Пример #1
 def __init__(self,
     GPCSD1D Spatial covariance (Squared exponential).
     :param x: spatial locations of observed LFP in 2D (n_spatial_lfp, 2)
     :param ell_prior1: GPCSDPrior instance or None, prior for lengthscale in first spatial dim
     :param ell_prior2: GPCSDPrior instance or None, prior for lengthscale in second spatial dim
     :param a1: lower boundary for integration in first spatial dim
     :param b1: upper boundary for integration in first spatial dim
     :param a2: lower boundary for integration in second spatial dim
     :param b2: upper boundary for integration in second spatial dim
     :param ngl1: number of points to use in integration in first spatial dim
     :param ngl2: number of points to use in integration in second spatial dim
     GPCSD2DSpatialCov.__init__(self, x, a1, b1, a2, b2, ngl1, ngl2)
     x1, x2 = reduce_grid(x)
     if ell_prior1 is None:
         ell_prior1 = GPCSDInvGammaPrior()
         lb = 2.0 * np.min(np.diff(np.sort(x1).squeeze()))
         ub = 2.0 * (np.max(np.sort(x1).squeeze()) -
         ell_prior1.set_params(lb, ub)
     if ell_prior2 is None:
         ell_prior2 = GPCSDInvGammaPrior()
         lb = 2.0 * np.min(np.diff(np.sort(x2).squeeze()))
         ub = (np.max(np.sort(x2).squeeze()) -
         ell_prior2.set_params(lb, ub)
     # setup ell1 param
     ell1 = ell_prior1.sample()
     ell_min1 = np.min(np.diff(np.sort(x1).squeeze()))
     ell_max1 = 5.0 * np.max(np.sort(x1).squeeze()) - np.min(
     # setup ell2 param
     ell2 = ell_prior2.sample()
     ell_min2 = np.min(np.diff(np.sort(x2).squeeze()))
     ell_max2 = np.max(np.sort(x2).squeeze()) - np.min(
     self.params = {
         'ell1': {
             'value': ell1,
             'prior': ell_prior1,
             'min': ell_min1,
             'max': ell_max1
         'ell2': {
             'value': ell2,
             'prior': ell_prior2,
             'min': ell_min2,
             'max': ell_max2
Пример #2
def rle(stateseq):
    Compute the run length encoding of a discrete state sequence.

    E.g. the state sequence [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3]
         would be encoded as ([0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1, 2])

    [Copied from pyhsmm.util.general.rle]

    stateseq : array_like
        discrete state sequence

    ids : array_like
        integer identities of the states

    durations : array_like (int)
        length of time in corresponding state
    pos, = np.where(np.diff(stateseq) != 0)
    pos = np.concatenate(([0],pos+1,[len(stateseq)]))
    return stateseq[pos[:-1]], np.diff(pos)
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, x, ell_prior=None, a=None, b=None, ngl=100):
     GPCSD1D Spatial covariance (Squared exponential).
     :param x: spatial locations of observed LFP
     :param ell_prior: GPCSDPrior instance or None
     :param a: lower boundary for integration
     :param b: upper boundary for integration
     :param ngl: number of points to use in integration
     GPCSD1DSpatialCov.__init__(self, x, a, b, ngl)
     if ell_prior is None:
         ell_prior = GPCSDInvGammaPrior()
         lb = 1.2 * np.min(np.diff(self.x.squeeze()))
         ub = 0.8 * (np.max(self.x.squeeze()) - np.min(self.x.squeeze()))
         ell_prior.set_params(lb, ub)
     ell = ell_prior.sample()
     ell_min = 0.5 * np.min(np.diff(self.x.squeeze()))
     ell_max = np.max(self.x.squeeze()) - np.min(self.x.squeeze())
     self.params = {
         'ell': {
             'value': ell,
             'prior': ell_prior,
             'min': ell_min,
             'max': ell_max
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, t, ell_prior=None, sigma2_prior=None):
     GPCSDTemporalCov.__init__(self, t)
     if ell_prior is None:
         ell_prior = GPCSDInvGammaPrior()
         lb = 1.2 * np.min(np.diff(self.t.flatten()))
         ub = 0.8 * (np.max(self.t.flatten()) - np.min(self.t.flatten()))
         ell_prior.set_params(lb, ub)
     if sigma2_prior is None:
         sigma2_prior = GPCSDHalfNormalPrior(1.0)
     ell_min = 0.5 * np.min(np.diff(self.t.flatten()))
     ell_max = (np.max(self.t.flatten()) - np.min(self.t.flatten()))
     ell = ell_prior.sample()
     sigma2 = sigma2_prior.sample()
     self.params = {
         'ell': {
             'value': ell,
             'prior': ell_prior,
             'min': ell_min,
             'max': ell_max
         'sigma2': {
             'value': sigma2,
             'prior': sigma2_prior,
             'min': 0,
             'max': np.inf
Пример #5
    def cost(self, x):

