Пример #1
def mat_cosine_dist(X, Y):
    prod = np.diagonal(np.dot(X, Y.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
    len1 = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(np.dot(X, X.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
    len2 = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(np.dot(Y, Y.T),
        offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
    return np.divide(np.divide(prod, len1), len2)
Пример #2
 def predict(self, x):
     pys = np.zeros((self.outdim, x.shape[1]))
     ps2s = np.zeros((self.outdim, x.shape[1]))
     pys[0], ps2 = self.main_function.predict(x)
     ps2s[0] = np.diagonal(ps2)
     for i in range(1, self.outdim):
         pys[i], ps2 = self.constr_list[i-1].predict(x)
         ps2s[i] = np.diagonal(ps2)
     return pys, ps2s
Пример #3
def logZ(natparam):
    neghalfJ, h, a, b = unpack_dense(natparam)
    J = -2*neghalfJ
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J)
    return 1./2 * np.sum(h * np.linalg.solve(J, h)) \
        - np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))) \
        + np.sum(a + b)
Пример #4
def diag_inv(X):
    returns diagonal matrix with reciprocal
    of diagonal of X
    return np.eye(
        X.shape[0]) * (1 / np.diagonal(X, offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
Пример #5
def logZ(natparam):
    J, h = natparam[:2]
    J = -2 * J
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J)
    return 1./2 * np.sum(h * np.linalg.solve(J, h)) \
        - np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))) \
        - sum(map(np.sum, natparam[2:]))
Пример #6
def logZ(natparam):
    neghalfJ, h, a, b = unpack_dense(natparam)
    J = -2*neghalfJ
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J)
    return 1./2 * np.sum(h * np.linalg.solve(J, h)) \
        - np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))) \
        + np.sum(a + b)
Пример #7
 def predict(self,x):
     pys = np.zeros((self.outdim,x.shape[1]))
     ps2s = np.zeros((self.outdim,x.shape[1]))
     for i in range(self.outdim):
         pys[i], ps2 = self.model[i].predict(x)
         ps2s[i] = np.diagonal(ps2)
     return pys, ps2s
def cost(X):
    mu = 0.132

    global D2
    global V1
    global V2
    global Cor1
    global Cor2
    global k_
    coup = (np.linalg.norm(Cor1.T @ V1[:, 0:k_] - Cor2.T @ V2[:, 0:k_] @ X,

    res = (X.T @ np.diag(D2[0:k_]) @ X)**2
    diag_res = np.diagonal(res, offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)

    diag_res = np.sum(diag_res)

    sumres = np.sum(res)

    val = sumres - diag_res
    #val=np.linalg.norm(X.T @ diag2 @ X - diag2, 'fro') ** 2

    # print(coup)
    res = val + mu * coup
    return res
Пример #9
def logZ(natparam):
    J, h = natparam[:2]
    J = -2*J
    L = np.linalg.cholesky(J)
    return 1./2 * np.sum(h * np.linalg.solve(J, h)) \
        - np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))) \
        - sum(map(np.sum, natparam[2:]))
Пример #10
def _unvectorize_symmetric_matrix(vec_val):
    ld_mat = _unvectorize_ld_matrix(vec_val)
    mat_val = ld_mat + ld_mat.transpose()
    # We have double counted the diagonal.  For some reason the autograd
    # diagonal functions require axis1=-1 and axis2=-2
    mat_val = mat_val - \
        np.make_diagonal(np.diagonal(ld_mat, axis1=-1, axis2=-2),
                         axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
    return mat_val
Пример #11
def compute_stats(Ex, ExxT, ExnxT, inhomog):
    T = Ex.shape[-1]
    E_init_stats = ExxT[:,:,0], Ex[:,0], 1., 1.
    E_pair_stats = np.transpose(ExxT, (2, 0, 1))[:-1], \
        ExnxT.T, np.transpose(ExxT, (2, 0, 1))[1:], np.ones(T-1)
    E_node_stats = np.diagonal(ExxT.T, axis1=-1, axis2=-2), Ex.T, np.ones(T)

    if not inhomog:
        E_pair_stats = map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), E_pair_stats)

    return E_init_stats, E_pair_stats, E_node_stats
Пример #12
def mvnlogpdf(x, mu, L):
    not really logpdf. we need to use the weights
    to keep track of normalizing factors that differ
    across clusters

