Пример #1
 def _rwd(self, x, u):
     th, al, thd, ald = x
     cost = al**2 + 5e-3 * ald**2 + 1e-1 * th**2 + 2e-2 * thd**2 + 3e-3 * u[
     done = not self.state_space.contains(x)
     rwd = -cost * self.timing.dt_ctrl
     return np.float32(rwd), False
Пример #2
def QuadFitCurvatureMap(x):
    curv = []

    for i in range(len(x)):
        # do a look-ahead quadratic fit, just like the car would do
        pts = x[(np.arange(6) + i) % len(x)] / 100  # convert to meters
        basis = (pts[1] - pts[0]) / np.abs(pts[1] - pts[0])

        # project onto forward direction
        pts = (np.conj(basis) * (pts - pts[0]))

        p = np.polyfit(np.real(pts), np.imag(pts), 2)
        curv.append(p[0] / 2)

    return np.float32(curv)
Пример #3
def QuadFitCurvatureMap(x):
    curv = []

    for i in range(len(x)):
        # do a look-ahead quadratic fit, just like the car would do
        pts = x[(np.arange(6) + i) % len(x)] / 100  # convert to meters
        basis = (pts[1] - pts[0]) / np.abs(pts[1] - pts[0])

        # project onto forward direction
        pts = (np.conj(basis) * (pts - pts[0]))

        p = np.polyfit(np.real(pts), np.imag(pts), 2)
        curv.append(p[0] / 2)

    return np.float32(curv)
Пример #4
    def _sim_step(self, u):
        # Add a bit of noise to action for robustness
        u_noisy = u + 1e-6 * np.float32(

        acc = self.dyn(self._sim_state, u_noisy)

        # Update internal simulation state
        self._sim_state[3] += self.timing.dt * acc[-1]
        self._sim_state[2] += self.timing.dt * acc[-2]
        self._sim_state[1] += self.timing.dt * self._sim_state[3]
        self._sim_state[0] += self.timing.dt * self._sim_state[2]

        # Pretend to only observe position and obtain velocity by filtering
        pos = self._sim_state[:2]
        # vel = self._sim_state[2:]
        vel = self._vel_filt(pos)
        return np.concatenate([pos, vel])
def hyperopt_train_test(params):
    clf = rxn_estimator(np.float32(params[0]), np.float32(params[1]),
                        np.int(params[2]), other_param_dict)
    return cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=3).mean()
Пример #6
 def _observation(self, state):
     obs = np.float32([state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3]])
     return obs
Пример #7
 def _observation(self, state):
     obs = np.float32(
          np.sin(state[1]), state[2], state[3]])
     return obs
Пример #8
 def _rwd(self, x, u):
     th, al, thd, ald = x
     cost = al**2 + 5e-3 * ald**2 + 1e-1 * th**2 + 2e-2 * thd**2 + 3e-3 * u[
     rwd = -cost * self.timing.dt_ctrl
     return np.float32(rwd), False
def fit(y, X, Wprior, H, solver='BFGS', use_autograd=True, bounds=None, maxiter=10000, disp=False):
    """ Bayesian Logistic Regression Solver.  Assumes Laplace (Gaussian) Approximation
    to the posterior of the fitted parameter vector. Uses scipy.optimize.minimize

    y : array-like, shape (N, ) starting at 0
        vector of binary ({0, 1, ... C} possible responses)
    X : array-like, shape (N, p)
        array of features
    Wprior : array-like, shape (C, p)
        vector of prior means on the parameters to be fit
    H : array-like, shape (C*p, C*p) or independent between classes (C, p, p)
        Array of prior Hessian (inverse covariance of prior distribution of parameters)
    solver : string
        scipy optimize solver used.  this should be either 'Newton-CG', 'BFGS' or 'L-BFGS-B'.
        The default is BFGS.
        whether to use autograd's jacobian and hessian functions to solve
    bounds : iterable of length p
        a length p list (or tuple) of tuples each of length 2.
        This is only used if the solver is set to 'L-BFGS-B'. In that case, a tuple
        (lower_bound, upper_bound), both floats, is defined for each parameter.  See the
        scipy.optimize.minimize docs for further information.
    maxiter : int
        maximum number of iterations for scipy.optimize.minimize solver.
    disp: bool
        whether to print convergence messages and additional information
    W_results : array-like, shape (C, p)
        posterior parameters (MAP estimate)
    H_results : array-like, shape like `H`
        posterior Hessian  (Hessian of negative log posterior evaluated at MAP parameters)