        u = self.forward(x)
        diff = (self.obs - u)
        negative_log_likelihood = 0.5 * np.dot(
            np.dot(diff, self.Gamma_noise_inv), diff)

        controls = self.unflatten(x)
        penalty_controls = 0. * np.sum(
                    np.abs(np.diff(controls[0], axis=0)) -
                    np.diff(controls[0], axis=0), 1.)),
        penalty_controls += np.sum(
            np.mean(ewm(1., np.power(np.abs(np.diff(controls[0], axis=0)),

        # # # penalization on HFR, beta, delta, kappa, sigma, eta_I, eta_Q, mu, gamma_I, gamma_A, gamma_H, gamma_Q from mean
        # result = 0.
        # for j in range(0, len(parameters)):
        #     result = result + 0.5/500 * np.sum(np.power(np.divide(np.abs(controls[j+1] - parameters[j]), parameters[j]/2), 1))
        # penalty_controls += result

        print("cost, penalty = ", negative_log_likelihood,
              10. * penalty_controls)

        return negative_log_likelihood + 10. * penalty_controls
Пример #6
 def compute_tv_error(W):
     # sq l2 norm for tv error
     Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,K,kappa,T,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h = parse_W(W)
     topo_var_list = [arr.reshape(topo_shape+(-1,)) for arr in \
     sqdiffy = [np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top,axis=0))**2) for top in topo_var_list]
     sqdiffx = [np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top,axis=1))**2) for top in topo_var_list]
     cost = np.sum(sqdiffy+sqdiffx)
     return cost
Пример #7
def get_other_params(q_init, x_fin, y_fin, z_fin):

    other_params = {}

    n = 50
    other_params['n'] = 50

    # weight's of cost function
    other_params['rho_vel'] = 100.0
    other_params['rho_acc'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_b'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_jerk'] = 10000.0
    other_params['rho_orient'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_pos'] = 1000.0

    # joint limits of franka manipulator
    q_min = np.array([-165.0, -100.0, -165.0, -165.0, -165.0, -1.0, -165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    q_max = np.array([165.0, 101.0, 165.0, 1.0, 165.0, 214.0, 165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    other_params['q_min_traj'] = np.hstack((q_min[0]*np.ones(n), q_min[1]*np.ones(n), q_min[2]*np.ones(n),\
                                            q_min[3]*np.ones(n), q_min[4]*np.ones(n), q_min[5]*np.ones(n), \
    other_params['q_max_traj'] = np.hstack((q_max[0]*np.ones(n), q_max[1]*np.ones(n), q_max[2]*np.ones(n), \
                                            q_max[3]*np.ones(n), q_max[4]*np.ones(n), q_max[5]*np.ones(n), \

    # first, second and third order difference matrices
    A = np.identity(n)
    other_params['A_vel'] = np.diff(A, axis=0)
    other_params['A_acc'] = np.diff(other_params['A_vel'], axis=0)
    other_params['A_jerk'] = np.diff(other_params['A_acc'], axis=0)

