates_on_edges and not right_evaluates_on_edges:
            disc_right = self.node_to_edge(disc_right)
        # If only right child evaluates on edges, map left child onto edges
        elif right_evaluates_on_edges and not left_evaluates_on_edges:
            disc_left = self.node_to_edge(disc_left)
        # Return new binary operator with appropriate class
        out = bin_op.__class__(disc_left, disc_right)
        return out
def predict_posterior_marginals(features,
    Computes posterior means and variances for test_features.
    If pred_mat is a matrix, so will be posterior_means, but not
    posterior_variances. Reflects the fact that for GP regression and fixed
    hyperparameters, the posterior mean depends on the targets y, but the
    posterior covariance does not.

    :param features: Training inputs
    :param mean: Mean function
    :param kernel: Kernel function
    :param chol_fact: Part L of posterior state
    :param pred_mat: Part P of posterior state
    :param test_features: Test inputs
    :return: posterior_means, posterior_variances
    k_tr_te = kernel(features, test_features)
    linv_k_tr_te = aspl.solve_triangular(chol_fact, k_tr_te, lower=True)
    posterior_means = anp.matmul(anp.transpose(linv_k_tr_te), pred_mat) + \
                      anp.reshape(mean(test_features), (-1, 1))
    posterior_variances = kernel.diagonal(test_features) - anp.sum(
        anp.square(linv_k_tr_te), axis=0)
    if test_intermediates is not None:
        assert isinstance(test_intermediates, dict)
                anp.maximum(posterior_variances, MIN_POSTERIOR_VARIANCE),
                (-1, ))

    return posterior_means, anp.reshape(
        anp.maximum(posterior_variances, MIN_POSTERIOR_VARIANCE), (-1, ))
Пример #29
def _get_ind2e(e, res):
    if isinstance(e, Cnst): pass
    elif isinstance(e, Var): pass
    elif isinstance(e, Linear): pass

    elif isinstance(e, App):
        for ei in e.args:
            res = _get_ind2e(ei, res)

    elif isinstance(e, If):
        # add to res_dict
        res[('if', e.ind)] = e
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e1, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e2, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e3, res)

    elif isinstance(e, Let):
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e1, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e2, res)

    elif isinstance(e, Sample):
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e1, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e2, res)

    elif isinstance(e, Fsample):
        # add to res_dict
        res[('fsample', e.ind)] = e
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e1, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.e2, res)

    elif isinstance(e, Observe):
        for ei in e.args:
            res = _get_ind2e(ei, res)
        res = _get_ind2e(e.c1, res)

        assert (False)
    return res
 def __init__(self,
     self._var = None
     self._data = None
     self._grad = None
     self._ctx_list = None
     self._ctx_map = None
     self._trainer = None
     self._deferred_init = ()
     self._differentiable = differentiable
     if allow_deferred_init:
         raise NotImplementedError(
             'allow_deferred_init is not a valid option in autograd')
     self._allow_deferred_init = allow_deferred_init
     self._grad_req = None
     if isinstance(shape, int):
         shape = (shape, )
     self._shape = shape
     self.name = name
     self._dtype = dtype
     self.lr_mult = lr_mult
     self.wd_mult = wd_mult
     self.grad_req = grad_req
     self.init = init
     # sparse related storage type information
     valid_stypes = ['default']
     assert grad_stype in valid_stypes, "grad_stype for Parameter '%s' must be " \
         "one of 'default', 'row_sparse', or 'csr', but got '%s'" % (name, grad_stype)
     assert stype in valid_stypes, "stype for Parameter '%s' must be " \
         "one of 'default', 'row_sparse', or 'csr', but got '%s'" % (name, stype)
     self._grad_stype = grad_stype
     self._stype = stype
Пример #31
 def checker(ex, type_, truthval):
   assert isinstance(ex, type_) == truthval
   return 1.