    L cholesky decomposition of covariance matrix
    D = L.shape[0]
    logdet = 2 * np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L)))
    quad = np.inner(x - mu, solve(L.T, solve(L, (x - mu))))
    return -0.5 *(D * np.log(2 * np.pi) + logdet + quad)
Пример #13
 def _square_dist(self, X, basis=None):
     if basis is None:
         n, d = X.shape
         dist = np.matmul(X, X.T)
         diag_dist = np.outer(np.diagonal(dist), np.ones([1, n]))
         dist = diag_dist + diag_dist.T - 2 * dist
         n_x, d = X.shape
         n_y, d = basis.shape
         dist = -2 * np.matmul(X, basis.T) + np.outer(
             np.sum(np.square(X), axis=1), np.ones([1, n_y])) + np.outer(
                 np.ones([n_x, 1]), np.sum(np.square(basis), axis=1))
     return dist
Пример #14
 def _compute_inverse_coefficient_innovation(self, k, mu_bar, P_bar):
     Rbar = self._R[k - 1] + np.kron(mu_bar.T @ self._V[k - 1] @ mu_bar,
     if np.all(Rbar == np.diag(np.diagonal(Rbar))) and Rbar.sum() > 0:
         Ri = np.diag(1 / np.diag(Rbar))
         RiC = Ri @ self._C[k - 1]
         Pi = np.linalg.inv(P_bar)
         PiCRiC = Pi + self._C[k - 1].T @ RiC
         Skinv = Ri - RiC @ np.linalg.inv(PiCRiC) @ RiC.T
         Sk = self._C[k - 1] @ P_bar @ self._C[k - 1].T + Rbar
         Skinv = np.linalg.inv(Sk)
     return Skinv
Пример #15
 def predict(self, test_x):
     log_sn      = self.theta[0]
     log_sp      = self.theta[1]
     log_lscales = self.theta[2:2+self.dim]
     w           = self.theta[2+self.dim:]
     sn          = np.exp(log_sn)
     sn2         = np.exp(2*log_sn)
     sp          = np.exp(log_sp)
     sp2         = np.exp(2*log_sp)
     Phi_test    = self.calc_Phi(w, scale_x(test_x, log_lscales))
     py          = self.mean + Phi_test.T.dot(self.alpha)
     ps2         = sn2 + sn2 * np.diagonal(Phi_test.T.dot(chol_solve(self.LA, Phi_test)));
     return py, ps2
Пример #16
def score_estimator(alpha, m, x, K, alphaz, S=100):
    Form score function estimator based on samples lmbda.
    N = x.shape[0]
    if x.ndim == 1:
        D = 1
        D = x.shape[1]
    num_z = N * np.sum(K)
    L = K.shape[0]
    gradient = np.zeros((alpha.shape[0], 2))
    f = np.zeros((2 * S, alpha.shape[0], 2))
    h = np.zeros((2 * S, alpha.shape[0], 2))
    for s in range(2 * S):
        lmbda = npr.gamma(alpha, 1.)
        lmbda[lmbda < 1e-300] = 1e-300
        zw = m * lmbda / alpha
        lQ = logQ(zw, alpha, m)
        gradLQ = grad_logQ(zw, alpha, m)

        lP = logp(zw, K, x, alphaz)
        temp = lP - np.sum(lQ)
        f[s, :, :] = temp * gradLQ

        h[s, :, :] = gradLQ

    # CV
    covFH = np.zeros((alpha.shape[0], 2))
    covFH[:, 0] = np.diagonal(
        np.cov(f[S:, :, 0], h[S:, :, 0], rowvar=False)[:alpha.shape[0],
    covFH[:, 1] = np.diagonal(
        np.cov(f[S:, :, 1], h[S:, :, 1], rowvar=False)[:alpha.shape[0],
    a = covFH / np.var(h[S:, :, :], axis=0)