    # desired axis-angle for end effector
    roll_des = -87.2 * np.pi / 180
    pitch_des = -41.0 * np.pi / 180

    other_params['roll_des'] = roll_des
    other_params['pitch_des'] = pitch_des

    # mid point index
    other_params['mid_index'] = 25

    other_params['q_1_init'] = q_init[0]
    other_params['q_2_init'] = q_init[1]
    other_params['q_3_init'] = q_init[2]
    other_params['q_4_init'] = q_init[3]
    other_params['q_5_init'] = q_init[4]
    other_params['q_6_init'] = q_init[5]
    other_params['q_7_init'] = q_init[6]

    other_params['x_fin'] = x_fin
    other_params['y_fin'] = y_fin
    other_params['z_fin'] = z_fin

    return other_params
Пример #8
 def compute_tv_error(W1,W2):
     # sq l2 norm for tv error
     #Wmx,Wmy,Wsx,Wsy,s02,Kin,Kout,kappa,Tin,Tout,XX,XXp,Eta,Xi,h1,h2 = parse_W(W)
     W0x,W0y,W1x,W1y,W2x,W2y,W3x,W3y,s02,Kin0,Kin1,Kxout0,Kyout0,Kxout1,Kyout1,kappa,Tin0,Tin1,Txout0,Tyout0,Txout1,Tyout1,h1,h2,bl,amp = parse_W1(W1)
     XX,XXp,Eta,Xi = parse_W2(W2)
     topo_var_list = [arr[topo_stims].reshape(topo_shape+(-1,)) for arr in \
     sqdiffy = [np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top,axis=0))**2) for top in topo_var_list]
     sqdiffx = [np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top,axis=1))**2) for top in topo_var_list]
     cost = np.sum(sqdiffy+sqdiffx)
     return cost
Пример #9
def testCategoricalHMMWithKnownStates():

    T = 50
    K = 3
    obsDim = 2
    D = 3

    mp = CategoricalHMM()

    initialDist = Dirichlet.generate(D=K)
    transDist = TransitionDirichletPrior.generate(D_in=K, D_out=K)
    emissionDist = TransitionDirichletPrior.generate(D_in=K, D_out=obsDim)

    ys = [Categorical.generate(D=obsDim, size=T) for _ in range(D)]

    start = time.time()
    mp.updateParams(initialDist, transDist, emissionDist, ys)
    end = time.time()
    print('Preprocess: ', end - start)

    kS = int(np.random.random() * T / 10) + 2
    knownStates = np.random.choice(T, kS)
    knownStates = np.vstack(
        (knownStates, np.random.choice(K, knownStates.shape[0]))).reshape(
            (2, -1)).T

    # Sort and remove duplicates
    knownStates = np.array(sorted(knownStates, key=lambda x: x[0]))
    knownStates = knownStates[1:][~(np.diff(knownStates[:, 0]) == 0)]

    # print( knownStates )

    start = time.time()
    alphas = mp.forwardFilter(knownLatentStates=knownStates)
    betas = mp.backwardFilter(knownLatentStates=knownStates)
    end = time.time()
    print('Both filters: ', end - start)

    marginal = np.logaddexp.reduce(alphas[-1])
    for a, b in zip(alphas, betas):
        # print( a + b )
        # comp = np.logaddexp.reduce( a + b )
        comp = mp.log_marginalFromAlphaBeta(a, b)
        assert np.isclose(comp, marginal), comp - marginal

    for t in range(T - 1):
        joint = mp.childParentJoint(t, alphas, betas)

        parentProb = np.logaddexp.reduce(joint, axis=1)
        childProb = np.logaddexp.reduce(joint, axis=0)

        trueParent = alphas[t] + betas[t]
        trueChild = alphas[t + 1] + betas[t + 1]

        assert np.allclose(parentProb, trueParent)
        assert np.allclose(childProb, trueChild)