    Chapter 8 of Murphy, K. 'Machine Learning a Probabilistic Perspective', MIT Press (2012)
    Chapter 4 of Bishop, C. 'Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning', Springer (2006)

    # Check dimensionalities and data types

    # check X
    if len(X.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('X should be a matrix of shape (N, p)')
    (nX, pX) = X.shape
    if not np.issubdtype(X.dtype, np.float):
        X = np.float32(X)

    # check y
    if len(y.shape) > 1:
        raise ValueError('y should be a vector of shape (N, )')
    if len(y) != nX:
        raise ValueError('y and X should have the same number of examples')
    if not np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.integer):
        y = np.int32(y)

    # check Wprior
    if len(Wprior.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError('prior mean should be a vector of shape (C, p)')
    cW, pW = Wprior.shape
    if cW == 1:
        raise ValueError('please use binary logistic regression since the number of classes is 1')
    if pW != pX:
        raise ValueError('prior mean should have the same number of features as X')
    if not np.issubdtype(Wprior.dtype, np.float):
        Wprior = np.float32(Wprior)

    # check H
    if len(H.shape) == 3:
        cH, pH1, pH2 = H.shape
        if cH != cW:
            raise ValueError('prior Hessian does not have the same number of classes as prior mean')
        if pH1 != pX:
            raise ValueError('prior Hessian does not have the same number of features as prior mean')
        if pH1 != pH2:
            raise ValueError('prior Hessian should be a square matrix of shape (C, p, p)')
    elif len(H.shape) == 2:
        cpH1, cpH2 = H.shape
        if cpH1 != cpH2:
            raise ValueError('prior Hessian should be a square matrix of shape (C*p, C*p)')
        if cpH1 != pX * cW:
            raise ValueError('prior Hessian should be a square matrix of shape (C*p, C*p)')
        raise ValueError('prior Hessian should be of shape (C*p, C*p) or (C, p, p)')
    if not np.issubdtype(H.dtype, np.float):
        H = np.float32(H)

    if not has_autograd:
        use_autograd = False

    # choose between manually coded or autograd's jacobian and hessian functions
    # and use hessian product rather than hessian for newton-cg solver
    if use_autograd:
        jac_f = jacobian(_get_f_log_posterior)
        hess_f = hessian(_get_f_log_posterior)

        jac_f = _get_grad_log_post
        hess_f = _get_H_log_post

    # Do the regression
    if solver == 'Newton-CG':
        hessp_f = lambda W1D, q, Wprior, H, y, X: hess_f(W1D, Wprior, H, y, X) @ q
        results = minimize(_get_f_log_posterior, Wprior.reshape(-1), args=(Wprior, H, y, X), jac=jac_f,
                           hessp=hessp_f, method='Newton-CG', options={'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp})

        W_results1D = results.x
        H_results = hess_f(W_results1D, Wprior, H, y, X)

    elif solver == 'BFGS':
        results = minimize(_get_f_log_posterior, Wprior.reshape(-1), args=(Wprior, H, y, X),
                           jac=jac_f, method='BFGS', options={'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp})
        W_results1D = results.x
        H_results = hess_f(W_results1D, Wprior, H, y, X)

    elif solver == 'L-BFGS-B':
        results = minimize(_get_f_log_posterior, Wprior.reshape(-1), args=(Wprior, H, y, X),
                           jac=jac_f, method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bounds, options={'maxiter': maxiter, 'disp': disp})
        W_results1D = results.x
        H_results = hess_f(W_results1D, Wprior, H, y, X)
        raise ValueError('Unknown solver specified: "{0}"'.format(solver))

    W_results = W_results1D.reshape(Wprior.shape)

    return W_results, H_results