    return np.mean(f[:S, :, :], axis=0) - a * np.mean(h[:S, :, :], axis=0)
Пример #17
def create_degeneracy_data(model, delta_beta=None, points=5000):
    if delta_beta == None:
            DB = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(model.inv_fisher))[-1]
                "Issue with fisher - please calculate fisher before calling this function"
            return 0
        DB = delta_beta
    x = np.linspace(10e-5 * model.DL / 2, .9999999 * model.DL / 2, points)
    y = degeneracy_function_lambda(model, DB, x)
    return x, y
Пример #18
def cost(X):
    mu = 0.132
    # mu=100.0
   #  graph_name='CA-GrQc'
   #  q = 100
   #  k = 20
   #  k_=20
   #  # plt.imshow(A)
   #  # plt.show()
   #  # plt.imshow(B)
   #  # plt.show()
   #  t = np.linspace(1, 50, q)
   #  V1=np.load('eigens_small/'+ graph_name +'/'+ graph_name+ '_evectors_orig.npy')
   #  V2 = np.load('eigens_small/'+ graph_name +'/5/evectors_2.npy')
   #  n=np.shape(V1)[0]
   #  D1=np.load('eigens_small/'+ graph_name +'/'+ graph_name+ '_evalues_orig.npy')
   #  D2=np.load('eigens_small/'+ graph_name +'/5/evalues_2.npy')
   #  #Cor1 = fu.calc_corresponding_functions(n, q, t, D1, V1)
   #  #Cor2 = fu.calc_corresponding_functions(n, q, t, D2, V2)
   #  Cor1= np.load('zwischenspeicher/Cor1.npy')
   #  Cor2=np.load('zwischenspeicher/Cor2.npy')
   # # diag2=np.diag(D2[0:k_]) global D1
    global D2
    global V1
    global V2
    global Cor1
    global Cor2
    global k_
    # print(V1[:,0:k_])
    coup = (np.linalg.norm(Cor1.T@V1[:, 0:k_]-Cor2.T@V2[:, 0:k_]@X, 'fro'))**2
    #print('coup: %f' %(coup))

    res = (X.T @ np.diag(D2[0:k_]) @ X) ** 2
    diag_res = np.diagonal(res, offset=0, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)

    diag_res = np.sum(diag_res)

    sumres = np.sum(res)

    val = sumres - diag_res
   # print('val: %f' %val)
    #val=np.linalg.norm(X.T @ diag2 @ X - diag2, 'fro') ** 2

    # print(coup)
    res = val+mu*coup
  #  print(res)
    return res
Пример #19
def log_observed_spikes(N, mu, Sig):
    log probability of observed spikes given eta
    N: (T, U)
    mu: (T, U)
    Sig: (T, U, U) or (T, U)
    out = N * mu
    if len(Sig.shape) == 3:
        out += -np.exp(mu + 0.5 * np.diagonal(Sig, 0, 1, 2))
        out += -np.exp(mu + 0.5 * Sig)

    return np.sum(out)
def square_corrcoeff_full_cost(V, X, grad=True):
    The cost function for the correlation analysis. This effectively measures the square difference
    in correlation coefficients after transforming to an orthonormal basis given by V.

        V: 2D array of shape (N, K) with V.T * V = I
        X: 2D array of shape (P, N) containing centers of P manifolds in an N=P-1 dimensional
            orthonormal basis
    # Verify that the shapes are correct
    P, N = X.shape
    N_v, K = V.shape
    assert N_v == N

    # Calculate the cost
    C = np.matmul(X, X.T)
    c = np.matmul(X, V)
    c0 = np.diagonal(C).reshape(P, 1) - np.sum(
        np.square(c), axis=1, keepdims=True)
    Fmn = np.square(C - np.matmul(c, c.T)) / np.matmul(c0, c0.T)
    cost = np.sum(Fmn) / 2

    if grad is False:  # skip gradient calc since not needed, or autograd is used
        gradient = None
        # Calculate the gradient
        X1 = np.reshape(X, [1, P, N, 1])
        X2 = np.reshape(X, [P, 1, N, 1])
        C1 = np.reshape(c, [P, 1, 1, K])
        C2 = np.reshape(c, [1, P, 1, K])

        # Sum the terms in the gradient
        PF1 = ((C - np.matmul(c, c.T)) / np.matmul(c0, c0.T)).reshape(
            P, P, 1, 1)
        PF2 = (np.square(C - np.matmul(c, c.T)) /
               np.square(np.matmul(c0, c0.T))).reshape(P, P, 1, 1)
        Gmni = -PF1 * C1 * X1
        Gmni += -PF1 * C2 * X2
        Gmni += PF2 * c0.reshape(P, 1, 1, 1) * C2 * X1
        Gmni += PF2 * (c0.T).reshape(1, P, 1, 1) * C1 * X2
        gradient = np.sum(Gmni, axis=(0, 1))

    return cost, gradient
Пример #21
def leapfrog_friction(M, C, V, q, p, dVdq, path_len, step_size):
    """Leapfrog integrator for Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
    Includes friction term per https://arxiv.org/abs/1402.4102