        'Passed the categorical forward backward marginal test with known states!\n\n'
 def compute_tv_error(W):
     # sq l2 norm for tv error
     W0x, W0y, W1x, W1y, W2x, W2y, W3x, W3y, s02, k0, k1, k2, k3, kappa, T0, T1, T2, T3, XX, XXp, Eta, Xi, h = parse_W(
     topo_var_list = [arr.reshape(topo_shape+(-1,)) for arr in \
     sqdiffy = [
         np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top, axis=0))**2)
         for top in topo_var_list
     sqdiffx = [
         np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(top, axis=1))**2)
         for top in topo_var_list
     cost = np.sum(sqdiffy + sqdiffx)
     return cost
Пример #11
    def cost(self, controls, states, system_eval_step):
        Compute the penalty.


        if self.max_control_norms is None:
            normalized_controls = controls / self.max_control_norms
            normalized_controls = controls

        # Penalize the square of the absolute value of the difference
        # in value of the control parameters from one step to the next.
        diffs = anp.diff(normalized_controls, axis=0, n=self.order)
        cost = anp.sum(anp.real(diffs * anp.conjugate(diffs)))
        # You can prove that the square of the complex modulus of the difference
        # between two complex values is l.t.e. 2 if the complex modulus
        # of the two complex values is l.t.e. 1 respectively using the
        # triangle inequality. This fact generalizes for higher order differences.
        # Therefore, a factor of 2 should be used to normalize the diffs.
        cost_normalized = cost / self.cost_normalization_constant

        return cost_normalized * self.cost_multiplier
 def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, T, Xs):
     n = T.shape[0]
     T = T.reshape((n, 1))
     M = np.minimum(np.tile(self.breakpoints, (n, 1)), T)
     M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])
     lambdas_ = np.array([safe_exp(-np.dot(Xs[param], params[param])) for param in self._fitted_parameter_names])
     return (M * lambdas_.T).sum(1)
 def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, times):
     n = times.shape[0]
     times = times.reshape((n, 1))
     bp = self.breakpoints
     M = np.minimum(np.tile(bp, (n, 1)), times)
     M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])
     return np.dot(M, 1 / params)
Пример #14
    def neg_mean_D(self, x, c, n, *params):
        mask = c == 0
        x_obs = x[mask]
        n_obs = n[mask]

        gamma = 0

        # Assumes already ordered
        F = self.ff(x_obs - gamma, *params)
        D0 = F[0]
        Dn = 1 - F[-1]
        D = np.diff(F)
        D = np.concatenate([np.array([D0]), D.T, np.array([Dn])]).T

        Dr = self.sf(x[c == 1] - gamma, *params)
        Dl = self.ff(x[c == -1] - gamma, *params)

        if (n_obs > 1).any():
            n_ties = (n_obs - 1).sum()
            Df = self.df(x_obs - gamma, *params)
            # Df = Df[Df != 0]
            LL = np.concatenate([Dl, Df, Dr])
            ll_n = np.concatenate([n[c == -1], (n_obs - 1), n[c == 1]])
            Df = []
            n_ties = n_obs.sum()
            LL = np.concatenate([Dl, Dr])
            ll_n = np.concatenate([n[c == -1], n[c == 1]])

        M = np.log(D)
        M = -np.sum(M) / (M.shape[0])

        LL = -(np.log(LL) * ll_n).sum() / (n.sum() - n_obs.sum() + n_ties)
        return M + LL
 def integrate(self, t, *args, **kwargs):
     This integral is a simple linear interpolant,
     which I would like to do as a spline.
     However, I need to do it manually, since
     it needs to be autograd differentiable, which splines are not.
     The method here is not especially efficent.
     tau = self.get_param('tau', **kwargs)
     kappa = self.get_param('kappa', **kwargs)
     mu = self.get_param('mu', 0.0, **kwargs)
     f_kappa = self.f_kappa(kappa=kappa, mu=mu)
     t = np.reshape(t, (-1, 1))
     delta = np.diff(tau)
     each = np.maximum(
         0, (t - tau[:-1].reshape(1, -1))
     each = np.minimum(
         delta.reshape(1, -1)
     return np.sum(
         each * np.reshape(f_kappa, (1, -1)),
     ) + (mu * t.ravel())
    def predict_cumulative_hazard(self, df, times=None):
        Return the cumulative hazard rate of subjects in X at time points.

        X: numpy array or DataFrame
            a (n,d) covariate numpy array or DataFrame. If a DataFrame, columns
            can be in any order. If a numpy array, columns must be in the
            same order as the training data.
        times: iterable, optional
            an iterable of increasing times to predict the cumulative hazard at. Default
            is the set of all durations (observed and unobserved). Uses a linear interpolation if
            points in time are not in the index.

        cumulative_hazard_ : DataFrame
            the cumulative hazard of individuals over the timeline
        times = np.asarray(
            coalesce(times, self.timeline, np.unique(self.durations)))
        n = times.shape[0]
        times = times.reshape((n, 1))

        lambdas_ = self._prep_inputs_for_prediction_and_return_parameters(df)

        bp = self.breakpoints
        M = np.minimum(np.tile(bp, (n, 1)), times)
        M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])

        return pd.DataFrame(np.dot(M, (1 / lambdas_)),
                            index=times[:, 0])
Пример #17
 def _get_weights(tt):
     tt = np.asarray(tt)
     W = np.zeros((tt.size, tt.size))
     h = np.diff(tt)
     for i in range(len(tt)):
         W[i, :i] += .5 * h[:i]
         W[i, 1:i+1] += .5 * h[:i]
     return W
Пример #18
    def afir_func(coords3d):
        diffs = anp.diff(coords3d[inds], axis=1).reshape(-1, 3)
        rs = anp.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1)

        omegas = (cov_rad_sums / rs)**p

        f = alpha * rho * (omegas * rs).sum() / omegas.sum()
        return f
Пример #19
 def _get_weights(tt):
     tt = np.asarray(tt)
     W = np.zeros((tt.size, tt.size))
     h = np.diff(tt)
     for i in range(len(tt)):
         W[i, :i] += .5 * h[:i]
         W[i, 1:i + 1] += .5 * h[:i]
     return W
Пример #20
def _round_vals(x):
    not_different = True
    i = 1
    while not_different:
        x_ticks = np.array(round_sig(x, i))
        not_different = (np.diff(x_ticks) == 0).any()
        i += 1
    return x_ticks
Пример #21
def testGaussianHMM():

    T = 100
    K = 20
    obsDim = 40
    D = 4

    mp = GaussianHMM()

    initialDist = Dirichlet.generate(D=K)
    transDist = TransitionDirichletPrior.generate(D_in=K, D_out=K)

    mus, sigmas = list(
        zip(*[NormalInverseWishart.generate(D=obsDim) for _ in range(K)]))

    ys = np.random.random((D, T, obsDim))

    start = time.time()
    mp.updateParams(initialDist, transDist, mus, sigmas, ys)
    end = time.time()
    print('Preprocess: ', end - start)

    kS = int(np.random.random() * T / 10) + 2
    knownStates = np.random.choice(T, kS)
    knownStates = np.vstack(
        (knownStates, np.random.choice(K, knownStates.shape[0]))).reshape(
            (2, -1)).T