    M : np.matrix
      Mass of the Euclidean-Gaussian kinetic energy of shape D x D
    C : matrix
      Upper bound parameter for friction term
    V: matrix
      Covariance of the stochastic gradient noise, such that B = V/2
    q : np.floatX
      Initial position
    p : np.floatX
      Initial momentum
    dVdq : callable
      Gradient of the velocity
    path_len : float
      How long to integrate for
    step_size : float
      How long each integration step should be

    q, p : np.floatX, np.floatX
      New position and momentum
    q, p = np.copy(q), np.copy(p)
    Minv = np.linalg.inv(M)
    B = 0.5 * V
    D = np.sqrt(2 * (C - B))
    D = np.diagonal(D)

    p -= step_size * (dVdq(q) + np.dot(C, np.dot(Minv, p)) - np.random.normal() * D) / 2  # half step
    for _ in range(int(path_len / step_size) - 1):
        q += step_size * np.dot(Minv, p)  # whole step
        p -= step_size * (dVdq(q) + np.dot(C, np.dot(Minv, p)) - np.random.normal() * D)  # whole step
    q += step_size * np.dot(Minv, p)  # whole steps
    p -= step_size * (dVdq(q) + np.dot(C, np.dot(Minv, p)) - np.random.normal() * D) / 2  # half step

    # momentum flip at end
    return q, -p
Пример #22
def log_bottleneck_variables(tau, mu_eta, Sig_eta, mu_a, sig_a, mu_b, Sig_b, X,
                             mu_c, Sig_c, xi):
    E[log p(eta)] where
    eta_{.t} ~ MvNormal(m, S)
    m_{ut} = a_u + \sum_r b_{ru} x_{tr} + \sum_k c_{ku} z_{tk}
    T, R = X.shape
    xi1 = xi[:, 1, :]

    out = np.einsum('u, tuu ->', tau, Sig_eta)
    out += np.sum(tau *
                  (mu_eta - mu_a - np.dot(X, mu_b.T) - np.dot(xi1, mu_c.T))**2)
    out += T * np.sum(tau * sig_a)
    out += np.einsum('u,tr,ts,urs', tau, X, X, Sig_b)
    out += np.einsum('u,tk,tj,ukj', tau, xi1, xi1, Sig_c)

    v = xi1 * (1 - xi1)
    W = np.diagonal(Sig_c, axis1=1, axis2=2) + mu_c**2
    out += np.einsum('u,tk,uk->', tau, v, W)

    out += np.sum(np.linalg.slogdet(Sig_eta)[1])
    return -0.5 * out
Пример #23
 def get_node_stats(gaussian_stats):
     ExxT, Ex, En, En = gaussian_stats
     return np.diagonal(ExxT, axis1=-1, axis2=-2), Ex, En
Пример #24
 def fun(D):
     return to_scalar(np.diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
Пример #25
logmargres2 = [model1bopt.fun, model2bopt.fun, model3bopt.fun]
plt.bar(x, logmargres2 / np.sum(logmargres2))

# In[32]:

plt.scatter(x2, y2)

# Calculating posterior mean of the weights for D2

# In[24]:

a2h, sig2h = np.exp(model1bopt.x)
p1 = 6
invpostcov = 1 / a2h * np.identity(p1) + 1 / sig2h * np.dot(phi21.T, phi21)
postcov = np.linalg.inv(invpostcov)
postvar = np.diagonal(postcov)
postmean = (1 / sig2h) * np.dot(postcov, np.dot(phi21.T, y2))
print("posterior mean:", postmean)
print("posterior variance:", postvar)

# In[30]:

a2h, sig2h = np.exp(model2bopt.x[0:2])
p2 = 2
phi22 = phi_2(x2, model2bopt.x[2:4])
invpostcov = 1 / a2h * np.identity(p2) + 1 / sig2h * np.dot(phi22.T, phi22)
postcov = np.linalg.inv(invpostcov)
postvar = np.diagonal(postcov)
postmean = (1 / sig2h) * np.dot(postcov, np.dot(phi22.T, y2))
print("posterior mean:", postmean)
print("posterior variance:", postvar)
Пример #26
def lds_logZ(Y, A, C, Q, R, mu0, Q0):
    """ Log-partition function computed via Kalman filter that broadcasts over
        the first dimension.
        Note: This function doesn't handle control inputs (yet).
        Y : ndarray, shape=(N, T, D)