    # Sort and remove duplicates
    knownStates = np.array(sorted(knownStates, key=lambda x: x[0]))
    knownStates = knownStates[1:][~(np.diff(knownStates[:, 0]) == 0)]

    start = time.time()
    alphas = mp.forwardFilter(knownLatentStates=knownStates)
    betas = mp.backwardFilter(knownLatentStates=knownStates)
    end = time.time()
    print('Both filters: ', end - start)

    marginal = np.logaddexp.reduce(alphas[-1])

    for a, b in zip(alphas, betas):
        # comp = np.logaddexp.reduce( a + b )
        comp = mp.log_marginalFromAlphaBeta(a, b)
        assert np.isclose(comp, marginal), comp - marginal

    for t in range(T - 1):
        joint = mp.childParentJoint(t, alphas, betas)

        parentProb = np.logaddexp.reduce(joint, axis=1)
        childProb = np.logaddexp.reduce(joint, axis=0)

        trueParent = alphas[t] + betas[t]
        trueChild = alphas[t + 1] + betas[t + 1]

        assert np.allclose(parentProb, trueParent)
        assert np.allclose(childProb, trueChild)

    print('Passed the gaussian forward backward marginal test!\n\n')
Пример #22
 def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, T, X):
     n = T.shape[0]
     T = T.reshape((n, 1))
     M = np.minimum(np.tile(self.breakpoints, (n, 1)), T)
     M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])
     lambdas_ = np.array(
         [np.exp(-np.dot(X, params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE[param]])) for param in self._fitted_parameter_names]
     return M * lambdas_.T
Пример #23
    def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, times):
        warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

        n = times.shape[0]
        times = times.reshape((n, 1))
        bp = self.breakpoints
        M = np.minimum(np.tile(bp, (n, 1)), times)
        M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])
        return np.dot(M, 1 / params)
Пример #24
def testHMMBasic():
    with np.errstate(under='ignore',
        T = 40
        D_latent = 3
        D_obs = 2
        meas = 4
        size = 5

        initialDist = Dirichlet.generate(D=D_latent)
        transDist = TransitionDirichletPrior.generate(D_in=D_latent,
        emissionDist = TransitionDirichletPrior.generate(D_in=D_latent,

        state = HMMState(initialDist=initialDist,

        _, ys = HMMState.generate(measurements=meas,

        kS = int(np.random.random() * T / 10) + 2
        knownStates = np.random.choice(T, kS)
        knownStates = np.vstack(
            (knownStates, np.random.choice(D_latent,
                                               (2, -1)).T

        # Sort and remove duplicates
        knownStates = np.array(sorted(knownStates, key=lambda x: x[0]))
        knownStates = knownStates[1:][~(np.diff(knownStates[:, 0]) == 0)]

        xNoCond, ysNoCond = state.isample(T=T, measurements=meas, size=size)
        xForward, yForward = state.isample(ys=ys,
        xBackward, yBackward = state.isample(ys=ys, forwardFilter=False)

        state.ilog_likelihood((xNoCond, ysNoCond))
        state.ilog_likelihood((xForward, yForward))
        state.ilog_likelihood((xBackward, yBackward), forwardFilter=False)

        state.ilog_likelihood((xNoCond, ysNoCond), conditionOnY=True)
        state.ilog_likelihood((xForward, yForward),
        state.ilog_likelihood((xBackward, yBackward),

        print('Done with basic HMM state test')
Пример #25
    def solution(self, x):

        x = np.append(0, x)

        dx = np.diff(x)
        u = np.zeros_like(x)
        for i in range(1, len(x)):
            u[i] = u[i - 1] + self.beta * u[i - 1] * (1 - u[i - 1] ** 2) / (1 + u[i - 1] ** 2) * self.dt[i - 1] + dx[i - 1]

        return u
 def _cumulative_hazard(self, params, T, X):
     n = T.shape[0]
     T = T.reshape((n, 1))
     M = np.minimum(np.tile(self.breakpoints, (n, 1)), T)
     M = np.hstack([M[:, tuple([0])], np.diff(M, axis=1)])
     lambdas_ = np.array([
         np.exp(-np.dot(X, params[self._LOOKUP_SLICE["lambda_%d_" % i]]))
         for i in range(self.n_breakpoints)
     return M * lambdas_.T
Пример #27
def project_simplex_bounded(r, lb, ub):
    assert lb.sum() <= 1 and ub.sum() >= 1 and np.all(lb <= ub), 'not feasible'
    lambdas = np.append(lb - r, ub - r)
    idx = np.argsort(lambdas)
    lambdas = lambdas[idx]
    active = np.cumsum((idx < r.size) * 2 - 1)[:-1]
    diffs = np.diff(lambdas, n=1)
    totals = lb.sum() + np.cumsum(active * diffs)
    i = np.searchsorted(totals, 1.0)
    lam = (1 - totals[i]) / active[i] + lambdas[i + 1]
    return np.clip(r + lam, lb, ub)
Пример #28
def get_other_params():

    other_params = {}

    n = 50
    other_params['n'] = 50

    # weight's of cost function
    other_params['rho_vel'] = 100.0
    other_params['rho_acc'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_b'] = 1000.0
    other_params['rho_jerk'] = 10000.0
    other_params['rho_orient'] = 10.0

    # joint limits of franka manipulator
    q_min = np.array([-165.0, -100.0, -165.0, -165.0, -165.0, -1.0, -165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    q_max = np.array([165.0, 101.0, 165.0, 1.0, 165.0, 214.0, 165.0
                      ]) * np.pi / 180
    other_params['q_min_traj'] = np.hstack((q_min[0]*np.ones(n), q_min[1]*np.ones(n), q_min[2]*np.ones(n),\
                                            q_min[3]*np.ones(n), q_min[4]*np.ones(n), q_min[5]*np.ones(n), \
    other_params['q_max_traj'] = np.hstack((q_max[0]*np.ones(n), q_max[1]*np.ones(n), q_max[2]*np.ones(n), \
                                            q_max[3]*np.ones(n), q_max[4]*np.ones(n), q_max[5]*np.ones(n), \

    # first, second and third order difference matrices
    A = np.identity(n)
    other_params['A_vel'] = np.diff(A, axis=0)
    other_params['A_acc'] = np.diff(other_params['A_vel'], axis=0)
    other_params['A_jerk'] = np.diff(other_params['A_acc'], axis=0)

    # desired axis-angle for end effector
    roll_des = -87.2 * np.pi / 180
    pitch_des = -41.0 * np.pi / 180

    other_params['roll_des'] = roll_des
    other_params['pitch_des'] = pitch_des

    return other_params
Пример #29
    def set_actions_anchor_points(self, actions):
        """ Set action anchor points

            actions (np.array): actions taken by logging policy

        self.action_anchor_points = self.bucketizer.get_anchor_points(
        bandwidth = np.diff(self.action_anchor_points[:-1]).min() / 2
        self.action_bandwidth = bandwidth * self.hyperparams['action_bandwidth']
        self.kernel_action = get_kernel_by_name('gaussian')(
Пример #30
def plot_trajectory(z, x, ax=None, ls="-"):
    zcps = np.concatenate(([0], np.where(np.diff(z))[0] + 1, [z.size]))
    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
        ax = fig.gca()
    for start, stop in zip(zcps[:-1], zcps[1:]):
        ax.plot(x[start:stop + 1, 0],
                x[start:stop + 1, 1],
                lw=1, ls=ls,
                color=colors[z[start] % len(colors)],

    return ax
Пример #31
 def __make_Phi__(self) -> np.array:
     Phi is a matrix for the transformation from Fourier series
     coefficients to time series
     w = self.hydro.omega.values
     dw = np.mean(np.diff(w))
     nf = self.hydro.omega.size
     T = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi/dw, 2*nf+1, endpoint=False)
     MM = np.reshape(w,(-1,1)) @ np.reshape(T,(1,-1))
     Phi = np.ones((2*nf+1, 2*nf+1))
     Phi[1::2,::] = np.cos(MM)
     Phi[2::2,::] = np.sin(MM)
     return Phi
Пример #32
def rle(stateseq):
    pos, = np.where(np.diff(stateseq) != 0)
    pos = np.concatenate(([0],pos+1,[len(stateseq)]))
    return stateseq[pos[:-1]], np.diff(pos)