        A : ndarray, shape=(T, D, D)
          Time-varying dynamics matrices
        C : ndarray, shape=(p, D)
          Observation matrix

        mu0: ndarray, shape=(D,)
          mean of initial state variable

        Q0 : ndarray, shape=(D, D)
          Covariance of initial state variable

        Q : ndarray, shape=(T, D, D)
          Covariance of latent states
        R : ndarray, shape=(T, D, D)
          Covariance of observations

    N = Y.shape[0]
    T, D, _ = A.shape
    p = C.shape[0]

    mu_predict = np.stack([mu0 for _ in range(N)], axis=0)
    sigma_predict = np.stack([Q0 for _ in range(N)], axis=0)

    mus_filt = np.zeros((N, D))
    sigmas_filt = np.zeros((N, D, D))

    ll = 0.

    for t in range(T):

        # condition
        #sigma_pred = dot3(C, sigma_predict, C.T) + R
        tmp1 = einsum2('ik,nkj->nij', C, sigma_predict)
        sigma_y = einsum2('nik,jk->nij', tmp1, C) + R
        sigma_y = sym(sigma_y)

        L = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma_y)
        # res[n] = Y[n,t,:] = np.dot(C, mu_predict[n])
        # the transpose works b/c of how dot broadcasts
        res = Y[..., t, :] - einsum2('ik,nk->ni', C, mu_predict)
        v = solve_triangular(L, res, lower=True)

        # log-likelihood over all trials
        ll += (-0.5 * np.sum(v * v) -
               np.sum(np.log(np.diagonal(L, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))) -
               p / 2. * np.log(2. * np.pi))

        #mus_filt = mu_predict + np.dot(tmp1, solve_triangular(L, v, 'T'))
        mus_filt = mu_predict + einsum2(
            'nki,nk->ni', tmp1, solve_triangular(L, v, trans='T', lower=True))

        tmp2 = solve_triangular(L, tmp1, lower=True)
        #sigmas_filt = sigma_predict - np.dot(tmp2, tmp2.T)
        sigmas_filt = sigma_predict - einsum2('nki,nkj->nij', tmp2, tmp2)
        sigmas_filt = sym(sigmas_filt)

        # prediction
        #mu_predict = np.dot(A[t], mus_filt[t])
        mu_predict = einsum2('ik,nk->ni', A[t], mus_filt)

        #sigma_predict = dot3(A[t], sigmas_filt[t], A[t].T) + Q[t]
        sigma_predict = einsum2('ik,nkl->nil', A[t], sigmas_filt)
        #sigma_predict = einsum2('nil,jl->nij', sigma_predict, A[t]) + Q[t]
        sigma_predict = einsum2('nil,jl->nij', sigma_predict, A[t]) + Q
        sigma_predict = sym(sigma_predict)

    return ll
Пример #27
def diag_inv(y):
    returns diagonal matrix with reciprocal
    of diagonal of y
    return np.diag(1 / np.diagonal(y))
Пример #28
 def fun(D):
     return np.diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)
Пример #29
    "tau": tau,
    "Xcif": Xcif,
    "Y": Y,
    "E": E,
    "r": r,
    "D": D,
    "W": W,
    "M": M
}  # Note: log distance (plus 1)


m = M / np.ones_like(tau)
m = m.T

m_diag = np.diagonal(m)
m_frac = m / m_diag
# m = np.diag(M)

# sigma_epsilon = .1
# epsilon = np.reshape(np.random.normal(0, sigma_epsilon, N ** 2), (N, N))
# np.fill_diagonal(epsilon, 0)

theta_dict = dict()
# theta_dict["b"] = b
theta_dict["alpha"] = .5
theta_dict["c_hat"] = .2
theta_dict["sigma_epsilon"] = 1
theta_dict["gamma"] = .1

Пример #30
    "W": W,
    "M": M,
    "ccodes": ccodes
}  # Note: log distance

# v = np.ones(N)
# v = np.array([1.08, 1.65, 1.61, 1.05, 1.05, 1.30])
# v = np.repeat(1.4, N)

# TODO try just running inner loop, problem is that values of v change with theta as well, no reason we should run theta until covergence rather than iterating on v first.

pecmy = policies.policies(data, params, ROWname)
m_diag = np.diagonal(pecmy.m)
m_frac = pecmy.m / m_diag
m_frac[:, N - 1]

tau_min_mat = copy.deepcopy(pecmy.ecmy.tau)
np.fill_diagonal(tau_min_mat, 5)

theta_dict = dict()
theta_dict["eta"] = 1.
theta_dict["c_hat"] = 25.
theta_dict["alpha1"] = 0.
theta_dict["alpha2"] = 0.
theta_dict["gamma"] = 0.
theta_dict["C"] = np.repeat(25., pecmy.N)
theta_x = pecmy.unwrap_theta(theta_dict)
Пример #31
def hess_k(ws, fdensity, alpha, sig, psf_k):
    print('hess_k begin')
    mo = np.exp(-4.)
    ws = real_to_complex(ws)
    ws = ws.reshape((n_grid, n_grid))
    ws = np.real(fft.ifft2(ws))
    #calc l1 we only get diagonals here
    l1 = -1 * (psf_k**2 / sig_noise**2 / n_grid**2).flatten()
    #calc l2, the hessian of the prior is messy
    xsi = (1. - fdensity) * gaussian(np.log(ws), loc=np.log(
        mo), scale=sig) / ws + fdensity * (ws**alpha / w_norm)
    dxsi = -1 * gaussian(np.log(ws), loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig) * (
        1. - fdensity) / ws**2 - (1. - fdensity) * np.log(ws / mo) * np.exp(
            -np.log(ws / mo)**2 / 2 / sig**2) / np.sqrt(
                2 * np.pi) / ws**2 / sig**3 + fdensity * alpha * ws**(
                    alpha - 1) / w_norm
    dxsi_st = -1 * gaussian(np.log(ws), loc=np.log(mo), scale=sig) * (
        1. - fdensity) / ws**2 - (1. - fdensity) * np.log(ws / mo) * np.exp(
            -np.log(ws / mo)**2 / 2 / sig**2) / np.sqrt(
                2 * np.pi) / ws**2 / sig**3
    ddxsi_st = -1 * dxsi_st / ws - dxsi_st * np.log(ws / mo) / ws / sig**2 - (
        1. - fdensity) * (1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) / sig) * np.exp(
            -np.log(ws / mo)**2 / 2 /
            sig**2) * (1 / sig**2 - np.log(ws / mo) / sig**2 - 1) / ws**3
    ddxsi = ddxsi_st + fdensity * alpha * (alpha - 1) * ws**(alpha -
                                                             2) / w_norm
    l2 = -1 * (dxsi / xsi)**2 + ddxsi / np.absolute(xsi)
    #this is the hessian of the prior wrt m_x, not m_k
    l2_k = fft.ifft2(l2).flatten() / n_grid**2
    #we assume that hessian of l2 is diagonal. Under assumption k = -k', then we only get the zeroth element along the diag
    #lets fill the entire matrix and see whats up;
    hess_m = np.zeros((n_grid**2, n_grid**2), dtype=complex)
    hess_l1 = np.zeros((n_grid**2, n_grid**2), dtype=complex)
    np.fill_diagonal(hess_l1, l1)
    off = []
    for i in range(0, n_grid**2):
        for j in range(0, n_grid**2):
            hess_m[i, j] = l2_k[int(np.absolute(i - j))]
            #check the off diagonals to make sure they are small
            if i != j:
                off.append(l2_k[int(np.absolute(i - j))])
    hess_m = hess_l1 + hess_m
    print('Sigma Real is:');
    print('Simga Imag is:');
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
    ax[0].set_title('Real Hessian')
    ax[1].set_title('Imaginary Hessian')
    l_tot = np.diagonal(hess_m)

    l_minr = min(np.real(l_tot))
    l_mini = min(np.imag(l_tot))
    if l_minr < 0:
        l_tot = l_tot - l_minr + 0.1
    if l_mini < 0:
        l_tot = l_tot - 1j * (l_mini + 0.1)
    print('diag is:');
    print('other is:');
    hess_m = np.zeros((n_grid**2,n_grid**2));
    return hess_m;
    #return l1,l2_k[0];
    l_tot = complex_to_real(l_tot)
    #print('hess is');
    return l_tot
Пример #32
 def fun(D):
     return to_scalar(np.diagonal(D, axis1=-1, axis2=-2))
Пример #33
def diag_extract(a: Numeric):
    return anp.diagonal(a, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)